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Student, single, and a net-head
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Yeah, sure. 
Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Yo, people! I'm back early, due to the snowstorm that hit us. Urgh - but I love snow, so it's a mixed situation. We're just gonna go back up next weekend - and hopefully my friend'll come too!
Since nothing has happened, I'm just going to post some quiz results I got on Quizilla.
 Ice wolf. An Ice wolf is as cruel as the night
wolf. They seem to have a flirtatious
elegance that draws many others creatures
near its beauty. This species will be sly and
cunning. Some people even say their eyes are
as shiny as a crystal. Even though a
magnificent wolf of ice has a piercing howl
that will lure many into a trance it is the
one wolf with the most depressed heart. Dont
forget whenever you see snow, remember the
ice wolf might be there.
If you got the special ice wolf then you have all
the mysteries of ice at your disposal. What
power and endurance,truly amazing.
What Elemental Wolf Are You? (Dazzling new pics/memo) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
New BG.....duh........
Well, in honor of Valentines' Day - which I detest, and call V-Day! - I put up this new Mokona bg by RizaHawkeye! They're so cute......*momentarily goes into fangirl mode* Okay, I'm good now. Anyways, I love all her Mokona bgs, so check 'em out if you like Tsubasa!
Just felt like checking in. Nothin's happened that's worth mentioning. Speaking of Riza Hawkeye (my mind is totally screwed up today - lack of sleep) I'll be posting a new FMA fic on my fanfiction site soon. Hopefully before I leave, which is late Friday afternoon, so there's a good chance it'll be before then...
Do any of you even READ my fics?!?!
Ah, never mind!
Talk to you all later!
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
I hate a subject line, don't you?
Well, hey there! I bought the Rurouni Kenshin box set of the first season this weekend, so I've been watching that with my dad a lot. We've only one DVD left......*laughs evilly*
The kids I sit are free from me for at least a week, since their grandma came today. Which means I can concentrate on getting schoolwork done in the meantime! I'm going to NJ this weekend to visit my grandma, so unless something happens *cough*PERIOD!!*cough* I'll be leaving Friday night and not be back until Sunday night, since I don't have wireless.........urgh. But I may be able to check emails from my aunt's house, it depends if I'm brave enough to go there. Just wanted to let you guys know, so you don't wonder where the hell I went to.
I resubmitted my Ceres review - hopefully it'll be accepted this time! Ah well, my plan is to keep it up until they do. ^_^ I've been burning CDs as well - no, not illegally downloading stuff. I've got a burner on my laptop, so I've been mixing my favorite songs on other CDs onto one. I'm up to three now......but it's fun! I just made one for my bro, and I'll be doing another tonight.
I got the FFX-2 soundtrack that has the English versions of Real Emotion and 1000 Words finally! I'm estatic - I love listening to it. The one order from Amazon that we screwed up with shipping and all is finally out - well, some of it is, at least. I won't get it before I go to Jersey, but what the heck! At least it's coming! I've got the first.....six, I think, volumes of Rurouni Kenshin manga, and I'm rereading just about everything. I'm really getting a collection, I'll make a list to keep it straight!
Rurouni Kenshin (1-6)
Chobits (full set, 1-8)
Pretear (ditto, 1-4)
xxxHolic (1-6)
Tsubasa (1-8)
DNAngel (1)
Psychic Acadamy (1)
X/1999 (1)
Ceres (1-3)
Fruits Basket (1-12)
For X/1999 I ordered 2 and 3 on Amazon, and I've got the first two for Chrono Crusade and Fushigi Yugi coming as well. Case Closed is for my bro, so he'll be happy when it comes.
Not much has been going on. Sorry I haven't checked in for a bit, for anyone who actually reads this still! Talk to you all later!
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
I haven't checked in for a while, huh? Well, not much to say......Wait, whenever I say that I never shut up, do I?? Oh well.....
Well, Teen Group was Sunday night, and I figured I'd go and cause some trouble. Boy, did I ever! I started a fight about drinking - they were all saying completely ridiculous BS about it, and it really pissed me off. Heh-heh.......I haven't had THAT much fun in months!! I'm still getting a high off it, to be honest. Whew!
Now, to talk about another, and more recent, high.......CERES: CELESTIAL LEGEND!! My dad and I bought the two collector's edition DVDs, and I just finished watching the last DVD about an hour ago. I also submitted a review on it, so keep an eye out for it!
Words cannot describe that anime. I can honestly say it is the BEST I have ever seen! Better than Fruits Basket, or Fullmetal Alchemist, or any of them! I'm not saying the others are bad, but's in a league of it's own, that's for damn sure. Do yourselves a favor and watch it! You'll thank me, I know you will. I'm patting myself on the back right now, to be honest. Words honestly fail me in this......which is a first. I laughed, and I cried - a LOT. Which is also a first for an anime. It I mean, just wow.
I'm still working on school, of course. AND, I got a job! I babysit three days a week, three hours a day, for $50 a week. An 8-month old, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 11 are my charges. And ya know what? They love me, and they're so easy!!! So far I've only been able to babysit two days a week, but I earned $32 last week (my first paycheck!!) and $32 for this week as well. Sweet, huh? I'm pretty proud of myself, to be honest. I've been looking for a job and wanting one so badly, and this just kinda popped out at me! Heh-heh-heh...........
I am happy, though. This week has been pretty sweet. Fights at Teen Group (which my friend thought was hysterical and so like me), watching Ceres, getting a job, doing good on school - all my grades went up, btw! Not that I was doing sucky, but I needed improvment in a few subjects. I got an A on one English essay (which is damn hard, because the graders are so damn picky!!) and a B on a poetry-interpretation essay, which is an acheivment in itself. For one, I BSed my way through it since I suck at interpretation, and for another, the graders are totally anal on stuff like that. So yea for me!!
The only bad thing is that my group lost another member, and we're down to three regular, one sporadic for now. Totally sucks. And I forgot my handbook, but our president probably got it or put it in our cupboard, so I'm not too worried about that, though. We need at least three members plus a president to stay active - we need a secretary (me), a VP, and a treasurer. As long as we can fill in those jobs, we're barely hanging on. Well, maybe people will suddenly decide to get off their lazy selfish asses and join!
And maybe I'll get a boyfriend.
And maybe I'll do crack.
Well, that was the only downside. And now the Superbowl Sunday! Aw-yeah! Man, I'm just rolling through this week. Take that! I have an eye checkup tomorrow, which I could care less about. I mean, I'm practically blind, so what am I gong for? But I want to ask about a new brand of contacts, so.....yeah, whatever. (I'm doing a happy dance now) I rock.
I'll get off for now. I'm sure you're all sick of hearing about how wonderful I'm doing for once - I don't mean to rub it in your faces, btw!
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Monday, January 23, 2006
Anything happenin'?
I hope you guys like the new bg. The other one was getting too hard to read, especially since the font got so little somehow, so I found this Mokona one!! Aren't they cute?!!? My goal is to get the stuffed animals, to be honest. What can I say?? I may be close to 17....but they're so CUTE!!!
Thanks to HellsingAgent01 for the site. I'm checking it out right now, to be honest. If anyone else has suggestions, please let me know!!!
Nothing happened today. I might go see Hoodwinked with a friend at the movies tomorrow, though. She said it was really funny, and it looks absolutely ridiculous!! My dad and I finished watching vl. 21 of Inuyasha tonight. Now he's depressed, since the new ones are on during the week when we can't and forget to watch it, and that was the last DVD we have. Time for Amazon to the rescue!! ^_^
All right, I searched the site and two things: 1 - I can't find the song, and 2 - I can't find the mp3 url. I'm pathetic........I'm gonna ask my parents if I can download music into my computer. I want to save up for an mp3 player, but I can't find a damn job!! ARGH!!
*deep breath*
I'll let you all go. I hope this is a little easier to read due to color changes and whatnot. Sorry I can't figure out right now about the font. ^_^'
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Sunday, January 22, 2006
How've ya all been?
I've had insomnia for the entire week - maybe six hours of sleep total. And Thursday night I didn't sleep at all - I pulled 24. It really sucked, let me tell you. So I took two Tylonal PM sleep aids Friday night, and I was out like a light. Thank GOD!!
I went over a friend's house for dinner. I had fun, since I haven't seen 'em for a while. Hey, does anyone know if Howl's Moving Castle came out in the US or not yet?? I thought it had, but I can't find the damn thing anywhere! ARGH!! And I was looking for a bunch of manga vols. yesterday at the mall, and none of the series had the first one available. That sucked too. I was able to buy the first one of X/1999, at least. Good, so far.
I haven't been up to much. I got the FFX-2 soundtrack, only it's all in Japanese! I really wanted to hear 1000 Words in English, so we're gonna look for it in English as well. Does anyone know where I can get an English version for my site that'll WORK?? I"m trying to Google one as we speak. I got the current one from the FFX-2 shrine site, but it won't work.
Speaking of not working, sorry about the font trouble. I can't figure what the hell is wrong with it. It's been doing that for a while, but before only I could see it. But now apparently you guys can too, so I have no freakin' clue what's going on. I tried looking in my comp settings, but didn't find anything.
I haven't been up to much, to be honest. Just wanted to drop a line and let you guys know I'm still here. Talk ta ya all later!
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Good day!
Well, my FFX-2 soundtrack came in. Two discs - an import. The only thing I don't really care for is that "1000 Words" is in Japanese. I really wanted an English version!! T_T Ah well, it's awesome anyway. I also ordered the Pretear box set (I can't remember if I said this or not) and watched the entire thing. It's more girly than I usually watch, but I love it. It now has an official place in my heart, since I like the manga as well. ^_^ My dad and I are up to vl. 5 in Noir now. The next time we watch we're in the second episode of vl. 5. Not bad - they're not longer than anime in general, but for some reason, it seems like it takes a REALLY long time to watch! Probably because of the slow pace of the storyline. I's good, though! I don't try to figure anything out, though - it makes my brain hurt!
I'm in better moods lately, if you can't tell. I skipped the one girl's B-day party - I didn't feel like dealing with her obnoxious public school friends. No offense to anyone who's in ps - I was too! - but they ARE obnoxious!! I'm playing hooky from Youth Group as well for a while. They split up guys and girls and are giving us the "sex talks". Dealing with contraception, sex before marriage, how far to go with your bf/gf....blah blah blah. For one thing, I'm comfortable enough with my parents (mom mostly, duh) that if I have a question, I'll ask! (And I have!) For another thing, I DON'T NEED THAT!! I am NOT a whore, and I KNOW not to have sex before marriage. That's never even OCCURED to me, for heaven's sake! And for ANOTHER thing, I don't think it's their place to be lecturing us on that. Either have the parents do it, or educate the parents on how to do talk to us. But leave this to the parents where it belongs. My parents both agreed I don't need to go hear that shit again, over and over. School comes first for me - though I wouldn't complain about having fun - and I'm pretty level-headed, believe it or not. I'm a lot more mature than most kids my age (I sound like I'm bragging! >_<). I think it's because my parents never talk down to me, telling me that I'm too young to understand or that it's not my business. I've also read since I was three or four, and my mom and dad read to me ever since I was born, so I learned a lot quicker because of that. And,'s just how I am! Some people mature faster than others, and that's the simple truth. I seem to attract idiots, though.....-_-
I don't know where all my friends have gone off to. flymonkey's the only one that's been messaging me regularly, and Chibi Duo just started as well. WHERE DID YOU GUYS ALL GO? No one's commented on my posts either - not that it bothers me that much. ^_^ But I miss you guys!
I'm going to beat Xenosaga for the second time tomorrow night (techinically tonight, since it's 1:58 am). I didn't tonight because it was too late, but all I have is Albedo and the final boss to kill, and that'll be a piece of cake. Then it's on to beat Xenosaga II - again!! ^_^ I'm playing 'em over 'cause my mom finally watched me, and she likes the storyline and movies. So she reads a book until a movie comes on. She takes it really seriously, which is both cool and funny at the same time. I'm trying to get my dad to play Soul Caliber III with me, but he knows I'll kick his ass easily, so he wants some 'alone time' first to practice. I tried Dragon Quest 8 but didn't really care for it. The guy died, and I have no fucking clue how to revive him. So much for that, huh? Until I figure it out, that one goes on the shelf. It looked like a good game, but it pissed me off.....-_-
Well, now it's 2 am where I am, and that's pretty late! I'll head off to bed eventually. I've been having a bad case of insomnia for the past couple of nights, so I haven't been sleeping well - duh. I need to wake up early tomorrow morning (today) b/c the exterminator's coming (I'm homeschooled, and I don't get out of bed until around noon usually). So I figure I'll get no sleep tonight (today), get up early later, and then be tired enough to sleep tonight!! ^_^ I do it all the time, and it works. And to anyone who suggests warm milk - EW!!
Know what pissed me off? The new episodes of Inuyasha and Samurai Champloo are on ON THE WEEKDAYS NOW!! What kind of BULLSHIT is that?!!? My dad's pissed 'cause he can't stay up that late, and I am because I keep forgetting on weeknights, and I missed a whole LOAD of 'em because I thought they were going to be back on the WEEKENDS like they're SUPPOSED to be!! ARGH!! Screw that, I'll just get them on DVD....-_- I'm kinda pissed that Scar died (seemingly) in the FMA episode on Saturday, but I kinda expected it as well. I'm still sad, though. I wanna know what happens!!! And every character I like DIES!! First Maes, then Scar in FMA; Spike in Cowboy Bebop; EVERYONE FUCKING PERSON in Wolf's Rain.....that damn show almost put me off anime permanently. Not to mention it's my stalker's (then friend) fav anime and he's obsessed with it, telling me how great it is. I told him to shut it, that I just didn't care for it and it wasn't my kind of anime, and he wouldn't shut the hell up. Ah damn, I'm getting cranky. My brain must want to sleep, but I haven't even yawned yet! Maybe if I keep typing "yawn"........
Nothing yet.....
Ah, screw that. Anyways, back to my point - every character I like dies. Without fail, I kid you not. How's that for ya? So I wasn't surprised when Scar died, just dissapointed. He shall live on in my dreams! And fanfiction, don't forget that! ^_^
Whew, I'm a lunatic when I'm up late, aren't I? You should hear me talk to myself - I actually have converstations with myself. I'm wonked out. Nutbar. Psycho. Loony. Nutso. Absolutely wacked out. You get the point. I'm rambling. I guess I feel like posting a long thing since I haven't written for a while.
Oh, shoutout to bellpickle: I'll be posting the FMA article in a few days, hopefully. I need to find time to write it, to be honest. But I have an idea for the first one, so don't think I forgot about it or I'm not gonna do it! ^_~ I'm not the quickest person to get a job done, but I'm reliable and thorough! That sounds like an ad........nevermind.
Okay, I've been typing nonstop for almost twenty minutes now. And I STILL HAVEN'T YAWNED! DAMN IT!!! Ignore me, people. I shall talk to you all soon. Feel free to message or whatever! I tried to message some people, but their boxes were full. -_- I guess I don't really message people b/c I don't want to bug you guys. And I don't comment on a lot of your sites b/c you've got so many other people commenting already! I usually just comment on people's posts that only have one or two, or none at all. That way I feel that they'll notice, ya know? That makes it sound like I do it for credit, but I don't! I mean that I think when you have a whole load of people commenting, you tend not to notice (or appreciate in some people's cases) when another person drops in. But when only a few people (or none) comment, it means a lot more. At least, it does to me.....^_^' Now I sound like an idiot. I KNEW I should have shut up waaaaaay back in the post!
Good night, people! Or good morning, whatever. See ya all later!
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Eh.....same old shit.
Well, it's been a crappy week, basically. Not all, but mostly. I started school again Monday (I'm homeschooled, remember??) but it's actually nice to be back at work!
We had our Christmas/New Years dance on Saturday. I went completely Goth - long black skrit, black shirt, and heels. (Yeah, I know - I HATE HEELS! But there was nothing else.....) I totally freaked people out - I heard some twits with guys wondering "who that freak in black was". *sighs and laughs* But my friend went punk, her bro and cousin were punk, so the four of us looked like we were the Dark Side - so says my dad, who was the DJ! ^_^ He said it looked like we were going to beat the crap out of the other people any second. So we hung out with four or so other friends the whole night and just messed around. My one friend (girl) and I slow-danced for the hell of it and kept cracking up. Then the guy (the one that acts like he likes me) asked me to dance in the middle of a slow song - and then didn't even finish the damn dance. Not that I can blame him. He kept trying to say something, but since I can't HEAR, I kept having to go "What? I can't hear you?" He probably thinks I was jerking around with him. It sucks being deaf - you guys don't appreciate your hearing, let me tell you. Other than that and the fact that a guy I asked to dance literally ran down the hall at the next dance, it went fine. I love dances, and I love dancing. It's just fun! The younger bro and sis of my stalker came - the bro that's been egging him on - and I said if he mentioned anything other than "hello" I'd break his kneecaps. He said hello and left it at that.
Then there was Youth Group Sunday night, which was really just about sex and stuff. Damn, I've only heard it all a billion times before and know not to have it before marriage! Talk to the ones who DO sleep around all the time! That's what I'm going to say next week, watch! ^_^ And hopefully another guy is going to come to my other group on Wednesday (I never spell it right) so that'll be cool.
Sorry for not having updated for so freakin' long. I just haven't felt up to it, to be honest. I haven't even checked email until today!! I've gotten a little writing done, but not much. Other than the dance, nothing has really happened. My friend is (supposedly) breaking up with her boyfriend (like I haven't heard THAT before!) tomorrow. Yeah, right, haha. She pushes one more button, and I'll snap her neck. She toys around with this guy whose my friend as well, and she uses me to meet guys. As in, makes ME go up and say hello, and then butts in and takes over. And she uses me as public entertainment. Like teasing me or bringing up embarrassing topics for laughs. She's so dead.
I suppose that's all for now, people! I'm still depressed about my dog, but I'm glad you're all my friends to talk to. I'll see you later!
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Thursday, January 5, 2006
This year is going to suck, I just know it.
Five days into it, and I already had to kill my dog. Whee. What a great start to an awesome year. And if you can't tell that's sarcasm, you're an idiot.
I went with dad to the vets right after I posted. We didn't even go in with her - it was too hard. I walked to my friend's house and told her. I thought she deserved to know face-to-face, since she's known Abby for almost six years now. I cried a little, but I don't really feel anything. I don't like to cry - it doesn't do anything, does it? And since my grandpa and uncle died, I really dislike it. I feel kinda numb, that's all.
I hope you guys don't take offense to the attitude I've got. But when I get upset I get real nasty, but I'll try not to mouth off to you guys. You don't deserve it! I'll talk to you all later.
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I kinda feel like I'm going to throw up. My dad's making the call to the vet to make an appointment to put my dog Abbey down. I've had her for over 11 years.....I'm not crying now, but I feel that weird feeling in my stomach, and I'm all light headed. If any of you guys have had to put a dog or animal down, then you know how I feel.
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