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Some country floating around in some sea.....we like to call it the UK, but 2 b more acurate, England.
Member Since
Just your normal Student who thinks the're a Pharaoh.
Real Name
Emily but I prefer Em better..
Having great Friends! and having one picture being Fanart of the Day.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Gigi when I was like 5 having no idea what it was but i caught on when I first watched Pokémon which was about 1998
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh!, FullMetal Alchemist, D.N.Angel, Gravitation, Chrno Crusade & Naruto
To live to the age of 5000, be sealed in a gold pryamid shaped item and be good at dueling...hehehehe see Yu-Gi-Oh! once again!! Also 2 make Yugi and Yami Mine!
Dueling, Drawing, Writng fanfictions, Watching Anime, Reading Manga, Playing on Computer Games, also I love 2 make funny voices ^-^
Not much I can duel...*pulls out her deck* does that count? LET'S DUEL!!
Saturday, April 8, 2006
I'm Gonna Hit You, Sonic Speed
^^; Heh yep im a big sonic the hedgehog fangirl, i've been a fan of the little critter since I was 3. Heh and now I am 17 so that's 14 years..XD hehe and I might be lucky enough to buy the game 2day, only if my sister co-oparates with me, ^^; heh yeah she has a lot of money on her! She has nearly like over £100 (Don't ask me how much that is in dollars, xP All I know is that our currency is double the americian dollar) Hmm so that would probably mean that she has like $200 0_0
I only have £12 / $24
*cries* damn, HEY NO FAIR! ¬¬ In america that means you get anime dvds cheeper, WAHHH AND YOU GET THE DVDS QUICKER! hmph i was still annoyed about the yugioh dvds 4 I really want to get the Uncut dvds but they havent relised them in the UK and I couldnt buy them online for they are Region 1, whilst our dvds players only play Region 2 dvds *cries more* but my laptop plays multi-region.. hehe but still I would want to lend them 2 my friends so i've got to wait, it's almost the same for I believe that in America the Waking the Dragon series has just come out right??
WAHH! The furthest dvd that has been relised here is vol 13, WE DON'T EVEN HAVE THE BATTLE CITY EPISODES ON DVD YET! *cries more*... and I would really like them 2, oh looks like I'll still be buying the dvds in my late 20's at this rate and heh I'll be 20 in 3 years, whoa that feels weird..0.o. Me 20? And I'll still love yugioh..hehe ^^;;;
Anyway enough of the dvd rant..
Yesterday I didn't really get much time to go on everyones sites as I meet up with my friends as it was the Easter Holidays. Heh we ended up watching 2 of my anime dvds (FullMetal Alchemist vol 4 and Chrno Crusade vol 2) that I had leant one of my mates, and so that was fun and after watching that I kind of noticed I like both Ed and Roy but I was kind of sqeeling more over Roy,so I guess I'm more of a Roy fangirl, not sure why but it's just something about him. Well we also went to the park and walked around town were I brought D.N.Angel vol 9 (Manga) which I must say was really good, especally Satoshi saying to Daisuke 'I love you'. W00t 4 the Tamershipping!
But whats weird is that now i have all the volumes of dnangel manga apart from vol 7, 10 and i believe 11. Volume 7 we haven't seen anywere! ITS LIKE THE YUGIOH DVD VOLUMES 8, 9, 10! Apart from you can order the manga off amazon but these dvds no site like amazon or have had any record that they were ever relised. 0.o. weird. What's weirder is that the DVD cover for volume 13 is different in the UK then the USA, honest. It's weird..xP
I also got through the post yesterday my sponser form for Race for Life. It's like a race that only females do and all the money goes to Breast Cancer Research, and I'm really looking forward to taking part in it. ^^ W00t! Runnings fun and it's for a good cause too, i should know..
So yep I'm kind of training for that and I'm dressing up for the race 2, hehe and then today I'm going to Bluewater (Haven't been there 4 ages now) and I'm buying some hair colour for at the moment my hair is Light Brown and it like fades to a gingerish-brown at the bottom but I'm going 4 a wild change here becuase Im going to dye my hair Blonde and put in Pink highlights. ^^ W00T PINK AND BLONDE HAIR! hehe Can't wait but that'sall really I've got to go and get ready 4 my day out with my Parents and sister. Anyway I've been finishing and starting some fanart and here's the lost and their status..
Silent Magician Lv 4 *Complete*
Yami *Complete*
Yami and Bakura: Future, Past and Present *Got to colour in*
FullMetal Alchemist
Edward Elric: Never Look Back *Only a little bit of colouring to do*
Roy & Hughes *Got to colour in*
Hayate, Goh, Kei and Sasame *Got to colour in*
Dirty Pair Flash
Kei *roughly drawn out, just got to do some stuff*
Those are my current projects but I might draw some more Spellcaster monster and maybe if people like my Yami oil pastel I might draw mroe characters like that.. ^^; Anyways G2G
C yas
*glomps everyone*
Edit at 1:17 pm
I just got a new yugioh poster off ebay and this poster is Ultra, Ultra, Rare!! Hhehe YAY!
It's without the calender bit but it's Awesome! CANT WAIT TILL IT COMES!
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