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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
heyy everyone!! the choir concert went great! :] my family came [my step-bro too!] and they yelled 'WHOO JESSII!' but I didnt hear them. lol they should have did that when know one was clapping and yelling! lol but yeah we did awesome! one of my friends Elisha got really sick and went home. me and the girls went looking for her so she must have went home so yeah. I'm really worried about her :[
we had our 8th grade group pictures taken today. lol I was in the back on my knees [yes I know that sounds weird o.o''] after that we had popcicles! lol yay!!! and I got my Cheat Lake Sharks t-shirt! it has all of the 8th graders signitures on the front and back. so yeah its awesome!
well I think I'm done talking so I'ma go! later!!!
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
hey everyone! today was better than I had expected! lol well I fell on my ass but I'm okay! lol we got to do our dancing song. lol mr.vineyard yelled at one of the boys but I dont know who. I was looking away at the time. but yeah our choir concert is tonight! and I'm psyiked! lol [thats a weird word to spell! xD] but heres the list of songs we're doing [not in order for tonight though]
**-Tribute to Queen - we will rock you, another one bites the dust, we are the champions, Bohemian Rapsody
**-Bye Bye Blackbird
**-An Irish Blessing
**-Lés Miserables
**-Home Among the Hills [I hate that song! >-<*]
I think thats it but I'm not all that sure so yeah if anyone that reads this is in our choir class please remind me it! and I'll see ya tonight! lol
other than choir...Thomas gave me his leigh [the flowery thing lol] its going to be my rearveiw mirror decoration! lmao! I think its pretty! :D *jumps and dances* I'm a little hyper so dont mind me! lol its normal! but yeah I went up to Thomas, Holly, and Sydney today and said 'I'm a happy ducky!' and made a ducky noise! lol but yeah thats it for today! for school anywayz!
I got my dress for the 8th grade dress today from the UPS man! lol we have to adjust it but its really pretty! <3 I'll put up a pic of it later! so bare with me! ^ ^'' I got to go swimming after school today. mom wanted me to clean the bottom off and lemme tell ya what! its not at all that warm! it was freezing and now I have a headahce but I'm going to take a Tylenol later. lol
but I think thats it! I'll ttyl! PM me if anyone wants to talk! laterzzz!!!
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Monday, May 21, 2007
heyy everyone. nothing much happened to day in school. we practiced for the choir concert which is tomorra at 7:30pm. [lol I gave Thomas a wet willie. it was hilarious! xD] most of my family is coming. my mom,gramma, step-dad, step-brother, grandad [maybe], dad, maybe jackie, John, Lea, Avery, Tiny, Wes. geez lol so yeah they'll be in the back. I invited 2 guys that go to UHS now. Jack and Tyler. [yeah Thomas its Gentleman Jack lol] Tyler is so nice. he's my love! lol well he acts like it anywayz! ^//^ but yeah we have to dance. lol its gonna be fun fun fun! xD
well I got my ticket for the dance on the 31st. [its the last one of the year for the 8th graders.] I have no date, but hey! I got my sisters so I'm happy about that! :D I love them all! but yeah I was the very first one to get their ticket so I felt special! lol!
the choir and band students are going to Kennywood on the 29th. omg its going to be so much FUN! WHOO! lol sorry I'm just kinda crazy. lol lunch was fun today I was HYPERRRR!!!
hmmmm what else? what else? I think thats it for school!
OMFG! I AM SO EXCITED! Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is coming out on FRIDAY! lol yay! :D *jumps around* so HAPPY!!!! okay I'm good now. lol maybe! lol
kk I'm gonna go so PM me if ya wanna talk to da crazy idiot girl! lol later!
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
hey everyone! sorry that I didnt post yesterday! ^^'' we went on a trail ride and rode 15 miles in 5 hours. all up hill and down. there was a big mud hole and we didnt think that it was deep until my mom went in and as she got further out it was deeper! well she got threw it then grandma sue went through it he horse layed down in it! it was so funny! it would have been funnier if she fell in it but thats ok! lol I didnt go through it. I was smart and went around it! lol I am so sore today though. my butt, back, shoulder, and legs hurt so damn bad! but I'll be okay! lol
we had a dance on friday. it was funn! lol the teachers danced on the stage. lol
kk I'll ttyl! byeezz!!
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Friday, May 18, 2007
hey everyone. today was okay. I had a headache all day though and I was a bitch to everyone else. Ted kept talking to me and I would just glare at him or something. I hate people at my school! >.<* other than that....we have to dance in choir now! we for our Tribute to Queen songs. its pretty cool! lol but thats all about school.
grandad isnt doing to good anymore. he's retaining water and his legs look awful. the nurse put him on more medicine. I'm really scared....I dont want to lose him......
ok I'm leaving. bye
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Thursday, May 17, 2007
heyy everyone! nothing much is going on just getting home from school. it was the last day of the WESTEST. the science part. whoo? lol oh! speaking about science in science class me, Brianna, Karisa, and Mr.Skalican all played UNO. lol I almost won but Mr.S layed down a draw 4! lol but it was fun anywayz! :] I got my prizes for my picture since it got Principle's Award. I got a mini-tripod and a new bookbag! so happy! lol well I'm trying to find a date to the dance and I'm have a dicision on someone so yeah ^^'' I am getting so mad at peoplez at my school! I busted in the hallway. I screamed 'GET OUT OF MY FREAKIN WAY!' yeah holly was with me. lol but thats all that happened at school.
there was a circus yesterday at the 4-T Arena. no I wasnt in it. I didnt go because then I would have to get up at 5:30am! I get up at 6:30am. lol so yeah. but I heard that it was cool. the guy that trained the bears was like in his 70's! thats what my momma said that is. lol I thought that that was cool! :]
kk I think thats it so I'm gonna go! ttyl!
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
hey everyone. today is the 3rd day of the WESTEST, tomorrow is the last [thank god] but yeah the Social Studies part was very confuzzing. I didnt know anything! [that wasnt about WV that iz] but yeah when we were done we just hung out for an hour in a half. I had my phone on and was taking pics of people. lol xD in my reading class we have to rewrite the thesaurus. made me so fucking mad! >.< I hate people lol I got to talk to Thomas today, it was very pleasant :D I was talking about going on a hike with my friends but they dont trust me anymore so yeah. lol but thats all that happened at school.
its rainy today and 61 degrees. it sux. :P I'm gonna go paint my nails so if you have a color or a design idea just tell me! [but my nails are very short so yeah ^^'']
kk thats all. I'll ttyl soon! later all!!!!!
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
heyy everyone! I just got home from bowling. I got a 137, 127, and a 117. lol all ends in 7! lol school was okay, I guess. we had the reading language arts part of the WESTEST. it was lonnnnggg but I got through it! lol Mr.Skalican called my mom yesterday [science teacher] but I answered the phone and I thought he was a tellamarketer and I was going to hang up on him. cause I usually answer then say hold on and hang up so yeah. lol ^ ^'' glad I didnt! but thats pretty much it about school! lol
what have you peoplez been doin'? nothing much here. of course you've been reading it! ^ ^ the weather here is awesome! its 82 degrees! lol I havent swam yet but I want to! then my friends can come over! yay!!! lol
ok nothing else to talk about anymore! so I'll talk to you peoples laterr!!!! catch ya'll later!
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Monday, May 14, 2007
heyy everyone....bordness lurks around us! lol well today we started the westest week. oh what joy. we had the math portion. tomorrow is reading and language arts. but today after we were done we got snacks and a drink. it was alryt. but when we were all done with all 3 parts then we got to watch tv. lol sounds fun huh? we watched CMT music videos! lol but yeah thats what we were doing in the morning. I miss choir though! :(
well I have been downloading more things into my mp3 player. lol its so cool! now I'm bored....
nothing much is going on. I havent wanted to kill people yet. actually I'm just peachy! lol
theres a dance coming up. 2 actually!!! :) theres one this friday thats free. and then the teachers are going to pick up $15 for trip purposes and then theres the last dance of the year and that one is a cruise type thing. like with sundresses and dress dresses. I'm going dress up this time! lol so yeah thats going to be fun! :]
kk well I think thats it. I'll talk to ya'll later! buh-byeeez!!!
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
hey everyone! sorry that I didnt post yesterday I went cattle penning! I havent did that in forever! lol one thing that makes me mad is that I cant do the one on one anymore because I'm too old. rawr -.- lol but I got to hang out with the cutest guy ever! lol his name is Charlie. he's a friend of Curtis's [another cute guy] but yeah me and Charlie had to run the cows to the chute and whatnot. he smells really good! ^^ lol we had to bath a horse on friday. my god it was really really hot! then we went on a trail ride and my right leg got all scratched up from the briers and the freakin ABNORMAL TREES!!!! >.< they ripped a hole in my favorite shirt! made me mad! anywayz...I didnt get to see Kyle this weekend but maybe some other time. we're selling Registered boarder collies for $200 each. I named them [theres only 3 left] mine is Delila, the boy dong is Samson [or Bosko, dunno which yet] and then theres Baby Doll [the other little female. they're big for 12 weeks old. I had a headache through the whole penning. then Billie comes up and gives me a hug and yells 'SUCK IT UP KID!' -.- so yeah that didnt make it any better. then I was standing by my mom and Frank but his beer bottle on my back and I jumped and screamed. lol he thought it was funny. lol I know almost everyone there! lol
so yeah today for mommies day me grandma sue and great-grandpapa Spiker went to church then to eat then Wal-mart. now we're going to Longhorn to eat for mommies day! lol but yeah thats all for today!
kk I'm done babbling! lol later!
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