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Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
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Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
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| Purifying Goddess
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Friday, March 2, 2007
written at: 11:26 pm
listening to: Billy Idol
CD: Greatest Hits
Fav song: L.A. Woman
mood: tired
Bishonen: Genma Shiranui from Naruto
Yo, people. I'm tired - still haven't been sleeping well. I feel better, even though I wake up with a sore throat, but I need to get used to waking up early for work/school. I sleep sitting up in bed now - if I lay down, I start getting an asthma attack. -_- Yeesh.
Okay.....let me think! Got the second box set (uncut) of Naruto a while ago. Watched 2 outta 3 DVDs so far. I got all choked up and almost cried with Zabuza and Haku.....I like them! I mean.....*sobs* Anyway, Kakashi totally kicks ass. ^_^ Sand sibs just came in. Finished the entire Rurouni Kenshin series - all three seasons. Now, we just have to get the OVAs!!
That's all for anime - not much, huh? I told you about the manga, right? Vampire Knight (vol. 1), two more Bleach, and the newest vol. of Tsubasa....yeah, I think I did. Anyway, I told you again! My friend was supposed to come over today, but she never called. I hope she didn't get in trouble. -_- Her dad can be a hardass.
Okay, we'll move onto work/school. Monday we were closed, so started Tuesday. As of this week, I stay home Mon to work with my bro on his English - $10 a day. Not bad, considering I don't have a paying job right now, eh? Tuesday I still do the gov center - I got my little namplate thingy!! It's so cool!!!! My first one!!! (I like it.) I've been moving along, and I've been working with two kids this week. They behave pretty well, so it's not too bad. I stick to myself for the most part, since they all hang together there.
Been getting lots of writing done. I'm very happy. ^_^ Just beat Zalera in FFXII - Fran was 72, and Basch and Balthier are 77. Vaan, Penalo, and Ashe are still 71. I just got sick of waiting around, and just wasted him. ^_^ I did that tonight, so that was fun.
What else have I done? Not much, I'm so boring. ^_^ I'm thinking of trying out Avatar: Last Airbender. It looks interesting, but the cartoony-style (and the fact that it's on Nick), kinda scares me. >_< Ah well, we'll see. Right now, I want Trinity Blood, the Tsubasa when it comes out, and the Rurouni Kenshin OVAs.
What've you all been up to? Thanks to everyone who's kept in touch - I think I'm gonna delete a few more people again. Now, excuse me, I GOTTA go eat some dark chocolate....mmm.......cravings!
PG |  |
Comments (3) |
Friday, February 23, 2007
Embargo End!!!
written at: 2:34 am
listening to: nothing
CD: none
Fav song: none
mood: happy!!
Bishonen: Kurogane from Tsubasa Chronicles
Well, the embargo (according to the page) is officially over! So, we can take down the banners. I'm a little dissapointed we didn't get to use 'em very long.....-_- Ah well.
Got the Limited Collector's Edition of Advent Children today - well, my dad got it for us. ^_^ I can't wait to watch all the extra stuff, including Before Crisis, which is really what we got it for! Oh boy!!! (I'm excited.)
Played DOA4 today - I beat the game last night. Unlocked Helena and beat it with her. Now I'm trying to figure out how to unlock costumes. I unlocked 3 and 4 by beating Story Mode for the ind. characters, but after 4, nothing else unlocks. And I can't find the damn giude. -_- So if anyone knows how, please help! I can't really find anything on the web, either. mom's sick now, and I'm still getting over it. -_- Hopefully a friend can come over Saturday, so that'll be fun. And the one guy who we haven't heard from in a while called a few days ago, and he's gonna try to come over Saturday night. He's cool, and really into anime. ^_^ So's my friend - I met her through a mutual friend. So it'll be cool.
Can't sleep - too congested, damn it. I'd take sleeping pills, except they don't really work, and with my luck, I'd end up suffocating in my sleep because I wouldn't wake up. -_- Whatever.
Well, I can't think of anything else. I'm so happy the embargo is over!! YIPEE!! Let's just hope nothing else happens for Adam to change his mind. -_- Hmph.
Anyway, I'll catch ya all later. And I set up a Photobucket account - I'm PurifyingGoddess on there as well. ^_^'
PG |  |
Comments (8) |
Thursday, February 22, 2007
THIS IS IMPORTANT, PEOPLE!! Due to a request from SesshomaruMistres, I set up my own photobucket account. The banner URL has changed, so if you were using it, please right-click on the one below and use that URL.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Embargo/Editorial Lock-Down
written at: 12:25 am
listening to: Fushigi Yugi soundtrack, 3-CD set
CD: TV Series Songs Complete Collection (import)
Fav song: it's in Japanese - I can't type it -_-
mood: on a mission!
Bishonen: Tôshirô Hitsugaya from Bleach
Well, I have had enough of this ridiculousness. Thanks to a conversation with a certain person - I will refrain from names to keep that person from getting into trouble - I am calling Otaku to join together!
I am speaking of this whole lock-down thing on the main site, in which our main-man Adam has shut down and devoted to the scam ordeal. As I expressed to our nameless-friend, I believe that Adam is obsessing over this scam, and theOtaku is being neglected as a result. I don't know if I am the only one, but I rely almost-solely on theOtaku for manga and anime updates, as well as current news. There is no "sitely stuff" happning on theOtaku, and Adam seems to think it is his responsibility alone to correct the injustice that has been done. We have not been allowed to keep up-to-date on what's been going on - this whole thing having been dropped on us without any explanation in the beginning, and we had to figure out what was going on as things were posted. And we certainly have not been allowed to have our usual updates and features as well.
If anything, this is making me even less empathetic to the situation. I understand it is completely wrong, as we all do - certainly by now, having been bombarded with nothing else since 02/06/07. I miss the polls, the captions, and the general Otaku-ness. A friend of mine, who likes anime and visited the site, emailed me and asked what happened to our editor that he went insane and obsessed.
I had no answer, and could only shrug.
Let me be perfectly clear - I am not telling Adam to stop his self-appointed role of bringing these people to justice. I AM, however, telling him to bring back the Otaku! I believe we have lost the site to political and personal motives, to my distress. It is no longer the site I have grown to loved, with the articles, drop-down hub, and beloved mascot all gone. I have tolerated these things, since there seems to be nothing to do about them, but I cannot and will not tolerate this any longer! Someone has to stand up and tell Adam that he is being unfair, ridiculous, and yes, obsessive.
I have even made a banner/thingy expressing my opinions:
(And I thank SesshomaruMistres for the use of her Photobucket account - please don't hurt me!!)
If you support my belief at all, please put this somewhere on your site. Make your opinions heard! Email, message, write in your blog, but let your voice be heard! I am not trying to start dissension or fighting, but I am determined to be heard. We are part of theOtaku as well, and have a right to express our opinions. Please, even if you don't rely on Otaku for anything, as a matter of your principles, if you agree with anything I said, support me!
And onto other news....I have a cold, or something, and it hurts to talk. Tutored my bro last week, since my mom can't take him anymore, and used the money to buy some manga. ^_^ Got the first vol. of Vampire Knight - recommended to me by I-can't-remember-I'm-really-sorry!; vols. 12 and 13 of Bleach, and the 12 vol of Tsubasa. I would've gotten more Bleach, but they didn't have 14. -_- I didn't even know the Tsubasa was out already - and the next vol of Absolute Boyfriend, which I really wanted, was out and I didn't know. (Again, I can thank this whole stupid lock-down for THAT.) Also got a new CD - Seventeen Days by 3 Doors Down. Really good! Also got the second uncut box-set of Naruto for about $44 - so my mom gets two days of free tutoring so I can pay for half. Yep, $10 dollars a day. Not bad, for me. ^_^
Haven't done any school - been up to other things. Might this week. WAtched the A&E version of Pride and Prejudice a while ago - 5 hours long. Took me two nights, but I really liked it!! ^_^ It was fun. Watched the new episodes of Beach and Trinity Blood Sunday - I recorded them. Played more FFXII. I'm at the end of the story, so I'm working on filling everything out before I beat it. I'm in the 70's already. Yea! I'm waiting for everyone to be lvl. 77 to fight...Zalera, I think. That level I'll be immune to status effects. My mom figured out the math. ^_^' Balthier and Basch are lvl. 77 already - and everyone's lp board has been filled out, except for the remaining Espers. Geez. Filling out the beastiary is a bitch!
Took two naps today - 2:30-4:30, when my mom woke me up to tell me dad was home and they were going to CVS, and went back to sleep until around 6:30, when she told me I had to put something in my stomach. I feel really lousy. -_- I did get a lot of writing done lately, so I'm happy about that!
I'm still in a funk about a lot of things, but now that I have a mission to focus on - getting this DAMN embargo lifted - it seems to have given me something to do. ^_^' Not that I'm going to obsess over it, but it gives me a goal to work to, ya know?
Anyway, I think that's about it. Reno is MINE made me a new button - it's got Rude and Reno on it. It's the second in my long line of buttons. ^_^' I'll catch ya all later - and PLEASE, at least give some consideration to my opinion on the embargo.
PG |  |
Comments (7) |
Saturday, February 10, 2007
written at: 9:53 pm
listening to: Three Doors Down
CD: The Better Life
Fav song: Kryptonite
mood: better than last time, that's for damn sure
Bishonen: Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin
Well, life doesn't totally suck, but it still blows - a whole lot. I'm getting a new dresser tomorrow, though, and my dad's putting in a carpet in the room, so I'll be back in tomorrow. THAT'S definitely a whole lot better, and I know I'll feel better once it's over and done with.
I'm still down - I don't even want to get out of bed anymore. I just want to lay and sleep. Which I can't, thanks to nightmares. And I'm not used to sleeping upstairs, so I'm always getting woken up by the sun and noise. At least the cats sleep with me.
Nothing else has been going on, honestly. Donig a whole lot of nothing. Debating whether to show up for work at the edu. center this week or not. Right now, it's so cold out, I'm saying 'screw it'. I think I'll go Monday and see how it all goes. But I'm so ready to just snap and beat the crap outta someone soon, and I don't need to be doing that to the guys there. >_<' Ah well.
I just wanted to update and see what's up. I'll be going through my list again, so if you haven't been showing up or kept in any kind of contact, you're off. I have empathy left for no one, not even me.
I'll catch you all later.
PG |  |
Comments (5) |
Friday, February 2, 2007
written at: 1:19 pm
listening to: Journey
CD: Trial By Fire
Fav song: Can't Tame The Lion
mood: beyond a nervous breakdown
Bishonen: Havoc from Fullmetal Alchemist
Hey, all. Thanks, alteregochick, for your comment. ^_^' And it wasn't preaching, trust me.
I shall start with Friday night. I went to bed real late, and opened up the top drawer of my dresser to put some clothes away. Guess what I found?? Rat feces. -_- So, I had a fit, and then went to bed. I figured I'd wake dad up in the morning about it. So, then I hear something MOVING in my room. I thought I was being paranoid at first - but it was something. So, pissed off, I went and slept on the couch downstairs.
That was bad enough. But guess what - there's more!! I wake up late Saturday morning, and anyone wanna guess what I found?? The parrot we've had for about 13 years (we have two), and the dog - gone. Apparently, the dog had been put down, and the bird given away. And no one could WAKE ME UP to let me know anything. Nope. GOD FORBID THE BASTARDS LET ME KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON!!! So, after I finished having hysterics, we proceeded to the problem of my room. (I'd rather not go into details about the animals.) Well, I was in for a pleasent suprise. The fucking little rodents destroyed my dresser, chewed the clothes inside, and were all over the room. THEY WERE MAKING A GODDAMN NEST IN THE DRAWER. What fun! So, all Saturday was spent taking apart my room. I had several nervous breakdowns - seriously. I got so mad I couldn't even swear anymore. But if the other parrot doesn't know how to say 'fuck me' before, he certainly does now.
My bed is in my mom's sewing room, what's left of my clothing is in two garbage bags in my mom's closet, my plastic closet-thing with jackets and few other stuff is in the living room, in front of the big picture window, and my items and stuff are in two boxes are the floor.
Oh boy, I'm having such fun!
And if anyone thinks I'm seriously having fun, I'm going to reach into the internet and kill you.
I spent the night at one of the teachers from the edu. center's house - they're all really trying to help me. ^_^' She said if I want to go back over whenever, let her know. I'll take her up on the offer again soon.
I have no privacy, despite my mom's best efforts, and I have no room anymore. My desk, with my stereo and computer, is in the rec room, so people are always going back and forth, and all my manga is still in that room. Which has about sixteen traps, so it smells like anything. Apparently, there is no way for the rats to get in, so sayeth the exterminator, so they must be a figment of our fucking imaginations.
At least I get a new dresser, and clothes. Eventually. If I EVER move back downstairs.
Life sucks. I knew this year was going to be worse - they get worse every year. And I was so mad on Saturday. Just in general. I was upset, hysterical, angry, and pissed off. One minute my brother would have me laughing (he's been pretty good), and the next I'd be swearing like a sailor. Luckily, my mom wasn't home, so I could.
I'm just so disgusted. It's not fair, and if anyone tries to tell me it could be worse, I'll slug 'em. I am in no mood for people pointing out the upside (THERE IS NONE). I WANT to be miserable and pissed off. I have every fucking RIGHT to be, in my opinion. What is good about all this, huh?? And all in ONE fucking day. AAAAAALL at once! Kick me in the teeth, why don't you?!
I probably won't be around much, except for PM replies. I just don't feel like it, to be honest. I don't want to do anything at all. I just figured I'd update and let you all know how fucked up my life has become, so you can compare and go 'wow! I'm glad I'm not her!' or something like that.
So, I'm going to go and have another nervous breakdown again - I feel it coming on. Catch you all later.
PG |  |
Comments (4) |
Friday, January 26, 2007
Fuck me
written at: 11:55 pm
listening to: Breaking Benjamin
CD: We Are Not Alone
Fav song: Sooner or Later
mood: pissed OFF
Bishonen: Fai and Kurogane from Tsubasa
After much looking, Fai is how it's spelled in the manga, so it's staying FAI, damnit!!
There. Got that outta my system
Anyway, got some really sucky news today. Our dog, who's a purebred Chocolate Lab (we adopted him from the Customs agency: FBI, people!), apparently has something called 'cushion disease'. Don't know if I spelled it right. Anyway, the pituitary gland in the brain (so my dad explained it to me...) produces too much of a steriod, telling him he's thirsty, so he drinks a lot....and then goes to the bathroom a lot. As it progresses, he drinks more, pees more, until it's a never-ended cycle. And so, he has to be put down. I don't know WHEN - they're taking a pee sample tomorrow, since the clarity will tell them how far it's progressed - but it doesn't look good. We've had him for....almost nine years, since I was nine a month after we moved, and I'll be eighteen in June.....that's how I figure it all out. ^_^' So, a long time. I really, really hate it. And the worst part? It's TREATABLE!!!
Wanna know the reason we can't do anything?
It's $1000 for the initial treatment, and $4-$5 a pop for a pill - and he'd have to take 4-5 a day. So, do that math. We just don't have that kind of money. It pisses me off. There's medication out there for owners, but the only people who can afford them are the prissy little sonofabitches who have their fucking purebred little rat-ass bastards. Not people who adopt animals, and love them, and love them because of them, not because of their goddamn breed.
GOD, I'm pissed!
And I still haven't heard from my friend. As a side thing, I'm still going through a lot right now, and my mom keeps telling me about the 'power of prayer'. Now, she isn't a religious nut, so she's not just being ridiculous. (I should know....) But I don't believe in it. Maybe it works for other people, but it's never worked for me. If it did, I would've been able to see my grandfather or uncle before they dropped dead. Or another elderly man I visited for years, before he died. So, I don't think prayer does shit. You either get lucky, or you don't. I'm going through some major religious issues - I haven't even been goign to mass. Or recieving communion, which is a big thing for Catholics, believe me. My mom says that you have to stop trying to do it all on your own, and just tell God you're tired, and that you need help before you break. Well, guess what - I already broke. I broke a long time ago, and I stopped praying for help years ago. He doesn't do shit for me. I'm not saying nothing good ever happens, but there's always something majorly bad going on that's bigger. I basically told my mom I don't think it means anything for me. I don't know what to do - I really don't. I mean, does God wanna kick my teeth out too, while he's at it?
PG |  |
Comments (1) |
Thursday, January 25, 2007
written at: 11:30 pm
listening to: Blondie
CD: Blondie Live
Fav song: Heart of Glass
mood: wiped out
Bishonen: Duo from Gundam Wing
I can't remember when I last did him, but I feel like, so there!
Damn, I totally missed today. No, really, I did. I fell asleep a little after 1am yesterday, and didn't wake up until.........5:04 pm today. -_-' My mom didn't let me go to the edu. center today. She said last night she didn't like how I looked, and called and said she wasn't letting me go. I haven't been sleeping well for about two weeks now - nightmares, can't fall asleep, can't stay asleep - the whole thing. I know I look like crap, too.
What surprised me is that yesterday, I went home at lunch because I had a headache, and I went to go tell the teacher that I was calling mom to get picked up. Before I really said anything, she looked at me and said "Call your mom and go home. You don't look well." O_o I didn't realize I looked THAT bad! And one guy asked if I was out sick, and another (who usually messes with me), just kinda looked at me, and didn't say anything. Geez. But I really feel like crap - I'm just so tired. It doesn't help that it's 'that time' again, either. >_< But I don't think I'll stay up much longer, either. Wow, I was up for five whole hours! O_o Huh. Ridiculous. I hate sleeping that late, but mom was out all day, thought I had either gotten up or that someone would wake me - my brother didn't want to - and when my dad got home, he didn't either. Oh, brother.
So, that was my day. I slept. Literally. My mom suggested I take some PM stuff to try to stay asleep - I'll sleep right through Friday and wake up Saturday afternoon! O_o But I think I'll try it anyway. Whatever. It doesn't feel like Thursday, either. I'll be all messed up for a while now. >_<
Not much else to say. Haven't been up to much since my last post. I just don't feel like doing anything. My friend was supposed to come over today, along with a few other girls, but she never did. She hasn't emailed or called all week, which is weird, since we were trying to get together. And when other people are involved too, she always lets me know, one way or another. I'm a little worried....I hope she's not sick.
Now I REALLY don't have anything to say. Hope you guys all enjoy your day off tomorrow! Catch ya later.
PG |  |
Comments (1) |
Monday, January 22, 2007
KH pics


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KH comics: tafkae
Name Jumble

I hate anagrams. It's 'analsex', if anyone wasn't able to figure it out. (I wasn't. I cheated.)
Organization XIII is....

Roxas is...

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