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Student, single, and a net-head
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Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
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Friday, September 23, 2005
Complaining Day!
OK people, for all of you who've read my stuff, you know that Fridays are now official "complaining days" for us all. ^_^ Anything and everything you can whine about - you can be positive as well, but you have to complain about at least ONE thing. ^_~
OK.....well, I have some jerk-off that's driving me up the wall, and I think I'll break his fingers so he can never dial a phone again. I can't beat a boss in Xenosaga II - Scarbelle keeps killing me! I'm short, and have to look up to most people. I can't find a good friend, and my computer keeps freaking out on me. e.g.: The font on Otaku was really big, and now it's small again. WTF??
I don't fit in with people, and I'm usually alone at things. I'm 3/4 deaf, which is kinda inconveinant, to say the least.
OK, I think I got it outta my system! On a happier note, I'm waiting for my wallpaper to be accepted. ^_^ It'll be Gundam Wing.
I got two CDs yesterday - Simple Plan "Not Getting Any" and the new Killers CD. I love Simple Plan.
RT: Always do what you believe in, and never back down from your convictions.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Nothing much - I'm glad that everything's working and that you guys like it.
Evil Monkey: How the HELL did you beat Xenosaga in under 24 hours?!!? Did you stay on straight, or what?!!?
Yeah, I know my parents are just looking out for me - I wasn't mad at them, just upset in general, is all.
RT: Hate is not the opposite of love; fear is. Hate is an empty void, while fear is a living, breathing emotion that our imagination feeds. Fear can override any emotion, even hate or love. So in essence, fear and love are opposites. What do you guys think?
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
New bg - KOS-MOS from Xenosaga, a video game. One of the best, in my opinion. Anyways, what do you guys think? I liked the other one too, but this was just so nice ^_^
I'm going to drive you all insane, aren't I??
Whew, I just had a stroke. For some reason, none of my posts or quizzes showed up on the main site for a sec. I'll go check again, just to be sure.....
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I wanted to go to an Audioslave concert that's next month, and my dad was going to take me.
But my mom called the doctor, and he said I can't go. So now I'm just really upset, because I REALLY wanted to go. And I gave myself an upset stomach now too.
I'm just really sad right now, so don't mind me.
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All Done
Well, happily enough, there wasn't that many ppl I took off. Three exceptions were: 101 Inuyasha 101, because she's making me a button and stuff; and Sessy514, because I'm part of his Sesshomaru fan club; and Sephiroth-Death, whose friend just died, so it's not reasonable to expect him to update his site for a bit. Other than that, everyone who didn't have me as a friend was gone.
TaliF, a friend in real life, got taken off because she's in college, and she doesn't use this site anyway. Now to check my gb, to see if anyone I haven't visited yet has me as a friend already. ^_^
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Well, I'm just popping in. Since some ppl seem to like the idea of a "whining day" (^_^) I think we should set it for a Friday. That way it's the end of the school week, and I'm sure most of us have SOMETHING to complain about by then! ^_~ Let all your friends know, 'kay? Let's see how many people we can get to do this.
I haven't been up to much. School and writing is taking up most of my time, but I don't mind. Piano is also getting stuffed in there along the way.
I think I'm going to post my opinions about random things from now on. #1: It'll give me somethin' to write about; #2: Maybe people'll check it out and comment on 'em.
Random thought (RT from now on) of the day: This idea I got from Evil Monkey's site. I think people take the words "love" and "hate" far too lightly. They're strong words, and I think it's a disuse to use them to say things like "I love my computer" or "I hate so-and-so". I'm not saying I'm perfect - I'm just as guilty. But I try to remember that there's plenty of other words I can use. ^_^
OK, I'm done now. You can either bear with my daily rants, or just ignore me. Either way's fine. ^_^ I'm going to go check out every single person that's on my buddy list. If I'm on theirs, I'll leave 'em on. If not, I'll get 'em off. I mean, why would I have someone up that's not going to even contact me at all or anything??
See ya later!
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Monday, September 19, 2005
I - am - so - PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW!! That jerk-off that I was just complaining about just called!!!! I told him that I was busy on my computer (I have a laptop) and that my battery is dying (which it IS) and he goes, "Well, can't you just plug it in?" Real snottily. I told him no, and that I'm busy during the day and weekends. If he EVER calls again I'll tear into him about ruining my Witch Hunter Robin DVD covers, my book (again, I already told him off before), and that I'm pissed off that he was disrespectful to my mom. I'm going to kill him, I swear. And then I'll beat the crap out of him and bury him alive in the backyard.
I'm just really mad right now. I need pity!!
Oh, speaking of which - I was thinking, how about all of us (friends and all) save one day a week, and all we do on our sites is complain about things that are bothering us? Really stupid stuff, or serious stuff, but just to complain? What do you guys think? If you want to do that, let me know, and let your friends know, and suggest a day to do it. I think it would be fun - and therapeutic. ^_^ Whaddya say?
I'm off to play on the net - catch you all later!
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Everything's working now! My new avatar, my new bg, my fonts and everything!! I' happy....oh so la la la laaaaaaa...........
What do you all think of the new look? Like it? I'm going to enjoy playing around with it for the next few weeks!
Remember that guy that's been bugging me, and my mom told him off for me? Well, she told him not to call again - and guess who called last night? Yep, him. We didn't even answer, but mom and dad are majorly pissed off. I am too, but my parents are the ones who can land him in major trouble. ^_^ I'm so vindictive.
Just a shout-out to all of my friends! ^_^ Especially Yoko Bandit and her site for helping, and everyone else for being a friend.
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
To Yoko Bandit:
I love you!! (as a friend...) Thank you SO MUCH for reminding me about the intro code to keep it from moving!! Now it works!1
Whaddya guys think? Keep this one, or go to Ayame from Fruits' Basket? I kinda like this one for a while. ^_^
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I'm Back!!
I just got back from NJ. I had a pretty good time - except I hate it there! It's a culture shock - where I live, most ppl are white, then black, and then Hispanic. But hardly any are black or hispanic. But up there, they're ALL black and hispanic!! And so many gangs and drugs and traffic and pollution and....just ick.
Did anyone miss me? ^_^
I haven't checked my bg yet - PLEASE tell me it's working!! Please, for the love of all that's holy, tell me it's not flashing still!!!!!!! If the damn thing still is, I'll talk to Yoko Bandit about it, that's all.
I did like having decent NJ pizza, though. Mmmm............
I'll be back tomorrow to check up on all the sites, 'k? Now, time to fight with myOtaku site......
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