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Jessica Kurosaki
I passed My 5th and 8th Grade SOL test
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| Puppydog5206
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
Help Me! Please
I relly need help! My friend and i the one i got into the arugument with is not talking to me any more. I have wrote her two friendship pomes and about 10 Letters saying i am sorry and she does is rippes them up and one she put her gum in and told one of my other friends to give it back to me. i mean i have tried everything to make her forgive me. I have a great day until i good to lunch. Before this big arugment we were plan on going to the Sping Ball it is something that my school does every year and now that i am not going she is happy that i am going. What kind of friens is she i mean i have said that i am sorry to so much that i am ready to give up. I mean she was like my sister but now it ius like i don't even knew her like that friendship that we had never existed. I am trying not to let it bother me/i have a picuer of me and her and i look at it and wounder will we ever be friends aging will that friendship we once had will it ever come back. It is like i am lost.I sitwith her at lunch and sometimes i leave and go to an other table. And she told 3 people to tell me that if i look at her in a worred way that she was going to rip out my thourt. Please someone anyone HelpmeI want to be her friend againg but she don't want to be mine. So help me to make her be my friend again Plaese.
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Monday, May 8, 2006
I am so so nervous / i need help
I can't believe it! The week is almost here. I have to take the SOL tests. I am so so so nervous. I am scared that i am going to fail. I hope that you guys will pray and wish me good luck becaues i am going to need it. Let me get off of this topic i am boring you to death with this test thing. This is all i have talked about for about two weeks now so let me change the topic.
While last Thursday my friend and i got into a big argument over this guy that she think i dated. To me dating is when a guy comes to your houes and pick you up and you go out to eat or go to a movies. Right! She kept on saying i went out with him but i tryed to tell her i didn't and then I told her to shut the F**k up. And now we are not talking. I need some ways to tell her i am sorry. So can you guys tell me some ways that i can tell her i am sorry. The only reason i said that is becaues i got so much pressure on me. My mom wants me to do good in school and on the test. My whole family wants me to pass my grade and that are pushing to. I am failing math class and my mom told me that i needed to pass math. My mom is kinda pushing me to do good in that class and on the Test amd one of my family members are sick and i am worried about him. So will you guys help me out here? please! I would really like it if you did
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Sping Break
Hey How is everyone? i am fine I have been studying for the Big Test coming up next month. I hope i do ok. So i hope you guys will Pray for me and wish me good luck becaues i am going to need it. So what have you guys been up 2? I how yuo will comment me on this i haven't had many comment lately. Well i have 2 go.
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
What's up
What's up guys i am sorry i have not posted anything on my site. I have been besy with school work and studying for my SOL test coming up my May I hope that all of you guys will pray for me. I hope i will pass so i can go to the 9th grade next year. I put two glittergraphics. ok Bye.

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Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy St. Patick Day
I would like to wish everyone a great St.Patick day. I hope you don't get pinched. I am adding 2 Glittergraphics. 2 will be of my favorite diseny princess.

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
My 2 Favorite Glittergaphics

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Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Me again
Inore what i just posted i didn't read it before i posted, Sorry.
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 you are kai upsensed(spelling?) you love kia and
would kill to keep him safe and by your side.
just to have a kiss from him is heaven to
you. This is just the quiz for you.
meet kai in a lost cause pt 4(redone) brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, March 3, 2006
I am sick
I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Happy that i didn't have eo go to school today Becaues i was sick. Man My head was killing me. I had a tempter of 100.2. So I stayed at home and sleeped and watched tv. But now i am felling better i will be able to go to school on monday. Well i have to go on tuesday and thursday becaues i have SOL test so i must go so i can pass so i can go to my next grade. well I have to go I hope to talk to u guys later ok Bye
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
My day
Sorry that I have not been on in a while. I have been besy doing school work. Ihave been studying for the SOL test i Have to tkake one next week. I have to take the writing part and the choice part i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nervous because if i don't pass the test i feail my grade and i don't want to faile do you know how broing it is sitting back in the same classes for another year. i can't believe that it is time for me to take SOL Test> i hope i pass i will need all of the luck i can get.
So please PRAY for me ok.Well i have to go bye
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