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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Going to Mississippi for couple of days so ya.....-_- have fun!
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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My problems
1.) I went into a panick attack bout LEAP we are getting the test results in tomarrow (thus is y Im skipping I dont want to find out not yet if I failed .....I dont know what I'd do ! I cant fail ! If I did I wont be with any of my friends they'll be in highschool no Europe trip no nothingO.O 2.) I signed up for WAY to much stuff next year Oo Band practice every day after school from 3 till5 then ROTC then volenteer work then Im geetn a job UGH and Im not change ing any of it! it'll be good on college resume THEN last and almost final pro. 3.) I show and tell people that i dont care my familys fallin apart but it does bother me! Scout doesnt know bout any of my fathers ill'ness and mental problem and scout never got abused by him so if/when my dad leaves Scouts ganna be hurt....DEEPLY! Scouts my little brother by the way
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Bord ...Oo
My b/f is acting all weird...should I be woired? ...hmm oh well and one of my bestest budies isn't goin to be on till friday -cry- sucky day....at least i have thursday to look forward to ! :) skipn school thursday go'n to the movies er somethin with friends hopefuly no one will chatch us:P
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Sunday, May 6, 2007

Today was bla nothin happend kinnda boreing but oh well
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Saturday, May 5, 2007

went to carnival had fun got hit on by a 30 year old ewwwwwwwwww and a 17 year old eh and had mud fight with my friends and rode rides till 11 or 12...doin the samething today/tomarow it 1 am so ya....bord, gah my family has so many issues its not even funny I dont think even Dr. Phil could help my family!
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Thursday, May 3, 2007

Today was ...different. The schools power went out for 15min which the imature idiots thought it'd be fun to cause chaos -_- it really wasn't I sat there read and whatched those idiots throw paper pencils start fights and stand on tabels . so because of the immature retards I call classmates I have lockdown-_-
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Sucky day!
Went to school kids attacked me "Sarah where you been?" "Sarh were you sick?" Sarah missed you." All liers I bet! and the teachers ugh! they chewed me out! ITS NOT MY FUCKN FAULT I WAS SICK! (ignore my french) And I had so much make up work my brain hurts!
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I stayed home agian but today I was feeln better so I ended up geting supremly bord and whatched this IDIOTIC show called "blond" it was all drama ! I hate drama yet I whatched a 4 hour show full of DRAMA! Whats wrong with me?
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Monday, April 30, 2007

Stayed Home today
I woke up this morning and was dizzy and felt like I was ganna die,but being my stupid self I forced myself to get up and try to get ready for school heh -_- I ended up on the floor. For the first time my father and brothers didn't push me down I freakn collapsed yay me! So now here I am home missing scool probly missing so much stuff I'll never catch up and no one will help so ya-_- Im ganna go back to bed and remind myself how stupid I am for getting sick and missing school!
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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Men are so thick headed and they mess with ur head -_-
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