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Sunday, June 3, 2007
heya everyonezzz!!! how have you all been latley? I'm good! Shia is over here keeping me company so I'm happy! ^ ^ we went cattle penning yesterday [she was attached to ALL of the animals there! lol] but yeah we mostly just worked at the consession stand most of the time until we got bored. lol Kyle was there. he thinks Shia is mean and has issues. lol it was funny [the way kyle was acting pretty much] so yeah thats all for that! lol
uhhmmmm....what else what else?! well if you wanna talk [ANYONE!] PM me!!!!! lol later!!!
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Saturday, June 2, 2007
heyy everyone!!! :D today is okay. at least its saturday! :] well yesterday I went to the cookout at Dickies. omg it was soooo much FUN! lol I got to see Charlie and Curtis! yay! *dances* lol Curtis had his girlfriend over [shes really nice] and his other friend Garrett. lol Garrett can do roping tricks like jump through the rope and whatnot. lol it was cool! they might have a cheat lake fan club! lol naw I'm kidding.
well I'm going to cattle penning today but I'm not going to ride. just talk with people and whatnot. I might ride in the kids one on one but probly not. but its at 5pm. and its going to be funn!! :]
kk I think thats it! Ima go now! later ya jellojigalowminllionos! lol later
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Friday, June 1, 2007
heyy evryone! I just got home from the Marilla reward trip! it was so awesome!!! other than my shoulders getting burned Im fine! lol it was only me and Holly. I have some new buddies though! its Travis, Danny, and Levi. lol they be cool! :D me and holly went everywhere around there. we went in the pool and on the slides. the slides were so much funn! if you push yourself really hard and lay down flat you slide up and down the sides. lol I almost flipped. lol but yeah then we got bored with that so we got dressed and went over to the skate park with Travis. Levi hurt his arm from falling off the skateboard. so yeah lol then me Holly n Travis went up to the swings and stayed there then went to the pavilian to see Ted. [my other buddy] lol so yeah my friday was FUNN! woot!
I'm glad everyone likes my new heart theme on my syt. its a new bright thing. I'm kinda getting tired of black but not entirely. so yeah I'm happy with this one. do you people like it?
well I'm going to a cookout tonight at Dickies house. [he's a guy of my step-dad's] plus Curtis and CHARLIE is going! lol yay!!!! :]
kk nothing else to talk about so I'ma go!! laterz!
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Thursday, May 31, 2007
heyy everyone! well tonights the dance for the 8th graders! I'm so happy, even though I dont have a date or anything...but at least I have melly and Elisha. Holly has Dallas. lol but yeah I have a really pretty dress! its black with white polka-dots all over it. its like a party/sundress. its awesome! and I look goooood in it! lol [thats the first I've EVER said ANYTHING good about the way I look. lol
Tomorrow we're going to Marilla Park to swim and just hang out with friends. its the 8th grade picnic. so yeah its going to be fun! :D
kk I think thats it so if ya wanna talk just PM me! laterrzz!!
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
halo everyone! omg yesterday we went to KENNYWOOD! I didnt eat anything! well except like 4 or 5 fries from my friends. lol I didnt want to go on anything of the roller coasters except for the Thunderbolt, but we never went on it. but thats ok! =] actually I wanted to ride 2 intense rides but I was too chicken to do it! I wanted to ride the Phantoms Revenge and the PitFall. oh well. lol ok the very first ride that me and Kelcie went on was Garfields Nightmare. that is a GAY ride. I was yellin 'THIS IS GAY!!!' lol but yeah. and I took them on the Kangaroo and they thought it wouldnt be fun. but I proved them wrong! haha! lol when I say them I mean Holly, Elisha, Kelcie, Melly, DeAndra and Alaina. so yeah. we had a BLAST!!! the bus ride up and back was fun. lol I sat by thomas. so yeah! lol ^ ^
well today I went to school but not very many people did. holly, DeAndra and Thomas didnt. they must be tired! lol I know I am but I still went. nothing is really happening in school anymore. just games and free time since there is only 7 or 8 days left! lol so yeah! I'm kinda happy! lol yay!
kk I'm done talking. so uhm byeeezzz!!!
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Monday, May 28, 2007
hallo everyone! today is going to be a FULL day. right now its 9:30am so yeah I got up pretty early. [well its early in my perspective!lol] but at a quater til 10 we're leaving for old navy and returning my dress. then we're going to go shopping at the morgantown mall until my friends get there and we're going to go see Pirates of the Caribbean 3! I'm so happy! ^ ^ but then when I get home I have to clean my grandads house, and my room, and my fish's bowl. so yeah I have to clean the rest of the day. I thought about cleaning out my car but I dont wanna today. maybe next weekend when I can wash it and wax it! lol but yeah thats my agenda for today!
OMG! tomorrow we're going to Kennywood for the choir/band reward trip! so happy! *dances around* we went last year since we were in 8th grade. so its the 7th and 8th grade choir and band! whoo! lol
kk I g2g now so I'll ttyl! byeeezz!!!
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
heyy everyone! yesterday was funn..especially that I got to see Avery and uncle John John! ^ ^ I was so happy! Avery is so adorable. she came up to me and poked my cheeks and said 'bugbugbug!' lol she went swimming too but I had to watch her. but thats ok I'm a good babysitter! lol shes like my little sister other than my uncle johns girlfriends daughter. so yeah ^ ^'' OMG! my uncle john fixed his Harley! I was so happy! its really nice. its dark red! I love it! me and my mom took a pic like me and uncle john did I'll post them along with avery and johns bike at the end
well today at 2 I'm going to Elisha's house for a swimmingcookout-thingy. lol its gonna be funnn! and on Monday since we have no school we might see Pirates of the Caribbean 3! I hope we do....and if we dont I'ma be maddd!!!! >.<* lol
but yeah thats all, and I'll talk to some of you later! byyeezz!! tell me if you like the pics too! plz do!
Avery! isnt she ADROABLE?!

me and my uncle John John

me and my mommy! <3

my uncle John's awesome Harley!

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Saturday, May 26, 2007
hey everyone. its like 8 in the morning, I'm posting so early because I have a lot to do in the day. I'm gonna go on a walk thing with my neighbor to look at leaves and whatnot. and then I have a cook out. so yeah my agenda is all jammed. lol theres really nothing to talk about tho. =/ I took Mambo No.5 off my page. I waz getting really annoyed with it. lol but I put up some Taylor Swift songs! yes she is a country singer. and yes I know not many people like country. well I do! so I put it up. so there! *sticks tongue out* lol
kk I think thats it so I'ma go now. you can PM me if you want. I'll be on later today so I might check them. so I'll ttyl! byeeezzz!!!
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Friday, May 25, 2007
hiya everyone!!! :D today was okay. nothing much really happened. in my 2nd math class we're cross-stitching. lol its about griding and all that stuff. but thats all that happened for school.
but we're going to Kennywood on TUESDAY!!!! lol yay! :D
I'm going on some kind of walk tomorrow with my nextdoor neighbor. its about leaves and whatnot and I think that that it would funn! lol shes gonna give me some books she doesnt want and lemme tell ya what she has a LIBRARY! lol shes gonna give me pirate, plant, history, and war time books! so yeah I'm happy! lol
kk I think thats it so I'ma go! later!!! PM me somebody!!!
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
heya everyone! nothing much happened today at school. really boring. except when this guy came up to me and started talking to me about Thomas and whatnot...he made me mad >.<** but I'm okay now
so doed anybody like my new song and video? my song is called Mambo No.5 and my vid is Punk Rock 101. lol Mambo No.5 is by lou Bega and Punk Rock 101 is by Bowling for Soup if you didnt know that already! lol
ok I think thats it so I'ma go! later!
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