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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
EvilMonkey now has my unswaying allegiance, as does goldwolf in AIM, his contact! goldwolf made my button, and EvilMonkey helped me figure everything out. ^_^
I'm so happy! 101inuyasha101 was supposed to make one, but I haven't heard from her in months. So I jumped at the chance. ^_^
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So Happy......
EvilMonkey's EVIL button finally works!! ^_^
My dad talked to my stalker's grandfather this morning, so they're going to crack down on him later and get back to my dad. I hope this is the end of it, because I've reached the end of my rope. Thanks all you guys, 'specially EvilMonkey, for helping not to stress too much. ^_^
I'm homeschooled, if ya remember, and I took the day off 'cause I finished my first quarter yesterday! WOOT!! Hahahahaaa......
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Monday, October 3, 2005
I've been trying to post EvilMonkey's button on my profile, and for some reason, the damn thing just won't GO!! Gah. I'll wait until he's back on tomorrow, and see what happens. MEANWHILE, if anyone knows how to do it, give me instructions in a comment, PLEASE!!!!
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Oh no....
I just got the worse possible news, short of someone dying.
My stalker has "suddenly" signed up for the YG as well. The only plus is, he's not in the same class as me. Downsides??
1) I'll be forced to be near him every week;
2) He'll be in the same room as I am for social stuff, unless I bail like I did last time. Which I don't want to do, because I'm trying to meet this one guy who's interested in me;
3) I'll have to face him sooner or later, and I'm going to freak out;
4) He'll follow me around like the spineless, balless little coward he is.
My dad'll be there, but STILL!! Maybe my parent's just won't make me go anymore. I mean, I can't exactly throw him out, ya know? I'm never going to escape him!!!! HEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLP!!!!!!!!!!!!
My friend told me today, and I had another heart attack. Now I'm freaking out again. What am I gonna DO, people?!!? I just want him to GO AWAY, and he WON'T!! There has to be something, short of murder, that I can do to get him out of my freakin' life!!
My friend suggested talking to the guy who's interested in me at YG - he's gone up to my friends and asked about me - and ask him to start sitting next to me and walking with me so I'd have another guy around. Ya know, I'm really shy when it comes to guys, 'specially 'cause he's really hot, but I'm at the breaking point. I think I'm desperate enough to do it.
I like stratuus' idea of my dad going incognito and taking him for a "ride". I think I'll tell my dad that. ^_^ But he wants to get another adolescent - preferably his friend's son, who's a black belt - to beat his ass up.
I keep having nightmares and getting way stressed out. As long as I can vent here, I don't think I'll snap completely. I love ya guys! (Hey....stop giving me a funny look!)
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
OK, I'm positive my blood pressure is through the roof now. And before tonight, I didn't have any pimples - and now I've broken out in three places, damn it.
What happened, you ask? (Well, even if you didn't, I'll tell you.) I had Youth Group again tonight, like every Sunday, and it was a lot of fun! (btw, I'm Catholic). So, we went up to Benediction, and guess who the hell was there?!!? MY STALKER!!
My friend was with me, and I almost had a stroke. Seriously, I completly panicked. My head starting pounding, my stomach felt sick, I broke out in a cold sweat.....I lost it. So I, since I had stupidly left my purse with the cell downstairs, asked my friend to have my bro get it. So, I stayed in church, praying he wouldn't bug me there, and she left. In a few moments, though it seemed like FOREVER, my bro came with the purse. As soon as I stood up, so did he! So my bro and I ran out the door (we only live a mile from the church and were walking home) and ran for it. About a block and a half away I had to stop, since my heels were killing me, and I was out of breath - not from running, but because I was so freaked out.
Now, THAT crosses the damn line!! He wasn't in the class, but he was WAITING for me!!! My friends stalled him while I made good my escape. But I wasn't scared because I thought he was going to do anything to me - it was more like I was scared simply because he was THERE, ya know??
So, I got home, and my dad wants to break his legs. But my mom convinced him to merely sic his grandmother, who rules the family, on him, and then just stick around during YG and not let me out of his sight. FINE with me!!! Then my friend called me to make sure I was okay. And ya know what?? I managed to walk (fast) the whole way home without tripping, and I fall over in my own driveway. How sad is that??
So, I finished watching FB with my parents, so I feel a little better. But GOD, I was scared!! I've never panicked like that in my LIFE!!
I know EvilMonkey is going to say I'm acting like a drama queen and slap me, but I DON'T NEED IT!!! I'm not complaining - I just got freaked out! How would you guys feel if you see your stalker suddenly there?!
I feel a little better now, after I've relaxed, but I'm still creeped out. My friend actually went to get my purse, and my bro sneaked back into the church to keep an eye on me - which I didn't know, but I'm glad that he did.
So...................I don't know what to do!! I want him to GO AWAY!!! My dad, preferably, would like to break his legs, and then tie him to a cement block, and sink him in the nearby river. That's not looking to extreme at this point - I mean, THE GUY HAD HIS DAD DRIVE HIM THERE TO STALK ME!!!
I need more sugar....I'll see you guys later, 'kay? Oh, and EvilMonkey - please don't slap me!! ^_~
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I watched the new episodes, but I didn't get a chance to finish the FB series. -_- I DID, however, stay up past two reading all my manga! ^_^
Thanks, GoodMonkey, for the site. But.....I think I'm an idiot, because I don't know how to use the site to find an url to paste into my, anyone?? I'm still learning. @_@
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
My review is up! Tell me what ya think if ya read it!
Screw sleeping tonight - new Inuyasha and FMA! And I got the next three manga of FB, AND I'm determined to finish the FB series tonight too! Who needs to sleep when you've got anime?!
No one has to get mad or apologize for EvilMonkey - he didn't insult me, so no worries. ^_^
Does anyone know a good site to get music urls for my site?? I don't really care if it's anime or regular music, but I don't know any sites period. Anyone know any good ones??
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Feeling Better
I'm feeling a lot better, thanks guys! And EvilMonkey, you can really be an asshole sometimes, but you cheered me up. ^_~
DaggerIXI PMed me about an article I had sent in, and requested that I submit it as a review instead! Cool. ^_^ I had been thinking about that, so I did. It should be up soon for everyone to read!
I've almost finished watching the FB series with my parents (again) and now I've started the manga as well. I love it!
Obviously I'm feeling better - still sad, but I'm trying not to let it get to me like I did before. What's even better is my dad wants to have his friend's son beat my stalker up. ^_^ HOw great is that?! The guy in question is a black belt, so it'd be fun.
I'm itching to change my bg again - I found a really neat bg of Ayame from FB - but I'm restraining myself for a bit longer. (sits on fingers) Don't much longer....I can hold out! But don't worry, I like this one as well. ^_^
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Friday, September 30, 2005
Someone I met last night on MyO, rosy, a friend of Leon sama, was shot and killed shortly after I had finished talking to her. I'd appreciate if you would pray for her and mike. I didn't know her that well, but I wish I could have.
Now I'm still in a deep funk - I'm thinking about how our lives, even though they can sometimes seem long, are really just little blips in the great universe. Imagine - if one of us died tomorrow, people would certainly be affected, but the world wouldn't. It would go on as if nothing had happened, as if we had never existed.....
OK, now I'm depressing myself further. More hugs, maybe?......if it's not too much trouble. But hugs are therapeutic. ^_~
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Just wanted to drop a line to say that I'm not able to log onto your site, so I can't visit it or add you as a friend.
I'm going to go hide in a hole beneath my house. Maybe he won't find me there. It's just....all of a sudden, I'm just....sad.
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