DragonStorm (08/15/04)
nice place u got here...i got the background from
i like DBZ too. not so sure about GT though. NE ways ima addu as a friend ok?
littlenaru (08/15/04)
hi! i dont know who you are or where your from but if you have msn messenger try to talk to me some time!
Youkai99 (08/14/04)
Cool site! thanks for signing the GB I am adding you ^ ^
Niomi (08/14/04)
Thanx 4 signing my GB. Ur site is kewl!
Blinky (08/14/04)
Hey. You signed my guestbook so I'm returning the favor.
And by the way. Outlaw Star kicks ass. ;)
AnimeGoddess2004 (08/14/04)
Hey, thanks for stopping by my site and signing the gb!
I added you as a friend, too.
Isis (08/14/04)
Ello! Nice site. You live in London? **Isis is VERY Jealous!** anyway, thanx for site. I'll add you as a friend too!
Love and Peace!
ChibiChan56 (08/13/04)
^-^ thank you very very much for visiting my site, I know it's not much, but I don't know how to do a lot o.o oh, btw, how'd you get that cool outlaw star background on your site, it looks so cool! lol, have a great day... or night .> yeah, lol, but thank you again ^_^
SesshTaisho (08/13/04)
Hey cool site^^I added you as a friend come by and sign my guest book.
sw33tkiss3z (08/12/04)
hey!! thanx 4 da comment!! haha... i m so totallie bord!! hehe... oo... nice site u gotz hea!!! haha.. wellz i'll save u as a friend okiez??? haha... bye bye!! *wavez*