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Some country floating around in some sea.....we like to call it the UK, but 2 b more acurate, England.
Member Since
Just your normal Student who thinks the're a Pharaoh.
Real Name
Emily but I prefer Em better..
Having great Friends! and having one picture being Fanart of the Day.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Gigi when I was like 5 having no idea what it was but i caught on when I first watched Pokémon which was about 1998
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh!, FullMetal Alchemist, D.N.Angel, Gravitation, Chrno Crusade & Naruto
To live to the age of 5000, be sealed in a gold pryamid shaped item and be good at dueling...hehehehe see Yu-Gi-Oh! once again!! Also 2 make Yugi and Yami Mine!
Dueling, Drawing, Writng fanfictions, Watching Anime, Reading Manga, Playing on Computer Games, also I love 2 make funny voices ^-^
Not much I can duel...*pulls out her deck* does that count? LET'S DUEL!!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Yay Half Term in 5/4 Days!
Hello and my I start off by saying I'm a lot happier then I was in my last post! ^^ hehe thanks to those 3 people who commented last time.
Well on saturday Yugioh finally came to an end and I mist say.. 4Kids ruined it! Normaly I don't have a problem with their editing but no the end it whilst they are still in the desert! THEY ARE MEANT TO END IT WITH YUGI AND THE GANG WALKING TO SCHOOL! ¬¬ They ruined it. Okay and just in case people think shes a 4Kids basher.. hmm. . im not.. much.. heh I was annoyed with them about that but I must give credit to the voice actors. Yeah I really apprecaite the work they put into the shows they do and so Im not a voice actror basher hell Im a bloody Dan Green fangirl and trust me if I was in America right now I would be stalking him.. heh.. his voice makes you drool! ^^; well maybe thats just me but I love his voice, even though his natrual voice is slightly deeper then Yugi's but not as deep as Yamis. I love his voice.. and hell as I'm a complete fangirl im on a mission to draw evry anime characetr he has voiced and at the moment I am working on a Knuckles the Echidna collage 'cos he voiced him in Sonic X and also the two sonic games that have come out (Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Riders) and so yeah. The other people I'm thinking about drawing are:-
. Yugi & Yami
. Li Pi Long & Silva (Shaman King)
Well that's all I can think of right now on the spot.. ^^; heh but the Yugi and Yami picture I am working on is taking it's time but it's all my own idea and it's basically..hmm.. you'll c it when it comes up.
So yeah 4Kids let me down on the last episode but they made up for it yesterday for they aired the first episode of Capsule monsters yesterday! lol.. you may be thinkgin wtf? but in the UK they arn't relising the shwo as a Movie unlike in the US but they are bringing it out as a tv series over here, which is cool becuase I thought it was going to be the first GX episode (NO!!! I DONT WANT IT! GO AWAY!) and so I'm a happy pugi apart from I kind of misinterprited the first minute of the epi for Yugi's dreaming of yami being tied up and kidnapped and well as a huge Yugi x Yami fangirl I was like.. YUGI U KINKY BITCH! hehe.. ^^; oppsie but hey im a yaoi fangirl so i was happy. Trust me though, if your ni the US and are thinking whether to buy it or not, I would. It actually has a good amount of comedy and humour in it and made me laugh quite a lot. Can't wait for the next part next sunday!
Hmm well nothing much more has happened in my life, I finally got round to watching an episode of Naruto and I must say .. ITS UBER AWESOME! RA IT ROCKS! heh ive only seen the first 6 episodes and I love it! Not as much as my Yugi-Chan and Yami-kins! *glomps the pair* Heh oh and I finally joined a site called MySpace. Heh if you're a member tell me and maybe I could add you.. ^^ heh if not i'll give you a link to my site cos it's pretty cool.. ^^.
Well I still can't thank you enough for your nice comments last post, only if it was 3 people. lol... but thank you it helped but urgh my mum was really mean at the weekend for she said I won't be as pretty as her and because I am now offically a size 8 (Size 6 in the US) ^^;; great, my mum took some of my clothes and on purpose srank them so they wouldn't fit so that I think that i've got fatter and stuff..
T_T No fair! I can't wait to leave!
Yep I lack in self confidence and what she and my dad and my sister do don't help me feel any better at all. -__- heh well not much mroe to say really.. Big Brother started last week...
YAY! heh im a huge fan and my favourtie people have to be Pete, Lisa and the Canadian Sexual Terrorist (As he calls himself) Richard. (He's gay as well, coolies!!) hehe but im addicted to the show and I can't help but watch it.
I also watched the Eurovision song contest at the weekend and we did.. shit..^^;
We(UK) only got 25 points which is slightly better then other years but still, we had school girls singing! -_- great but hell I loved Finlands act! Im so glad they won it, they dressed up as Monstars and sang a song about Rock and Roll, hell it was funny and cool! So well done Finland! ^^ Heh
And finally... im a footie (soccor) fangirl and the world cup is only weeks away... YAY!! heh you may get some posts were I may yap on about my country team (England) and stuff but im a Fangirl. I can't wait.. it's coming home, it's coming home.. it's coming.. hehe..
Well I hope the post was happier then the last one I did, If you have no clue what happened look in my archives and hmm, sorry about being all depressed and negative and stuff. T_T Sorry. Anyway I'm going to hang about on Fanfiction for a bit so c yas around and I will drop by your sites!
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