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North California
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College Student
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Becoming moderator of PC/MAC at Otakuboards
Anime Fan Since
I was 12
Favorite Anime
Marmalade Boy, Hana Yori Dango, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Magic Knight Rayearth, Trigun, Record of Lodoss War, etc.
To become more organized...and of course to conquer the universe.
Anime, writing, manga, video games, mmorpgs, dancing, horse back riding, etc.
Writing and Dancing


Thursday, June 15, 2006
; [[ It's just my lucky day ]] ;

Mood [ Stunned ]
Listing To [ "Lonely in Gorgeous" - Tommy Febuary6 ]
Eating [ Nothing ]
Yesterday had to be the worst day ever, not only did my boyfriend 'try' and break up with me but then he later got into an accident and fought with his mother. Sometimes I really don't know what to think, first we break up over a silly arguement and next who does he come crying to? Me, of course. I'm the only girl that will actually give a damn what happens to him and his problems and he knows it.
I don't mean for drama to come into my life but it always seems to work out that way. Maybe I'm just not cut out for relationships? Honestly, I can't say that this time it was my fault, my boyfriend can be way melo-dramatic sometimes and it really gets me going. He has also been spending some time with his ex-best friend who use to be really mean to me, and takes advantage of him too.
I really think he might of lost his mind, but we'll see. I feel like I'm the one being selfish here, but this guy is seriously not worth his time to hang out with, I just hope they don't become friends again for his sake. Anyways, do you all think I'm nuts? I'm sure you do. Sorry but I just felt the need to vent some frustration out. I'm also glad my boyfriend wasn't killed like he could have been, but he's more concerned with the damage to his car. Geesh, boys...will they ever learn? What to do...what to do...
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
; [[ I'm back for good ]] ;

Mood [ Sad ]
Listing To [ Peach Girl Opening Song ]
Eating [ Cheddar Ruffles ]
Hello everyone! Yes, I'm back hopefully for good this time. I'm having a bit of trouble starting up myotaku again. For those of you who don't know me, there is a bug where it won't send me my password to my email address and no one has got back to me yet. My old account was if you'd like to check it out.
To all my old friends on here, how have you been? I could really use advice on what to do with my layout. So any comments could help me out. Also feel free to sign my guestbook seeing as I'm starting over and haven't received any!
I suppose I should talk about SOMETHING seeing as I'm posting an entry right? Alright, well here it goes. I've been watching Peach Girl lately and just yesterday is when I finished the series I was dissapointed with the ending especially since it got really iffy at the end. It really made you on edge and I'm not sure I liked the decision Momo made.
I feel she would have worked out better for the other guy. For those of you who have seen it, what were your opinions? So far I've never heard or read about anyone who's watched the entire series and I'm curious about what others think. I read 1-6 of the manga so I think it follows it well.
I'll be sure to update this later.
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