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Student, single, and a net-head
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Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Hey People!!
I'm back! Yeah! I just got off FFX, and my bro got Tidus' Sigil, and I got Wakka's!! So everyone's Ultimate Weapons are all activated!! WOOT!!! ^_^
I changed my BG - I liked this one better. Like it, or no??
Lessee.....I've been doing lots of writing, and I'm back to school from my break. Drat. Oh! I went shopping with my mom yesterday, and made out like a bandit!! (I haven't even gone clothes shopping yet - thats this weekend...) ^_^ I got the next three FB mangas - 9, 10, 11; the next two Forgotten Realms in the Drizzt series, and the next two in the Wheel of Time series. Excellent books, BTW. And then we went to Hot Topic, a goth store, and I bought a bullet-braclet and a choker. ^_^ I'm getting into punk now, but my parents said they don't care as long as I don't dress like a slut. As if! I'm going punk for Halloween, too. I also bought two pairs of shoes - boots and shoe-shoes. ^_^ I had a ball. Usually my mom and I fight a lot, but yesterday was so neat! We were cracking up and everything. Then we went out for lunch, too.
I also bought (with my own money) the new Wheezer CD, and the first Avril Lavigne (sp??) CD. I never go shopping like that, so I had loads of fun.
This weekend I'll be getting clothes - lots of Goth shirts and pants. ^_^ What do you guys think - me punk?! My mom's a little surprised, because I'm actually pretty conservative with what I wear, but my dad isn't much. I'm not going to dye my hair, or get tattoos or body peircings, though. Ick....But I'm getting a lot of funky earrings, since I have two holes in each ear.
Hopefully my friend is going to sleep over Friday, and then Dad'll take us shopping Saturday. She's actually the one who told me to go to Hot Topic - she's a little punk, but not much. (I'm even going to get a Goth trench for winter!!) I'm not all freaky...I just like the style of most of the clothes, and the jewlery. I just think it's cool. ^
Gezz, I've babbled on, haven't I? And I'm not done!! Ha! I got a 100 on my history test - which is an accomplishment, because the graders are very critical and besides, history is subject to opinion. But the grader even called up my mom to tell her how impressed he was! So I feel good about that. I actually like school this year. (ducks from flying objects)
Well, I hope everyone had a good time since the last time I saw you guys! Wow, I really wrote a lot, didn't I?? O_o Oh well! I'm sure most of you stopped reading half-way anyway. ^_~ Talk to you all later!
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
Good news-bad news time! I didn't go to NJ, obviously, so I'm still around! Bad news - I didn't go 'cause that "monthly curse" arrived this morning, damn it.
I went on a field trip with the Youth Group tonight - a Maize Quest. These people have a corn field, and each year they make it into a different maze. So me and my friends hung together, and then went to McDonald's after. ^_^ I had two milkshakes (mine chocolate, and my friend's vanilla one) so I had a MAJOR sugar high. I mean, I was talking, wanted to stop, and couldn't!! Cooooool........
I'm not going to do much this weekend, since my dad and bro are gone. Except work on my stories and go on the PS2 all the time. ^_^ HAHAHAHAAA!!!! I'm also re-reading my FB manga - I have the first eight now!! I'm glad I'm getting them - it's a lot different! Shigure's so hot, though - and Haru too! I'm also waiting until I can order the FFVII strategy guide - I want to play the damn thing, but I'm stuck! ARGH!!!! THE HUMANITY!!!!!
Oh, my dad played FFX some more last night, and did the lightning, and.......HE GOT IT!!!! HE GOT THE VENUS SIGIL, AND LULU'S ULTIMATE WEAPON IS ACTIVE!!! He's so proud, and I'm not going to argue with him. ^_^ Dad got up to 248 before he decided to stop - NOT before he got hit! So cool!
Ok, I'll shut up now. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still around!
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
Thanks, 101 inuyasha 101, for making my stuff! I won't put the avie up yet, since I'm going for a FF theme, but the banner and button are on!! ^_^
I'm going to NJ tomorrow - either late night, or way early Saturday morning. Either way, I don't think I'll be on tomorrow, and I won't be back until sometime Sunday - at least just to check my emails and PM. Just wanted to let you guys know.
I'm so glad tomorrow's Friday - I won't do much work; I never do on Fridays. My dad's helping me out with FFX - he's DAMN good at dodging lightning - he got up to 94 in a row on his third turn! ^_^ So he's gonna do some more tonight, I think. And my bro got me Kimarhi's Sigil, from that damn butterfly chase. All I need is Lulu's Sigil from the Lightning Dodger, Tidus' from the Chocobo race, and Wakka's from blitz - SO ANNOYING! I'm also working on X-2 for the third time - I want to try to get 100% completion and all the dresspheres!! Wish me luck! I'll need it, 'specially for Sphere Break. The one thing I really dislike about X-2 was that they cut areas short, and that the blitz isn't the same. Wait, that's two, sorry. ^_^
Sorry if this is kinda off on a rant, for those of you who haven't played FFX or X-2.
Ok, I'll calm down now. I'm just happy I've managed to get on!! And I felt bad yesterday for forgetting to update, so I'm doing it now! Catch you guys later!
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Well, my mom just replied to that PM the guy sent me - she told him off really good! ^_^ So happy...she told him BLUNTLY to leave me alone, and not to contact me ever again. Next step, I suppose, is a restraining order and the likes.
Just wanted to let you know that, since I said I'd update you guys!
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I haven't been on in a while. After my last post, I got pretty sick. :P
I've done some school, and some writing - my FMA fic's sequel is started, and my FB fic is done!! ^_^ 87 pages - I counted - and 14 chapters. Whew!
My dad talked to my stalker's grandparents a few days ago - or did I already tell you guys this? Well, now ya know. BUT, we have youth group each Sunday night, and he was there again last time. He kept acting like he was going to talk to me, but when he realized my dad was breathing down his neck, and left me alone. ^_^ But listen to part of this PM he sent me LAST NIGHT - DAYS after he was told to leave me the fuck alone!! Ahem:
"BTW, nice to see you at ccd's. Hopefully we can chit chat a little."
That was in a PS. I swear on my Bible that I'm going to break his fucking kneecaps, bury up to his neck in a red ant nest, and then burn him at the stake. I've HAD it! I'm going to file a protection order and a harrassment and stalking charge once I let my parents know! I just got the PM now, and my parens had to go out. -_-
Other than that damned asshole (pardon my language), my life has been good. I had my group meeting today, and I had a blast again. But I fainted!! We were kneeling (I'm Catholic, remember, and we were saying the rosary), and I keep my eyes closed to keep me from getting distratcted. All of a sudden I got very, VERY hot! I mean, I brokeout in a sudden sweat! So I opened my eyes, and then I saw stars - so many of 'em! And my head felt really weird...I can't even describe it. And everything started going black, and next thing I know, I was being woken up. I thought I was in bed with my mom trying to get me up! O_o So the president got me some water and I sat for the rest of the time. My friend said all of a sudden I slumped onto her shoulder, and then slid down to the floor on her legs. I've never fainted in my life - I have a doc appointment at the end of the month, so I have to tell him.
I'm deaf in my right ear, and mostly in my left, and the tube connecting the inner ear to my brain on my right side is damaged as well, affecting my balance. I used to get dizzy, but I haven't for a few years, but it probably has something to do with it. I just couldn't believe it. -_- They said I had a smile or something on my face, so they thought I was joking around at first, until the one guy knew that I take it much too seriously to mess around, especially during prayers, and I didn't move. Well, except to fall some more. But it's a good think I went to my right, because if I had gone to my left, I would have hit the tile and could have seriously hurt myself. So I'm very glad that I didn't. blood pressure is through the roof now, but I'm NOT going to let that damed asshole get to me! He's not going to freak me out, and he's NOT going to stop me from doing stuff - even though now he's going on a Teen Group trip all of a sudden too. I'm going to ask my dad to break his kneecaps - I'm dead serious, I swear.
I'm going to go check PMs and things like that now. I'll let you guys know what goes on, I promise! See ya later!
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Friday, October 7, 2005
Well, my site's working again. I guess it was just acting funny...I'm glad everyone seems to like it so much. ^_^
I'm kinda under-the-weather now, and I have to go to a wedding tomorrow. My dad's co-worker is getting married, so we have to go. I hope my dad's friend's kids will be there, because we're about the same age, and get along well. I think they will be.
In other business...well, there isn't any. We've been watching hockey, though. ^_^ It rules. I've also been writing, and my Fruits Basket fanfiction is almost complete.
I'll try to update tomorrow night - I only came on 'cause I haven't in a bit, but I'm bushed. I'll see you guys later.
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
We just got more sports channels for our DirectTV, so now we get hockey again!! ^_^
I have the WEEK off, not the day like I thought. *cue maniacal laughter*
I'm glad everyone likes my new site so much. I'm pretty pleased with it as well. I won't be chaning this for a while, for sure.
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
New BG
I found this really cool pic of both Sephiroth and Cloud, and I really liked it. So, here it is! And neither of them can accuse me of favoring the other...even though, as EvilMonkey pointed out, Sephiroth kills Aeirs (me), so no one could blame me if I like Cloud better. ^_^
I had a good day - my one group that was cancelled is going again. I've been going for over 7 years, so I'm really REALLY happy it's back. I could hardly get out of the car fast enough! ^_^
Overall, today's been the best day I've had in a loooong time. No more stalker, my group's back, I didn't have nightmares last night for the first time in a while, and my site's all redone! I have something to be happy about, ya think? AND, I managed to update some stuff on fanfiction! Thanks to stress, I could barely manage to write decently. >_<
I couldn't have done without EvilMonkey - for his help on my site with pictures and buttons; Ayame-meimei - for her help with my music; and Chibi Duo, who told me how things were looking on her end. ^_^
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New Theme
How does everyone like my new theme? Kudos to EvilMonkey for helping me out with buttons and pics!
I decided on Aeris, to go with FFVII, and I chose a chocobo because...well....
1) They're so cute!!
2) I couldn't decide between EvilMonkey (Sephiroth) or GoodMonkey (Cloud). I was going to use a bg that had both of 'em, but chickened out and used a neutral chocobo instead. ^_^
Like it?
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Here's a parody Star Wars pic - I thought it was so funny!

Clone troopers discoing, and Mace with an afro....
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