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myOtaku.com: psychokiller666

Sunday, July 30, 2006

   FAR TOO EARLY!!!!!!!!!!
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! ITS TOOOOOO EARLY!!! *collapses on floor to a pile of nothing!* Okay yesterday I slept in till one its now 7:00AM!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh its the summer holidays I shouldn't be up this early!! WHY!!!(-_¬). I can tell you why *family members run away preparing for me to go off on one* because I live above a stoopid newsagents that my foolish father has owned for 20 year and since the age of 11 I have been doing a paper round there non stop, I do one every sunday and everytime some one quits in every god damn weather!!!!!Theres nothing worse than going to bed friday night thinking yes I can have a lie in only to be woken the next morning at 7:15 by your mum saying oh so-and-so's not turned up for their round! Ahhhhhh I hate it! And there nothing worse than when friend is having a big sleep over and you cant go because you got a paper round!!!!! KNOW THIS!! I detest paper rounds above all manual labour and because my dad is my boss quiting is a completely different story in the Lets-Piss-Me-Off Spectrum!!!!!
In lighter news, last night was good i had a Chinese and watched Batman Forever, the one where robin comes in. And speaking f Robin i also watched TeenTitans for most of the day.
Well till next time chums!! *passes out on floor*

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