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Some country floating around in some sea.....we like to call it the UK, but 2 b more acurate, England.
Member Since
Just your normal Student who thinks the're a Pharaoh.
Real Name
Emily but I prefer Em better..
Having great Friends! and having one picture being Fanart of the Day.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Gigi when I was like 5 having no idea what it was but i caught on when I first watched Pokémon which was about 1998
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh!, FullMetal Alchemist, D.N.Angel, Gravitation, Chrno Crusade & Naruto
To live to the age of 5000, be sealed in a gold pryamid shaped item and be good at dueling...hehehehe see Yu-Gi-Oh! once again!! Also 2 make Yugi and Yami Mine!
Dueling, Drawing, Writng fanfictions, Watching Anime, Reading Manga, Playing on Computer Games, also I love 2 make funny voices ^-^
Not much I can duel...*pulls out her deck* does that count? LET'S DUEL!!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Well hello everyone and I can't believe people wished Kaiba a happy birthday..0.o.oh..i'll celebrate his death day lol. Well i must say half term was exciting ..welnot really, i spent most of the tiem at home doing my art a-level stuff, photography and wathcin gd.n.angel. It's not fair in the run up to christmas, (I know its not even halloween and out over here they have stalls and shops selling christmas crap.0_0) its very weird. I ddint even go out once during that week, so i didnt get to see my frineds once and on friday lets tell a kinda drank too much..went a bit tipsy. @_@ and well my sister was watchig my Prétear dvd and i ran up to the dvd an began to likc it when hayate was on..0_0 im never getting tipsy again! hat was not nice..blah..-_- good thing that i didn't do it when she decided to put ygo on and the episode was manily kaiba, I would of thrown up..heh. But yeah that was a good friday i guess but then i was on gaia and that problems all sorted but anyway i was online to one of my frineds on gaia on msn and when i go tipsy or high i say ys to most things, and this person said.' When you leave school, dress up as an anime character.!' i said ok..and i said who and her said Yami. great!! -_- im not the most liked perosn at my school and that will realy boost up my popularty ratings lol, but i'll do it anyway..sounds like fun! heeh cant wait!! well lets c yesterday was saturday and i got nagged constantly by my parent sto go out which i ddint want to but i did, to bluewater adn then they give us Ł30 each and i was like yay i cna get Nintendogs, it was then that my sister said, ' your not allowed to buy games, manga or anthignlike that 'cos they are 4 christmas' ;_; oh i wanted it though..and so that measn by the time at christmas i woud games XP good thingmy birthday is in January! lol..but yeah instead we went past a shop and they ddi ygo collectors tins with like a special card and 8 booster packets. heh..i wasnt going to get one but one of them was a Dark Magician Girl tin, my fav monster and i had to get it..and i did and so i have two dark magicians and two dark magician girls, all of them have different designs too. Coolies..sad yes but its cool! i like it..^_^ till we got to dinner time and i had a curry..blah i felt bad..very hot food that was and then afterwards i had chocolate, ra when i got home i felt bad and what do i with the kitten, makig me feel worse and instead of goign to sleep..i stay up and watch the ygo movie..XP What an idiot! Ive watched it so many time san di hapen to feel sick so i watch it again..0.o..freak! well as long as it didnt have Malik or Kura then i wont throw up, but seeing pegasus in a dressing gown ptu me off..blah. heh..oh i fel ok..just watched ygo and it was the bit were grandpas been 'kidnapped' ¬_¬ yeah right and yami (yes i know most would say yugi but its yami who duels!) has to duel on the! i thought that wa sinthis episode and near the end they were going to go and start the due but what does it say..To be continued! T_T i have to wait till next week for that episode..T_T oh well..guess i can im goign ton gaia and doing some more artwork. Well guess i'll by seeing you and i will be making a post tomorrow for haloween, slightly scared though becuase my sister is up to something for that day..and i easily get scared on halloween..heh ok well c ya..
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