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Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
What does everyone think? I changed the background and the pics for Chichiri and Tasuki - think it looks good? Are you even able to see it? ^_^
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I feel a little better - it's all over my body now, but not nearly as painful. Urgh.....
I went to the ear doctor on Tuesday, and I'm actually trying out an amplifier for my left ear! (I'm deaf in right, mildly deaf in left.) It's so cool - I'm hearing things I didn't hear before! So we're returning the test on Monday, and I think I might get a permanent one. Sweet. ^_^
Aw....I was gonna say something and I forgot.....oh yeah! I'm glad my button and banner are finally showing up again - I decided to check it today, and voila! They worked! Boy, was I surprised......
Not much to say. Been getting pissed off at my history book, but what else is new? I hope things have all been going good for you guys, ya know? See ya later!
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Monday, April 24, 2006
Guess what..........
I went to the doctor today, since the pain is not only still here, but has spread down my right leg now as well. So, after going through ER records and looking at how I am now, there's really only one thing that makes sense.
I've been bitten by a Black Widow Spider.
Now, there are numerous bad things about that. No, I won't die! But - it had to have been in bed, since I WOKE UP with it, which means the spider was in bed with me.........and I have SEVERE arachnaphobia. -_-
Two - I will continue to be in pain for at least another three days, as the venom spreads through my body and affects the entire area. Yea. At least that means I get more Lortab - another form of Vicoden.
Three - The pain will slowly lesson as it spreads, but it will seem like MORE pain since it'll be in more places.
But my mom apologized for not letting me have the Lortab on Sunday when the doctor began to say that the first 24 hours of being bittin by a BWS is agonizing, excruciating pain - I can testify to that. So she apologized in front of the doctor to me, and he emphasized to let me have the Lortab when I need it, because I'll be in pain for the end of the week at least. He doesn't want me constantly at it, since there's a chance of getting addicted, but he says he doesn't think I will be, and I shouldn't need it after three days anyway. So at least she's not going to give me trouble about letting me get my pain pills, ya know? Whew, because I'm still in serious pain, even after taking one a few hours ago.....-_-
I don't like taking much anyway, because I hate feeling doped up. But my dad went down and stripped my bed (even though there's no chance it'll still be there, it was for my peace of mind) and shook stuff out, so that's done, at least. And the exterminator's going to come tomorrow to spray down the basement THOROUGHLY. But mom asked how we could prevent me from getting bitten again, and he said "Move to Mars." >_< Basically I'm screwed. But at least next time I'll know - though I pray there isn't one!!
So, I can't believe it was a Black Widow. God, they HURT. I have a new respect for the little bastards, even though I'll kill one if I get a chance. So now you know I wasn't exaggerating. ^_^ But god, I hope I never have to go through that again. It's one of those things you have to experiance to understand how much pain I was in - and still am. But I'm feeling SLIGHTLY better, so.....I dunno.
Other than that, I still managed to get some work done. I had to cancel my piano lesson for tomorrow, though, because there's no way in hell I can use the pedal or play the keys decently in this condition. Damn it, I hate feeling like an invalid. -_-
I hope you guys all had a good day!
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
I have never been in such pain as I am now. But I should start at the beginning.........
I woke up Friday afternoon, and there was this red mark on my arm, like someone slapped me. My forearm was tender to the touch, but I just assumed I slept on it funny. As the day went on, the pain got worse, and when I went to bed it was all up into my elbow. So, I woke up yesterday, and I couldn't move my right arm. -_- My dad took me to the ER at 1pm, where the doctors had (and still don't have) a friggin' clue what the hell is wrong with me. My right arm swelled up really bad, and the pain started to spread down my back and around my neck, and down my other arm. Then it started to feel cold - like when there's no blood circulation, ya know? So they sent me to another hospital to have an ultrasound on my arm to check for a blood clot. That was at 6pm.
So, we get up there, and wait SOME MORE. To sum it up, the blood clot's not there, they shot me up with stuff to take the swelling down, and they don't have a clue what's the matter with me. So they gave me.......not Vociden, but something that begins with an 'L' and is basically the same to take. So, I spent 10 straight hours in two ERs consecutively, not getting home until almost 12 that night. Good God.
The thing is, when the pain progresses, it doesn't go gradually - it jumps. Like, one moment my left arm was fine, and the next I couldn't move that either.
So, I woke up this morning and my arm was a little better, but still really stiff. I get up, eat, take a shower, all that, and as I'm lifting my leg to put my shoe on - my right thigh locks up. I think "Oh shit" and try again, hoping it's just something normal. But nope - now my right let is in extreme pain whenever I move it. My mom didn't want me taking the meds the doctor gave me because it's a derevative of opimium, but my dad said to take it because of the pain. I mean, he was with me all yesterday and saw how bad it was. It was BAD. So it dulls it a little bit, but I can't move that much anymore.
But I took a cane and made it out to Borders to get the last four vols of Fushigi Yugi, as well as the last vol of Imadoki. ^_^ You should've seen me limping around - I'm pretty good with that cane! So I took some of the meds around 6, but I'm still really sore. I can't put any weight on my leg or else is spasms and goes out underneath me.
You know what hurt worse? They had to draw blood for tests, and they couldn't hit the vein on the first try. >_< That FUCKING HURT! Oh my god........I sucked it up pretty well, though. But that's the worst pain I've ever felt, even more than my arms. And they wonder why I hate needles now....-_-
That's why I wasn't on yesterday - I spent my Saturday in the ER. I'm supposed to check in with my doctor tomorrow to let himi know what's up, but they don't have a clue what happened to me. (Or is happening.) The best they can think of is the B-19 strain of the pavrovirus (I think I spelled that right...), but I'm not displaying the right symptons other than the pain. And it can last months, according to what I found on WebMD.
And my STUPID FAMILY!! My dad, who's been through a lot of surgeries, understands what I mean when I say I don't want to deal with the pain, but my mom, grandma, and even my aunt (in NJ....) all say I shouldn't take the drug. So, I'm supposed to sit in pain instead? Screw them - they seem to think I'll be addicted once I take it. So much for my integrity, huh? Frigging......I'm still pretty pissed. I was in serious pain and my own mother won't let me take anything for it. What does she say? "Motrin". Good god, Motrin doesn't even work for my fucking menstrual cramps - what the hell does she think it's going to do for THIS, whatever the hell it is?!!?
I'm sorry - I'm just really in pain and extremely frustrated. I hate being like this - I feel like a cripple - and the doctors can't figure out what to do for me about anything. It hurts to type, but I wanted to let you all know what's going on. right arm spasmed again. It seems to be moving down my body - at this rate I'll be paralyzed in two days. -_- Whee....I wonder if she'll let me take pain pills then, ya think?
Well, I hope everyone had a better weekend than I did, though I think that's to be taken for obvious, duh. I did manage to watch some more Virus Buster Serge with my dad tonight, at least, and I'm going to read the last vol of Fushigi Yugi later too. My next goal is to get the "Art of Fushigi Yugi" book. Can you imagine how awesome that is? And on Tuesday I get to get Advent Children and vol. 9 of Tsubasa, too! ^_^
Ow.....I have to stop now before it gets any worse. Damn, it really hurts! I'll see you all later.....
I just wanted to add that if ANYONE tells me to suck it up, you'll piss me off enough that I'll take you off my friend's list. Unless this has happened, you have no idea what kind of pain I'm in, so you're not in a position to criticise, especially since this is the only place I can complain about it and not get yelled at about how I'm exaggerating and it's all in my head. (SHE wasn't there to see my damn arms swelled up twice there size......)
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Saturday, April 22, 2006
Otaku Boards?
Since the PM system is basically officially dead for now, who has an OB account? Mine's linked up, and I know 1nOnlyCloud's account. If anyone else has one, link it up to ya site or leave it here, and we can all talk on there instead. -_-
It's past one in the morning.....gosh, I'm not going to sleep any time soon. Hopefully I'll be able to get the rest of the Fushigi Yugi series tomorrow, as well as the last Imadoki manga. ^_^ My Borders store is holding vol. 15 for me, and the girl thinks they have the other three vols as well. YES!
My friend on gave me the URL to read the novel about Tasuki - now I've read both Chichiri and Tasuki!! They're really the only ones I wanted to read, and you have no idea how happy I am to be able to read Tasuki's after trying to find it for so long. Yipee!
I'm trying to look for a Chinese name for my current story...damn, I'm looking for a specific meaning and I can't find it. What is WITH this?!?! I'll triumph in the end, watch me!
Wow, I'm kinda psycho this late.....well, more than usual. I'll get off before I hurt myself (Ow! Too late!) and let you guys go too. Talk to ya later!
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Friday, April 21, 2006
Well, the PM system is still screwed up - what a surprise there, right? Who wants to take bets on how long it takes for them to fix it? Huh, huh?? I would be willing to have them put uploading stuff on hold just to fix this damn system error, ya know?
Anyways, haven't been up to much. Played some Shadow Hearts III tonight. I'm basically enjoying my vacation week to the fullest. ^_^ I'm hoping to get vol. 15 of Fughigi Yugi this weekend, since vol 18 just came out. My store has 14, 16, 17, 18, but no 15!! So I have up to 14 at this point.....-_- My next goal is to get the Genbu Kaiden ones. Are the novels translated into print yet, or not?? For some reason, I don't think they are........I hope they are one day! I also want to get the last volume of Imadoki - I love Yu Watase's stuff. I want to try to get all of it one day, ya know? (Writing Fushigi Yugi fanfiction with Tasuki and Chichiri has affected my typing in reality as well!! Ack!) Anyone have any good manga suggestions? I'm getting the next vols of Tsubasa and XXXHolic as soon as they're released, and I'm thinking of getting Naruto. Oh, so many mangas, and not able to get a whole load at one time........sometimes. Every once in a while my dad treats me. ^_^
We're waiting to get the Escaflowne box set and Full Metal Panic one as well - we have the Escaflowne movie, but decided to wait for the box set. And we bought the first volume of FMP to see if we'd like it, and now we're just going to get the box set and trade the first vol in. ^_^ We still have Virus Buster Serge, Fushigi Yugi (the end of vol 3 and all of vol 4), the second Saint Seiya box set, and Bastard to watch! Eek! Well, I'll be busy for a while....especially trying to fit games in around them!
My friend's going to Ohio for a visit with her relatives, so I might go to Teen Group Sunday night (she leaves Sunday) and cause some trouble, in her honor. ^_^ I've behaved myself for a while - time to go start a fight and get thrown out!
*spoilers for Samurai Champloo ahead!*
I FINALLY got to watch the final episode of Samurai Champloo two nights ago. I missed a bunch of episodes the first time around, so I've been waching 'em again on Adult Swim. (Thank gosh for repeats in this case!) Good ending! I was a little sad, because I wanted 'em to stay together, but it kinda suggested they'd find each other again, ya know? But BOY, was I freaking out! I was sure they were all gonna die! I was thinking "Okay, fine, screw getting this on DVD!" But it's all good. ^_^
*spoilers over*
Sorry bout that. Had to get it out of my system, for those who don't know the ending yet.
I've had a lot of chocolate today........which would explain my behavior somewhat.
I'm going to my piano teacher's sister's wedding in about two-three weeks - and I don't have anything to wear!! Oh God...........I seriously don't. I have a black formal dress and a black skirt, but I don't want to wear black to a WEDDING! Especially one in the spring, ya know? It just.........doesn't seem appropriate. So I'm going to try for something new. I need a whole new wardrobe anyway, since I out-shrunk my clothing. (I lost more weight over the winter. Yea me!!) My dad knows this, so at least it won't be a shock. Maybe this weekend or the next.........but I'm in "that time of month", so this weekend might not be that great, since I get moody and also bloat - not horrendously, but enough that the right clothes aren't going to fit me, ya know? Girls'll get that part.
I haven't posted really anything lately - nothin's been going on. Wait, I said that already. Ah well.....I've been trying to stop by people's sites when you guys update, so if I don't get around to it, I'll try my best to drop in later. ^_^ Please stop by mine too, if ya can, since we can't message for a while.
Catch ya all later. Have a good Friday!
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
PM again
Stopped by 1nOnlyCloud's site again and saw on a comment that the PM system is being discussed on the boards. So now I stopped by there - you all should too! I'm still planning on the online petition, though, so if any of you want to, let's do it sometime tonight if we can. The more the merrier, so try to spread the word!
I'll stop in later for a normal post, I promise. See ya!
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Monday, April 17, 2006
PM system
After seeing comments on 1nOnlyCloud's site, I've realized how widespread this error in the PM system is! So, this is my input on the damn problem:
Let's all email Adam and ask him to do something about it! If everyone does, I'm sure they'll realize EVERYONE's having trouble with it, not just a few people. It'd be like an online petition! (Or I'll just write your usernames down without, I won't! Really!)
If you see this and want to do it as well, leave a comment (no PM for obvious reasons....) and let me know. Hopefully we can get enough people! Tell all your friends about it and spread the word!
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy Easter!
Hey all! Just bored, so felt like dropping a line and letting everyone know I was thinking about you. Bored - there's never anything much to do around here on Easter. I was on my game with my dad (finally) and after about two minutes my mom guilted him into getting off, so I'm kinda pissed off about that. I haven't been on in weeks!
Ah well. Happy Easter and hope ya all have a good one!
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
Too much allergy medicine...........
Whew, I'm wiped. I finished up my English for the 3rd qrt today - making me done for the quarter! WOOT! So I'm taking next week off starting tomorrow. (Yeah, try and figure that out. I dare ya!)
Went up to the mall today. Picked up the new volume of Fruits Basket, as well as 2-4 of Imadoki. Pretty strange series so far. Our friend got us the Saint Seiya second box set, so we got that, as well as our pre-ordered Narnia and vols. 3 and 4 of Fushigi Yugi. I haven't watched any though - I don't have anyone to watch anime with much anymore............My dad's playing with my bro on Halo, and my mom and grandma don't like anime. And it's no fun watching it by myself.
I realized today that I don't talk much to my dad anymore. I mean, we used to be real close, and talk all the time, one-on-one, and just mess around in general, ya know? But since my grandma's been down, he really just talks to her and mom, and plays games with my bro - we've only watched anime twice in the past month, I think. That kinda depresses's a lonely feeling, to be honest. I miss not being able to talk to my dad alone and stuff like that. I'm not saying I dislike my grandma!! I don't even think of blaming her! I'm just saying.....I'm a little lonely. My one friend is so busy having to babysit her siblings all the time, and I don't have my meeting next week. I just want someone to hang out with and talk to............geez, I'm just Miss Sunshine, aren't I? -_- I can't help it, though. I don't like people, but the ones I do like, I love to talk to. Deep down, I'm a social person with people I love - I just don't like to let that on, ya know? Then where would I be?! Screwed like I am now, I guess. But this is really an outlet, because I can't TELL anyone this stuff, of course! Ah, damn, now I'm whining..........some days I guess I just get tired of it, ya know? And I'm a little aggravated, because the woman who I was babysitting for hasn't called me back after I left a message two weeks ago AFTER I haven't heard from her in almost two months. So I have no freakin' job, and I can't find one for the life of me. I like to get things done on my own, and not wait around for people to do 'em for me. And my dad promised he'd help me get my license by June (my B-day), in.......late January, and I haven't been out driving once. And obviously, I can't do THAT on my own. Good gosh, I'm a little dissapointed and pissed at the same time. My mom doesn't even WANT me driving (she seems to think I'll kill us all, thanks a lot. I didn't hit that fence!) so she's no friggin' help.
Wow, I really am complaining today, huh? Ah well, I guess I just need to vent. It gets all pent up, and then it goes KA-BLOOIE!!!!!!
And then I go nuts.
I'll quit bothering you all with all this shit now.
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