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Zach's Bitch ahahaha
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College and things.
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Four years old which is when I first saw Akira
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Higurashi (When They Cry), Nana, School Days, Devilman, Hoshi No Koe (Voices Of A Distant Star), Loveless, Gravitation, Boogiepop Phantom, Yami To Boushi No Hon Tabibito
To ensure the happiness and stability of our future. To possibly have a family one day.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Current Mood: tired Current Music: "Holy Thunder Force" Rhapsody and all the other songs by them that I don't know the names of...
Hi there people. I'm so tired right now. yawn. But hey it's gonna be ok once I get to sleep. Anyways what of your days?
I had a pretty all right day at school. Just this girl named Mary pissed me off because she Westley was annoying (which he is to other people. He loves to argue) I wanted to slap her. her boyfreind Josh is one of the most annoying people. He's nothing more than a bum. And stupid. He calls yu-gi-oh, yugimon. grrrrrrrrrrrr.
I was also called a goth wrist cutter. It pissed me off to no end. I was about to go take all my pent anger out on Megan. She started talking about crap she has no idea about, like wrist cutting and watching people die that are on drugs. I had to watch 2 people suffer through that and it's taught me how stupid drugs are. Anyways, I got the biggest compliement today! ^^ Jeff (my really really smart freind) said that I was one of the smartest people he knows! 0_0 He says he even has a hard time keeping up with me in a conversation. wow. Anyways here are some pics! ^^
Not the best ones keep in mine for they were taken with a webcam. huggle
xXx Westley's Kitten xXx

Westley!! so sexxy. Not the best picture though. maybe I can get a better one...

me mainly, but you can see Westly in the corner. It's the best part of the pic.
COMMENT!! Tell me what you think of him....and me....I look horrible in any pic though...
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Monday, April 25, 2005
Current Mood: pretty relieved. Current music: "Planet Hell" "Wishmaster" "Wanderlust" "Over the Hills" All by Nightiwsh
hahahaha I stole Rebecca's basic intro theme. mwhahahaha. so sorry I haven't been around this weekend. I was up at my parents and all because I had court today. I was afraid I was goinbg to jail, but after I explained everything to them, all they gave me was 16 hours community service. I guess thats better than going to jail. And anyways it means I get to help out people! ^^ Which I like to do a lot. Maybe (I hope) I can work in the orphanage or in a nurseing home. How has all been? I have a huge ass hickey on my neck, thanks to Sir. Westley. I hung out with him all weekend. I went to church with him Sunday. Their youth groups are gay as fucking cock. i was about to burst out laughing during the entire thing. Regular church was all right though. I talked a little to his freind's Ben and Seth. Seth is a big anime fan. He has over a 100 mangas! 0_0 Maybe I'll tell him about this site if he's intrested in makeing some new freind's or such. Guess how many GB entries I have? 191!! 0_0 And 1000 (over) visits! Thanks my commrades. The GB signatures mean nothing to me though for it seems as if all this site has become is a bogus popularity contest. All I care about is talking to my freinds and makeing some new ones here. Well, I had more to say, but yeah I'll leave you with some pics...By the way I saw "Warheart" CoB live. It was cooooooooooooOOOOLLLLL!!! Alexi is such a sexxy beast. But though I much prefer teh Westley. Another thing church, we got there earlier than most everyone. So what sat at outside at the tables. He spelled out words with rocks and I didn't know what they were at first, but looking closely they spelled "LOL, and ROFL" And I was all ROFL and he was LOL. yay! Love everyone. Love thy Westley.
xXx Westley's Kitten xXx

Alexi is the lead btw. Behold the greatness.

behold Tarja. For she is...meow. sexxiest woman ever.

now we all know teh Lynnsey needs the Kurt, but behold no good pictures of beloved Krist Novelisc! tragedy!
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
Maybe a new site layout....
Hey guys. Todays been ok. One of my really good freind's Sky went away to a Teen Crisis Center today during French after going to see the school psychologist. I hope she gets what ever will help her situation. I just hope they don't put her on medicine or anything. Medicine only made me feel worse, but it might have been something inside me that made it that way. I just hope she's gonna be ok. This morning she lent me her Nightmare Before X-mas dvd. I love that movie so much. I had to at least watch the first song befoe i got on. Westely doesn't like that movie. He thinks it's stupid. But yeah....guess thats one to check off the list to watch with him.... blargh. I'm kinda down right now. Just worried about Sky. Man....I worry too much. But Westely cheers me up. Espically by makeing me laugh. He drew this awesome picture of Jesus and the gang. They were rocking with BB King on sax. hahaha. Moses guitar is the best!!! It says "Thou Shall Rock" That would be such an awesome guitar. If I had a guitar like that I would mastrabate with it. hahahaha. If I had a PSP I would mastrabate with it. hahahaha my ps2 controller rules me. God I love Symphony X!!! I'm listening to them right now and god rad. so still I need to decide for GTK's contest and Westely thinks I should do Dance of Death, by Iron Maiden or a really funny song by CKY. The funniest thing about the song is Bam's expression in video though. He's all like "Why the fuck am I here" look and he just keeps playing....wonder if I could find the lyrics to it..... huggle! I love the Westely.....I just hope he loves me as much as I do him....he seems to get aggitated with me sometimes....but thats understandable. I'm just...complicated? Anyways how is all?
xXx Westely's Kitten xXx
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
the question mark is funny....hahahaheheheh
Hey guys. I tried to get to as many sites as humanely possible yesterday. I also had to check my mail as well. I stay in contact with my freind Twitchy that way and it's one of the few ways we can talk. >< But anyways how was the days of yours? Mine was pretty cool. Westely and I had a major blush thing in Science. We were talking about ionic bonds and the chick that I don't really like, pointed at us and said "Yeah like those two." Mrs. Farmer didn't even know we were dateing! ^0^ Kinda funny. But anyways we all had a good time blushing and crap...I could feel the blush....It was embaressing. Westely's face was blood red! I couldn't help, but laugh. Well, guys I need a good idea for a contest dearest GTK is running. It has to be based on a song. These are my chocies that I have thus far:
1. Roomservice-Panzerchrist
2. I Wish I had an Angel-Nightwish
3. Wish You Were Here-Incubus
4. Angels don't Kill-Children of Bodom
5. Nemo-Nightwish
6. Riddler-Nightwish
7. Fire-Symphony X
8. Heartshaped Box-Nirvana
9. Love Buzz-Nirvana
10. Stranger- A perfect Circle
11. Ring Around the Rosie
12. Marigold- Nirvana
13. Zomboid- Dir en Grey
14. Chaste Sin- Duel jewel
15. Silent Jealousy- X-Japan
16. Blue Blood- X-Japan
17. Forever Love-X-Japan
18. Alone I break-Korn
19. Breeding-hide-sama
20. some Rhapsody song I don't know the name of.
21. Hiru no Tsuki- Outlaw Star end
Well which one would you guys do? I would do Canibal Corpse *heart* But alas no more cds/music from them to listen to, do I have. Plus any inspiration that came from them was a bit too gorey for the site...
Anyways...I love you fuzzy lumberjack.
Enough of me.....what of you?
xXx Westely's Kitten xXx
ps. Thank you for the pic, Kuni!! You guys should go check it out for it is cool.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
I'm tired.....snore
Once again. I am a horrible freind. I never visit anyone anymore. Part of it is I never have the time, and I try to do 3 things at once....Another thing. Please respect my effing intelligence. I feel like a very idotic person when you say I don't think a lot. but I do think a lot. I think most of you can only see the outside shell. And when you say you think more than I makes me feel as if you are one of those goths who reach out for attention and all the 'boo-hoo the world is against me stuff' I know the world isn't against me. There are people who think a lot more than others. Then there are those who call themselves intellectuals, but are nothing more than so called blind prophets. The people I think that I know in real life that think the most are Jeff and Westely. Jeff is brillant and i hope someday he'll become the next Neitchez. I love all of you with everything I have but some of you really need to think a lot more about things before passing judgement upon others. I hate self pity. I hate pity. Maybe I should stop giveing it out to others when all they do is ask for more. There are those who truly desrve it. but they are idiotic morons who can do nothing but drool. None of you are them. I do feel sad for some of you though, for you truly have led the 'tragic' life. But just think. There is always someone out there who has it worse than you. Now. How have your days been? And to Tyrell. I am sorry our freindship is getting weaker. But hopefully we can keep in contact.... I really wanna call you and at least say hi. To Kuni. Yes a lot more survival horror games would be here. More Resident Evil with nude Jill scenes for all. I got my birthday crap yesterday. I got 3 mangas. Dark Water, Excel Saga Vol2, and Flesh for the Beast (which only has 1 manga section, but is the best thing that I bought thus far). I also got Trigun pins and Metal Gear Solid 1. Today was pretty cool. I hope i can talk to Westely tonight. He looked so cute today. He's always lil' Fuzzy-boo-boo. I spent almost all weekend with him ( the only bad part was going to church), but I watched him play Half Life Deathmatch and he was killing everyone. He won the game Sunday. I hope I can get a pic of us together (or at least one of him) up here for people to see. We also watched Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I got to see my favorite episode "Love Mummy" I love Frylock. He is the coolest....hmmm a possible aqua teen layout is in mind....I also watched samurai Chomploo, which I am dieing to see more of. Anyways...I love you Westely.
huggles to all along with the nude Jill scences.
xXx Westely's Kitten xXx
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
I miss my bed.
It's raining down here. Kinda bored. Talking to Westly, but he's not really responding. Probably busy. I'm cold right now. A little hungry. A little horny. But hey thats all natural. missing brad and Tyrell and Michelle. I had a pretty grand day at school. Talked a lot to Heather and Sky and Jeff and of course Westly. He's the best kisser ever. I love the way he looks after he kisses me too. Sometimes I wonder what he thinks while kissing me and all, but I wonder what people think; and what is there that the Kitten does not question. Right now I feel a little depressed. The mellow tones of Incubus are playing as now. Makes me wanna stand on top of my hill and stare up at the rain. I wish I could play guitar. I would go up the hill and strum on my guitar if I had one. But instead sometimes I go up there and sing, wondering if I jumped into one of the holes on the hill would it take me deeper into hell? I wonder if any of this reality. I don't know though, does anyone know if what they're liveing is reality. I mean the person beside you, might have been dreamed up by your imagination. I'm weird. I think waaaaay too much. I wonder if anyone really cares about anything or anyone in anymore. Maybe all of this, this whole life I've been liveing is something someone thought up dream fairy tale. But hey if it is, I'm enjoying it. I have faith that no matter what someone will be standing in the shadow of the corner of my mind. I also have faith in my little love bump. I love him and thank pogo sticks that he puts up with me. ^__^'''''''''' heheheheh love bump....what a great pet name. I think I'll call him now to tell him, so until next time we stand in the rain together I leave you with this survey I snagged from tyrell.
And oh yeah "Epic" is one of the best songs by Tsunami Bomb.
01. Who are you, what's our relationship?
02. How and where did we meet?
03. What's my middle name?
04. How long have you known me?
05. Tell me one good thing about myself?
06. When you first saw me, what was your impression?
07. My age?
08. Birthday?
09. My favorite band at the moment?
10. Color eyes?
11. Do I have any siblings?
12. Have you ever had a crush on me?
13. What's one of my favorite things to do?
14. Do you remember one of the first things I said to you?
15. Describe me in 3 words.
16. Name 5 things I love. ,
17. Do you think I'm good-looking?
18. How would you describe me to someone?
19. Would you ever date me?
20. Tell me one thing you've always wanted to say but never did.
21. What do you like most about me?
22. If we could spend a day together, what would we do?
23. Have we ever gotten in a fight?
24. Do you think we will be friends for at least three or four more years?
25. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
26. What do you think my weakness is?
27. Do you think I'll get married?
28. What makes me happy?
29. What makes me sad?
30. What reminds you of me?
31. If you could give me anything, what would it be?
32. When's the last time you saw me? .
33. Do you think our friendship is getting stonger, weaker, or staying the same?
34. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
35. Are you going to put this on your livejournal to see what I say about you?
36. If I were an ice cream flavor, which would I be and why?
37. What song (if any) reminds you of me?
38. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?
39. Would you make a move on me?
40. Do I cross your mind at least once daily?
41. This one I made myself. If I ruled the world, what do you think would become of you and the world itself..?
xXx Westly's Kitten xXx
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Forever Since Never
Hello Kittys. Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Just tired, school and busy.
So how are things with you guys? I need to think of something for GTK's song contest. I'm thinking of doing a fic based on "I wish I were an Angel" by Nightwish. I haven't got a good enough plot going yet though.
Things have been really great for me. I have the best boyfreind ever. I swear. He's sweet and funny, but aggresive at times. I always get up each morning with a smile on my face knowing that when I get to school I have him to see. Things are so nice and safe between us. We are at a good level of being, and it's so great to know that someone loves you with the equal fevor you love them. He's so adorable. I espically LOVE listening to him imitate this CKY thing.
"Kitty in Times Square. Kitty, Kitty get lonely there."
It's so cool. His freinds are pretty cool too. Today all I heard was imitations from Kindergarten Cop
" Dominque get down. "
He also wrote a song, called "Love Bump". It's really funny and has a lot to do with STDs and a bad case of pink eye. Maybe he'll let me borrow it so I can type it and let you guys here it. I don't know if it'll have the same effect unless he's reading it though. He's just the best ever. I love you Westly, my fuzzy pirate lumberjack. He also got me the BEST shirt ever given as a present or for that matter of all time and space contineum. It's Cowboy Bebop shirt and it's brown and has Spike pointing his barrel and all looking cool and it says "Bounty Hunter" The best part was he called me his Woman and it made me feel all loved and stuff.
I turned 16 Sunday and thank you for the gifts everyone! Unfourtunately I couldn't look at Hinaru's....the stupid account I'm useing has parental blocks.
Anyways Chris is good. He tried to hang himself on my birthday. But he has found a new girl (and boy am I glad he's not obsessing) Her name is Andrea and she put it bluntly like a goth dike. But hey it's all rad.
I'm also playing DDR Max 2. The Whistle Song is the holy shitt.
Anyways I am goading too much so I'll shut up and blend into the darkness of my site.
See ya Space Cowboy
You are the gayest Monster since gay came to gay town.~ Master Shake
xXx Westly's Kitten xXx ....well that is if he wants me to be....^//^
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Friday, April 8, 2005
Frikin sweet.
I'm so happy right now! *twirls* My fuzzy ninja might be getting to come over! The possiblity is almost positive! ^^ And we are cooking out and all that jazz. YES!! Westly is comeing over! I LOVE YOU MY FUZZY NINJA!! ^^ We are going to play ddr and other greatness. He also has Devil may Cry 3. So yeah! huggles to all! how were your days?
xXx Kitten xXx
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
agh the good days can out weigh the bad...
I am so effing tired right now. Westly and I have been talking a lot...we stayed up last night got one the phone at 8:45 and then got off at sometime after 2. He told me all these freaky ghost stories! >< They scared the crap out of me. And all them happened to his freinds and him. It was freky. Espically the one about the cursed doll. Because I love dolls, but I love them because they scare the crap out of me! ^^ My Fuzzy Ninja said he loved me today. I thought well it's a bit too soon, but hey I do love him, so whats the shame in saying it... But anyways, have any of you guys heard of ultimate Power? The ninja site? I am over obsessed with ninjas!! ^^ Westly read a lot of the site to me. It was so funny. Because every ninja had a wailing guitar. And it had "how to psyche up your dog" that was so freakin funny! ^^ He also gave me an explination of Christianity. It was hilarious because he said Jesus had the loudest most wailing guitar ever. so funny. And he's so sweet. I mean in his own ways. Just...god I'm so mushy. I have declared that I will have no more long distance relationships. Blah. I am listening to Incubus right now. I'm listening to Warning. Thats such an awesome song. Though all I have listened to lately is Nightwish and Iron Maiden. Also Children of Bodom and random themes....but well...thats all thats happened in my life basically. I really wished my scanner worked. My freind Jeffy wants an Ewok. Sky is....gettting better about her cutting problems. Heather is cool as ever. anyways laters and huggles! ^^
xXx Kitten xXx
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
I wish I has an Angel for one moment of love.
I love Nightwish. Well guess what everyone? I was single for 3 hours last night. Yeah. I did it. I broke it off with Chris. I know I'm a bitch. But well now i'm going out with someone else. His name is Westly. I know I've mentioned him before. Today was the best day of school I've had this year. i couldn't stop smileing and laughing. We have a class and lunch together! ^^ No, we didn't kiss or anything. Just hugged. We didn't hold hands ethier. But hey I really like him, so just being near him was all I wanted. Chris cried a lot. It hurt me so bad, because I didn't want to hurt him, but I really need some time apart from him. I hate hurting people. But I just talked to him and he got this chicks number so it seems all is going well for him ^^ I'm glad. He said she was heavy set and a freind of his x girlfreinds, Cassie. Chris and I are staying freinds, but thats all. I hope you guys are haveing a good one. Sorry I was away for yesterday. I was busy and depressed and then happy all over again. Well, thanks to smoothlady for the birtyhday card! ^^ *huggle* Anyways, my birthday is this weekend and I wanna go over to Westly's Saturday.....we are gonna watch Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Resvoir Dogs, Terminator 2 and maybe I can sit on his lap while he plays Half-life. I heart Half-Life. So frekin awesome. Well anyways I'm cutting this short. I just hope I'm not smothering him or getting on his nerves. He wore his sexxy orange hoody today and his CoB shirt. Huggles to all!
xXx Kitten xXx
I also got the Incubus "Morning After" cd from Heather today! ^^ And sky said westly was chubby and i bonked her on the head.
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