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Some country floating around in some sea.....we like to call it the UK, but 2 b more acurate, England.
Member Since
Just your normal Student who thinks the're a Pharaoh.
Real Name
Emily but I prefer Em better..
Having great Friends! and having one picture being Fanart of the Day.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Gigi when I was like 5 having no idea what it was but i caught on when I first watched Pokémon which was about 1998
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh!, FullMetal Alchemist, D.N.Angel, Gravitation, Chrno Crusade & Naruto
To live to the age of 5000, be sealed in a gold pryamid shaped item and be good at dueling...hehehehe see Yu-Gi-Oh! once again!! Also 2 make Yugi and Yami Mine!
Dueling, Drawing, Writng fanfictions, Watching Anime, Reading Manga, Playing on Computer Games, also I love 2 make funny voices ^-^
Not much I can duel...*pulls out her deck* does that count? LET'S DUEL!!
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
I am now a member 2!
My friend showed me this site called Gaiaonline and it's awesome! AND I'M A MEMBER NOW! My name on there is dark_hyper_angel so if your already a memeber i hope 2 c you around..^_~ but most of the day im drawing 2 prétear pictures i hope 2 put up on this site and so yeah..heh
 The Leafe Knights and Himeno from Prétear
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Friday, July 29, 2005
Don't u find it freaky were u say something...and then it actually happens..0_0 well that happened yesterday, c over here we had bad weather again and it was kinda dark as well, thankfully it didn't thunder..but i was talking 2 my parents...and they were saying maybe something happening...and i said..'what like a tornado?'..we alll thought it was a joke...but then it was kind of freaky weather...then i happen 2 burst out..'imagine that, tomorows weather."Tornado hits UK"' i only laughed about it but..I looked at the paper this morning and..a tornado had actually hit the UK, in that freaked me out. I shall learn 2 keep my mouth shut from now on...but thats kinda freaky..does that mean, we might get a tornado were i live?
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
I don't believe this!
hello everyone.sorr i'm in on of those moods were it's come no one told me! u wondering why im like that? well i'll tell's over a Yu-Gi-Oh! DVD.
Yesterday we went out and the last dvd volume of yugioh I saw was number 7 and i got that 4 christmas and so it's been ages since i've seen another one..I then went into a shop of those big ones..HMV in fact..and there on the shelf was a new volume I hadn't got yet..the only thing that really made me go! WHAT!?! was volume 11! What has been going on shop owners! I only saw volume 7 in decemeber got it round then and all of a sudden..i see volume 11 yet i haven't seen volume 8,9,10 anywere! Oh well..good thing i can say is that i brought it and so now I can watch joey vs yugi/yami in duelist kingdom..stupid shops..pugi's now on the look out 4 the others! heh
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Hey I decided 2 make my own profile a bit more intresting.. wondering y? well if u lo at the top of the page u notice i have 2 gifs going on up there..well one is my avitar...the other is my new profile..^_~ Isn't it aweosme..took some time 2 do..but makes it easier 2 read and i bit more intresting as well.....what do u guys think?
oh yeah..if u couldnt c hayate from prétears picture..look at the last screenshot and it shoulc show a blue haired guy wearing blue..thats hayate ^_~ fit he is!
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Monday, July 25, 2005
Well apart from Yugi and Yami..there is another guy i find very attractive..and he's from Prétear, and not Kaiba! *yuck*
Here's a pic of him
Isn't he gorgeous! That's Hayate, The Knight of Wind...also mine!
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Hey guys wot do u think of my new avvy?!?! And can u believe it.....I MADE IT MYSELF! ^_^ I'm so proud of myself and it's just awesome in my eyes...wot do u guys think ^_~ and 2day is typical british weather's raining......I LOVE THE RAIN! ^_^
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
Is dat a good or bad thing? 0_0
 You're Yugi! The innocent, slightly clueless main character. Both these things work to give you fans for your angelic nature...however, there are others who believe you're secretly a badass, and admire that point of veiw on you. No matter what, you get points with short people.
Do you share the sex appeal of your fav. Yu-Gi-Oh! character? brought to you by Quizilla
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Cool! =^-^= Meow
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Thanks everyone who has commented on my pictures so far! It's awesome 2 know that i haven't /so far/ got any bad comments and no negative votes ^-^ Thanks everyone and if any of u have any requests e5tc...just ask ^_~ and Pugi shall do it...hoefully
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Kratos has 2 b my favourite charcter!