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myOtaku.com: Punk Puffin

Friday, March 9, 2007

HOLY SHIT!!! sorry but I'm so happy right now! we got our report cards back from school and I am FREAKIN HAPPY! heres what I got:

choir: A
heath: A
phys ed: A
english: B
wv studies: B
science: B
math: B
reading: B
basic math: A

but the real thing I want you to look at is my science. I had a C in that class and now I have a B!!!! I'm so happy that I cried! I'm serious! omg I love it! and when Mr.Skalican went by me I'm like "THANK YOU MR.SKALICAN!!!!" and he said what for and I said for my grade and he's whatever. rawr to him too. lol but I'm still so happy!!!! *jumps up and down and dances* omg! lol

ok well now that thats over and done with I shall tell you that my uncle Terry is here and is going to stay until Monday. I think its cool becuz I never get to see him. but I'm happy now =]

tomorrow is Melly's birfday partay, I think I'm going becuz I'm getting much much better. so yeah. but before that I'm going to some kind of auction at the 4-T arena. who knows whats going to be there. I'll just haveta find out! lol

kk thats it I think. PM me and I'll talk to ya! laterr!!
[˘¨ú I love you Thomas, and I'm sorry˘¨ú]


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