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Student, single, and a net-head
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Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
See ya!
I'm just sayin' bye for now. I'm leaving this afternoon for Jersey and I won't be back until Saturday sometime. And since my grandma has to get settled in and all that, I'm not sure WHEN I'll be back on! -_- Feel free to message still - I'll try to be back as soon as I can, just to drop in and let anyone who actually reads this know how I'm doing.
Catch ya later!
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Monday, March 27, 2006
Well, the darned thing works! At least, when I used my USB mem card on my mom's comp, which is what I'm on now. If I have to, I'll just keep using that instead of directly uploading files from my docs. Wheeee!!! So now another story is complete. Happy, happy days!
My mom's trying to get my dad to give up our Amazon parrot that we've had for......lesee...maybe ten years? Give or take, I'm not sure. At least six, since we moved almsot six years ago. Anyway, dad said he was considering it, and I didn't say anything. (This is just a few minutes ago.) He asked "Aren't you talking to me?" I said, "I won't be if you give her away. I wont't talk to either of you." He said, "Would you really be upset that much?" I didn't say anything, and he said he won't give her away. Good. If mom wants to get rid of animals, we can start with her damn cats. Not that I don't like the cats, but it goes two ways. If she wants to get rid of our animals, we'll get rid of hers. That's how I look at it. Eric (my little bro) and I agreed on that fact.
So I feel a lot better. I really would be pissed if they got rid of her, believe me. Dad's gonna try to teach me how to handle her (if she lets me - she doesn't like kids, but since I'm older now she might behave better instead of taking a piece outta my finger), so someone will play with her. She loves mom, and mom knows it, but mom won't take her out at all. She just says "It's your bird." Dad gets really pissed and tells her he'd rather the bird ignore him than be ignored and start plucking. But she won't do it. As far as I can tell, it's a sore spot for whatever reason. But dad loves his birds.
Whew, I feel better for that rant. This was just supposed to be a note!! Oh well. I'll probably drop (another) note in tonight. I won't be here.......Thursday to at least Sunday night. I'm going up with my dad to move my grandma down. We'll be coming back Saturday afternoon, and Sunday will be all hectic I know (the whole damn WEEK'll be hectic, who'm I kidding?!) so I'll be absent for a while.
Talk to ya later!
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I really, REALLY hate this line.
Just a quickie - get your minds out of the gutter!! Can anyone see my banner or the button for my site? Neither are showing up all of a sudden, so I don't know if it's just my crazy comp or not.
I have no idea whether my site is working again or not - I'm afraid to try it. I'll just create a new damn profile, that's all. But what a pain in the ass'll it'll be....oh, PLEASE let it work!!!!!! I'll let you all know how it goes tonight.
See ya then!
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
My darn fanfiction site isn't working for the second day in a row. It won't let me upload any freaking files, and it's pissing me off! >:( It usually doesn't continue past a few hours, so it's really annoying......
On a happier note, I'm plowing through Shadow Hearts III. Whew! And then with KHII comin' out, I'm gonna be busier than heck. With school too, of course. And my grandma is moving down this Saturday - I'm going up with Dad Thursday afternoon, we're loading up Friday, and leaving Saturday afternoon. Sweet. It'll be so weird with her down here, it really will!!
Haven't been up to much. Suncoast was bought by FYE, and now most of their special orders aren't going to come through. Pre-ordered releases like Advent Children are fine (thank GOD!!), but we had ordered the next three vols of Saint Seiya, and now we can't get 'em........My dad's really pissed off. ^_^' So haven't gotten new anime for a while. I've been re-reading a lot of my manga, though, and working on some more stories.
Man, I swear I'm gonna send out a mass PM or something to all of you, 'cause I haven't really heard from anyone in weeks now! So lonely.....but I know you guys all have important stuff, so no biggie. Just drop a line when ya can - I hate messaging people 'cause I don't want to bug them or make 'em feel I'm being pushy or something like that. But that's just me, I know......
So, nothin's been up with me. I'll catch ya all later! Hope you guys had a good weekend!
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Huh?? you can see it again. I'm SO freakin' confused! Ah well, one day I'll be my computer! Right now the score is:
Sad, I know.
Now I have Sugar Ray in my head. Never heard of them? Don't worry, they're from the late 90's. I'm multi-tasking now and uploading another chapter to my Fushigi Yugi story as I type this post - impressed? If you're not, come here so I can slap you!
For those of you who were disturbed by my friend's post a few days ago - so was I. Let's just leave it at that, please.
Nothing's really been going on. School and writing, and I played Shadow Hearts III for a while tonight. Hmm.....had a piano lesson, which went pretty darn well. Updated my poor neglectd LJ account, which is about freakin' time! But I digress....
We bought the new Harry Potter movie but still haven't watched it - my bro and I saw it in theaters, so I don't really care either way. We watched.....uhm......damn, I forgot! Urgh. Ah, yes! We watched "The Last Unicorn". Oh god, please don't laugh! It was more nostalgic than anything, so don't even say it. Not as corny as I had feared, though.....
I picked up the next three vols. of FY this weekend, so I have up to 11 or 10, I forget. I'm up to where Amiboshi is about to fight Tomo in the desert. Also got Case Closed 10 for my bro, but I read it too. It's interesting, and kind of sadistic how they kill people off. Cool........
Still got it in my head.......
Well, I'll check out for now. Catch you all later!
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To upload a pic from my Paint program onto a site. The only blogs I have are this and LJ, so don't suggest somewhere else. It's a reference pic for a story I have............

It worked! Sorry it's so big......and don't laugh! I did my least know I know what to do.....heheheheheheh!!!!!!
Darn, now you don't see it......I'm never going to get it on! I don't understand how to work do you get a pic from your own files onto a site?? I don't have myspace or whatever - just these two things....
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Friday, March 17, 2006
Meet Noelle - On Allergy Meds
Yo, it's me. You all know my best friend I keep talking about. Well, it's Noelle - and she's on allergy meds! And you all know what that means! So I'm going to let her type whatever she wants on my blog today.
It's all a lie.
Hello everyone, this is NOELLE. Caitlin's best friend. (Hint: I'm the smart one.) Well, I'm on allergy meds and when that happens I get really hyper and freaky -- SO BE PREPARED!!!! -- Please note that whatever I say is just be being weird, I'm not really this perverted so anyways...
Hello, I like to call myself Henry! I eat pickled bananas ALL day long!!!! Caitlin and I also like to moleste her stuffed animals. Hee hee. If you don't say, "Chocolate horses on a tampon right now I'll kiss you until you turn purple and then I shall shoot you with a Barbie doll!!!! Muwhahahahaha!!!
Thank you, that is all. - Noelle
Oh. My. Dear. Sweet. God.
In heaven.
I have absolutely nothing to say to that.
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Hey there! My dad and bro went to NJ Weds. night and they won't be back until Sunday night, so me 'n my mom've been hanging out around the house. We went food shopping today and all we bought was junk food, to be honest. Whee!!!
My friend's sleeping over tonight, so I'm really looking forward to it. I went to one of my mom's quilting group-things last night. It was okay, but kinda boring. They all liked me, though. But parents always do......^_~
Did I say I finished Chrono Crusade? Yeah, I did.....okay.........I've been playing Shadow Hearts III some more. I love that game! I'm trying to beat it before KHII comes out the end of this month. (laughs crazily) Think I can do it? Dya, dya, huh, huh??
Sorry, I had my first Twinkie in like three years, so I'm a little strange. Well, moreso than usual.
I had really bad dreams last night - I haven't had any in a long time, and then last night I got so freaked out when I woke up I ran upstairs as soon as possible. And Mom said she had bad dreams too....we went out for dinner and both had cheescake.....hmmm.....mine had strawberries on it. Who knows?
My mom 'n I've been watching the first season of "The Simple Life". I swear to God I don't watch shows like that, but we were bored one night and decided to laugh at it. Laugh we did....and the reunion episode was last night, to our pleasent surprise. Man, they're such a's so funny! But I can never tell anyone I watch it.....
Wait a sec.
I'll talk to ya all later. Where's everyone gotten to, anyway??
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
I'm not typing here anymore!!
Anyway, my dad and I watched the entire box set of Chrno Crusade last night - well, starting in the afternoon and working our way down the line. I loved it, and then I cried at the end!! I sucked. But I guess I can see how it's happy, since they died together and all, but.....darn it! I'm choked up again! Aaahh........well, it was good, but I don't know if I'll watch it again.
Also got Spirited Away, but haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I haven't had a chance to type, either! I got Shadow Hearts III - awesome game! I've been playing that loads. Finished watching Records of Lodoss War - that's a good one, too. Nice, happy ending. ^_^ I finished moving all the furniture and stuff into the room downstairs, so this week I'll finish clearing out the upstairs room, since dad's going to NJ this weekend. My dad hooked up a stero system in the room downstairs, though. SWEET!!
Other than the anime, haven't done anything worth mentioning. I'm gonna go see if I can type anything before I decide to head off to bed....which won't be for a while, I know. Ah, well.
Talk to ya all later! Hope you had a good weekend!
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Thursday, March 9, 2006
I hate this bar......
Well, talk about a good week! I finally moved into the room in the basement, and got a full-sized bed as well! (I had a twin.) I've been wanting one for years! So that in itself was awesome.
My dad and I are watching "The Record of Lodoss War" and we're into the third DVD (out of 4) now. We watched "Howl's Moving Castle" the night before and "Whisper of the Heart" last night - "Whisper" was okay, but "Howl's" is definitly the best one out of them! I can't really place my thoughts on it - it's just a really good movie! My friend is (hopefully) sleeping over this weekend, and I'm planning on watching it again with her.
Friday I'm going up to the mall, and picking up Shadow Hearts III (my game), and hopefully the Chrono Crusade box set and Saint Seiya vl. 9 and 10. Wheee!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait! I know what I'm doing this weekend...........
I've been getting a little work done this week, but only today. Hey, moving everything in my room downstairs is hard, especially when no one's helping me out! My dad moved most of my furniture, but I'm waiting for him to move my bookcase down so I can put my books back on it - I moved them downstairs, so I have stacks of school and regular books piled on the floor - and for him to help me pack away a bunch of stuff I don't want in the room. Right now I've got the bed (duh), desk, and my mom's old dresser with the mirror reattached to it. I'm getting a wardrobe eventually, since I have no closet. (laughs crazily) So due to all of this, I haven't even gone on the internet for three days! Yeesh.........And I haven't gotten a lot of writing, either. Oh well, next week it'll go back to normal. Works for me!!
So, I hope you guys have all been doing good. I haven't heard from anyone in weeks, except Chibi Duo!! If ya feel like dropping a line, go ahead - I want someone to talk to, but I know you're all busy, so I hate bothering you guys. ^_^'
See ya all later!
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