Howdy everyone and long time no see i guess. Opps i didnt mean to ive just been a lazy bum. soz. Anyway I hope al of you ahve been ok over the last few eeks..seems more like months at the rate ive been. lowell lest catch up shall we.
(^_^ like my little devider there..heh)
Well let's c, me luff and Lia ( fellow otkau peeps) all went to London, are capital and I LOVE IT! On the day George Best died, (R.IP...he was a legend, a great footballer) anyway we had such a fun time. us 3 along with Charlie (another mate, we're getting ehr into anime hehe) all messed around a bit, sining around the Thames, singing on the train and underground, but you couldn't beat it when Luff took picture sof us in those mirrors were they make weird shapes and stuff. heh it made us look fat thing etc...funny and then we messed aorund with lia's hat and glasses making other funny pics that luff kindly took..heh her one is funny. have to ask Luff nicely on her site to show you them. and the kitten has just walked into my room..0.o..who let that out.. well that was random. Anyway it was really good to all hang aorund like that for a day, even hough it did make you extremly tired in the end.
But now we're in december aren't we. And that means a couple of things..
1) I get to have my choice of wallpaper up. (me and my sister have diffenre tlikes in anime and so eahc month we change so we get a fair share this month its my tur).heh here ive got a pic now of what wallpaper i picked isn't it cool. ..DONT STEAL! lol
![Image hosted by](
Isn't it funny!
2) 21 days till christmas! (YAY! i get the ygo ds game!)
3) 14 days till the egyptain series finally gets shown in the UK!
4) 10 days left of school for me and my mates. FINALLY!
That's all of those things i can think of for now but i can't wait. Plus it means not long till im 17 and i can go and drive washoo! im gonna die..;_; knowing my skills. Dueling and game consoles i can do but lol. Ok i am boring you at this present moment but hey my post..AND IM ONE GB SIGNING OFF GETTING 100! im so happy about that..T_T if i get 100 b4 the end of this year i'll draw a picture to celebrate...heh.your choice. But i need to do more pictures really. And have you notice dmy new d.pic..heh its goes cos its nearly christmas and i knwo what yami wants for crimbo...heh..
I wnat both of the to be honest but a Pugi cna dream..but heh ive run out of things to say again. I'll try and post more often and vsit your sites more. Thanks everyone and i'll cyas all again later..heh..
*+Pugi+* (currenlty, having a coughing fit, damn me being ill!)