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Student, single, and a net-head
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Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
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Friday, March 3, 2006
*insert evil laughter here*
Well, whatever it did, it worked! So what do ya think of my new site?
Ack! My battery's running low! Gotta make this quick......(deep breath)
Well, went to the mall and picked up vl. 6 and 7 of Fushigi Yugi - yeah!! Also got vl. 6 (DVD) of Saint Seiya, and the box set of Record of Lodoss War. Haven't watched either, but read the manga.
Didn't do much else. Finished an English test on "The Ballad of the White Horse". Good book - read it! Got some writing done, and waiting for a person to respond to a beta request.
Hope you all had a good day! Hope ya like my site - tell me whatcha think!
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Thursday, March 2, 2006
Damn site!
I'm trying to change the theme for my site - new pics, new bg and colors, the works - and nothing will work!! I messaged one of the admins about it, so hopefully it'll work out. Tell me if anything looks different to you guys, because nothing at all has changed on my computer - which is running fine! I tried lots of times to change the site, but it resets itself. This is the first time it's done this, so I don't know what the heck is wrong with it. -_-
Ah well. Damn thing - worse comes to worse I'll have to delete this profile and make a new one, that's all.
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Whew! It's been a while.......
Well, my dad and I just finished watched the entire series of RaXephon. Damn! It was so complicated.....I'm still not sure I get the ending entirely! I still think Ceres is the best one yet, but RaXephon was definitely well-done and VERY intense! Whew!!
I haven't been up to much. (I always say that!) I'm working on stories as well as school, and going up to the mall to pick up the 6th vol. of Saint Seiya. Dad and I can't wait till another box set! Hopefully I can get more manga - I'm going for Fushigi Yugi now. ^_^ And the Chrono Crusade box set - that or the FY one. Wish me luck, because they NEVER have them!! They're always just sold out! That sucks, let me tell you.
Hmmm......let me think.......I kinda just wanted to check up on you guys. Oh! My grandma is definitly moving in with us. My dad's almost done fixing the room downstairs for me (grandma's getting my room upstairs), and we're going up in a week or so to empty her house except for stuff she'll need. At the end of the month she'll be coming down with her stuff, and the empty house'll go on the market! I'm pretty happy - a little worried how it's all gonna work out, but happy.
Not much, to be honest. Cripes, I've been having a pretty boring life, haven't I?! Ah well, can't be helped. Maybe this week I'll go to Teen Group and start another fight.....that'll bring some excitment! ^_~
I'll catch all of ya soon. See ya!
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
NJ - take 2.
Well, I'm off to NJ for another weekend, guys! Unless the weather bugs out again, this time I won't be back until late Sunday, so I won't be here to check up on you all!
Haven't been up to much. Still no work, since the kids' grandmother is still up here. I've been goofing off and getting work done, though, so it's all good. Been getting a lot of writing done too, which is always good. Some stories I finally got rid of the block I had and am back to working on 'em!
Let's the Saint Seiya collection set and watched 'em all. Also got the movie "Appleseed" which is really awesome - best anime movie I've seen yet! Pre-ordered Advent Children and Howl's Moving Castle, got the first Ghost in the Shell movie - wasn't that good; my dad ordered Saint Seiya vol. 6, 'cause he can't wait for the next set to come out; and got the RaXehphon box set, which is what we're going to start on next. Whew!
Not much else, to be honest. I'm trying to think, and nothing's coming. I hope you guys've had a good week and all that! I'll try to check in on Sunday. Later!
 You're Quezacotl. This guardian force represents
the thunder element.
Life's an important thing to you. You have some
ideals and you're ready to do whatever it
takes to defend them. People think your tough
but sometimes they see you as a stubborn
person because you'll do everything to
achieve your goals. You have a strong
character and you show your softer side only
to your best friends.
Which guardian force character are you brought to you by Quizilla
 Your a wind Dragon! Hey, you, the smartest dragon
of the branch. You love reading and writing,
but are quite shy. Your IQ is probably
sky-high and your stories can win trophies.
Your not very good in sports, or maybe you
are, and just not inrested.. You are very
wise, smart, and kind.
What elemental dragon are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Watch out! You are the one who possesses the animal
soul of a cat. Tiger, wildcat, lion. Possibly
one of these posses you. But, I leave that
entirely up to you to figure out. They are
sneaky and aggressive. Many are kind but
still cant be trusted. I congratulate you for
this, like the wolf, it is a good soul to
What animal soul do you posses?(with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
I suppose......
Since you're all my friends, I'll lay aside my hatred of Valentine's Day and wish you all a (late) Happy Valentine's Day! And a special shout-out to Hellsing agent0, who offered to be my fellow hater of V-day and keep me from being lonely. ^_^ Whatta bud!
Anyways, not much. Read the first 5 vols. of Fushigi Yugi, and watched vols. 24 and 25 of Inuyasha with my dad. Also watched the Ghost in the Shell movie. I guess it was okay, but I like the TV series a whole lot freakin' better. I like the character designs and voices better, and the story in the movie was just.....weird and kinda sad. I like Batou!!
Did more school. I'm doing "The Ballad of the White Horse" for english. I like GKC a whole lot, actually! The way he writes and portrays images through his words really draws me in.....Anyways, at least I'm enjoying the assignment. They usually suck.
Hmm.....lesee...did school and watched anime/read manga.....nope, nothin' else. Not goin' to NJ this weekend - my dad doesn't feel too well. But I'm getting the Saint Seiya box set (if it comes IN!!) and hopefully the Chrno Crusade one as well. Either that or Fushigi Yugi, hopefully. I don't usually have much luck when I look for stuff.....-_- But, anyway, my dad spoils me and I know it. So is that spoiling, if I know and appreciate it?? 'Cause isn't spoiling when the kid is a brat or something??
Now I'm confused!
I heard from one of my friends today, which was really cool. She's in college in Ohio, so we don't get the chance to chat much. I sent her a long reply back. ^_^
Ah well, I'm signing off now!
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Another damn note.................
Just wanted to say I hope you guys like the new bg! I changed the music to the opening theme for Pretear. Nice and upbeat........will keep me awake............asdfouetajdskjsdfvoask2983re...............whoops!
Anyways, also wanted to say sorry about that post with the Quizilla pics. I have no freaking clue what happened that it doubled (or tripled) the pics.
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Just a note -
I decided to go with Kurogane for now, instead of Mokona. He's cute too! ^_^
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*insert evil laughter here - I'm too lazy to type it*
Well, since V-day is over and done with, I'm changing the bg again! I'll still go with a Mokona one, though. He's so cute! I found a little dancing avatar of him CUTE!! KAWAII!! (Oh God, I sound just like a ditz!.....)
I reserved a copy of the Saint Seiya box set that's out. The street date is today, but the Suncoast in my area didn't get it yet. And hopefully I'll be able to get the box set of Chrono Crusade as well! I have the first 6 vols. of it now......hee-hee-hee! ^_^ I'm really getting into it! The big Chrono is so hot, to be honest..........(don't mock me!!)
My dad's goin' back up to NJ this weekend, since our trip was interrupted by the snow, duh. I thought Mom was going and I was staying home to watch the house (I have my TIME OF MONTH again! ARGH!) but now she wants to stay home for her quilting thing. I'm kinda annoyed, to be honest. Grandma really wanted to see her, and she'd rather sew. Ah well, I'll go after I make mom feel appropriately guilty.
I kinda wanted to stay home and mess around with my anime and games, to be honest. But I know Grandma loves when we come up to visit her, and there goes my guilt again.....damn it all. So, unless plans change (AGAIN) I'll be missing this week as well.
Nothin' new has been happening. If it did, I don't really care enough to remember, so that's your bad! ^_^ See ya all later!
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Yo, people! I'm back early, due to the snowstorm that hit us. Urgh - but I love snow, so it's a mixed situation. We're just gonna go back up next weekend - and hopefully my friend'll come too!
Since nothing has happened, I'm just going to post some quiz results I got on Quizilla.
 Ice wolf. An Ice wolf is as cruel as the night
wolf. They seem to have a flirtatious
elegance that draws many others creatures
near its beauty. This species will be sly and
cunning. Some people even say their eyes are
as shiny as a crystal. Even though a
magnificent wolf of ice has a piercing howl
that will lure many into a trance it is the
one wolf with the most depressed heart. Dont
forget whenever you see snow, remember the
ice wolf might be there.
If you got the special ice wolf then you have all
the mysteries of ice at your disposal. What
power and endurance,truly amazing.
What Elemental Wolf Are You? (Dazzling new pics/memo)
 You are a Wolf of the Wind. You are confused, and
don't know what to make of anything... even
yourself. You don't stay with one thing for
long... The wind carries you. You want to
find answers, but can't find any... You just
want to get away from everything, atleast
untill you can figure everything out.
What Kind of Wolf are You? (With Beautiful Pics!)
 Wait...You aren't a sprite, you're an angel! You
tend to care for others over yourself, you
always try to see the good in everyone and
try not to hate. Also, you have sharp insight
and a great personality. Calm, serene, and
understanding, you make a worthy friend and a
valuble ally to people in need.
Which sensational sprite are you? (entrancing pics!)
 The Goddess of Stars and Hate. You are an
independent leader. Always reflecting and
pondering, you carry an air of mystery and
you are exceptionally vengeful. You are a
dazzling beauty.
Which gorgeous goddess are you? For girls! (breath taking pics!)
Pretty, no?
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Yo, people! I'm back early, due to the snowstorm that hit us. Urgh - but I love snow, so it's a mixed situation. We're just gonna go back up next weekend - and hopefully my friend'll come too!
Since nothing has happened, I'm just going to post some quiz results I got on Quizilla.
 Ice wolf. An Ice wolf is as cruel as the night
wolf. They seem to have a flirtatious
elegance that draws many others creatures
near its beauty. This species will be sly and
cunning. Some people even say their eyes are
as shiny as a crystal. Even though a
magnificent wolf of ice has a piercing howl
that will lure many into a trance it is the
one wolf with the most depressed heart. Dont
forget whenever you see snow, remember the
ice wolf might be there.
If you got the special ice wolf then you have all
the mysteries of ice at your disposal. What
power and endurance,truly amazing.
What Elemental Wolf Are You? (Dazzling new pics/memo) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a Wolf of the Wind. You are confused, and
don't know what to make of anything... even
yourself. You don't stay with one thing for
long... The wind carries you. You want to
find answers, but can't find any... You just
want to get away from everything, atleast
untill you can figure everything out.
What Kind of Wolf are You? (With Beautiful Pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 Wait...You aren't a sprite, you're an angel! You
tend to care for others over yourself, you
always try to see the good in everyone and
try not to hate. Also, you have sharp insight
and a great personality. Calm, serene, and
understanding, you make a worthy friend and a
valuble ally to people in need.
Which sensational sprite are you? (entrancing pics!)
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