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Taichung Country, Taiwan
Member Since
English as a Second Language Teacher
Real Name
Christine Salter/ Chris
I'm only 21 and I'm an English teacher.
Anime Fan Since
I was able to draw.
Favorite Anime
Macross, Lain, Lament of the Lamb (Which is actually a manga..)
Buy a house, and get married. Thats why I'm teaching..
I'm a cartoonist, writer, and teacher. I love baking, too.
I am sarcastic. :3 I don't know if thats bad or good.
Sunday, August 7, 2005
>.< (Nerdy as all hell. Just so you know.)
I can't stand it when noobs drop into my rpg lists and then just assume they can do whatever the hell they want.
Here, a brief aside from my real life. And a yahoo conversation:
Rayne: Huzzah. We have a problem, it seems.
jellybo600: ?
Rayne: in the rpg.
Rayne: Digimon.
jellybo600: how so?
Rayne: You're saying you already work for Lydia. But you don't.
Rayne: I know, because I play Lydia.
Rayne: We've never roleplayed that.
jellybo600: couldn't it just be backstory?
Rayne: It could be if I didn't already have so many characters attached to Lydia.
Rayne: Seth and Cathrine would have known about you if you'd been there. But you weren't.
Rayne: So we can't just call it backstory.
jellybo600: maybe I was top-secret?
Rayne: It wouldn't fly.
Rayne: Just write it out. It's not hard.
Rayne: We can roleplay it.
jellybo600: oh, and it doesn't say that I work for Lydia
jellybo600: merely that I'm "in league"
Rayne: I don't really care how you worded it.
Rayne: You shouldn't know who she is if you have no reason to.
jellybo600: but that would imply a separate relationship besides working for you which would explain why the other two don't know me
Rayne: Honestly, we've never rpged anything with the two characters.
Rayne: I agreed to giving you the role as the next major villain. But I also would like it if you tried to get there first.
Rayne: This means dealing with Lydia. You are not in league with her. You've never spoken to her.
Rayne: You could either become in league with her, or attack as part of a power battle.
jellybo600: this is fiction though...why can't it simply be backstory
jellybo600: a secret from the past or something
Rayne: I've already said why.
jellybo600: because we haven't roleplayed it?
Rayne: Because there isn't any way to say this is possible with the other characters who have been under her care during every waking moment of her life.
jellybo600: villians often have dark pasts though...would you not agree that it offers an interesting twist if the two knew eachother, even slightly, beforehand?
jellybo600: for the sake of story
jellybo600: and hypothetically speaking
Rayne: Honestly, I would have been more for it if you'd asked me about it first.
Rayne: I'm frusterated because I set up everything so that Seth and Cathrine would not be in the base, and Lydia would be extremely underpowered right now.
Rayne: ... I'm not going to say you were partnered with her. I'll go with the idea that you knew her, in some way.
jellybo600: okay...hold on a second though
jellybo600: this isn't really Jeice, so I don't really have any say in what happens with his character
jellybo600: I'm his brother
jellybo600: he went to bed already
Rayne: What the fuck?
jellybo600: I know what he wants though
jellybo600: he was talking about it earlier though
Rayne: No offence, but this is retarded.
jellybo600: well, I can understand your reaction
jellybo600: I'm more pissed because his profile
jellybo600: is a copy/paste of mine from another group
Rayne: He can deal with it himself, when he figures out what the hell he's doing.
Rayne: I'm not going with this now. Bullshit.
jellybo600: ??
jellybo600: it's what he wanted to do
Rayne: I don't care. He was given an option to be a high powered character. Our group has been running for five years.
Rayne: I am not letting it die because someone who can't follow the same rules as everyone else or make his own character comes in and tries to fuck with the mods.
jellybo600: in all honesty...he's not a very good evil anyway
jellybo600: he's been trying to do that for a while
jellybo600: in DA02
jellybo600: not that he's BAD
Rayne: Whatever. He can tone down or leave the list.
jellybo600: what, exactly are you mad about anyway? because he listens to me when it comes to roleplay
jellybo600: I can steer him in the right direction if you tell me what you want out of him
Rayne: You can't decide a past for another character.
Rayne: Thats not allowed. Unless you talk with the other member.
Rayne: He didn't talk to me. I'm pissed.
jellybo600: ooooh, okay
Rayne: And then I think I'm talking to him about it and I get his little brother.
Rayne: Thats a load.
jellybo600: BIG
jellybo600: brother
Rayne: Sorry, sorry, either way.
jellybo600: I was just trying to help him out, and getting a feel for your group...I was curious
If I were actually ever given mod status, this moron would be gone. I'm so pissed right now. Garr.
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