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Monday, January 1, 2007
New Year
written at: 9:25 pm
listening to: Godsmack
mood: shit
Bishonen: Renji Abara from Bleach
Yeah, I'm only into the 6th vol. of Bleach, but he seems like someone I'm going to end up having as a fav. ^_^'
Well.....let's hope this year doesn't suck as hard as last year did. -_-'d have to be pretty bad. Which is what I'm afraid of. Lately, each year gets worse as I get older.....and it's not just me!! But whatever....guess I'm just in a sucky mood.
Had my friend sleep over last night. We watched Advent Children to herald in the new year. ^_^ She's never seen it, and we can never seem to find time to watch it. So we did last night - and the whole extra stuff too! She thought it was awesome. I think the scene she liked best was when Rude and Reno are trying to grab the kids when they're running from Bahamut. I like when they're running, and Reno goes "Is it following us?" and Rude says "I'm not looking!" >_< I just think that's hilarious!
Ah, that cheered me up a little. My dad's finally out of the hospital. We'll see how long that lasts. Every time he gets out, he always says "I have to change how I eat"; "I have to start doing things differently"; etc, etc. What a load of bullshit. I give it a week - two, at the most. Who wants to bet? Kinda makes me mad, you know? He has me, my bro, and mom, and he can't take better care of himself. It pisses me off, in fact! Do any of you know someone like that?
Now I'm mad again. I also got a lecture - my brother is the one who mouthed off at my mom - so I get a lecture about how this is a new year, and every time I talk back I'll be punished, and I have to show mom more that I appreciate her, blah blah. You know - I KNOW I don't do all that enough (it's not like I don't get punished enough, so gimmie a break). But I try really hard - I really, really do try. And it's hard for me, but I'm trying! Maybe that's not good enough, but I think I've been getting better lately. I just wish they wouldn't snap at me all the time just because they're in a bad mood - and then I'm not allowed to say anything if I'm in a lousy mood. What a lot of bullshit. And my brother is the one who gets away with a LOT of stuff - he's the youngest (there's only two of us!), the only boy, all that crap. What a spoiled little monster - he really is. He shows me absolute no respect, he shows mom absolute zero respect (unless he wants something), and he only pays attention to dad because he knows dad can and will beat the crap out of him if he's pushed far enough.
So, I just have this haunted feeling about the new year. Something bad is going to happen, I know it is. I'll be here waiting until something does. >_<
My friend and I are going to crash the teen group party on the 5th. ^_^ We're going totally goth - and all the people she's been trying to get me to meet are gonna show up, if all goes as planned. My mom already said I could go (I left out a few details.....), so she needs permission. And then she's gonna round up everyone. If everyone shows up, counting us, there'll be......nine or ten people. ^_^ I can't wait. It'll be nice to go and not feel like a total loser, ya know? So that's the plan - maybe that'll make some fun. Oh boy - 'specially 'cause my parents won't be there to keep an eye on me. Whoo! I'm SO gonna cause trouble there. ^_^
I played FFXII some more tonight - finally. My dad gets home yesterday, and what does he do? He plays Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms with my bro the entire day and night. That sucked. So I played a little before he went to watch TV with my mom, so I went on Phantasy Star Universe. That game sucks so hard, I have to play just to see what else they can do to it. ^_^' No offense to people who like it - maybe it's an acquired taste, or it's better online, or something.
Nothing much else, guys. I hope you all had fun on New Years Eve, and I wish you all a good year!! ^_^ Catch ya all around. C. out.
PG |  |
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Friday, December 29, 2006
Not again.....
written at: 1:29 pm
listening to: Bon Jovi
CD: Slippery When Wet
mood: all right
Bishonen: Kakashi from Naruto
Well, I hope you all had a good Christmas!! Ours was interesting, to say the least. We stayed up for the first time, and opened our stuff at midnight instead of waking up the next morning. Dad figured that way we'd have more time to hang out on Christmas itself, ya know? Well, I made out - got a bunch of CDs and manga, yes! I now have the complete Alice 19th series, as well as all the vols. of Naruto, Fruits Basket, and Fushigi Yugi: Genbu Kaiden that have been released over here. More Bleach too. ^_^ Got some perfume and stuff from my mom, which smells really nice. My brother got me two Bon Jovi CDs, which I'm listening to now.
Well, Monday went pretty good except that Dad ate some vegetables or whatever and he started having really bad stomach pains. He went to the hospital at 7pm, and he's been in there ever since. -_- It's really depressing - I visited him yesterday, and I hate seeing him in the hospital. It scares me! So, his intestines kinked up and got blocked, so nothing could pass through. And now he has a respiratory virus from a family whose house he worked at. -_- And his intestines are all swollen. So he's on meds, and he'll be in there until at least Sunday, to see if everything works. He can't really talk, but at least he's gonna be put on liquid food soon.
I slept over at my teacher's house on....Wednesday. I know, that sounds so weird. But a girl who I met is staying there for a visit, so I slept over. Very randomly, I might add - I didn't know I was until I did! >_< But I had fun, so it was good. ^_^ And my friend slept over last night to keep me company, and we exchanged gifts. I burned her two CDs she's wanted, and she got me little guitar earrings - red, black, and purple ones. So cute! ^_^ And she's gonna see if she can spend New Years over - and tonight again! So she might be here for a while.
My poor mom's stressing out, which is totally understandable, of course. What a mess. But I have to say that at least she isn't taking it out on us. Totally the opposite - we were messing with her so bad last night. ^_^'
Not much else. Please keep my dad in your thoughts - it seemed to work last time. Please? ^_^' I'll catch you guys all later - again, hope your holidays were awesome! Love you guys! C. out.
PG |  |
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Saturday, December 23, 2006
Catch all later!
written at: 9:42 pm
listening to: Eveanescence
CD: The Open Door
mood: excited
Bishonen: Gaara from Naruto
Well, mass one out of two is done! The way the Catholic church does the masses are a little confusing for people who don't know about it, so I won't bother trying to explain it. But I have to go to a weekend mass - a regular mass - and a Christmas mass. Since Christmas is on Monday, there's masses then, and a evening one at 8pm and a midnight one. So, we're going to the 8pm one tomorrow - my brother's serving. His first time serving a holiday. ^_^
We (my dad, bro, and I) went Christmas shopping tonight for my mom. We were able to find everything we were looking for!! That's the first time that's ever happened - totally sweet. ^_^ And the crowds were nonexistent. That's awesome too.
We're a little pissy now, when we got home, though - except my mom, who was crying. Apparently, the bitch that is my dad's mother called - twice - and left messages. The first one was just a load of shit, and the second one was to leave her number. My mom got scared that she was going to try to get back into our lives, and she started crying really badly. But my dad let her know that there's no way she's ever coming back again. ^_^ So that's cool - and we did some stupid shit to cheer her up, ya know, stuff to make her laugh. So it's all good now - but that BITCH. It seems she's really trying to fuck us over this holiday, doesn't it? But I'm not going to let her do it!!
So tomorrow, everyone is spending the day wrapping. ^_^' My bro already wrapped dad's stuff, so tomorrow dad's wrapping our stuff, and we're wrapping mom's stuff. It's funny, because we got the third Meatloaf CD for dad, but told him it was for mom, since mom had mentioned she wanted it anyway. So he is TOTALLY convinced it's moms. It's so fun getting him to get his own stuff without knowing....heh-heh. So the look on his face will be priceless. I can't wait!!
I'm so excited about Christmas. Now that it's only two/so-so days away, I'm really looking forward to it all of a sudden. I was before, but now the hyper is getting to me. Yea!!!
I uploaded some more wallpapers - I don't think they'll go through for a while. I'll just re-submit them. ^_^ Has anyone seen the new FF ones I've done??
Anyway, not much else to babble about. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas - NOT happy holidays.... - and an awesome New Years! ^_^ Caitlin out!
PG |  |
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Thursday, December 21, 2006
Here's the card from SesshomaruMistres!

And here's the one from Wings of Dream

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Merry Christmas
written at: 3:11 pm
listening to: MCR
CD: The Black Parade
mood: depressed
Bishonen: Chichiri from Fushigi Yugi
Hey, all. I'm a little down - it's stupid, but it still bugs me. We had our Christmas party at the edu. center today. It was nice talking to all the teachers and the one guy that talked to me - but no one else talked to me. Not evern the couple of girls (old students) that showed up. T_T I thought it would be different there, since we're all 'friends' and shit, but it was the same old crap that I find everywhere else. So that depresses me - I was really looking forward to hanging out with everyone, but like always, I just talked to the adults. -_- The two teachers that are always there were really nice to me - I think they felt bad. *sighs* What else is new? They all suck.
Well, I'm still looking forward to Christmas. ^_^
The bitch (dad's mother) sent my bro a Christmas card with $100 and a little note a few days ago. I don't care that he got one - but then I got one yesterday. -_- I had my dad open it - and she didn't even use my name. There's a check for $100, and she wrote 'buy yourself something nice'. Not even signed or anything. So, I was really bothered - do I keep the money, or send it back?? So, I talked to one of the teachers today, who's also a therapist - ^_^' - and she made me feel loads better. My parents said whatever I decided to do with it, they'd do it for me, so it's not like they were telling me what to do. But I didn't want to feel obligated to her for anything, ya know? But the teacher said that if it was her, she'd keep it, and send a note saying that I'm keeping it, but I still don't consider having a relationship with her, basically. I think I might do that - I don't know. My bro decided to put it towards a 360, and he was trying to force me to do that last night until I got pissed and my dad yelled at him, saying that it's my thing and he can just shut up and let me do what I want with it. So, since I don't want to spend the money on myself totally - I wouldn't be able to look at whatever I bought without remembering it was her money - I'm gonna give it to my bro to put up for a 360 as well, since I really want one too. I just have to make sure he understands that the 360 will NOT be his. -_- That's how he works, so then I can't get on. Brat. *sigh*
So, drama as usual. Not much else so far. Leveling up like crazy in FFXiI, though. ^_^ Awesome. I have to a have a talk with mom and dad tonight about that damn check - it's a bribe, of course. That's why I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do with it. Whatever.
I'll try to catch everyone later, before Christmas. If not, I love you guys. ^_^ You're so good to me!! Oh, I'll post a Christmas Card SesshomaruMistres made for me!
Well, have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! C. out.
PG |  |
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Monday, December 18, 2006
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
written at: 5:47 pm
listening to: HIM
CD: Dark Light
mood: pretty good
Bishonen: Fai from Tsubasa Chronicles
Well, hey all. I'll start out by letting you all know that my brother is totally cancer-free as of right this second. ^_^ Awesome - thanks for all your wishes!
Not much else going on. Heh-heh....I didn't get up till 3 this afternoon. Yea for me! I was out cold, too. Didn't go to bed til 4 in the morning - my dad, bro, and my bro's friend were up being noisy. ^_^ I played FFXII for a while last night, too. Balthier's lv. 55 already! O_o I get Game Informer - I think it's awesome Basch was number 3 or so in the top ten heroes of 2006 list. Yeah!
Hmm.....I want to put up the tree tomorrow, so hopefully that'll keep us busy for a while. I honestly can't think of anything else.....hey, can you guys see the Kurogane pic in my one post a few days ago?? 'Cause it doesn't show up......T_T And it was a great pic! Damn it!
I'll catch everyone later. I hate the new banner, btw - the Spiky-dude was the best! And that huge ad is driving me nuts. We totally lost any personality or uniqueness when he was thrown out like garbage. (cries) It's sad! C. out.
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
written at: 6:41 pm
listening to: Killers
CD: Hot Fuss
mood: worried, anxious
Bishonen: Amiboshi from Fushigi Yugi
Why'm I worried? Well, the main reason is that my bro - 14 - is getting a colonoscopy tomorrow. That's where they send a camera through his intestines - gross, I know - to look for any abnormalities. He's getting it because cancer runs in the male side of my dad's family - every single male has gotten it. So, the chances are REALLY high he'll have it. I'm nauseous, which surprises me, but I guess I'm more worried than I thought I'd be. It's good if they get it early - but it better not be there at all! And after this, he'll have to have it regularly, because the chance is so high. It could come any time. And it does kill - my grandfather and uncle died of it, my other uncle never had it but died of throat cancer, my great-grandfather, some cousins - I'm not sure how many have had it exactly, but it's most definitely prominent. -_-'
I'd really appreciate it if everyone could keep him in their thoughts. ^_^' And me, since I'm totally spazzing out. I'm going to edu. center all day tomorrow, since not only does my bro have a doc appointment - mom and dad both have one too! But I guess the woman in charge knows I don't want to sit home alone and brood, because they're going to pick me up tomorrow morning so I can hang out all day. ^_^ They didn't do that last time I didn't have a ride, so that's the only reason I can think of. But it's really bugging me - my mom's out, and my dad and bro are working on putting a model car together, so I'm downstairs blasting music and on my laptop.
I'll catch everyone later, 'kay? And if anyone ever wonders what 'C.' stands for - it's my name, you nuts! ^_^ Caitlin out.
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I got it off iceblock88's site. ^_^
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
written at: 11:03 pm
listening to: Black Sabbath
CD: We Sold Our Soul for Rock 'n Roll
mood: not bad
Bishonen: Kurogane from Tsubasa Chronicles
Yo, everyone! I've been sick since Tuesday evening - I had a cold AND the flu. -_- Poor me......I could hardly get outta bed until Saturday. I got to feeling better Sunday, Monday I could move - not really talk - and now I'm much better. ^_^ I'm still all congested and stuff, so I can't talk too much, but for some reason, everyone thinks that's a good thing......whatever.
Anyway, I'm finally updating. I hope a few people who I visit a lot will come by soon. It kinda irritates me - but we've been over that already.
Havin' a ball at the edu. center. The one guy, though, absolutely REEKED of smoke - cigarette or cigar, but it stunk. And I'm allergic - I started having an asthma attack. >_< So I get to tell him off when I work with him again - either he cuts the shit, or he doesn't work with me. Period. That's awesome. I think smoking is a DISGUSTING habit - I've had a least three relatives die from lung cancer from smoking - and there's no way in hell anyone is going to convince me it's all right. Never. But other than that, the pain in the ass is the same - I think he pisses me off just to see how long it takes before I start swearing at him and tell him to 'cut the shit and get the damn work done'. Humph. Whatever. The other guys are cool, so it's all good. ^_^
Haven't been up to much, actually. Since I'm just getting better, there's not much to say. Re-reading all my manga in anticipation of new volumes for Christmas - that's really all I really, really want. ^_^ That Axel figure is badass, though..........I just put some random stuff - my bro and I make a list and give it to my parents, but they know they don't have to get everything on it. Or at least, my dad does. -_- Hopefully my mom won't get a guilt trip going that she usually does this time of year......ah well.
I'm actually looking forward to Jan/Feb more, because.....I get to go to driver's ed for my license then!! Yeah, yeah, I know, I only have my permit and I'm almost 18, but it ain't my fault. -_- I can DRIVE, I just need the damn hours in. But my dad won't take me out - he keeps putting it off. So my mom promised after the holidays she'll sign me up. I'm totally stoked! I'm gonna take our Nova - it's almost 19, being almost exactly a year older than me - which is stick, but I'll just learn that, no biggie. Then I can take myself to work. ^_^ Awesome. Closer to the spring/summer I want to get a paying job. I think my mom will be more open to that, once I can drive myself places and get close to finishing up school. Especially since I'll start college in the fall....oh God, it makes me nervous! >_<
Can't think about.....must not hyperventilate.....there, all better. My bro, dad, and I watched Spaceballs the other night. Anyone ever seen that movie? It's a parody of Star Wars. Funny as hell - watch it!
Well, I think that's it. Plus, I'm getting tired. *yawn* I'll catch ya all later. C. out.
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