Xx beth xX (09/18/05)
Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook. I really appreciate it. I like your site. The background is really cool. I also like the music video that you have in your profile. I love that song so much but I haven't listened to it in a while. Well, PM me if you ever want to talk. I'll add you as a friend. C ya 'round!!
EdwardElricThe2nd (09/18/05)
Konichiwa! Como estas? n_n lol nice site u gotz here. I shall addu 2 me almighty list of forever gaining friendz! w00t! n_n lol U R NOW MY FRIEND!!!!!! YAY! n_n Drop by sometime! lol CULATER! n_n
Idiots do cool things.
That's why it's cool.
Da cheerio king knowz da bestiest. do watz rite & don't do drugz. Thanx! n_n
-ur friend 3dw4®d3lric7he2nd♣♠
Rasmus Zodiac (09/12/05)
heya, love the site, thanks 4 droppin by and i'll add u as a friend.
shiori hana (09/11/05)
YaY... i'm not the first to sign ur GB...hahars..
if u ever wan some tips pls feel
free to PMS me and i'll help you...
i'll try my best...
great site... hope u keep it up...
drop by mine sometime and sign my GB too...
~Ja Ne~
shiori hana... over and out...
Lloyd Irving4 (09/10/05)
cool site.. but kinda scary.. but still cool ^_^ *hugs*
catch upta ya later ill add u as a friend
GravitationRaven (09/09/05)
Mimi your style has turnt surprisingly dark, which is cool because I love dark music and all that stuff, anyway nice to hear from you again.
I'll add you as a friend
Yggdrasill (09/08/05)
Mimi.I'm glad your back *hugs*
Your site looks beautiful.
I'll add you as a friend.
And The My Chemical Romance Song(Ghost of you) on your site is my fav one on their album.
I'll add you as a friend
msyugioh123 (09/08/05)
wow cool avitar and banner! i like the pictuer