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Taichung Country, Taiwan
Member Since
English as a Second Language Teacher
Real Name
Christine Salter/ Chris
I'm only 21 and I'm an English teacher.
Anime Fan Since
I was able to draw.
Favorite Anime
Macross, Lain, Lament of the Lamb (Which is actually a manga..)
Buy a house, and get married. Thats why I'm teaching..
I'm a cartoonist, writer, and teacher. I love baking, too.
I am sarcastic. :3 I don't know if thats bad or good.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
School is awesome
I'm a nerd, and I'm aware, but I really enjoyed yesterday.
My class is really cool; nothing is more awesome than knowing that you can go for five weeks and get such a great job at the end. Not to mention all the rocking opportunities I've seen for jobs already.
My classmates are almost entirely Asian, except for one guy who sits beside me (Devon). It's kinda neat, kinda unusual. I was scared at first when this started. Not cause I'm racist or anything, but because I was one of the odd people out. But it turns out people from Korea are actually really friendly and nice.
I'm also the youngest person in my class. Urk.
So we went through all these learning techniques and lesson plan ideas too. It was neat. And we get breaks almost every two hours. Thats bizarre, but still awesome. I think I'll probably wind up working on my comic a lot there.
It looks like I'll wind up teaching in China. I saw a listing there that looked kinda like this:
-transportation free
-apartment is free
-food is free
-800 Canadian per month
-teach 10-12 year olds
In other words? My dream job. I'll jump when I graduate.
Thats all I guess. I'm excited. :D
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Friday, February 11, 2005
Not working.
Azale isn't working. I've tried everything. I don't understand what happened, but it just won't upload last Monday's comic.
Yes. Monday. I had it up for a while, but then the fucking page reset all the code I wrote, and now, it's gone.
So no new comic right now. Hopefully by the next update the fucking page will be up again.
While I'm thinking about it, Eric, I had this idea for an rpg (of course, right before I start school) of a sort of next generation for our Digimon characters. Like, the children of the characters we have now.
I don't know where my mind is, to be honest, but I've had a lot of ideas lately.. it might have potential. I know you have that character that's a son of Cathrine and Seth, and I'd like to see you play it.
Anyway. I'm damned tired, but at least I updated.
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Monday, January 31, 2005
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
To be honest, I didn't make any sorts of posts after the last one, namely because although people responded, nobody answered the question I put up.
I figure, nobody really goes to read it from here, unless you aren't tellin me or something... 0.o
I dunno.
I don't have much to say, really. I've drawn a lot of fanart lately. It's for different webcomics I read. I'll put those up in a few days when I get a chance.
-Rayne (things are certainly slow when Dethbug isn't around as much, hunh?)
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
I just completely redid my entire comic page. If you're interested, I'd really really really like to know what you think of it.
It's not perfect, but I'm still learning html, and it's hard to teach yourself. ^^;
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Friday, January 21, 2005
Does this forgive my long absense?
No, this didn't happen to me. I just think it's funny.
(direct linked to the webcomic Diesel Sweeties . I didn't take these.)

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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
I'll start off this whole thing by saying that, I know I'm not awesome with numbers but like, I swear to God, I'm not stupid with money. I've always been really careful.
Stuff just fucked up, thats all..
Okay, so today, I went to the dentist. I haven't been to the dentist's office for three years. Why? Because the dentist scares me. I had this really bad asthma attack in the office once, and they needed to stick me with like, three needles, and feed a tube down my throat while they did a root canal.
I'm scared of them. Fairly enough.
Secondly, I'll bring up the fact that I wasn't given the best of care when I was a kid. I wasn't even taught how to properly brush my teeth until I was about six, and I stopped doing it regularly at all between the time I was 12 and 16, when I was depressed and didn't really have much self respect for myself.
This is done, though. And I don't want to be afraid of the dentist forever. So today I went.
I have *twelve cavities.* Yes, 12. It's not a typo.
If anyone has ever cursed so much in a dentist's office, I took the cake today. I freaked out. I thought my visit would cost something like, oh, 100, 200. Nope. Today's visit was only 49- but when I want to actually FIX my teeth, it'll cost me at least 1275 dollars.
... anyone know what I could do about that? ^^; I dunno what to do..
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
s l e e p
I've been drawing a lot lately, but I have a short story I wanted to put across too.
So today I'm posting the first two pages of s l e e p. It will be comic detailing a girl's life as someone who is homeless. She's a character I've used a few times now, and I think a lot of people who read Azale will pick up who she is pretty quick, but thats not as important as the message.
Since I don't have a site for this, I'm just going to put them here and on my devart account as I finish them.
Please comment. Good and bad feedback is something I could really use. (Note that it is supposed to be abstract though.)
Thanks a lot. :)

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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
comix. o.0
I finally updated. Sorry about the long break.
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My mother in law had her twins last night. Her boy, Jack, was born at 8:54 pm, and her girl, Lucie, was born a little afterwards.
They're sooooo cute. ^_^ I went to the hospital today.
...I'm so happy right now. It's one of those amazing, wonderful things that you see coming, but still blows you away when it does.
^_^ I was there when Jack opened his eyes too. Daww!
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