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Zach's Bitch ahahaha
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College and things.
Anime Fan Since
Four years old which is when I first saw Akira
Favorite Anime
Higurashi (When They Cry), Nana, School Days, Devilman, Hoshi No Koe (Voices Of A Distant Star), Loveless, Gravitation, Boogiepop Phantom, Yami To Boushi No Hon Tabibito
To ensure the happiness and stability of our future. To possibly have a family one day.
Reading, Website design, music, anime, fashion, artsy shit?
Friday, May 20, 2005
Current Mood: Happy and Hyper, Current Music: Riddler-Nightwish
*yawns and mews* Hello there...get the fuck out of my bed rofl. I'm a tired little kitten today. Well, actually my body just feels tired and like I got into a fight with the bed. I kept wakeing up last night, because of the storm that was down here and as well all know Kitten is just a bit afraid of storms when noone is in the bed with her. But I did have my Gir to protect me!! ^^ *huggles Gir plushie* I hope Westley is up sometime..I wanna talk to him (in person) because IMing is just not the same. He was watching some cool sounding movie last night called Verseus and was tired so he needed rest. Anyways my days been ok, tho, yesterday could have been better. I just felt like crap and cried a lot. grrrrrr...I have become such a cry baby!!! >< >< >< He said that I needed to stop complaining about everything and trying to make him feel guilty for stuff (I don't..or at least I didn't think I did, but maybe it's sub-concious) and he's right. So, for now, all you'll see is me happy!!! *dances* I'm going up to my parents and maybe, just daddy will let me rent a game...I want to rent Killzone or Outbreak File 2......or maybe God of War.
Hahahaha last night was funny too, because Amber (Luminae) and I were IMing and she was trying to send a me a pic of Vittioro's tattos and we tried everythign and nothing works!!!! ><
Anyways, I love you Westley and I'm sorry for being such a bitch. I don't desrve you and I hope you get to go to the mall and buy Guild Wars. Have fun with Andrew and all!! ^____^ Just don't forget to hide that stuff on your compy.
Hugggles to all!!! ^______^
xXx Westley's Kitten xXx
ps. Phil posed a ? yesterday that intrigued me to ask. If you guys met me in real life would you give me a hug?
remember I look like this:

it's a bad pic but it's the best I got. ><
a quiz I stole from Selena (Vicky to some of you)
src="" border="0" alt="lonely"> You are a dark girl. You have a really quiet and really a i dont' care attitude. You like to be alone and that is what you enjoy. You don't like to be around others and you'd rather be away from here. You have a get away from me look and others find you bitchy and self-rigious. You'd rather read than be at a fair but that's ok because that's who you are.
Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only brought to you by Quizilla
is that like me?
Well guys. this is it. I'm moveing back up to my mom and I won't be here for a all of you. I'll try and visit and post as much as possible. huggggggggggggle. If at all possible gimme phone #s....
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