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Student, single, and a net-head
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Yeah, sure. 
Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
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elementangel (10/06/05)
HI!! I love your site!! Cloud and Aeris are my favortive characters in FF7!! I'll add you as a frined, Hope you do the same!! ^_^
sand dragon 19 (10/05/05)
Nice site you have managed to come up with here. I relly like the Final Fantasy bg. Everyone is almost at the point to rip their eye sockets out to get it. Those who dont download it alteast. Anywho, Im going to add you for right now I will see you around
shadowofdeath13 (10/01/05)
Hey, I just thought I would drop by and say hi, since we seem to have a couple things in common. Anyways I'll probably see you on the O.B.
raquelpilar (09/29/05)
I add you as a friend, because I don't have anyone.... I'm brazilian, so I can't speak English very well^^ and I don't know how to use this, Could you help me, onegai???^^
yokokyou (09/29/05)
hi!!i really like your site!!the avi's awesome i love Ha'ri!!^_^ come by my site anytime k?ja ne!
GoodMonkey (09/26/05)
you got a very beautiful calm site here look's very nice come visit mine when you get the chance to
LiquidSilver (09/25/05)
Hey! nice site! lol, im brandi BTW and just stopping by ^_^;;
I like the BG, its very big.
so you saw hitchikers guide to the galexy? i havent, but my sister just read the books and told me about the whale part! it sounded terribly funny, so i cant wait to read the book and see the movie now -_-;;
well, i hope you dont mind if i add you!
ladysesshoumaru (09/24/05)
Hey I like your site. Lovin the b/g. I hope we can be come good friends I'm gonna add u as a friend K?
fuzzykittyniky (09/23/05)
I really like your Hatori avatar - I love fruits basket (Kyo, Yuki, & Momiji especially, but all the characters have their own special charm). I also love FMA - go Ed! If you read way ahead into the series (both of them) like I do, feel free to discuss them me through PM (or even if you haven't read ahead :P).
Adding you as a friend! Have a good time on Otaku.
tiggerola (09/23/05)
cute Hatori avi! I like Hatori, everytime I hear his story, I cry ;.; I wish I could be there to make him feel all better, and give him a hug...but that wouldn't be good ^_~
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