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Student, single, and a net-head
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Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Well, I finished watching episode 9 of Fushigi Yugi tonight - yea for Chichiri!! I hope Tasuki comes in this DVD, but I'm not sure....
Worked a whole freakin lot on my English - trying to finish it up before this week is out. Yeah, right. -_- Ah well, what can ya do? I'll do my best, though!
Finished my second FMA fic - a Havoc/OC one. ^_^ And now I'm concentrating on my second FY fic - Tasuki/OC. That'll almost definitely go up to 10 chapters, at least! If you couldn't tell, I'm in a good mood. I love when I get lots of writing done like today - AND my inbox seems to be working again! I got two PMs today - that came today!! A miracle!!
Well, today went well for me. Tomorrow'll be another story, but we'll see! Catch ya all later!
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Just a note for now, guys, about my dang inbox. I just got a message from Katsuji from 2/14/06 - and I didn't get it until today. -_- I have NO idea what the heck is wrong with it, but I'm gonna see if I can go fix it. But if you message me and I don't respond within a day, leave a comment on my posts letting me know and I'll try to find the dang thing.
Is this happening to any of you guys? This has been going for a while now.......
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
I'm loved!!
Yea!! Thanks, Sigizi and GoodMonkey, for commenting on that last post. It makes me feel so much better, it really does! ^_^ I get lonely sometimes.....
Anyways, took a ride down to the anime store with my dad and friend. WHOO!! Picked up the second season box set for Rurouni Kenshin, the first vol. of Fullmetal Panic, the Bastard DVD (it says complete collection, but I don't know if it's the entire thing or not....), the 27&28 (I think) vols of Inuyasha, and the first two vols of Fushigi Yugi!! I'm especially happy about FY, because I've been waiting to get the box set for so LONG, thinking it was cheaper. But the woman told me for this series, it's CHEAPER!! So I could've been getting one or so at a time all this time, and instead I was waiting around!!!! So my dad was nice and let me get two vols. I think it's great there's 7 episodes on one, and 6 on the other. Unlike Inuyasha, where's there's only 3. That's so stupid.......
But I had an AWESOME time! I've only been to Suncoast, so that anime store was like....whoa, what a rush. So much freaking anime!! AND all that manga! (drools.....) But I think I want to keep getting my manga from Waldenbooks, since I have a Borders card and all the coupons and stuff...makes more sense. But the second box set of Saint Seiya is out next guess what I'm getting! Dad 'n I'll just take the single DVDs we bought back and get credit, that's all. I'm totally happy about FY, and Dad's all pumped for Saint Seiya. Hehehehehehe...........
I just had a really, really good day - and I'm so happy about FINALLY being able to get FY!! (I know, I've said it like four times already.....) Needless to say, I got like NOTHING else done today. Our friend hung out for about five hours when he drove us back, and then I ate some dinner - and now I'm on here!
Well, like Sigizi said, I'll make an effort and continue to make an effort to check your sites all out when I can, and just ask you do the same! I'll talk to ya all soon!
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Saturday, April 8, 2006
No one comes to visit my site anymore! What happened?? Did I offend you guys, or what?!!?
Ah well.......didn't do anything today 'cept go to church - something I haven't done in months. Definitly going to the anime place tomorrow - our friend's picking us up around 11am, so that's cool. Wrote some, and going to write some more now, in fact.......pretty bored. Don't have anything to do on Saturdays. I don't watch the Inuyasha BECAUSE: when they took it off on Saturdays, I didn't know they had moved it to the weekdays, so I missed a WHOLE lot of episodes, and then they switched it to Saturday and I didn't know! So I'm just gonna catch up with DVDs - screw that. Been recording episodes of Samurai Champloo - they're finally on episodes I haven't seen, so I can't wait till Monday (yes, I really said that)!
I guess I'll catch ya all later.
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Friday, April 7, 2006
Know what I noticed?? My guestbook comment numbers keep going down. First I had 137, now 133. What the heck??
Anyways, FINALLY started watching "Virus Buster Serge" - got the box set, and made it through the first two episodes. Strange character designs and a weird plot, but pretty good! The outfits remind me of Voltron...-_- I can't wait to get that (Voltron) on DVD!! ^_^ Anyone else remember that series? Wow...that was WAY before I knew what anime was!!
Also watched "Memoirs of a Geisha". Boy, that was a LOT better than I expected! I mean, I knew it was going to be good, but....WOW!! It totally blew me away. For those who haven't seen it yet, it's really a good movie. And surprisingly, one of the cleanest I've seen in a LONG time. It'll be a while before I watch a movie that beats this. I mean, there were....lemme scene that showed the backs, two scenes that led up to sex, but showed absolutely nothing, and one that suggested it. My dad and I were surprised, but happily so. It was a really nice movie!! The ending was happy, too. No one else in the house wanted to watch it with me....-_- But my dad decided to. ^_^
Anyways, pretty boring normal day. Gotta go to confession tomorrow (I'm Catholic), 'cause I havne't been in a LONG time. And during Easter we're supposed to receive Communion, so I probably should go. ^_^ For five minutes I'll be good. Wait, make that two....or...nevermind. I can't win. Ah well. But seriously, all joking aside, for those who aren't Catholic or don't really know anything about us, confession is an important part of our religion, just so ya know. So now I'm probably gonna get struck by lightening or something.....-_- Yea.
Well, going to the anime store on Sunday - almost definitely. Yes!! I've been waiting to go for weeks, but something always seems to pop up. Not THIS weekend!!
I'll catch ya all later. Does anyone even READ my site anymore?!?!!? I've been making an effort to read all your posts and comment on most, but it doesn't seem to have an effect. T_T I've been abandoned!..............................
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Today was a much better day! Managed to get plenty of schoolwork done (yea!!) and my dad gave me the Hurt and HIM CDs - he got to listen to 'em first. Hey, has anyone heard of Hurt? They're a pretty new band, but really good. I actually know the father of the lead singer and stuff. ^_^ I think that's pretty awesome.
Didn't do much. Watched "The Legend of Crystania", a movie-seqeul to the Record of Lodoss War series. It was pretty good - really graphic violence! Awright!! (evil laughter) Gotta have the gore....My goal is to watch "Memoirs of a Geisha" before the weekend's over. That's my movie, so I'll probably end up watching it by myself. But this Sunday I think I'm going down with Dad and our friend Brian to an anime store - it sells nothing but anime, manga, and anime products. Sweeeeeeet..............I can't wait! We've been trying to go for a while, but it never seems to work out. But this weekend should........
I'll let ya all go. Talk to ya later! (If anyone even comes by anymore 'cept for EM.)
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Damn, today started out pretty good. And then it got crappy. My GOSH, what a crappy day! I'd really rather not even get into it - just think "stalker", "threaten", "phone". There, ya good?
I'm pretty bored - I don't even feel like writing. Some days I get like that - I want to read other people's stories, and not work on my own. But I DID work on one, though!! I think I feel like that 'cause I had to work on a book analysis for lit - man, do I hate lit. Anyways, I hate having to analyze characters in books I don't even like! The book's "Babbit" by Sinclair Lewis. Gosh, what a stupid me, at least.
Aw, I'm in kinda a crappy mood. If I write I'm just gonna piss myself off. I'll see you all later!
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Sunday, April 2, 2006
From Conmanu
This is something he just posted on his site, and I had to copy it here!!
Body: Here are a few things to think about that you probably have never thought about;
Can you cry under water?
How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
Why do you have to "put your two cents in".. . but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going to?
Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity?
Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
What disease did cured ham actually have?
How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?
Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?
If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?
Why are you IN a movie, but you're ON TV?
Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you naked anyway.
Why is "bra" singular and "panties" plural
Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?
If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a stupid song about him?
Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane?
If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?
Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?
Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!
If Wiley E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME crap, why didn't he just buy dinner?
If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from?
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?
Why did you just try singing the two songs above?
Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride; he sticks his head out the window?
Do you ever wonder why you gave me your e-mail address in the first place ?
Of course, I didn't give out my email, so the last one goes right over my head. But whatever. They're funny!
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Well, my second wallpaper has finally been accepted!! It's an Inuyasha one - Sesshomaru.
Went to the mall today. Got my mom a book and Capote, while I got Memoirs of a Geisha, Castle in the Sky, the movie sequel to Record of Lodoss War, and the Virus boxset. ^_^ Then I got the next four vols of Fushigi Yugi - I now have up to 14! And the first vol. of Imodoki, by Yu Watase. I love her style of writing and drawing. Also picked up the Faktion CD, as well as the first Hurt CD (I know the guy's dad!) and a HIM CD. Man, I made out....but the Hurt and HIM CDs are really my dad's - Faktion's mine. And the anime is both of ours, so really just the manga is mine. I let my bro read it, but we've agreed it's mine. ^_^ And I got Kingdom Hearts II!!!!!! And the collector's edition sg - with two books. It's totally awesome - I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet, though. My bro's on Fable: The Lost Chapters, that he got today. My grandma loved the ride and walking around the mall - she got to meet our friend that works in Suncoast.
I'm busy taking all the new quizzes - I love 'em! What can I say?
I can't wait for the Escaflowne boxset to come out later this month - we already preordered Narnia. ^_^'
Nothing's really been going on. I'm pissed off because we have TiVo, and I recorded the last FMA episode since I wasn't able to watch it. So, my dad and bro got to see it, and I finally got a chance to watch it last night, right? Well, my mom DELETED the damn recording!! For me, it's a matter of principle - I had to see the last episode! So I'm pretty po'ed right now about it. I found out a one in the morning, too. Hey, you'd be mad too!
I hope everyone's been doing fine! I'll be checking up periodically - things have actually settled down pretty fast. I guess since my grandma's been down to visit once before, it's not totally strange to have her around. Anyways, I'll catch ya all later!
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Saturday, April 1, 2006
I'm back!
I don't think anybody missed me, though.......T_T
Well, we came back down last night instead of today - we rolled in past 3 am......good gosh. I slept almost till 2:30 this afternoon. I was up all day yesterday working with dad, and even coffee wasn't enough to keep me up until we got home. I was conking out when we pulled in! But my grandma's down here now, and we're all getting settled back in. My dad's taking the truck and tow back now, and everything's unloaded and either here or in storage. Nice......
I went through the day I left and deleted a bunch of people from my friends list. If I'm not on their list, then I took 'em off. I really should delete people who don't message me or check my site, but I'm a softie. So as long as I'm on your fl, you're on mine. ^_^
Obviously, I didn't do ANYTHING. I don't think I'll be for a while, either. Ah well, I just wanted to pop in and let you guys know I'm back early. Talk to ya later.
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