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Student, single, and a net-head
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Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
Favorite Anime
Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
| Purifying Goddess
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Monday, January 22, 2007
KH guys talk about yoi: larein

Hate me if you must, but I think they're funny!
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Xemnas Reports: psycrowe on deviantART

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Sunday, January 21, 2007
More pics!
By the way, BlackLiliian on deviantART is the artist of the last ones, and this one.....


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Late Christmas pics.....
Ah, the XIII days of Christmas, Nobody style! I can't help it....they're FUNNY.....!!

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Axel Pic

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written at: 10:52 pm
listening to: Trapt
CD: Headstrong
Fav song: These Walls
mood: all right
Bishonen: Axel from Kingdom Hearts II
Well, the party was good. I had fun - and my friend thinks they all like me, so it's cool. ^_^ Had some cake and hung out, maihly. My friend slept over that night, but had to go home. She came over today, supposed to sleep over, but her dad got pissy and made her come home. -_-
If you douldn't tell, I really want snow. We haven't had any yet, and most of you guys seem to get it all. ^_^' But school's closed tomorrow, which means the edu. center is, which means I get a three-day weekend! I really need one, too......I need to sleep late, just ONCE. My mom just HAD to wake me up at 11:30, told me it was past 12 and to call my friend to see when she was coming over, and I only got about four hours of sleep. Insomnia. >_< So if anyone wakes me up tomorrow, I'll be even more pissy than I was today. ^_^' GOT IT?!?!?!!
Heh-heh....played a bunch of the Sims2 this weekend, so my life has been wasted. Gonna try to get some writing done later. Screw going to bed early!!
Still looking for a freakin' Axel pic that'll fit - I'm finding some really funny stuff. Go to and do a search for Axel. Then scroll through stuff. ^_^' It's what I'm doing - and crackin' up.
Nothin' else has really been happening since the last post. Do you guys like my new Kurogane pic?? Ah, finally found a friggin' pic that'll work. And then, I'm posting one I found that made me totally laugh. ^_^ Catch ya all later.
PG |  |
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Thursday, January 18, 2007
written at: 3:58 pm
listening to: Breaking Benjamin/HIM
CD: Phobia/Razorblade Romance
Fav song: Dancing with the Devil/Razoblade Kiss
mood: all right
Bishonen: Tasuki from Fushigi Yugi
Yo! I'd like to apologize if I sounded nasty in my last post - I wasn't, really! I was just so upset and stressed and, if I hurt anyone's feelings, I'm sorry. ^_^' (No, no one said anything, but I wanted to make sure!)
Anyway, I'm feeling a little better in general, at least. Went to the anime store.....yesterday, yeah. Got the third season (and final!) of Rurouni Kenshin, 1st DVD of Bleach, second season of Fullmetal Panic, the FFXII soundtrack, and the next three for Bleach. Woot! ^_^ I also got a late Christmas present - the Axel figurine I wanted!!! It's so awesome. ^_^
I'm getting my hair done tomorrow - I really need a trim....yeesh. The split ends are taking over! ^_^' So I think I'm gonna get it cut a little differently, instead of just trimmed and angled like usual. I want a change. And tomorrow is my friend's B-day party, and she's inviting all her friends from public school so I can meet 'em (guys! heh-heh), so I'd like to look decent, ya know?
I'm in the middle of doing my nails for tomorrow, too dark blue. It looks cool, once I clean the edges up. (rolls eyes) I'm SO bad at doing dark colors! I just slap on some base and I'm done, but I'm trying to take better care of my fingernails.
Have any of you heard of Robert Jorden and the Wheel of Time books? It seems more popular than I thought it was....I got the 11th book, but haven't started it yet. ^_^' Ah well.
Speaking of you guys, I've deleted a few more people who're never around, just so you all know. But, it doesn't matter if I say it, 'cause they're not here to read it! So.....whatever. ^_^
If you can't tell, I'm actually in a much better mood. I love getting my hair done - I feel so pretty after! And I can't wait until the party - I got my friend the first Fruits Basket and first Absolute Boyfriend, her two favs, and a bookmark as well. I gotta wrap 'em....But I'm looking forward to it. I hope they can all come! O_o
Well, I'll let ya all know how it goes. Hey, whaddya think of my new background pic? I'm thinking of changing again, since it's kinda blurry, so I might have a totally different pic up here by the time you see it! But let me know if ya like it or not, or whatever. Catch ya all later. C. out.
*EDIT* I'm still changing the bg - my site is having problems, apparently. Damn it. |  |
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Sunday, January 14, 2007
writen at: 6:19 pm
listening to: Linkin Park
CD: Hybrid
Fav song: Runaway
mood: go to hell
Bishonen: Sanosuke Sagara from Rurouni Kenshin
Well, it was an up-and-down weekend. I'll start with Friday, how 'bout?
I'll just get the good stuff over with now, since that'll take shorter. We got a 360 on Friday!! ^_^ So, as of now, the games we have are: Call of Duty 3, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Dead or Alive 4, and Gears of War. Awesome! Also, I got the last three vols of Chrono Crusade - I love the ending so much more than the anime one! It's more...comforting, I think. And the plots were totally different...I'm glad I decided to get it! O_o Also got 7 and 8 of Bleach, since they didn't have 9 or 10 there. So, more manga!
Now, shitty stuff. Thursday totally SUCKED ass. A girl I to start? Goddamn it. Well, a girl I know is being abused - verbally, physically, and my mom thinks sexually. I don't know what to do. I told my mom and dad, so they're doing everything they can, but I feel like I betrayed her, even though I know it's for the best. I feel that I should've known something was wrong sooner - that maybe I could've done something to prevent it, or help. I don't know - I can't really describe the feelings I have about it at all. You either understand, or don't, so please don't say you know how I feel or something like that unless you really do. It'll only make it worse.
I've had nightmares since then, I don't really feel like eating, and I don't want to go anywhere or do anything. Even on the 360, really. I feel like shit - I know I'm not the one that's bad off, but I don't know......I never thought I'd actually know someone that this was all happening to, you know? I want to DO something, goddamn it.
So, I'll have my ups, but I'm basically down all this weekend. I want to just curl up and cry - but I can't, for some reason. It really, really sucks. Beyond expression, honestly. I wish I could explain, but I can't. My parents have been really supportive, but they know I can't just ignore it. I just snapped at my mom really badly, and she wasn't even doing anything. >_< They're really trying to help me - I have to go apologize, since it was wrong. I just got in a bad mood all of sudden. (And NO, I'm not on my period.)
And, talk about being kicked while you're down. My brother found a rat running in my bathroom last night. (I live in the basement...) So, my dad beat it to death with an aluminum baseball bat. I swear to God - he did! I was upstairs, and all of a sudden I heard THWACK-THWACK-THWACK!!!! Kind of funny.....and to top it off, the things I thougt was dirt or bugs that I was finding in my room were...feces. -_- So, overkill on rat traps!! They haven't been touched, though, so maybe it's just one. It chewed a hole in my Visine eye drops - that are in the top drawer of my dresser. I found it this morning. So now, most of the stuff has to get thrown, so I got a new brush and things like that. Stuff that just can't be wiped off. But my parents are gonna get me a new dresser soon anyway - mine is my mom's old one, and it's literally falling apart. The bottom drawer is sitting on my floor. -_- I liked it, though.
So, please don't say 'just cheer up' or something like that. I really can't. How would you feel if you found a friend was being abused like that? You can't even imagine it, trust me. It's not something I can just ignore, or forget, or work around, or just cheer up and focus on happy thoughts. I really can't. If you were gonna say something like that, just don't, please.
I'm just so tired. I'm exhausted. And I'm not going to church until God shows me that something is good.
PG |  |
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Monday, January 8, 2007
written at: 11:19 am
listening to: Evanesecence
CD: Fallen
mood: lazy
Bishonen: Renji from Bleach
Yep, it's him again. I just think he's badass - and I watched the episode that I recorded of Bleach where he shows up. ^_^'
Not much is going on. Dad's home (duh), so it's weird. I had an appointment to get my hearing checked this morning at ten, so my dad took me. We got there early, so we were back on the road before 10! Anyway, it was for my hearing aid - she turned up the high frequencies a little more, since it seems I have some loss there now. -_- Just great. But other than that, it was all good. Really quick.
I'm staying home for the rest of the day. I could go into the edu. center, but I just don't feel like it. I'm taking a break. I don't think I'll go in there in the morning, either. I have the gov. center in the afternoon, and right now I don't feel like going back and forth all day tomorrow. The original agreement was that Tuesday was my day off at the edu. center anyway, so it doesn't matter. ^_^ Talk about lazy...
I'm waiting to see if some wallpapers I uploaded yesterday night are going to show up later. I'm not checking!! Other than that, I'm gonna try to get some writing done. ^_^ Go me!
Well, I'll catch ya all later. I'm still going through and deleting people, by the way - I'm sadistic, what can I say??
PG |  |
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
Watcha got?
written at: 4:06 pm
listening to: Three Doors Down
CD: The Better LifeF
Fav song: Kryptonite
Bishonen: Canaan from Xenosaga (III pic)
Yo, what's up? Nothin' much for me. I added something new to my daily list - the fav song on the CD I'm listening to as I listen to it. ^_^ I just felt like it, that's why! I've been busy at the edu. center - helping the guys with history, mainly. I like it. ^_^ Hey, look on the member list in your backroom - we're up to 486,000 - EXACTLY. Neat!
My dad's out of work until at least Jan. 22 - that really sucks. So, he's trying to get his vacation days early to use, so he at least gets paid somewhat instead of swallowing at least a month. He goes back the doctor then, and he might be out even longer. >_< if it's not stressful enough!
Again, a new year, so I'm repeating previous warnings - if you update often, and I visit often, but I never see a comment or PM from ya, I'm deleting whoever it is. And I'm not going to warn people, because they always get pissed off at me. -_- At least some people (whom I won't name) stay in contact with PM or email, so even though they don't comment I know they're around. People whom I don't have any contact with at all are going to be gone next week. It's a little annoying. I don't have people on my friend's list just for looks - like "Oh, look how many I have!" I just have the people up there I talk to and stuff. So, got it?
I uploaded some more wallpapers - Final Fantasy again. I hope they go through. Have any of you guys looked at my stuff? There's a whole bunch up now - yea! ^_^ I'm trying to get some Kingdom Hearts stuff up as well. All those Reno pics I was talking about a while ago, that wouldn't upload - I figured out how to get 'em up!! So those are the ones that have been new. Go me!!
Well, looks like my plans to crash the dance are down the toilet - my friend's sick, and it's on a Saturday after all, so it's basically a no-go. Oh well - I honestly don't mind much. I just wanted to get together with 'em. So we'll see about next weekend, hanging out in my basement. ^_^ I hope we can get together EVENTUALLY. I mean, geez!
What's up with you guys? Anything interesting? Anything ya'd like to share?? Yeah, I'm nosy. ^_^'
I recorded most of the Bleach marathon that was on Sunday - I'm still working through it. I'm also still watching Voltron episodes that I record. It's so bad, it's good. ^_^' I mean, come on! What a classic. Wouldn't it be cool if they redid the original series?? But, wasn't it supposed to be for kids? And you've got this one guy totally fixated on the Princess - I mean, talk about stalking! Wow. And all the implied stuff....friggin' hilarious!
I hope you're all doing well! Things are kinda crappy here, but I'm trying to stay in a good mood. Not easy, but I am trying! Catch ya all later - C. out.
PG |  |
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