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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
My Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's day to everyone. How was your Valentine's day? My day was boring all i got was an stuffed animal and one small box of candy. I thoght that i would get a gife from one of my friends. But they didn't even get me a thing. I never get anything special. I felt kinda left out. Almost every one had an flower,stuffed animals,or candy. All i got was some candy and a stuffed animal. It has always been like that. I have ever had anyone special give me anything. So all day at school i saw teddy bears rosese,and boxes of candy. So it was kinda boring.
So i am the lonely fox. And please don't feel sorry for me becaues i am use to it.
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
What's up
Hey, how r u donig? I am sorry that i have not been online in a while but i have been besy with school work. How have you been? I have been moving stuff. I have not had time to get on line to type to u guys. Well i have also had a lot of homework. So i will try to get online and try to add more post. I have to go. bye
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Monday, January 23, 2006
My Pet

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Friday, January 20, 2006
Hey how r u guys doing? I am have a great day at school i had a sub for 2nd block today. How is your day today? I have to go to 2more blocks and lunch then i get to go home. But i will have a lot of work to do my mom sometimes makes me a list of things that i need to do over the weekend so i might get the online and type you if i get a chanes to. K. bey i will talk to you later
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
I am so happy
I am so happy becaues I don't have to go to school tommrow. On friday i passed my benchmark civcis test i got a B. I was the highest in my class. Well i think i did. But i thoguht i had failed it but i passed it My mom was so proud of me. I didn't have to dress out in gym class. Sat on the blechers and readed a book and I talked to some of my friends. I don't want to go to school on tuesday Becaues we get the rest of the Benchmark test scores I think i failed my math and my english and my science i hope i passed my science it was easy.
Well i will get back to you guys later bye
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
My day so far
Hey how r you doing? I am ok. My day has good so far. I dresses out and played in gym class. My first block we had to take a test this morring. We had 95 qustions. I think that i passed it. Then in 2nd block we when over a paper. So now i am in 4th block comptuer class. Next block I have big test it is the engilsh benchmark test. Then in 6th block we r going to strat a new chapter. We have to take down notes and find our voc words. And when i get home my mom is going to yell at me for something or make me clean the kitchen or make me fix 2 go bye type you later.
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Monday, January 9, 2006
Me Agian
Hey it is me agian my last post was nothing but something to make you laugh. It is not ment to hurt anyone. I let my friend read it and she got mad at me so i am posting this so you wont make fun of her. I posted so that i could make you guys laught. This just a big miss understanding amnd i hope that she will forgive me i have to go now.
Bye i wil talk to you guy later.
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Wild one/ Cazy one
Hey what's up, I am here to talk about my friend Kyoko-Kun agian. She is still crazy and wild. Now she is asking me for coffee and food all of the time. She has not staded me lately but things could change. She is sooooooo annoying she thinks that she is soooooooooo smart but she acts lke she is a 2 year old. Sometimes i gets on my nevers. Some days when I don't get very little sleep she want to pull my hair and takes my suff. I have o slap her just so i can get my work done. We had a porject do in 4th block she finshed her 3 pages before me she thought that she was soooooo smart. I had to slap her her so that i could finsh my work. I wish you could meet some of my other friends that are crazyer than she is. She also gets in one of her moods. Sometimes if sometimes does not work right she somethimes takes it out on me but i just go on doing my work Becaues i know that she is that crazy not me.
So this is the end of the 2nd post of my crazy/wild one friend.
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Friday, January 6, 2006
I hate school. I would rather be at home in my bed a sleep or on my comptuer. Insted I am at school learning. I could learn at home but my mom makes me get up at 5:30 in the moring just so I can get on the stupid bus. About that time on weekends I am still in the bed. I would love to get some snow so that I don't have to go to school.
Sometimes I hate school. I hate so of my teachers. I don't like my 3rd and my 5th block teachers. But my 1st 2nd 4th and 6th blocks are ok that are not as bad as 3rd and 5th block classes.
Well lonly have 5 mins laeve in this class. I have to go get ready for my 5th blcok class. So have great day i will type you guys later.
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Friday, December 9, 2005
about everything
I am sick and my mom made me go to school today. I wan't to stay at home. But mom told me i needed to get my leeson so i can grauaite from high school. i hate my life becaues i got grounded for getting to F's In pre-Algber and PE. Pe i got a F in Pe is becaues the teacher hates me and he hate everyone. so mt mom toke away mt internet i am at school typing this poss. My friend and i are sick we always get sock at the same time some times. My other friend want to play at the lunch talbe. I had to slap her becaues she when wild again. she is the crazy one/ wild one. There are someday i think i should have stayed at home. Also my other friend staded my with a forker today. Somedays she is grummpy and she wan't to kill me but i have to slap her so she will be happy she is weired. Somedays in the moring she is grummpy then in the afternoon she acts like a retare. I have to my sure that she does not get wore up for been to wild. so that is my day at school. I will type to you soon.
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