![Image hosted by Photobucket.com](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b272/pharaonic_angel/GoofingOffDark.jpg)
IM SORRY EVERYONE I HAVENT BEEN AROUND! IV'E BEEN LASY AND BUSY AT THE SAME TIME! T_T oh well i'm here now so I guess thats ok! Sorry about the picture above, it's funny an dit makes me laugh. LOL! Anyway I hope all you guys and girls ahve been okay for I knw i have, some of the time. I've had arguments, cuts curtesy of trying to stop the dog an dkitten from playfighting an dthe worst one had to be on Thursday with me falling asleep in Media due to a cut i got in Art...weird. 0.o Anyway so many cool things have come out this month havent they! 4 example the following.
1) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! ^_^ yay can't wait to see it with the gang some time..0.o
2) Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Rush. OH i so want both of these games but I was really pissed off when me and Luff went to Game yesterday and in one of them they had like a small corner for Gamecube games whilst in the other Game shop they ddint do any Gamecube stuff! ¬_¬ That's not fair!
3) Yugioh! Nightmare Troubldour. I WANT IT! God thing is I have a DS and two im getting it for crimbo! ^_^ I wonder if my parents think im too old for it. Not much they cna do cos if they said no i would buy it anyway..XP lol.
4) Pokémon XD: OH the collest pk game since Colisuem but you still cant bet the mini games in Stadium. lol.
Okay all that was weird and crap really but looking at the Dark picture and Yami walking along as a baby in my avatar made me fine.Lol anyway as i've seen on most of your sites your watching the Egytpian episodes of yugioh, well the oens with Pharaoh Atemu etc. LUCKY THINGS! WE DONT GET IT OVER HERE I THE UK TILL THE 18th december! ¬_¬ Well thats what i worked out anyway, cos on sky they have it like every sunday and repeat the episode on saturday so by the 18th december we'll be right at the beginning of the first series with like Kura vs Kaiba and then probably in January we'll finally see Pharaoh Atemu at this rate -_- Oh well could be my birthday present i guess. XP
Well paprt from my life story whihc is very boring as you cna tell, i went to see the grandparents of doom last weekend and they gave us a new computer, well it's still old but better then the one im on at the moment due to it now has a scanner and printer so i dont have to nag Luff anymore to scan my fanart and print out my work..lol. ^_^;;; anyway hope you peopel have had fun and hope you guys have already started your chirstmas shoppig, i know i have my and my mates seem to be at this rite buying Manga and Anime DVDs for each other, but i have to buy my sister Mai Valkov (Check out her site on here!) Get Backers volume one and Dvd and shes getting me the next D.N.Angel Dvd! YAY! More sweet Dark and Krad. *drools8.. btu they still cant compare to my Yugi and Yami obsession and so far i only just foudn out i have loved them for about 2 years now. 0_0 HOLY RA THAS SCARY!! Oh well guess i'll be seeing you im going on Gaia and might be playing Ocarina of Time for i'm getting adicted to it and scared at the same time. lol. bye guys and have a look at the pictures below that made me cry relaly..WAHH BLESS YUGI! ^_^ c yas