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Student, single, and a net-head
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Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
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Monday, November 28, 2005
I still have no idea what's screwy about my thing. Ah well, who cares??
I found these couple of pics while looking for a new avatar. Like 'em??

Pretty, no?? But I still can't find an avatar I like......-_-
What do you guys think of my music?? It's the first opening theme for Gundam Wing!
I didn't do much today - just school and some writing. Tomorrow I have to go pick up some stuff for my group - our meeting's Wedsnday (I never spell that damn day right), but it's easier to get it tomorrow. I better hope I don't forget anything! battery's running low, and I'm too freakin' lazy to go get my plug. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
Ya all know the bar in my song area, where it shows where the song is?? Well, the buttons are showing up on my screen, but the top part with the little green bar (please excuse my atrocious lack of knowledge) isn't there. I tried changing height, and the code is right....what's going on?? It worked before.
Oh, the comments are showing now. Go figure.
And just a note - my mom is very generous as well. I'm more like my dad - what I don't need, I try not to ask for. This is kind of a hard time, with mom only a part-time job and dad out of work until January, and not getting disability for another week, at least. I just get frustrated sometimes being the responsible and thoughtful one, ya know? Sometimes I wish I could be selfish and stupid, but then I take it back. I dunno....I'm glad I have you guys to talk to about stuff - my two friends are great, but some things are hard to say face-to-face, ya know? But I know we'll get by this year, just like always.
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Yo! What do you guys all think of my new music?? Thank Ayame-meimei for it - if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have a lot of the stuff I do! ^_^
Question - first only the first two comments will load, and now it won't load at all!! So if you commented on the previous post, just don't think I'm ignoring you, because I have no idea what the hell you said. -_-
I went to see the new HP movie today! I give it a 7/10, since they left so much stuff out. I was hoping for a longer Quidditch match, and the Sphinx wasn't in it. -_- But Krum was better-looking than they made him seem in the book, and I would've thought Cedric would have been better-looking than the actor was. But, I digress. Good movie, awesome animations, but not a whole lot of action - it seemed more plot-wise this time. I like the other movies (2 and 3) better because they didn't leave quite so much out. But then again, there was a whole lot in the book - which is why they get a 7. ^_^ It's worth going to see it in theaters.
My washer and dryer got delievered. Maytag - WOOT!! ^_^ Nice.......I have to use 'em tomorrow, since that's laundry day for me. (I do all the laundry).
I watched the NYG and Seattle game. My god, what kind of referreing was that?!!? They SUCKED!!!! And what the hell happened that Giants didn't get that field goal to win in OT?! I missed it, thanks to my mom's channel-hopping-happy finger. -_- I'm so pissed.....they should've won! I mean, they were great in 1Q, sucked in 2 and 3, and then woke up in 4, tying! What the hell happened to their field goal?! It was good!! ARGH!!!!
Hrm...not much else to say. I went to movies....said that.......updated more fanfiction and regular fiction on fictionpress yesterday and, that's it! Yep, I'll see you guys tomorrow!
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
Argh, what a crappy morning. Well, my friend did sleep over, but we never got around to watching Fruits Basket. (My bad!!) Then our dryer broke, and I didn't discover it until 1 am, and all the clothes were still wet. So both my parents got pissed at me - as if I was the one that broke it!! Geez. So they chewed me out right as I woke up, and then bought a new washer and dryer. Ha!! I've needed both for years......But I didn't break the damn dryer.
I hate Christmas. I hate the season, I hate the holiday, and I hate it entirely. It sucks completely, absoultely, totally, and thoroughly. I hate hearing my parents go on about "money money money money money" all year, and then expect us not to think of money during Christmas, when they're evern worse! Talk about a guilt trip. So when they ask what I want this year, I'm going to tell them to stick a bow on the damn washer and dryer and call it a Merry f@*!ing Christmas to all. It gets worse every year, and I suppose this year I'm just going to be a bitch about the whole damn thing. Being Catholic, I know the real meaning and like it, of course, but everything else bites my ass. It's all about money, and getting, and pressure to give, and who can give the best preasent, and more money....I really hate it.
There, I feel better after that rant. On a less-offensive note (I hope) I'm going with my bro and friend to see the new Harry Potter movie tomorrow at noon - yea! I need to get out of the house and do something fun.....
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving - I'm still not hungry! ^_^'
Here's a facial pic of Aeris from Advent Children I found:

Like it??
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Merry Thanksgiving!
No, wait, it's HAPPY Thanksgiving, MERRY Christmas. Ah, I'll get it one day. Ignore me.
Today was a good day. It was just me, my bro, and parents, but it was nice. We haven't really done anything, except eat the Turkey-day dinner. I impressed my dad (who can't eat like he used to since surgery), so I ate for two this year! ^_^ Ah....almost a pound of Butterball turkey, plus stuffing, plus yams......I won't have to eat for a week. I was hungry anyway. I don't want you all thinking I'm a pig or anything - but c'mon!
My friend's coming over tomorrow afternoon, and then she's spending the night. I'm planning on making her watch at least the first DVD of Fruits Basket, and maybe start the manga as well. My other friend is already hooked on Inuyasha and Furuba, so I may as well start with her! Of course, she doesn't care for anime in general, but I can at least try!!
I feel ridiculous, being on here at Thanksgiving, but I'm a weird person. Tomorrow I probably won't be on, so don't look for me! I'm going to go update my fanfictions, so I'll leave you all in peace......bye! Oh, and I need to go watch football as well. Duh!
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Ignoring this......
Whew, it's been a bit crazy around here. My bro's B-day came and went, and he had a blast. My dad caught my cold, so he's sick, but not too badly.
I haven't been up to much. (I say that a lot, don't I??) Writing, school, reading......oh, raking leaves with my friends. Ah, I forgot....^_^'
My one friend is coming over on Friday, and we're gonna try to see the new Harry Potter movie! ^_^ I want to see "Just Friends" or whatever. It looks pretty funny. I don't usually like movies around this time of year, but I'm gonna try.......Hey, who's gonna see the Narnia movie? Know what drives me nuts? So many people I talk to think L,L, and W is the first book - and it's NOT!! "The Magician's Nephew" is the first one, and deals with the creation of Narnia. But I suppose it's just not "exciting" enough to make into a movie....yeah, I'm bitter. Do you guys know that C.S Lewis wrote the Narnia Chronicles mirroring Catholic doctrine?? I think that's interesting. I also want to get "Sky High" when it comes out - my mom and I wanted to see it, but we didn't get a chance to. And I can't wait until F4 is released! ^_^
Wow, I dunno what caused me to go into a movie tangent...whatever. I didn't get much sleep, so that's probably it. -_-
I figured I'd update this, even though I never really say anything here. I guess I just like to babble on the net.....ah well. Talk to you all later!
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Friday, November 18, 2005
Nada. Nothing. Zip!
Hey, you guys made me feel better with your comments yesterday, thanks. ^_^ And EM - there's a fine line between just being nice and babying. Trust me, there's no danger of you crossing that line. -_-
Today my bro's 13!! He's bigger than I am, now I'm taking him to Teen Group so he can beat people up for me! ^_^ I can't parents can't get over the fact that both their children are teens now. He's got his friend over now, playing Star Wars: Battlefront II that we got him for his B-day. He's been wanting it so badly.
Nothing really happened today, though. Wrote more, and that's about it. We're going out tomorrow for his B-day dinner, since my dad's been having bad cramps today.
Ah, the dad-update! He's got a slight infection, but the doc said that it's actually a good sign - it shows that his nerves and system are all functioning. So he's got gauze all shoved in him, but he's moving around and walking. Not doing anything, though, not even driving. Mom would kill him.
I'm pretty tired - I don't know why, either! I slept pretty late today - I took meds before bed for my cough, which helped knock me out. But it feels later than it is, and I feel drained. I think it's the aftereffects of the medication. I'll just sleep late tomorrow, that's all. I dunno......just a stressful week for me. I'm the senior member of my group, so I've had the responsiblity of getting everyone organized to work this week, and then I have stuff next week to worry about, and.....ugh.
I just wanted to pop in and see what's up. I'll see you guys tomorrow, hopefully.
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Today's been an okay day. I spent about three hours raking for the church with three other friends - it went okay. The guys were pains in my ass, but not too annoying. Now my feet are killing me, and I have cramps from you-know-what. Damn it.....
*sigh* I'm just kinda in a bleh mood. My one friend was talking about her boyfriend, and my other, it seems, has a chance of having one as well. So now I'm sitting here wondering - what's wrong with me that no guy wants to be my bf?? This sounds horrible - I guess it is, to you guys - but my one friend is...large, and the other (with the bf already) is really plain. I'm not drop-out gorgeous, but I'm pretty. So why can't I get a bf, if they both can? What's wrong with me?? I just don't get it....I don't normally feel like this - I'm not that jealous, I guess I just feel left out, or left behind. It's kinda depressing. I'm not saying I want one, persay, but I've never had any guy pay any attention to me. (I'm not counting stalker-boy for obvioius reasons.) Hrmph......
I'm just kinda moping around. Tomorrow's my bro's 13 B-Day. Oh god....He's going around whining about how his neck hurts, and I told him to shut up. He's not getting any sympathy from dad, who's just had major surgery, or from me, who twisted both ankles while raking and had to walk over a mile to get home limping. Mope, mope,'s not the weather, because it's a beautiful day out. I guess I just feel like moping today. Some days I get sick of always having to be happy for everyone else, or nice, or the obediant one, or the good kid, or the best friend, or the selfless person. I have feelings too - I'm not a robot. I can get hurt. Just because I don't go around whining and crying to every single person I meet, or wearing my heart on my sleeve, doesn't mean that I don't care about stuff. But whenever I say anything, people accuse me of being whiny and selfish, so I don't say anything at all, really. I vent at myO, which is nice - even if EM is sometimes less-than-supportive, what with the skewering and telling me to get a backbone.........I didn't need that crack.
I'll shut up now, and I'll see you all later. It's probably a mood swing as well, I dunno...urgh, mopey day....
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Today was basically a boring, yet stressful, and rainy-warm-icky kind of day. I'm bushed. I couldn't sleep well, and then got up way earlier than usual. I hate that.
Nothing's really happened......I did some school, and....yeah, that's about it.
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Monday, November 14, 2005
Ignoring this......
Hey! I added some new pics as well...whaddya think?? Like 'em? I think I'll keep this bg for a while - it's so hard to find pics with her FACE showing!! ARGH!!
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