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Some country floating around in some sea.....we like to call it the UK, but 2 b more acurate, England.
Member Since
Just your normal Student who thinks the're a Pharaoh.
Real Name
Emily but I prefer Em better..
Having great Friends! and having one picture being Fanart of the Day.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Gigi when I was like 5 having no idea what it was but i caught on when I first watched Pokémon which was about 1998
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh!, FullMetal Alchemist, D.N.Angel, Gravitation, Chrno Crusade & Naruto
To live to the age of 5000, be sealed in a gold pryamid shaped item and be good at dueling...hehehehe see Yu-Gi-Oh! once again!! Also 2 make Yugi and Yami Mine!
Dueling, Drawing, Writng fanfictions, Watching Anime, Reading Manga, Playing on Computer Games, also I love 2 make funny voices ^-^
Not much I can duel...*pulls out her deck* does that count? LET'S DUEL!!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Down, Sad and Depressed
*Watches the tumbleweed roll by*
Whoa holy Ra Im so sorry for not being around! *cries* Like anyone cares, theres plenty of other 17yr old yugioh obsessed teens out there that could replace me. ^^;
Heh well i mean i deserve the cold shoulder from you lot as I haven't been around for a while and 2 I havent commented on other peoples sites for ages either.IM SORRY! I'll try and be a good Otaku friend and make up for it but sadly r net still hasn't been fixed and this is the first time for ages I've been on the net at home to go on Otaku. ^^ heh great.
But thank you for the comments people, heh I didn't think anyone cared. Not many people at my school do, I fit in with the nerd group that everyone should avoid at all costs. And also im not allowed to move up a group or anything cos you've got to look nice ..-__- yep i admit i look like the backside of a dog, but I hate people who judge by looks. I always thought I had a nice personality but i don't know anymore. ^^; yep im not happy today.
Well nothing much has been happening really apart from we had to elect a Headboy and Girl for our 6th form, and I got a lot of comments from people to go up for headboy. -_-# Great so i look like a guy, like guy things and apparently im as flat chested as a guy too...
heh sorry for being negative but im in apissy mood and i need somewere to let off some steam, sorry if i get on your nerves.
Anyway one of my friends went up for head girl and sadly she came last, and i think the whole voting thing was rigged. Okay here's my reasons.
1) The teachers votes count as doubles so for example our votes would only count as one whilst the teachers were too and one of the other girls (Kayleanne, URGH SHES A BITCH! she thinks shes better then everyone else!) her mum works at the school and is the manager of the cantine area so she obviously got her staff to vote for her.
2) All the other girls are apparently better looking and so they should get the vote and not my friend.
3) Another girl called Kritina, (BITCH BITCH!) She went way overboard with the whole thing. For example she said when we have our school prom we all have to wear pink, boys and girls. Yes she is a living Barbie Doll! -_- And I HATE pink! She asked her dad to not only put stickers over her car saying 'Vote for Kristina', I sense OTT here but to make pink banners and ballons with her name on it and stuff and anothe rone of her ideas is that all the girls should go out at weekends to get manicures and stuff. Okay i admit i am not a girly girl, im more a tomboy and I hate all the common girl things! -_-
4) The rest r poplaur unlike us.
I don't think that's fair that becuase of all those things my friend lost, and I felt really bad as a friend for I felt like I should of sadi something.
Yeah so im not happy about that and also today I had my 5 hour art exam and I didn't get my picture finished, no one did. lol but it didn't matter. And the teachers liked what I had done so far and everything and as soon as I got home my mum just went completely beserk and had a go at me and saying about everything i do wrong and stuff, all over just becuase I didn't get the picture done. Might I add I got told this only half an hour ago so that's why im down.
It's not fair!
Im doing like A levels (I have no clue what they r in other countries) and they are really hard, and im pushing myself to do my best and I got told that for my ICT (Information and Communication's Technology) that i got the follwoing results.
Coursework 1: B
Exam: B
Coursework 2: B
And so I should have a B overall and I'm really happy about that as it's a new course and ICT is really hard, i mean learning about computers and stuff. So I come home all happy and tell my parents and what happens.
They tell me off!
I can't stand it, hardly anyone can get b'sand stuff and im getting B's and C's and my parents arnt the least bit happy for me! T_T Hell when I got my exam results last year on holiday I didn't even get a congratulations and they don't even wish me good luck. I'm really sad about this now... i mean what can I do, ijust want a simple well done or something and I don't get one.. just a lecture about what a failure I am and that I live in some Yugioh bubble and have no life, mates or don't even look nice.
I want to leave home... i just can't stand it..
My sister had an exam today as well and hers was like a tick the correct answer exam and my parents were really wishing her luck (She's 2 yrs younger then me) and she gets highergrades as well and so she gets praise whilst i dont. I just want someone to be happy for what i get..
Heh and even better, next year I've got the end of school prom before I leave and go to college or uni and we have to all have a date. Fat chance i'll get one..
Oh okay i'll shut up now, i've probably made you all upset aswell but I just want someone to understand and stuff. Yep i'm even crying as I type this.. ^^; im sorry once again.
*glomps weakly*
thanks for reading though and maybe the next post might be happier.. i hope.
thanks and mega thanks to
Reno and Ree~Ree for the pictures you drew for me, It made my day and in return i'll draw you one. Just tell me and i'll do it.. okays..
baa bye
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