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Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
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Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. ![](
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
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Monday, November 14, 2005
New bg
How does everyone like this one? Cloud looks kinda funky, but Aeris looks really pretty. If you think I should change it to another one, I'll go find one. Let me know!
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I'm ignoring this line!
I finally got back to schoolwork today - I don't say school because I'm homeschooled. ^_^ I mainly just worked on my Lit test - what a beast. I hate it worse than English, and I HATE English. Nothing sucks like math, though. Thank God I don't have any this year!
Yea! J is back - someone to beat down EM, and stop him from skewering me!! *cheers* Yea! *backs away from EM* No! I'll never join the dark si - *dies*
*comes back to life* Damn EM....I can't catch a break! I think I'll go find GM and see what he's been up You know that phrase, "Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em"? It SHOULD be "Can't live with 'em, can live without 'em." Ha!
Basically bored....EM's on, at least, but he keeps trying to make me evil. -_-
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
Today was a good day! I'm no longer feeling sick - just allergies - so I'm very happy! ^_^ My throat feels weird, but I can talk and everything now.
Today was our Youth Group - my stalker didn't come near me (although he was looking like he was going to. I glared at him and he took off. But he was still looking all possessive and stuff - I wanna punch his face out!!) The guy that's been acting interested in me still is acting like that, but I'm beginning to wonder if it's my FRIEND, not me he likes!! O_o That would be really weird....especially since she had a bf!! Not fair!!!
Anyways, I belong to another group, and we really need members. So my president (I'm the senior member) gave me an assignment to go make a "speech" thing at YG. So I did that tonight - and I remembered that I completely detest public speaking. I was scared stiff, but my friends and the YG admin said I did really good. The guy (not stalker, the other one) just stared at me the entire time...I swear, he didn't even blink! But at least most of the them listened. One girl came up later to get my number so she can contact me about joining! Yea!! I just hope some other people will take an interest, and not just blow me off. But I'm betting money that no one else from YG will join. Wanna bet?? At least once we change the day my one guy friend said he and basically the entire basketball team he belongs to will come. Yea! And a few girls from ballet said they'd come too, once we change days. I hope so....there's only two people who come regularly, and one's me!
That's my big news - I had to speak in public. I hate it - I freak out. But my friend said my ears didn't really go red, which I'm so grateful for. See, when I'm nervous or embarrassed, I get the hiccups sometimes, but my ears ALWAYS go red! That would've just been lovely...-_- But they didn't, so......whew! That's over with. But I had to sit right down, because my knees gave out. ^_^'
I finally get back to doing school tomorrow - I'm grateful and dismayed at the same time. Damn...but I got two weeks off, with my dad in the hospital and all, so it's high time. Especially if I want a Christmas break - I gotta get my butt in gear! O_o''
So.....nothing else, really. I haven't really had a chance to do anything today and yesterday - still sick yesterday, and today I got up really late. (I went to bed at 3 in the morning....^_^).I've got a new story in the works - not a fanfiction, but a regular fantasy. If anyone's interested, I can give you the site where I belong to in order to post my regular stories. See, there's fanfiction, for (duh) fanfics, and fictionpress, for original works. I'm on both. ^_^
Now I got the hiccups....damn! I'm not nervous - I think I need a glass of ridiculous is this?! one feels bad for me! I'll see you wack-jobs later! ^_~ I should probably put "fellow" wack-jobs, but I don't feel like it. Wait.....I already did, typing it.....whatever.
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
Shut up. No subject!
I'm feeling a little worse today, and I hate it. I really want to go to Youth Group tomorrow - for three reasons!!
One: Our teacher is DAMN good, and really interesting!
Two: I'm hoping to tell that jerk-off of a stalker off once and for all. (evil laugh)
Three: This one guy seems interested in me, but he's really shy. My friend has talked to him a few times, so she's going to go say hi, and then "introduce" me to him, and then stay and help the conversation. (I threatened her with death if she leaves.) So maybe I can at least make a new friend, or show the guy he can talk to me! ^_^
I cleaned the house, cleaned the refrigerator out, and vegged out (in that order!!) today. Good thing I got all the work done in the morning (late afternoon) because I started to feel worse a little after. Ick. I still have a bad cough, but I'm not taking anymore medicine! For one - well, really the only reason - is because I'm already tired, and I am NOT falling asleep before Inuyasha and FMA tonight!! I'd take a nap, but I'm a bitch when I take naps, so that's out. They'd probably forget to wake me up anyway.....-_-
Anyone notice the new quiz result and the new pic on my site?? Like 'em?? And what about my weblink - anyone check that out? I bet not!! It's my fanfiction link - and myO is linked to that, so it's a big circle. >_< ^_^' If you like fanfiction, check it out.........
Nothing else is really going on. Ayame-meimei's trying to teach me how to get music on my own, so I may try that in a bit. ^_^' I'm pathetic when I'm sick...
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Friday, November 11, 2005
Ice Cream!
M.Armstrong and I were being very weird and random in our PMs, and we thought up the most disgusting ice cream flavor of all time!!
(see, Kirby's pink color reminds me of Pepto-Bismal, so....nevermind, it's a long story...)
Hee-hee! We're really weird tonight, aren't we? ^_^ I'm talking to her and her sister, Chibi Duo as well. And writing! Geez, talk about your multi-tasking!
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I linked my fanfiction site to my hp here - and then I realized that I linked myO site to my fanfiction site as well! ^_^ So now people can go back and forth much easier. Now there's no excuse for you people to not read my stuff! ^_~
Ah...Friday! Not that it's a break - I haven't done any school this week, since it's been crazy with my dad in the hospital, then coming home.....yeesh. Next week'll be weird, getting back into schedule again.
Anyone like Breaking Benjamin?? I heard them on my bro's Halo2 soundtrack, and we got their CD. We also picked up Incubus and Hoobastank. This was a while ago, though. ^_^ I got the new Nickelback CD - or did I already say this?? I can't remember!! O_o
I just wanted to post something quick. Maybe later I'll post again - maybe not!
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
I hate putting a subject!
Urgh....I've still got a stupid cough lingering....I hate coughs. And my sore throat's a bitch - it sounds like a frog crawled into my throat and died. But my sinuses have cleared up a bit, for which I'm thankful.
My dad, bro, and I watched Star Wars: Episode III tonight. I love that movie - swish, swish, swi -! *blinks at blank stares* Uh....never mind that! Anyway, I want a lightsaber for Christmas. Anyone know where I can get one?? ^_^ I need to repay EM the favor of cutting his head off!
I'm collaborating with bellpickle on an article - you won't find out what about until it's posted, sorry! I've been looking for an idea, and when I saw her post, I danced for joy! I love to aggravate people, so.....but I won't say anymore.
I'm going through my friends list and deleting anyone that doesn't have me on as a friend, but who I have as one. I'm keeping 101 Inuyasha 101 because she made my button, but I might delete her anyway. (I'm in a sadistic mood. Don't screw with me when I'm on meds!) Just so you all know. ^_~
There's not much else going on.....nope, I think that's all, actually! Yea!! I'm going to go check more sites, and then go write some more. See ya!
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Subject? I don't need no damn subject!!
OK, I'm sick with either a cold or the flu, and I feel - like - CRAP!! I've basically lost my voice and I keep coughing, which I really, really hate!
My dad came home Tuesday night, and he feels fine, for the most part. We watched DVDs 4, 5, and 6 of Gundam Wing tonight - we got them a while ago, but we haven't had a chance to watch them with everything that's been going on. They were cool - except that once Trowa floats into space, he's not mentioned for a least the next six episodes!! If I didn't know already, I would think he was dead!! ARGH!! So I'm kinda pissed that they just leave everyone hanging. Damn producers.....
As you can see (or hear, rather) Ayame-meimei got me a new song for my site. I love the song, but I don't have the CD yet, so I asked her to find me the URL. The next one I'll go for in a while is the opening theme for Gundam Wing - the name of which escapes me, unfortunately. So, do you guys like it??
EM: Stop chopping my head off, for craps sake!!
J: Oh, yeah, I can see how sincere you are. -_- Thanks for trying....^_~
I'm gonna try to get some typing done before the nighttime meds kick in - I hate getting all drugged up. Nothing much is going on for the rest of the week, as far as I know, but that's always subject to change.
Oh, just a note - I've said this a bazillion times, but I wanna say it again: I don't ignore all of your sites, but my computer won't load up the comment screens for me most of the time, which is why I don't comment on any of your posts. I just didn't want you guys to think I was ignoring all of you. ^_^'
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Babysitting was a nightmare. The five yrold wouldn't behave, and tore my sleeping bag apart. And I'm sick as well, thanks to them. Ick. At least I got $40....
My dad should get out of the hospital today or tomorrow - yea!!! I can't wait - I missed him a lot, to be honest.
Other than babysitting, I haven't done much this weekend. Youth Group went usual, and nothing happened - the stalker wasn't there this week, damn it. I haven't gotten any writing done, since I've been gone. I WAS able to respond to some PMs from my friend's comp, at least. was down for a while, but then it went back up - hallelujiah! (sp??) Lessee....sadly, nothing else. Oh! I watched the new Inuyasha and FMA, of course! Hey, remember that thing last week - that hide-and-seek anime episode?? Was that a pilot, or a one-time thing, or what?? Whatever it was, it was weeeiird.....^_^
Thanks for everyone who hung around - I'll try to check up soon again!
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
See ya!
I'm going to sleep over my friend's house tonight, and then babysit all day tomorrow. I'll make at least $40, with $4 an hour. ^_^ I'll be home Monday evening to shower, visit dad, and get clothes, but I won't have time to get on here. Then I'm sleeping over on Monday night and babysitting all day Tuesday as well. I'll try to log on at my friend's house so I can at least read PMs, but please don't count on it. This way you guys know where I went. ^_^
My dad's still got IVs and everything in him - he's not able to eat period for a while. First he'll start on liquids, and then move up to solid foods. He's all pissed off because he REALLY wants a steak.
I picked up the Star Wars: Episdoe III yesterday, as well as the Batman Begins movie. I didn't really want it, but my mom did, so.....urgh. Then I got a CD (the new Nickelback) for Dad and me, and then went to Hot Topic. I bought a shirt, but my dad kinda freaked out and my mom doesn't really care for it, so I'm just gonna go exchange it. ^_^ I don't mind - they have so much cool stuff there. I'm definetely more into Goth than punk, I've noticed....I just like the clothes!
Does ANYONE here belong to livejournal?? If so, does anyone know a site where I can find posting codes and stuff to help me out? I can't figure out how to link my story onto this one community, and I'm getting pissed off - it's been going on for over a week now! ARGH!!
There, I feel better. ^_^ I'll catch all of you later, 'kay? Behave!
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