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Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
What do you think?
written at: 10:48 pm
listening to: Journey
CD: Generations
mood: could be better (bitchy)
I'm trying out a new style for my posts....hopefully it'll work, at least. -_- And show up fine.....
I've been sick for the past two days. I've got bad allergies and something else, but I'm miserable, so who really gives a crap what it is? I'm actually worse today than I was yesterday in some respects......I haven't gotten any friggin' work done at all. I'm kinda pissed about that.
Just wanted to say - I'll be leaving this in comments as well - that if you're among the people I visit regularly but don't visit me at all, then I'll take you off my friends list. Just so there's no surprises about that.....and I mean people who update regularly and things like that. Not people who aren't really on to begin with.
Oh god.........things are worse and worse. My dog is going to die any day. Know why? Because my goddamn grandmother keeps feeding him fucking food, when she KNOWS he's sick and he'll die if he gets people food!! There's a damn REASON we don't feed him table scraps! We're all pissed, but since she lies all the time (about everything) we can't do anything until we catch her. So my bro and I are doing our best to stalk her. And other things....I really don't want to talk about it. But it's all going to hell in a handbasket, and I'm at the end of my rope. My mom's letting me connect to the internet downstairs (directly into the phone line!) instead of making me use upstairs like I had to because a certain SOMEONE keeps sneaking behind me and reading my stuff - not to mention insulting. Passive-aggressive my ever-loving ASS. A nasty old woman in most respects, in my opnion. I say most because she still has some good points, but they're quickly being lost.
Enough of that. My friend slept over Friday, and doesn't even want to come back because of my grandma. She hates be hugged, and kept being hugged. She didn't even say good-bye to my parents because she was so desperate to escape.
AUAGHASD!!! I say I'm not going to talk about it, but it's EVERYWHERE!!!!!! I can't help it!! (screams)
That felt better. Actually, I can't literally scream because I've lost my voice, but it felt good in my mind. I got the Fushigi Yugi artbook on Friday. ^_^ It's friggin' GORGEOUS. Is there only one published in the US?? I'm confused....
I also bought the first two Genbu Kaiden manga - love 'em! And my dad got me another KHII guidebook - a normal one - because my bro has practically destroyed the collector's edition. -_- So he gets to use that, and I'll keep the good one in my room. Yeesh.
Well, nothing that great has happened. New manga and book, friend sleeping over, and that's really it. Still got a good relationship with my mom and bro going, and my dad's off and on. But he's getting more and more pissed at his mother as well - especially about the dog. Talk about fighting. >_< It sucks.......I honestly think there's more bad feeling, fighting, and tension in this house than in my whole life. And that's SERIOUS, because we have a fucked-up family. -_-
And for my group, the priest who was supposed to call me back in a week (by today) still hasn't. So I'm going to call the senior member again so she can go all psycho-Irish on his ass and kill him. ^_^ That'll be great.
Well, just wanted to see how you all were doing. No one's been back for a while, so I have a feeling it's time to clean out the list. Gotta go warn people........Also fixed font size. It's better, right? Thank YokoBandit and her site. ^_^ I'll give ya the URL if anyone wants it.
Talk to you all later. Hope you guys've been doing better than I've been. I haven't even written in a week....(cries)
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J Brione's site
written at: Hell if I know
listening to: Journey
CD: Generations
mood: not sure
Saw this on her site and am reposting it. ^_^
From a guys point of view:
We don't care if you talk to other guys.
We don't care if you're friends with other guys.
But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the
room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah,
it pisses us off.
It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even
acknowledging the fact that we're still there.
We don't care if a guy calls you, but at 2 in the morning we do get a little
concerned. Nothing is that important at 2 a.m. that it can't wait till the
Also, when we tell you you're pretty/ beautiful/ gorgeous/ cute/ stunning,
we freaking mean it.
Don't tell us we're wrong.
We'll stop trying to convince you.
The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence.
Yeah, you can quote me.
Don't be mad when we hold the door open.
Take Advantage of the mood im in.
We enjoy doing it.
It's expected.
Smile and say "thank you."
Kiss us when no one's watching.
If you kiss us when you know somebody's looking, we'll be more impressed.
You don't have to get dressed up for us.
If we're going out with you in the first place, you don't have to feel the
need to wear the shortest skirt you have or put on every kind of makeup
you own.
We like you for WHO you are and not WHAT you are.
honestly, i think a girl looks more beautiful when she's just in her pj's.
or my tshirt and boxers, not all dolled up
Don't take everything we say seriously.
Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. See the beauty in it.
Don't get angry easily.
Stop using magazines/media as your bible.
Don't talk about how hott Morris Chesnutt, Brad Pitt, or Jesse McCartny
is in front of us.
It's boring, and we don't care.
You have girlfriends for that.
Whatever happened to the word "handsome"/"beautiful"
I'd be utterly stunned by a girl who greeted me with "Hey
handsome!" instead of "Hey baby/ stud/ cutie/ sexy" or whatever else you
can think of.
on the other hand im not sayin i woulndnt like it ether ; )
Girls, I cannot stress this enough:
Someone who will honor your morals.
Someone who will make you smile when you're at your lowest.
Someone who will care for you even when you make mistakes.
Someone who will love you, no matter how bad you make them feel.
Someone who will stop what they're doing just to look you in the
eyes....and say "i love you" ...
Give the nice guys a chance
Guys repost this if you agree
Girls repost this if you think it's cute
Every Guy who isn't a jerk will agree with this, so we hope that all the
girls that read this will repost this
PG |
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Friday, May 19, 2006
Well, I finished up my geography for the year! I tried to work on religion, but I got pissed off WAAY too quick. -_-
Finished readin the prequel to "The Wheel of Time" series, by Robert Jordan. At 3 in the morning......but I HAD to know the ending! It's one of the few normal series I read now - I can't tolerate most stuff. I like manga. ^_^ I'm gonna try to get to the bookstore this weekend, especially since it's a sale! ^_~ Wish me luck!
Been getting LOADS of writing done. I've reached 17 chapters on my Fushigi Yugi fic, and I'm working on chapter 18 now. ^_^ My other FY fic reached 7 chapters......the current one is my record. ^_^ I love to write.....and twilightladystars has a profile on too! Know what's weird? I've never really seen Naruto on TV - a few episodes (though I'd like to try the manga) - but I've currently read two or three Naruto fics with Kakashi in 'em. ^_^' Ah well.
I'm planning on going to Teen Group Sunday and picking a fight with a bitch I know. She's bragging about going to Paris - well, my dad found out from her dad (our parents are friends) that she'll only be in Paris itself for about half-a-day - and the only reasons she's going is that it's some pilgrimage that's her parents' last attempt to stop her from being such a whore. >_< Whee!! Dad told her dad that she'll just corrupt all the kids. ^_^ And what's funny is all the OTHER kids are going because they've got problems too, so what makes her dad think they'll be such good company? And FORGET about chaperoning. So when she starts to brag about it on Sunday, I'll just tell it to her face. ^_^
"I understood that you'll only be in Paris for half-a-day, at most, and that you're only going because your parents are trying to stop you from being such a whore here."
Sound good? Still working on it, but you get the jist of it. I can't wait......(laughs evilly) I really, really hate her. REALLY.
A rainy, cool day out. Yea!! I hate humid days. Sunny is all right, but it gets so hot this time of month.....I melt! Okay, not really, but....I hate the heat. -_- At least, really hot. Indoor heating is fine - to a point - but I'm hot-blooded. I like it cold!! dad's the same way. And my mom........we can't figure out. One moment she'll be complaning about how hot it is, and next thing we know she's cranking the heat up with the windows open. O_o Go figure.
Well, haven't been up to much that would interest you guys. (I doubt this did...) Just school, writing, and the occasional evil planning. Oh yeah! My dad bought me the new Shinedown CD "Us and Them". Awesome. I highly reccomend it! And we're going to a Def Leppord/Journey concert in July.....Whee!! And at the end of June the Teen Group is going to Kings Dominion, and dad's taking a day off to drive. ^_^
We watched more Rurouni Kenshin last night. It's weird - I've seen the entire first season, and either the last of the second or beginning of the third, but we're currently working our way through the second season box set, and I haven't seen any of the episodes. I just saw the one where he had to kill his master.....the guy doesn't really die, right? >_< That sucked - me and my dad were pissed off. >:( KILL!!!!!
Ah well. I'll stop for now and see you all later. I'm trying to visit all your sites, so forgive me if I don't get around to it! ^_^' So much......oi. Hey, anyone seen Mel Brooks' movies? "Robin Hood: Men in Tights"? "History of the World: Part I"? "Spaceballs;" "Blazing Saddles"? C'MON, people! They're friggin' HILARIOUS! In "History of the World: Part I," the Inquisition part is my bro and I fav scene. We have the song memorized! Sad, no?
Hey, my friend just called and said she can come over today! ^_^ I don't know if she's sleeping over....probably. Hey, wait, I was supposed to be finished by now! -_-' Whatever.
Okay, NOW I'm done! I'll catch you guys when I can!
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Monday, May 15, 2006
Well, I went to the wedding Saturday with my parents. Wow - it was amazing. NO, I didn't cry!! But it was the biggest wedding I've ever been too....oh my god! It was just awesome. ^_^
The only thing I didn't like was that at the reception, when everyone started dancing - I was the only teenage girl (or girl...) sitting at a table not being asked to dance. AND with her parents. -_- Not that I don't like my parents, but that's not the point, ya know? It's that my parents are always telling me how pretty I am and that guys are always superficial. But if they're so superificial and I'm so pretty, how come they don't pay attention to me? See what I'm saying?
Ah well - they're all dipwads and I'd rather not have anything to do with the bastards anyway. I have no respect for guys in general, to be honest. I don't hate them - I just don't have use for most of their species. I do have guy friends, though!
Not much else happened. My pastor stil hasn't visited a woman in a nursing home we visit, who's been asking to see him for two months now. I'm fed up. ^_^ So I called an older member of my group - a little old Irish lady who's SCARY when she's pissed. And once I explained the situation to her....she's pissed. ^_^ I can't wait. I bet he gets his ass in gear once she whales on him. I respect him as a priest on the altar, but as man he could rot somewhere in a ditch for all I care.
Finished one religion test for the quarter. Whoot! I actually like it this year, and this quarter especially - it's just really interesting. ^_^ So it's not all bad.
I've decided I'm not going to talk about my father or grandmother, because I'll just get pissed and start yelling at you guys. Of course, if I need to blow steam off, expect a REALLY long and bitchy post. I think I average about one a week....unless it's a bad week..........I think. I duuno.
Still can't upload the damn pics. I'm getting a bit pissed at this point. -_- Ah well. Got some more writing done. If ya like fanfiction or are interested in it, click on my website. It'll take ya there. ^_~ Talk about shameless self-promotion.
Well, that's about it for now. I'll talk to you all later!
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
Hey there! The PM system is still messed up, of course. -_- But I messaged twilightladystar a few days ago, and it seemed I dunno.
Anyway, haven't done much. Caught up on sleep, got some school done, and brainstorming with a pal on fanfiction. I really do love to write. ^_^
It's a rainy day here, but I like rainy days. I just don't like it so HUMID, which it is.....-_- We were finally able to close the windows, but ealier I was coming up the stairs from the basement, and halfway up the banister was all sticky and stuff. THAT'S bad. -_- Ah well.
Going to a wedding Saturday. I'm looking forward to it - hardly get to go anywhere to being with where I get to dress up, and big stuff NEVER. I admit - I like jeans and T-shirts, but I do enjoy getting to dress up every once in a while, ya know? So that'll be fun.
Eh.......more fighting. Whee.......I'm just ignoring it, that's all. That's why I like computers better than people 99.99% of the time, ya know? Urk.
My dad got the new Godsmack CD - I like it. Also got Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory - now I have that and the enhanced Meteora CD. I think I like Hybrid a little better, though. ^_^' I have an odd system of getting CD's - I'll listen to songs I like, and then find out what band or CD it's on, and get it. So a few nights ago, I went on Amazon and made a list of the bands and their CD's that I want to get eventually - so now when I go out and can get one, I know what I want to get, ya know? ^_^
My B-day's next month - oh boy! June 19 - my guy friend's is May 19. Weird! We think it's creepy. ^_^ So I'm exactly a year and one month older than he is. But I'm shorter than any of my friends, at 5'3". My bro's almost six feet, and he's only thirteen! Good gosh! Oh well - at least I can wear heels. ^_^ I'm never wearing flats around my friends again, though. Shorty.....yeesh, I popped him one.
I'm kinda just babbling so I can tune out the arguing, ya know? So just ignore it all if ya want.
Hey, anyone else having problems reading my text? I thought it was just my comp, but maybe it's the site somehow. If so, I'll find a code to make it "bigger" and return it to normal size. At least.....I'll try it! ^_^
Like the Otaku pride banner? It's from lordsesshomaru's site. I like stuff like that, ya know?
I keep typing like Chichiri - blame the fanfictions! Writing Tasuki's lines are rubbing off on me too - I keep having to remember to write 'you' instead of 'ya' and stuff like that. -_- I'm so weird.
Yea, what a fun family.
Anyway, I beat another side quest in Shadow Hearts III - now I have all four fusions. That disappointed me. At least with Yuri in the first two games, you got a whole load of fusions and abilities to choose from. I mean, I think these are really cool looking and powerful (La Sirene is my fav) but I like having a whole lot to gain and fight with, ya know? Oh well.
KHII does feel like it's dumbed down a little in some ways - the worlds feel like little side-quests instead of WORLDS to me. But the synthesizing (sp....) and Drive system is pretty cool, ya know? So, it's got its ups and downs. At least the Shadow Hearts series retains it's level of skill, ya know? If not getting a little harder in certain areas....^_^' I can't play them without a guide, or else I'm screwed. I haven't even beaten the first Shadow Hearts because I keep getting lost and dying.......I need to go on Gamefaqs and find a guide, ya know? I mean, I know the ending and all since I played the second one, but it's the PRINCIPLE of the thing!! THE PRINCIPLE!!!!!!!
There, I'm fine. Relatively. ^_^
Wow....this was just supposed to be a short note! Yeesh....I'll shut up now. Lemme know about the font and all! And if anyone has any suggestions for my wallpaper (which still won't work) lemme know! And I don't have photobucket or anything, so don't even go there.......
See ya later! I'll try to check all your sites, too - I go on the ones who've updated that day, so if I miss a day, it's cause I didn't get on or whatever. ^_^
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Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Well, I got to spend more time with my dad these last two days. I get the feeling he's making more of an effort, since mom had a 'talk' with him about how my bro and I feel.
Last night we watched more Rurouni Kenshin - we have the second season box set, but never started it. I've seen the entire first season, the end of the second, and nothing in-between or after, I think. So it's all new to watch. ^_^ And today I went on Shadow Hearts III and Kingdom Hearts II - talk about a gaming spurt! But it was nice, ya know?
Got my hair done today, and a shirt for the skirt I bought for the wedding. My piano teacher's sister is getting married Saturday, and we're all going. So now I'm all set for it! Bring it on! (grrrr....) Nah, I think I'm going to have fun.
Can you tell I'm in a good mood? I guess it shows through my typing, but I really am. Grandma's still getting on our nerves, but I get the feeling she's making an effort with mom since dad had a talk with HER. Geez, they're all lecturing each other, and my bro and I are scot-free! Whoot! ^_^
Didn't get any work done, but it was worth it to finish shopping and get my hair done. My mom got hers done too - we always get it done together. (I'm homeschooled, remember?!) Ah well, tomorrow's another day....with lots of laundry. I'm in charge of laundry for me, my bro, and mom, and I also have to do extra since I have to wash my new stuff.... -_- Eh, whaddya gonna do about it? I'll live. ^_^
Otaku still won't let me upload my wallpapers - it's still showing that I need to select a damn wallpaper to be uploaded!! >_< I don't understand.....if worse comes to worse, I'll figure a way to post 'em on my LJ account and you guys can check 'em out there. How's that sound? I mean, it doesn't bother me too bad, but I enjoyed making them, and I thought most of 'em turned out good...... -_- So it's kinda annoying. Has Oktaku ever done anything like that to you guys? If so, tell me how (if) ya fixed it, please!
I'm plowing ahead on my writing - already brainstorming ideas for two (or three...) more stories, since the main one is coming close to a grand finale. It's both a relief and sad to finish a story, ya know? Especially one that I've worked on as hard as this one.....whew! Fifteen chapters and still counting! My goal is to reach twenty - a new record! Wish me luck!
Hmm.....not much else to say. Haven't done much, and just finished reporting in. ^_^ I'll see you guys all later, and thanks for cheering me up with your comments - especially EM and SI.
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
Stupid Otaku!!
My AC wallpapers won't get uploaded for the submitting thing! It says "You must choose your wallpaper to be uploaded." Well, what the hell does that mean?!?! I'm becoming pissed off, because I worked hard on those stupid things! 15 of them, I did! FIFTEEN!!!!! ARGH!!!
There, THAT'S outta my system.....
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Saturday, May 6, 2006
Crappy, crappy week
That says it all.
My dad hasn't talked to me or checked on what I've been up to (i.e. piano or school) like he used to in months. My mom is going ballistic with my lying grandmother (dad's mom), and I'm getting pissed off because MOM is the on having to apologize to grandma!!!! (mumble) It really pisses me off - and my brother and I have noticed that mom seems to be trying to make up for dad not talking to us anymore. Who woulda thought we'd MISS her yelling at us? But we least dad talks and brags about my brother. It seems recently that according to my grandmother and dad, I don't even have talent to waste. You know, that REALLY hurts my feelings.
I feel like it's a divorce - ya know, with one parent trying to do both roles and making up for one parent leaving. That's what I feel like, and it really, really, really sucks ass. REALLY sucks ass. My brother and I are giving it a day or so before mom really lays it down to dad - who deserves it. Grandma's making mom cry, and what does dad say? "Oh, she's just too emotional." "She'll get used to it." Get used to it yourself, asshole. I'm through with dealing with this shit. I'm going to lay off on THEM in a day or two!!!
My dad doesn't watch anime with me, talk to me, ask me how I'm doing, or anything we used to do. Last night he came downstairs (I sleep in the basement) and I thought he was actually there to talk to ME, and what does he say? "I just came down for something, that's all." And then he has the nerve to come down a little later and wants to watch anime. Oh, NOW he wants to watch it, when it's conveinant for HIM?! After he ignores me when I try to talk to him?! BullSHIT!
That felt better......I'm going to Teen Group to start a fight tomorrow just to get out some of this damn tension. My friend's taking me. ^_^
Well, I hope everyone's having a better life than I am at this point. See ya later.
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Saturday, April 29, 2006
Has anyone else been unable to log onto Otaku for a few days? I wasn't able to - Otaku and fanfiction were BOTH not working, for whatever reason! I don't know if ff is working, but at least Otaku finally is. -_-
Haven't done much. I was trying to get to the bookstore this weekend, but that isn't going to happen, since my mom's going to a quilt show all day tomorrow with my dad. Ah well.....
I feel all back to normal for the most part - just a little stiff, but that's almost all gone too. I played more Shadow Hearts III - I'm kicking ass. ^_^ And I only have three more episodes of Virus Buster Serge left! Yea!
My best friend is still on vacation in Ohio, so I'm waiting to see when she's coming back.
Short post, I know, but not much to say. I'll see ya all later!
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
I'm just putting this here so I can remember once I get to my own comp to check out the wallpaper....blood reign
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