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horseback riding, chorcheting, drawing, writing poetry, and some reading, AND LOOKING AT SHINY THINGS!!!
horseback riding, photography, and being a smart-ass
Thursday, January 3, 2008
heya everyone, whats up? nothing much here just watching tv. School was good just very very boring.
you guyz should meet dale. hes awesome but he doesnt have an otaku =/ but me and him were talking last night about the snow, and so im a hibernating bear and hes a tundra yeti! lmao XD sorry i thought id share that with you guyz
we had a snow day yesterday and a 2 hour delay today. i love snow days but my ma tends to get on my nerves. we got in a fight because of brownies. and I call my mom, an juss because I didnt say one little part of a sentence she said to tell ma I get accused for not listening. which I was, why does everyone have to be up my butt all the friggin time?! rawr.
thats exactly why I like school. friends. all of them. its away from home. its the best! =D
my love life is not the best I still like to be single. I dont need a boy to make my life happy but it is nice to have a boyfriend to have once in a while. you know?
omg my friend Joey is such a are going to laff your ass off for about 20 minutes maybe lol well we ride 214 to go to the middle school so that we can catch 115 to go to the high school right? well, when we were in line to get on 115 he stuck his tongue on a flag pole...and puled it off, his mouth full of blood and some tongue on the flag pole XDD omg it was so funny! XP
but yeah I dont think theres anything else to talk about so I'ma go now! PM me, I'm really bored. lol
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