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Sunday, February 25, 2007
HII everyone! first off I would like to spread the joy of my proudness of myself! I sat through a WHOLE horror movie WITHOUT crying. I did scream for some parts but that was ok. I didn't have nightmares either! so I'm happy! lol we watched Gothika. very good movie! loved it. lol well I just got home from DeAndruhs house. we had funn. my back hurts from the inflatable mattress tho. but I'll be ok. Dime says hi! as well. uhm thats it I think so I'm just gonna go now. so byee!!!
[♥ love ya Thomas! ♥]
Jessii & Dime♥
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
hello all! its early in da morning. and I'm bored! I hate it..I said I went to walmart yesterday and I did. I got school supplies and a fishy!its a betta fish [or chinese fighting fish] his name is Dime. but I cant have him around mirrors or he'll try to fight himself. lol I thought he was dead before and I was have a heartattack! lol but yeah heres his pic!

so what do ya think? cool no? well I have nothing else to talk about. butif you do feel free to PM me I'll be here!
[♥ love ya Thomas! ♥]
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Friday, February 23, 2007
heyy everyone. its kinda early in the morning. thought that I would post and get that outta the way :] I think we're going to walmart today. heh I need to. I need shampoo and conditioner! lol ok I dont wanna talk about walmart. thats boring. well anywho I made up some new poems and might be posting them on here. I dont know, what do you think?? I'm gonna post one of em today but thats it. oh and I put up a new layout! how do ya'll like it? I hope ya do! =] ok well I really have nothing else to talk about so I'm just gonna get outta here.
Under The Willow Tree
Sitting on the cold ground,
not making a sound,
as a tear rolled down my cheek,
under that willow tree,
there is a stone with writing on it,
in memory of a friend I had to let go,
so much pain,
and so much grief,
with as it falling,
a tiny leaf,
to the ground,
not even making one last sound.
so what do you think? hope ya like it! gotta go now. PM me if ya want! laterr
[Ⅵ love ya Thomas and I hope ya feel better! Ⅵ]
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Thursday, February 22, 2007
heyy everyone! sorry I'm so late posting today! ^^'' I went to lunch with my momma and my grandma and great grandpa! lol yay! lol today was ok. we didn't get our lunch table back tho. we had to sit somewhere else too, RAWR!!!! anywayz Im half way done with my 2nd book of DIVE. and today Thomas stayed home again. I missed him though! he is sick =[ *hugs the bear* i miss him and I hope he feels better! ^^ ok well I think thats it. ok well later peoples!!!
[¢取 love ya Thomas and I missed you again today! ¢取]
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
hi everyone!!!! well I have a headache again, but I'm ok now. at school today they had the window out in the cafeteria and it was cooolllld!!! and it made me mad because we had to sit with other people other than our friends. it sucked ass. but yeah, Thomas didn't come to school today, hmmmm wonder why...lol I know! but I'm not too sure if its right! I hope he comes to school tomorrow since we have no school on Friday. YAY!!!!! lol but I'ma be bored, but I'll be on here!! yay again! lol
I finished my book. its called Dive by:Gordon Korman. I'm on the second book now! yay! wow I say yay alot.
you wanna know whats really creepy? I wasn't hyper all the time today. lol weird, no? ok I think thats it. OH! and if you haven't already go check out my friend James's syt. its the Guv. kk laterr!!!!
[¢取 love ya Thomas and I missed you today! ¢取]
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
hello!!! just wanted to say that my friend James has a new otaku syt. its The Guv. he has some problems putting things on it so its not all done yet so bare with him. but I hope you sign his guestbook and talk to him like good little people! lol well I have nothing to talk about so I'll head on out. laterr ya'll! lol
[¢取 love ya Thomas ¢取]
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Monday, February 19, 2007
hi everyone! I just got home from school. it was all good. but one thing Halleujah for teachers liking me! [dunno if I spelled that right. lol xD] but yeah Mr.Vineyard is one of my favorite teachers and he just thanked me for being faithful! now I feel special! ^^ I'm happy. lol speaking about mr.v's class I feel on my ass today in there. I jumped 3 steps and my left foot slid out from under me sending my butt to the floor. I hit my head on the doorframe itself. my arm and hip hurts and my knee probably hurts from landing on it sideways. but I'm all right now!
one of my friends, JD, had an energy drink at lunch and I wanted it soooo bad!!! but when I said that everyone [including Thomas] said DONT GIVE IT TO HER!!!! lol it was funny but tomorrow he's gonna bring me one. lol I hope he does! but it depends on my mood if they give me energy or not. if I'm hyper then they will and if I'm not then they wont. lol so yeah I would have been bouncy off da walls in dat cafateria if he gave it to me. but Thomas says that I dont need one and that I dont get one tomorrow. so if JD did give me one then he would have taken it away. but if he did I would have fought him for it. and he knows that I probably would win. but he could put up a fight now that he has muscles. he was paranoid of me last year. lol it was funny but now he's used to me! yay!
today Thomas left early or something. he didn't come to the trailer with me, Holly, and Dallas. so I dunno where he is. *sniff* I didn't get a hug from him! but thats ok I'll get one tomorrow!
ok I think thats it so I'm just gonna get on outta here! PM me anytime! laterr
[¢取 love ya Thomas ¢取]
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
hey everyone! yesterday me and Thomas had a great time! Bridge to Terabithia was a good movie but the girl dies and it was sad...evertime me and him go to see a movie, its sad. weird huh? lol He got me a red and white bear to valentines day. its so cute! I named him Mr.PuffPuff. lol he smells like him too! yay! lol [yes he smells goood! lol]
well I just got home from eating dinner and shopping with my family. I just got a notebook and pencils. I got the notebook for some kind of random things that I make up in my spazmodic head of mine. lol I'm gonna put my poems in it too so yeah! lol
k I think thats it. PM me anybody I might be on here and I might not. I have no idea. I shall talk to someone! laterr
[¢取 I love you Thomas ¢取]
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Saturday, February 17, 2007
heyy everyone! its a little bit early in the morning. and I'm listening to Queen. lol we're singing those songs in choir and its pretty cool! well me and Thomas get to go on our date today. we cant go bowling but thats ok with me! we're going to go see Bridge to Terabithia. as long as I get to be with him I'm all good! lol but the scary thing about the movie is that mrs.Garlitz [our reading teacher] might be there. lol so yeah I dont know what I'ma do!
well yo' can see that I put a new song on here its called Bittersweet Symphony its an awesome song! I love it!
someone PM me if yo' want to, I'm bored. alright, later!
[¢“ú love ya Thomas! ¢“ú]
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Friday, February 16, 2007
hello everyone! today was fun. me and my friend Dallas made up new names and now we're gangsta friends! lol he was like 'just call me DP!' cause of he likes Dr.Pepper so I said why dont I just call you DayPay so he is now that name and so now he calls me JayJay. lol pretty cool and yes we're weird! lol
Tomorrow I get to go on that date with Thomas for Valentines day! yay!!! so happy *dances*
me and my friend Chimarah [thats her username] made up a story of what random stuff we said to each other and she made it into a story so here it is! prepare to be entertained!
One day on the planet Beelzebub 96, Punk Puffin and I, Chi, saw pink and red hearts jump while they recited the 10,000,000,000th digits of pi on a trapeze line. We walked on into the lollypop forest and stopped to rest. I brushed away some free flying hair when Punk Puffin pointed to purple and red puppies dancing the waltz while meowing the anthem. We looked at each other and shrugged. As long as they were just doing their thing, then we would be fine.
Not long after, they decided to try and eat us. But we busted out all psycho bitch on them and put some kung-fu upon their hides. After that encounter, we saw pink monkeys dancing on the moon tulips at their fingertips. And there were blue monkeys doing the tango with sticks coming out of their ears.
¢Y╳芋It must be some sort of mating dance!¢Y╳取 exclaimed Punk Puffin.
¢Y╳芋Yah your right,¢Y╳取 I sad, checking my guide to planet Beelzebub¢Y¯s weird and crazy animal behaviors.
But then the sticks detached from the monkeys¢Y¯ ears and starting making babies from tree. Then they attacked us with sporks! We ran as fast as we could to escape from their sporky badness because no one wants to be attacked with sporks! Anyway, after running around like chickens with our heads cut off, we saw the stick children go splody everywhere. Let me tell you, it was NOT a pretty site. After that, they came back together as Godzilla.
¢Y╳芋I¢Y¯ve had enough!¢Y╳取 said Punk Puffin, ¢Y╳芋I want to go home!¢Y╳取
So she grabbed me by the hand and we flew home to earth where you are now reading our story of utterly pointless value whatsoever and loosing IQ points from doing so! Moral of the story: Don¢Y¯t spit on llamas cuz they spit back! THE END!
there ya go! I be off now! laterr! *poofs out of a cloud of smoke*
[¢“ú love ya Thomas ¢“ú]
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