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Wednesday, March 7, 2007
hey everyone. well theres no school today again, but this time its because of the snow. I'm happy that we dont have to go to school and I get to stay home and do stuff but I'm kinda upset too because I wanna take that stupid science test!!!! so yeah.
welp, yesterday was my movie day. I watched The Matrix. I almost fell asleep a couple of times but there was nothing going on so yeah ^^'' then my dad picked me up and we went bowling. I think I got a 120, 153, and a 115. and then we went out to eat and he dropped me off. he told me his story about being drunk 2 nights ago and puked in his car. [like I needed to know about the car part] but yeah and some guy's girl was gonna leave him or something because he wouldn't listen to her. lol the story was kinda funny though! =] when I got home I got stuff ready for school [which we dont have today] and I watched Gladiator. I turned it off in the middle cause I had a headache and I still do so yeah! ^^
ok so last night my mom was mad at me and she was yelling at me. and I had 15 minutes until bedtime and she was yellin because I wasnt ready. [which I was] and then I just screamed at her and said 'YOU KNOW WHAT?! I DONT REALLY FREAKIN CARE ABOUT THIS! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!' I was pissed at her and she wont talk to me today. [well she'll talk to me but for little things] so yeah. I kinda like the quiet. its peaceful.
I'm getting sick and it sux! O.e
kk I think thats it for today. hope everyone has a great day! laterr!!
[¢¾ I love you Thomas! ¢¾]
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
heya everyone! no school today. the teachers are on a strike of some sort. idk very confuzzing! >.O Shia-chan woke me up by calling me and telling me that there was a 2 hour delay and to call Thomas to make sure that he knew. but I didnt and then he calls so I told him then my mom told me that there was no school at all then I had to call him back and tell him. lol now I'm here watching the fairly odd parents and IMing my mom and waiting for breakfast to be done. lol
ok so you can see that I have a new post thing. I might change my whole syt again but I'm not all that sure.
today is my great grandma's birthday, she passed away 2 years ago. just thought that you would like to know..
alryt I'm done talking. PM me sometime anyone! I shall be gone! laterr!! *disappears*
[¢¨ú I love you Thomas ¢¨ú]

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Monday, March 5, 2007
hello all! well today was 'ok' I guess. I feel asleep in wv studies and advisory and nobody cared. so I was happy about that! lol JD got Thomas in trouble and almost did again when school was letting out. and I got a violation today becuz I lost my study guide. lol great day huh?? I tried curling my hair but it only gets even moree wavy. I like wavy but I wanted curls dammit! lol ok so I have to make a sculpture in art class and I need to draw 6 ideads for one. I got one idea and that is a football player. if I do that one then I'm dedicating that one to Shane, my step brother [#81]so if you have any suggestions please oh please tell mehhh!!!
ok so the guy that puts the gas in our tank is here. he fell in a hole and I yelled that and he's outside and me and mum are inside and she was like 'SHHH!!! he can hear you!' lol I thought that that was pretty funny! ok well those were my hightlights of the day! hope everyone had a good one and more to come! kk laterr!!
[¢¡§ú love ya Thomas! ¢¡§ú]
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Sunday, March 4, 2007
hiii everyone! whats up?? nothing much here just being bored and tired since I just woke up. lol well Thomas did get to come over yesterday it was fun. he fell right on his ass when he slid through the house! lol [sorry Thomas but that was funny ^^''] and he had some kinda waterbottle fight. its really a mister and I sprayed it at him. lol annnd he danced to my mom's Taylor Hicks cd. lol we went for a walk and I was being blown away. it was fun though! lol I drew an awesome rose picture and I'll post it on here for ya. I think I did very well on it! =] oh as you can see I put a new song and quotes and whatnot on here. aren't they funnnnyy?? lol I hope ya like them!
ok well here is the pic!

well I hope you liked it! ok well I'm gonna be off cause I have nothing else to talk about. have a great day everyone!!! laterr
[¢¨ú I love you Thomas ¢¨ú]
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
heyy everyone. I'm really bored...rawr. lol its snowing again and I hate it! >.< rawr again. but my headache is gone and my leg feels better but it still hurts some. I dont know what I'm going to do today. I think Thomas is coming over. my mom hasn't decided yet. but I hope he can! YAY! lol well I gots a lot of homework for this weekend. I'ma be a study freak for my science test. but I'll fail. so why do I try? rawr...but yeah. lol alryt I think thats it. I shall talk to ya'lls laterrzz!! byee
[¢¨ú I love ya Thomas! ¢¨ú]
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Friday, March 2, 2007
CHING CHANG CHONG! lol thought that I'd be random! lol well I just ate dinner and it was gooood!! lol ok answer me this..AM I A MAGNET FOR INJURIES??!?!?!?! ok so I had a charlie horse the other morning getting up for school [a really bad cramp in my right calf] and it still hurts like hell! I cant even touch it. let alone cross my legs! lol gah I was ice creamm..ok I'll get some later. my 8th period class is better now.we dont have d-hall or anything, but we got a new seating chart. all the girls on one side and all the boys on the other. great isn't it? lol I think so. but we got our groups taken away, which I'm kinda happy becuz I hate brittany and so yeah! if any of you know who she is then you would know what I'm talking about. lol
life is getting more complicated each and every freakin day and I just want to crawl in a corner and die..I hate putting up with this world and whats in it. life sux ass and I'm getting sick of it....
I have a new poem. [I'm probably gonna write a new one tonight, maybe about dieing I dont know yet but heres my newest one!
Flying High
I stand at a cliff,
looking out,
to a world that I see,
I close my eyes,
and feel the distant breeze,
I open my eyes and spread my wings,
and jump into the wind,
flying high,
up in the sky,
not wanting to come down,
til my wings give out,
and I hit the ground,
until then I will fly high,
up in the sky,
staying strong and proud.
yup there it is! hope ya like it.
kk thats it I shall go now. bye.
[¢¾ I love you Thomas ¢¾]
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Thursday, March 1, 2007
heyy everyone! I just got home from a life of hell at school. [Im eating cheetos too! yay! xD] but yeah my 8th period is so fucked up! I hate it! xp ok so this guy talked back to a teacher and she sent him to the office and Mrs. Nanz came back and told us that if this happens again then the WHOLE class has to go to D-hall [lunch detention] or stay after school. why does the whole entire class have to if half of it wasnt in the fight in the first damn place?! rawr I hate my school, now I WANT to go to high school...rawr.
But on a brighter side:: Dime is still living! yayyy!! lol he's the best! I have art on monday since the 6 week switch then its to music. which I dont want to be in really. I remember the song we used to sing in 5th grade. Mr. Vineyard taught us how to sing porcupine pie. it was funny. lol I asked Mr.Brunnett about the printer and he gave me a name but I forgot it [with my stupid STML] but he said it was about &1,000 and I told me my mom and she yelled at me! jeez, I'm sorry for doing what I was supposed to..ok well I'm ok now. alryt I shall talk to ya'll laterr!!! byeee!!!
[♥ love ya Thomas! ♥]
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007
heyy everyone! today was ok. nothing really happened tho. and yeah that was my longest post yesterday but not really the longest. lol I have had a 4 or 5 paragraph post b4 so yeah! lol I finished my seires of DIVE and it was AWESOME!!! ook some books I reccomend:: DIVE 1,2&3 and The Fever. The Fever is a horror suspense book. its awesome! lol but yeah. the next book that I'm going to read is Impulse. thought that that would be a really good book. thanks to Thomas and James I'm beginning to read more. thats a good thing! oh and I learned a new word outta my DIVE book 3. it was more than 10 words I think and I forgot what it was. lol!
everything today was all good but I was in a shitty attitude but I'm not anymore so dont worry! I wont bite your head off! lol
I think thats it! I shall talk to ya'lls later!!!
[♥ love ya Thomas! ♥]
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
hello all! I just got home from BOWLING!!! weee!!! I got a 114,125, and a 143. I went up on all three and I'm happy about it too! yay! well at the end of the day today when Dallas, Holly and Thomas came in. I was like laughing the whole was hysterical! lol nothing really happened in school today other than someone ran into me and hurt me but thats ok. I'm fine. lol stupid Cody Stafford! yeah Sean Kisner was running after him and no wonder he was zooming down dat hallway! lol it looked like me and him. [he chased me becuz I wouldn't give him any of my skittles] rawr hes a BIG dinosaur! lol and I'm soooo happy cause I kinda understand science now. theres gonna be a test sometime next week or something. i dont know. probably fail once again! rawr I hate TESTS!!!!! >.< *breathes* ok I'm good. but yeah we had to run the pacer in gym today. the average laps for a girl was 23 but I only ran 14 I think. thats all I can do! lol then we had to do push-ups and I did 2 then quit becuz I cant push my fat self back up! lmao! so thats all that happened in school!
remember I told you my mom tore up the kitchen? well now the floor doesn't jump around so I'm happy with that. now if I run from a spider I wont break anything! [watch and see it happen!] but now shes working on the living room. oh what joy. I came home to my shelves on the floor along with other items that were on it. she was using the hammer. if she does then my stuff will fall. the last she did that she made my horse figurine hit me square in da head! 5 times thats happened! lol but yeah..
my birthday is in 23 days now and I hate the question "so what do you want?" I hate that! my mommys gonna give me money so that I can buy a new printer and set up my little business. what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take pictures at the pennings and sell them to people that I took the pictures of. for that I need a really good working printer that can actually print out nice photos. photography is gonna be my hobby along with underwater marine life. I love fishies!!! lol but what I want to be still is a Psychiatrist. I like to help people so why not be that? so yeah. thought that I'd throw that in as well!
ok well I think thats it for today! I shall PM people today if I recive them! and remember enjoy my song!!! lol love ya'll! laterr
[♥ love ya Thomas! ♥]
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Monday, February 26, 2007
heyy everyone! I'm so tired and I have a headache. school was ok. there was gonna be a fist fight in my 8th period though between Jesse and Evyn lol pretty funny. except for the fact that I was in the middle of it all. Thomas had some kind of callback on the play 'Annie'. I dunno whether it was a callback or not. but I didn't get to see him at the end of the day. but thats ok I'll talk to him later. lol he didnt have the greatest day at school either and I can see why. but anywho I have a new song on my syt as you can see its called Time to Dance by Panic! At The Disco its AWESOME! lol well I might be going to see Hannibal Rising with Thomas and no I'm not scared anymore. its just different types of horror that freak me out. I think it'll be cool! lol my mom wants to get it on DVD when it comes out. yay! lol
its so freaking cold in my house!! I woke up to her movie the refridgerator and putting stuff on the pooltable. and the first thing I said to myself was "what the fuck?!" and its still that way when I got home. right now I'm making chicken! yay! lol but now the oven thing broke the circut breaker. lol thats happened so many times. lol
kk I think thats it! I shall talk to ya'll laterr!!! byyyeee!!!!
[♥ love ya Thomas! ♥]
Jessii & Dime♥
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