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Saturday, April 7, 2007
heyy everyone! well I had fun last night since holly came over. it seems shes been over all week. but its all coolio! ^^ she left just now though. we mostly played DDR and we built a swimming pool outta my legos and I made a train track thing. lol we had fun with that. then that night we made a video of ourselves to put on here! click here to see video!!
sorry theres kinda no sound. thats why we had that tablet. lol but I'm the one in the blue and hollys the one with the cracker so yeah. lol shes a cracker jacker! lmao! xD
hope you enjoy it! lol we had fun making it! but yeah today we went to Merimichi. its a housing development behind my house. its pretty cool. when people come over we end up walking there. but it was snowing and cold and we only went up there for 5 minutes then headed home. its kinda cold. lol we couldnt feel our ears. and we found pine cones. lol they're our buddies.
ok well theres nothing else to say so if you wanna talk then I'm here. kk later all!
Jes♥ the flying quesadilla!
oh and also if anyone wants to add me on myspace then go ahead. just PM me and tell who you are so that I know who I'm adding. heres my link to that:: myspace link there ya go! laterr ya'll!
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Friday, April 6, 2007
hello everyone! not much is going on. my mom just left, she was here at 11:30am. I'm happy that I got to see her ^^ I hardly ever do. we played DDR and she sux at it but thats ok. I'm making a flyer for her for the $200 registered border collies they have. so yeah I'm goin to have fun making that! :D
I'm going to be bored all day. oh what fun. errgggs I hate being bored. lol me and Anime Anime Girl are going to go on a killing rampage for the people we mostly hate. lmao! we're so jealous. lol
I got a haircut yesterday. its pretty cool. I took off at least 4 or 5 inches off the ends. so yeah its a little past my shoulders! lol heres the link to my pic::
there ya go! lol ok well I'm dont talking now so I'm just gonna go. so I'll talk to you peoples later! byeez!!
Jes the flying quesadilla
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
hello everyone. not much is going on. me and Holly went to the mall yesterday. we walked around for 2 hours. I got a dead and cuddly poster [if you people saw me in my dead cat shirt, thats what it is.] a black with pink and white hearts hat thing, and a button that has a panda bear on it and it says 'nobody knows I'm a ninja' its so cute!!! we saw Karisa Chucci there. her mom works at Gap. me and Holly decided that we might get a job together at the mall or something. lol sounds like fun^^
I'm thinking of changing my layout or bg for my syt so if you come at one time and come back and its changed then thats why. but if you come back a lot dont be surprised if its changed those times too. lol
well I have to check on grandad since moms at the store. he's doing good. he walks around the yard with the dogs and feeds the birds. lol he's giving me bear hugs all the time and it hurts but I love them anywayz ^^ I'm just going to miss him is all.
ok, well I'm done here so yeah I love all my friends! hope to talk to you pplz soon! later
Jes¢¾ the flying quesadilla! :]
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
hey everyone! I'm bored as hell! lol sorry just wanted to say that. lol
we might be going to the mall today. I'm going to buy a hat! lol
well I'm glad you liked that pic that I put up yesterday of the house. i thought it was awesome. lol I love looking through old pictures, it alwayz takes me back to the past whether you like it or not.
ok well I think thats it. so I'll ttyl! byeez!
Jes¢¾ the flying quesadilla
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
hiii everyone!!! HE KNOWS!!!
ok now that I've said I feel better ^^'' lol but yeah. this world is full of sikkos. like yesterday I went to McDonalds with my mom and when we were leaving there was this OLD guy with white hair and a white beard and when I walked past him, he was starring at me. you know, starring. and he wouldnt look away. gahh help me! lol
well I made flowers out of pipe-cleaners! lol
OH! i found this awesome picture of an old house in a box here at my house and I thought it was so cool. I have to show you guys. it'll be at the bottom of the post.
ok well I think I'm done now. so I'll ttyl! later!
Jes¢¾ aka the flying quesadilla
[my mom is the girl on the porch, and my uncle is right beside her on the left. cool, no?]

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Monday, April 2, 2007
heya everyone! well I am really bored. I got my printer yesterday and its soooooooo confusing! i printed out 3 pics of me for no reason. lol and my grandpa. [he's so cool ^^] its a scanner too so if I wanna put some of my drawings up then I can! yay! lol :]
ok now I'm really bored. me and moms going to the mall sometime this week. dunno when. gonna ask a guy if he wants to go ^^''
kk I'm done talking. someone PM me if you want to I dont mind! later
Jes¢¾ aka the flying quesadilla!
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Sunday, April 1, 2007
hey everyone..I changed my syt as you can see.
hope you like it! :] well I'm going to be bored today. mom might take me to get my printer at office depot so I can get all of that done. my old printer is a peice of shit. even though it works fine its just all pixely when I print a photo out. so yeah I'm gonna get a new one.
this one is a scanner too, and its at the best price yet! lol
well I have been taking pictured more often now [which is why I'm getting a new printer] I'm actually doing very good. I have taken some of my grandad and I do a whole lot of landscaping. if anyone would like to check them out just PM me. Id be glad to share my work with you! :]
Mew Holliberrii is taking art requests!!!
so if you have a request go and tell her. she is a great drawer!
kk thats it for today so I'm gonna go. later all!
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Saturday, March 31, 2007
hey every1. the dance was fun. I hung around with my friends and Dallas. we danced some but were depressed somewhat. holly spent the night. shes sleeping right now. lol kk thats all. laterr
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Friday, March 30, 2007
happier than ever!!!! :D
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Thursday, March 29, 2007
hello!!! well today was good in the neighborhood. lol well we got our yearbooks today. they're awesome. except for the fact that I'm a fatass. but I'm ok now. lol nothing really happened...oh! I failed my science test. lol thought you'd like to know. kk thats all I shall go now! laterr
[I love ya Thomas¢¾]
Jessii¢¾ aka the flying quesadilla!!!
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