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Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
I changed the bg - I liked this one better. I thought it captured Fai and Kurogane like they usually are better. ^_^ I love the look on Kurogane's face!!
How do the colors look? I had a hard time finding a font color to show up, and I'm still not sure it's the best one....ah well.
I didn't do much today. Had my meeting for once and visited the nursing home. It was nice seeing people so happy to see us.
How was all of yours day? Or is it your days? Or yours days?? Crap, I dunno! ^_^' Go figure it out yourselves!
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
It's late, so I'm not doing much of anything right now. Any thoughts on my new theme - Tsubasa?? I haven't seen the anime yet, but I have the first seven books. It's really good! I love how Mokona tortues Kurogane. ^_^ I laugh constantly!
Well, nothing much else. I emailed a friend I haven't talked to for a while - she's TaliF on here but she only uses it to contact me. She left a comment on the previous post.
Talk to ya all later!
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Monday, January 2, 2006
Happy 2006! Whew....four more years and we're in the double-digits! Isn't it weird that we'll soon be in the years that have been used in sci-fi movies as the future with robots and stuff??
My predictions for 2006 (though some may come true):
Sock puppets will take over NASA and send the first Nike to the moon.
An anime fan will run for president and promise to make manga and anime from Japan available sooner to the United States.
A hillbilly will assasinate an unknown person and become a celebrity.
American Idol will secretly become a recruiting station for a government testing facility.
I will make the top 500 list in popularity for Otaku sites. ^_^'
My sleepover on New Year's Eve went great, and I had tons of fun. I now have the complete Chobits manga set, the first seven vols of Tsubasa (the next one comes out the end of this month), and the entire Pretear manga set. (dances) I'm deciding whether to get the Pretear anime, but I'm not sure.....any suggestions? I'm also trying to get X, XXXHolic, DNAngel, and several other manga, as well as more anime.....^_^ I'd say my manga collection is off to a good start, no?
On a sadder note, my Black Lab/Rotweiller mix will have to be put down this month due to her back legs. She's in obvious pain when she has to get up now, but what's hard is that nothing else is wrong with her. I've had her since 1st grade, so it's really hard for me. I hate when an animal has to get put down.
I'm taking another week off school before I start. There's a dance this Saturday at my Youth Group - we had to combine Christmas and New Years - and my dad is going to be in charge of music, since we have no DJ and having the teens at the controls sucks. So our director is making a playlist so it'll be easier for everyone. Yea!! ^_^ I'm going shopping with my friend later this week and I'm going to Hot Topic to pick up some clothes - I'm going to go Goth for this dance and really mess with their sheltered little minds. I need to pick up some stuff a bedsheet for a sofa bed, and a calendar. -_-
It's all dark and rainy outside right now. Not very windy though, so I have no clue what's going on with the freakin' weather. I like it. ^_^
I hope you guys have had a good New Year's so far!
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Merry (late) Christmas!!
Hey all!! Sorry I wasn't able to post - comp problems again.....-_-
I got virus protection for my comp as an early Christmas present. ^_^ I wasn't able to log onto Otaku, though!! But today my mom adjusted settings for the Norton virus protection so I'm able to access it normally instead of hacking into it like I was, don't tell anyone that! ^_^'
I had a great Christmas. I got the stuffed Shigure and Kyo animals, which I really wanted - and the 12th Furuba book!! Yea!! Then some Tsubasa manga and some other stuff - you know, the usual Christmas things. I got Soul Caliber III, which totally kicks ass - and I'm getting really good at it. My dad and bro are afraid to play me. ^_^ Dragon Quest VIII is all right, I just need to get used to it. I played the FFXII demo, and that is AWESOME!! Now I really can't wait until it comes out! My dad watched, and he was really impressed by it.
I'm having a slumber party for New Year's Eve - we never do anything, so I figured a slumber party this year would be cool. I actually haven't been up to much - Christmas and my damn computer problems have occupied a lot of time. I'm on break, since I finished the second quarter on Friday, and I don't play on doing anything for a good long time. ^_^ I EARNED that break!!
I finally replied to all those messages...whew! Now I'm searching for some of those wallpapers I wanted to get.....only I was stupid and didn't write down the artists for most of them!! -_- I'm doing it the hard way, but I'll find it! Just watch! My comp and I are back, and we kick ass!
The Tsubasa manga isn't the right one I was trying to find - I'm looking for "Those With Wings" (English translation). But Tsubasa is really funny!! I'm enjoying it so far.
I hope you guys all had a good Christmas, and I hope you have a Happy New Years as well! Now that I've got my comp back to normal, expect to see me a lot more!
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I'm not going to my group today for three reasons:
1) I can't get a ride there, since my parents are going to a Christmas party before then;
2) I have a cold/allergies, and I don't want to get my friends sick;
3) We go to nursing homes, and there is no way in hell I'm going to be responsible for killing off a bunch of old people because I was sick.
I finished my poetry test!! *cheers and dances wildly* Now all I have to do is type it up - I'll either do it this week or put it off till after the holidays. Tomorrow I'm going out with my dad for Christmas shopping for my mom. A while ago (for her B-day in July....) she gave me a card that has a code on it. Apparently, she went to the jeweler's in town and picked out something, and he wrote the code on it so he could find it easily. So we'll probably get her that for Christmas. And then I want to go up to the mall (maybe) and get something for my friends. On Christmas Eve (or technically Christmas morning, maybe) I'll post my gift to all of you guys!!
My parents went Christmas shopping yesterday and day before, so it's all done for them. *whew* I accidently broke my lava lamp a few days ago when I tripped - the one my bro gave me for Christmas last year - and I was really pissed and kinda upset, ya know? So they bought me another (bigger) one and didn't make me wait for Christmas. It's got a black top and bottom, the liquid is a blue, and the gel stuff is a light blue/white. It's so cool - the light makes me think I'm in an aquarium or something! ^_^ I love it! Since I'm still sleeping on the pull-out couch in the basement, I have it on the floor near it. And then my dad's stero is on a little table at the foot of the bed, and I play my Inuyasha soundtrack at night, since the basement is too quiet for comfort........I listen to my FFX soundtrack (four discs!!) while I do schoolwork - mainly for the poetry test, because I find it hard to concentrate on the poetry when I have other lyrics in my head, ya know? But I always have to play music period when I work - I hate silence.
Wow, I dunno how I managed to go off like that.....O_o Ah well. Last night I watched the original "Yours, Mine, and Ours" movie with my mom and bro. I really like it! My parents bought "The Brothers Grimm" yesterday, so we'll probably watch it tonight. It's supposed to be really good, so I'll let you guys know what I think of it!
I handed out Christmas baskets (for the poor in the parish) yesterday. It's really fulfilling, at the risk of sounding corny. After everyone left, my bro and guy friend (the one who told off my stalker) went to the Daily Grind. I treated, so my bro had a hot cocoa and we ahd mocha java coolers. Then we all had smoothies, too. ^_^ Apparently, my stalker's mother has been saying stuff to people insinuating that I'm a slut and chaser. What a shock.
I had a sore throat yesterday and I've got one today, as well as congestion. I think it's mainly allergies, but since my dad was sick before, I'm not taking any chances. I'm drinking plenty of orange juice and taking meds for allergies and cold - there is NO WAY in hell I'm getting sick on Christmas!! One year everyone was sick but my mom - she gives it to everyone, and then gets better quick. -_- What a year.....that was ridiculous! ^_^
I'm trying to think of what to get my friend(s). I'm debating whether to go my friend's B-day party in January - the one that's pissing me off. Maybe for a little bit, but I'm not sleeping over, that's for sure. I got my one friend earrings already and a poster for her B-day this month, and I'm not sure what to get my other friend...............NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I hate getting gift cards - I feel like it's cop-out. (sp??) I think I might get my one friend, the punk, a funky bracelet or something............maybe I'll get the other one a gift card? I don't know!!
I'll go wander off into the not-so-great unknown now. Hope to hear from you guys!
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Monday, December 19, 2005
What a day......
Well, I had a nice surprise yesterday! My one friend whom I havn't seen in years (we thought they moved and they thought we weren't talking to them.....) came over yesterday afternoon, so we got to hang out for a while! ^_^ She came to the DG with the rest of my friends, and then to the pizza party with us.
I swear, I'm going to break it off with my one friend - the one I've been bitching about. She kept making inappropriate comments again, gave me a major headache (we'll get into all THAT in a moment) and was, in general, an idiot. And then she made it sound like the fight she had with her bf was entirely his fault - which I know for a certain fact that it's not, it's both of theirs!
So, we got to church, and hung out for a bit until Confession. See, we were SUPPOSED to have eight priests there for confession; the Youth Group was SUPPOSED to be able to get there early so we wouldn't waste any time; and it was SUPPOSED to be fairly quick.
SUPPOSED to!!!!!!!! *insert loud scream here*
First, there were only THREE priests to begin with! Then, someone made it sound like it was a confession time for the whole damn parish, so there were (literally) almost a hundred people there already. We all thought we should have been allowed to go first, since we were supposed to in the first place! So I spent TWO. FREAKIN'. HOURS on line for confession!! *$(#%*&%
So, we were in line downstairs, and I started to get dizzy again. It figures, doesn't it? So I'm fainting, and my other friend is sick to her stomach because she's so hungry, and my friend (A, we'll call her) WOULD NOT SHUT THE HELL UP!! My GOD!! I told her point-blank to shut the hell up because we didn't feel good and needed some peace, but did she? Of course not! And then she's saying she and her siblings (eight) were all sick yesterday - but they're "fine" now. Meanwhile, she's coughing on me! So I told her to stay away from me and don't come near me. Of course, she didn't listen to that, either. -_-
So, I spent two damn hours on a line, and fifteen minutes resting before I decided to get the hell out of there. I was tired, had a headache, my legs felt like jelly, and I was overall in a pissed-off mood. And then I'm leaving, and all the teens hanging around smell like smoke and beer. So they walked into me, I turned around, and said "I guess excuse me doesn't mean anything to you!" Sweet mother of......what a night! Day! Whatever it was, it overall SUCKED.
At least today went better. I slept in, did some more on my test - I should finish it off tomorrow - and chilled. *insert crazed laughter here* So I feel mostly better, except that I'm still pissed off at A. She's just so....immature and self-absorbed, to put it nicely.
I didn't miss FMA and Samurai Champloo, btw - I stayed up till three in the morning and watched 'em. ^_^' As usual, I had mixed emotions about FMA, but kinda thought it sucked 'cause they killed Marta and that they're bringing Rose back into it (I can't STAND her!!); and Samurai Champloo left me feeling sad yet hopeful, as usual. Then I had weird dreams.....>_<
I'm gonna go surf around, you guys. I'll talk to ya later!
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
It's 1:31 am now. I was helping my mom with her Xbox game, Syberia, so I missed IGPX, FMA, and Samurai Champloo. IGPX isn't repeated to my knowledge, but I'm waiting up for the other two to repeat. I am NOT going to miss them!!
I slept late, went on the computer, and basically did nothing Saturday. Ah, the weekend bliss......^_^ Tonight (technically) I'm going to the Daily Grind again with a few friends, and then I have a pizza party at Youth Group, instead of class. (We're off next week!)And Dad'll come (he promised - I'll make 'em!) and "talk" to my stalker to make sure the message from last week got across. I thanked the guy who baited him for me, and he was surprised. He actually thought I was going to be pissed off at him!! ^_^
A lot of kids stand outside smoking before and after classes, and it really pisses me off, especially after having so many relatives die from lung cancer. So I'm going to bring a picture of my uncle back when he was healthy, and a pic of him two weeks before he died, and Mrs. S - our "leader" - is going to show them all the pics and let them see what smoking does to you. I think it's disgusting and I'm never going to do it - and I really hope none of my friends on here do it either!! If you do, don't even tell me and/or try to defend it, because it will only piss me off having watched my only uncle die from it.
We were thinking of going up to NJ this week to visit my grandma (is Christmas really only a week away?! My God!!) but decided against it, since my dad has a doc's appointment Tues afternoon, and then they're going to a party Weds. I'm glad, because I hate riding to NJ with cramps like these.....
Speaking of my dad, he's doing great! ^_^ I'm really happy about it, obviously. The doctor was amazed at how fast my dad's gotten back onto his feet. As of this past Thurs, my dad can lift any weight object again, but he can't go back to work until Jan. 3. He was going to go back the 2, but since it's a Mon after a holiday, everyone has off. ^_^ Dad doesn't even care.
Hrm.......nothin' much else to type. I'll probably check up on you all later today, so have a good one!
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Friday, December 16, 2005
Friday! I've been checking out my friends' sites again, so if I haven't commented yet, I'm trying! I didn't do much school - I'm homeschooled, remember - but I talked to antiworld a few times and flymonkey odd! ^_^
My mom made us "fix" our wish lists for Christmas. I hate writing them in the first place! I just feel...I dunno, greedy - and there's not that much stuff anyway. But she said to put some more stuff so it'll be more of a surprise what we end up getting.
That's what scares me.
See, my bro and I only write down what we really want for two reasons. One: Christmas is the only time we can get some of it; and two: we end up forgetting everything anyway, and this way we don't have anything to worry about! So my dad said just put stars next to the stuff that we'd really like.
Ah, Christmas. Society has ruined it, and all it means now to so many people is getting stuff, decorating, treats, presents, and stress. I hate it!! Granted, the presents and parties are fine, but to me it's a chance to just relax with my family and spend some much-needed quality time with them. It's not about the presents. What do you guys feel?
Just going through wallpapers and stuff. Found a few I want to download once I get my laptop's net up and runnin' again.

KOS-MOS is so pretty in Xenosaga II!

Shion, KOS-MOS, and MOMO! ^_^
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
I haven't been up to much. Some snow here and lots of ice - I hate it. I love snow and we can't get a decent amount here! ARGH!!!
I'm in a little funk again. Most of my friends aren't on here or at home, so I'm just busying myself with nothing. Do you guys ever feel like you won't find someone that really cares about you, or that you're not someone that people will care about? It's kinda how I feel a little bit sometimes. Not a lot, but enough that I get depressed every once in a while. I hate it, so I just kinda ride it out and it goes away after a while.
My bro and I decorated our Christmas tree today. A fake one, thank God - I'm allergic to real ones. Besides, real ones shed too much. -_-
I'm still sleeping in my basement. My room isn't insulated very well, so it's freezing. There's a pullout couch in our basement - we moved it down there a while ago - so I'm sleeping down there until winter's over. It's annoying, because I never have a clue what time it is when I wake up. My watch is stuck in military time, and my brain does NOT function well enough to decipher military time when I first wake up!!
I still can't get that guy's email to work, and I'm getting more and more annoyed. I'm just going to ask his freakin' uncle, since we're neighbors. -_- It figures - I finally find a guy that seems ok, and I can't even contact him! But he mentioned that he couldn't use his email until Friday, which is tomorrow, so I'm hoping he'll email me so I can get it that way. All I know is that his name is Alex! ^_^' I'm pathetic.
I guess I'll see you guys soon, hopefully. A shoutout to antiworld, since he's usually there to cheer me up and chat when I'm down. ^_~ Thanks, buddy!
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Hey! Some new quiz results from SesshomaruMistres' site this time. I'm bored and no one to talk to, ^_^
At least the QUIZ understands!!
 What are you hiding? Detailed results and Beautiful Pics (improved) brought to you by Quizilla
I'll stop myself for now. Nothing happened today, btw. Just my group meeting, which went GREAT. There's another girl in it (finally!!) and a new guy as well. So now I have two guys following me around calling me "Master" all the time - it's a Jedi joke. See, last week I showed the one guy around a nursing home we visited, and he started calling me his mentor and "Master". So now he and his friend both call me it!! Ah well, it's really funny....^_^
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