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myOtaku.com: Psygirl21

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Naruto School #1
I decided to put up my first Naruto School Story on here, cuz I felt like it! Hope ya like it, but of course if u don't like reading you don't have to read it.

An Intro...

Jess (me, a leaf ninja) and Vicki (my friend, a sand ninja) get on the school bus and grab a seat.

Jess: I can't believe all the weird people who are going to our school (looking at Gaara)...

Vicki: Yeah. But some of them are so hot (Also looking at Gaara)!

Jess: (-_-') I'm more afraid with who the teachers are going to be (Looking at scedule seeing that Orochimaru is the cooking teacher...)

Shikamaru: School is such a drag...(He's sitting in front of us!)(Looks at Vicki) Who are you? I've never seen you before...

Jess: Well, she moved next to me. Controlling water is in her blood, but she can't do too much in the desert...

Vicki: YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO TELL HIM THAT BAKA!!! (hits me to the back of the bus)

Jess:Ow... Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed Missy Grumpy Pants! (Notices that she landed on Dosu) AHH! A MUMIFIED PORCUPINE!!!(Runs back next to Vicki)

Dosu:(Angry look)

Vicki: Stupid sound exchange students...

Jess: Hey Shikamaru? Why do you wear a pony tail like a girl?

Shikamaru: IT'S NOT LIKE A GIRL! It's very manly...

Vicki: It's girly...

Shikamru: Girls are so troublesome...

Us: Poke Attack! (Jess&Vic poke Shikamaru for about five more miunutes... Shikamaru's lazy so he didn't stop us... Then Vicki&Jess notice Naruto sleeping...)

Jess: Hey! Lets bother Naruto!

Sasuke: (Pops up out of nowhere) I like the way you guys think! (Sasuke pulls out lipstick)

Vicki: Uhh.. Where'd you get that?

Sasuke: (Shifty-eyed) Uhh.. I stole it from Itachi?

Jess: Works for me!
(All work together to turn Naruto into a red clown using lipstick)

Vicki: I have a better idea! (takes out cup of heated ramen)

Naruto: (smells it and wakes up)RAMEN!!

Vicki: Hmm.. I'm not hungary all of a sudden... maybe I should throw it out..

Naruto: MY RAMEN!

Sasuke: I'll have it!

Vicki: OK!

Sasuke: (Takes ramen and throws it out the window)

Naruto: NOOO! (Jumps out window to get it, but gets stuck. Everyone outside laughs at his lipsticked face.)

Naruto: (Runs back to seat and sulks)

Jess: Wasn't that a little too mean?

Sasuke and Vicki: NAH! We could have done better.


Sasuke: o.o! Wait, Itachi. What are you doing here?

Kiba: (Runnng up and down the bus screaming) I AM A DOLPHIN!

Why is Itachi there? Why does Kiba think he's a dophin? You'l find out abot Itachi next time, but I'm not so sure about Kiba...

Anywayz, Lovinmanga4eva is supposed to come over today. Yayz! That's all i can think of right now...

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