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myOtaku.com: punkrocksango

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Hey everybod I'm really hyper and if you message me I'll be sure to answer as soon as possible well have a great day later and If you have red hair (like me) Then don't dye it blonda (a chick in class did that and know she looks wierd) But if you do hey maybe it works Later and sorry about talking your ear off. LOL Later.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

   Swim Team
I lettered on Tuesday the 3rd of November!!!! I get my letterman jacket soon!!! :) Hmm well I'm writting a few new stories and sorta need pics for them so if anybody's willing to do request please contact me. LOL Anything new with you guys? High School's pretty cool went ot a football game today and all of swim team was practily there. They're all real cool though. LOL G2G I have to march for ROTC tomarrow at some Veterans parade. LOL later.
:) SANA :)

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Monday, July 24, 2006

Hey everybody I feel great Swim practice is finally over I have ten or 8 storied that I working on and there moving along pretty well. everything seems good except those morons who want to remind me that school starts soon *gags self with spoon* Oh sorry forgot you where here. Well if you'd like to read any of my stories go to www.animespiral.com and lookup Punk_Sango_ Chan13 if you can't find any stories by me then send me a message on this site nad I'll go fix it. K? Well Later and if you'd like to comment or anything please to. Got To Go Later have a good day.
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