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Student, single, and a net-head
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Yeah, sure. 
Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Well, one of my guy friends came over today. My best friend hung out for a while too. We played Yu-Gi-Oh cards a lot - neither of us duel with our siblings anymore, since they're sore losers. I was getting better.
We also walked in 85-degree heat in JEANS!! JEANS, I TELL YOU!! Jeesh, I'm still hot!
It was nice - I haven't seen him for a while. He's dating my other friend, so he was happy because she just came back from vacation. But he saved me from boredom all day - he just left.
Comments (4) |
Monday, August 1, 2005
Yea! My fourth article is up as well on the main link - it's one of the four new ones. ^_^ I'm not very good at making wallpapers, so I'll just write my way into fame! ^_~
My back-to-school prom is this Saturday. I still have to get shoes! @_@ I'm excited, but my date's been acting like a jerk lately. Oh, well. If I don't like the way he acts at the dance, that's it for him! Other than that, I'm looking forward to it. I'm homeschooled, so this is like the prom for homeschoolers. ^_^ A bunch of my friends are going as well. Don't worry - I'll be sure to tell you guys all about it when it's over! (If anyone reads this, that is!)
I'm going over to fanfiction to update my stories - I've been getting lots of reviews! If you come across my site, please sign my GB - I always sign back and add people as a friend. Or PM me! ^_^
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Monday, July 25, 2005
I'm pretty proud of myself at this point - my third article, and it's posted on the main site!! Please read and comment on it!!
Thanks for all the GB signings. If I'm ever bored or lonely, be sure I'll PM ya. ^_~ And if you're ever bored or lonely, feel free to do the same!
I watched the new Samurai Champloo and Inuyasha Sat night. They were really good. "SC" for developing the characters a little bit more, which was nice. It showed that Fuu is bonding with the two of them, and that Mugen isn't such an a-hole. And that Jin is a pretty cool guy as well. ^_^ Inuyasha was good because...well, because it's a new episode! But I was glad that Bankotsu was in it - finally! I've heard so much about him, so I was really excited. And the episode didn't disappoint me. Now I can't wait till next week. This will be the first episode (that I can remember) that Inuyasha, Koga, Sesshomaru, AND Naraku are all going to be in it at once! PLUS Bankotsu and the others! YEAH!!! I can't wait. ^_^
I've been updating my fanfiction site fairly recently, so if anyone wants to check out my stories, my username is TeenAnimeLover.
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
Well, I'm all hyped about tomorrow. I'm going with a few friends to Kings Dominion -- it's my first time. ^_^ We're gonna spend all day there, too!
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Friday, July 15, 2005
What the heck?!!? My GB signing numbers keep going down! First it was 14, then 13, and now today it's at 12!! Do they delete over time, or what?? This is really weird!!
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Well, I'm pretty po'ed that they're restarting the FMA series -- I have almost 9 weeks till they have new episodes, at LEAST!!! (cries)
I'm enjoying the new Inuyasha episodes, though. I wish Bankotsu, who I've heard so much about, was in it sooner, and that SESSHOMARU was in a lot more, but other than that, I like it.
I'm tirelessly working on my fics at, if anyone wants to drop by and check him out. (hint-hint) And while you're there, check out Kitsune Thief's profile as well! You have to go to her Otakusite here because I forget her username on fanfiction. -_-
I keep my comp in hibernation now, so I don't have to turn it off and on again like I've been doing ever since it started acting up. It makes my life easier. ^_^
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
My comp's been acting up for a while, and then my internet provider busted, so I couldn't log on!! So I'm finally back -- again!
I updated, and created, some stories on my fanfiction site. Check out Kitsune Thief's story as well! ~_^
Well, two of my friends are officially dating. It took them long enough, in my humble opinion. ^_^ I'm NOT a meddler, but they'll never know some of the things I did for them.....oh, well.
Comments (2) |
Friday, July 1, 2005
Fruits Basket
I'm trying to decide whether or not to get the manga, after seeing the entire show. Are they different, or basically the same? Oh, and WHAT IS THE CURSE!!!! Are they talking about the Zodiac curse, or a different one that Akito has to die for?? That left me confused, which is why I'm considering getting the manga.
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I'm kinda in a crappy mood tonight. All my friends are either unavailable or over someone's house, and I'm feeling really lonely again. I guess I kinda feel left out -- my best friend went over some guy's house (a mutual friend), and when I said I wasn't up to it today, she still decided to go. She's nice, but she has less tact than a smack in the face. And I mean a HARD slap in the face.
I just like having people around to talk to, and no one's here to talk to. So it just bums me out, you know what I mean? So now I'm rambling on my blog, which is kinda sad, but helps get it off my chest. No one reads it anyway. -_-
Well, I'm going all over the net today, and then back to writing, and then back to the net, and get the picture. Maybe I'll try to call another friend later.
It's times like this I wish I had AOL or something, though!
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I'm Back!
I've been gone for a while -- busy with friends and other boards, to be honest. ^_^ Here's a quiz result I got from my friend's board --
How to make a sorceress |
1 part friendliness
1 part silliness
5 parts empathy |
Method: Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of caring |