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El Paso, TX
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Working on manga currently
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Michelle Morris
Working on own manga
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Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Trigun, Death Note, Bleach, Evangelion, Samurai Champloo, Trinity Blood, Cowboy Bebop, Pokemon and DBZ
To get my manga published
drawing, watching anime, being with my friends
drawing ^^
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Some of my characters
Hey guys! I just wanted to put up a few of my characters bios and a small summary of my manga.
Basically, my manga revolves around the use of magic and eventually karma. A 17-year old Michiru was pretty much always alone in life. She lives alone with her father, she never knew her mother, who *apparently* died in a car accident when she was just two years old. She was never social with any stangers. Only until she made some friends later did she start to be happy. (I guess you could say she's kinda like Naruto in that aspect) Her friends consist of Cici, Sonia Anfuni, Angie, and Edegaru. And eventually later on a guy named Kyluno. Recently one of her best friends, Sonia, has disappeared. Her and her friends start to get worried and one night when they go out looking for her they run into (Literally) a little dragon named Shindio.
They get up to find they've been covered in a strange liquid. The Ny potions have been spilled on them. (Basically, they're potions that are only to be distributed to CERTAIN people every one hundred years) Now that they've accidently come in contact with these strange potions Ronidia has created.... what will happen?
Ok, I don't wanna give too much away. That's enough. The ending I have planned will definately surprise you guys ^^. Well here are SOME of the characters.

Michiru Morurisu
A 17-year old Michiru was pretty much always alone in life. She lives alone with her father, she never knew her mother, who *apparently* died in a car accident when she was just two years old. She was never social with any stangers. Only until she made some friends later did she start to be happy. She ONLY has blue hair in her Ny form. Originally, her hair is blonde. Michiru definately isn't the nicest character you'll meet, but that's how she grew up, so that's how she is.

Cici Potsuteru
One of Michiru's best friends. Cici is eighteen, definately a nicer person than Michiru. Sometimes, she can be a little too nice.

Angie Herurinu
Another one of Michiru's friends. Definately, the most aggressive character in the group. She's had a rough past, give her a break. She's very straightforward. If she doesn't like you, she'll definately let you know!

Ronidia Tsukinia
A girl with a mysterious past, not much is known at this point. She's very kind but can get easily aggitated at times. She had a horrible past thanks to a woman named Kaori.

Anfuni Hiruru
Another one of Michiru's very close friends. He's definately one of the biggest smart asses you'll ever meet. Man oh man is he a smart ass......

Sonia Akosuta
This was Michiru's first friend. She's turned up missing. When her friends finally find her it's too late... several experiments have been done on her. She's the third person Kaori has experimented on. She seems to remember everything except for her friends.... what's going on here!?

Kyluno Misaki
The very first experiment conducted by Kaori. Is he real being? Or something totally created by Kaori?? And what's his deal with Michiru? Hmmmm could they like eachother?

Shindio...... doesn't have a last name
Ronidia's closest friend. He's very wise. But despite his big ego, he can be quite the moron sometimes.
Well, there's some of my characters. ^^ Hope you all like what I have so far. =D Talk to ya later!
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