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Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
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Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
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Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
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Friday, December 8, 2006
written at: 8:14 pm
listening to: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
CD: Greatest Hits
mood: exhausted
Bishonen: Domeki from XxxHolic
This won't be long, guys. I'm totally laid out with something. I don't get sick often, but when I DO.....whew. I've lost my voice completely, which sucks. I'm tired, achy....I don't know if I've got the flu, a cold, or what. It really sucks, and I'm so tired! My brother and I just finished watching Spaceballs - anyone seen that?
I haven't been up to much - been sick since Tuesday, actually. So, I've been laying around and that's it. And now I have allergies.....-_- So not nice. My parents went to Maryland for a Christmas party with my dad's job - they'll be gone overnight, which is neat. The company is paying for the room. ^_^ They'll have fun, so that's good.
My bro and I are gonna make our Christmas lists later tonight - yech. My mom always feels obligated to get what we put down, no matter what - long, personal story - so we hate making them. >_< But she's a lot more relaxed lately, so that's good. She didn't even freak out about Thanksgiving, which was a first. So hopefully, it'll be a LOT less stressful this holiday. -_-
Anyway, not much else. I already said I feel like crap - hope you guys don't catch anything! I'll catch ya'll later.
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Saturday, December 2, 2006
Know what....?
written at: 8:05 pm
listening to: Def Leppard
CD: Rock of Ages
mood: pissy
Bishonen: Kureno from Fruits Basket
Know what pisses me off?
People who are so effin' closed-minded that they can't be friends with someone who likes the same FICTIONAL CHARACTER. For god's sake, GET A DAMN LIFE!!
*edit* Things have straightened out. Apparently, a friend got into her site and screwed with it. So, I apologized to the person who I thought had done it, since she had no clue what was going on.
People who have favorites with children and make no attempt to hide it.
People who fight and then just ignore that it happens, and tries to pretend everything is okay instead of clearing the air.
People who tell someone "when you feel like taking the chip off your shoulder and tell me what the problem is", and then walks off and doesn't talk to that someone, even after that someone DOES try to tell them what the matter is.
I hate people like that, and they piss me off.
I hope you guys had a better time of it than I did. -_- My friend got to sleep over last night, though, so that was fun. I haven't seen her for a while. And then everything sucked, so there ya go.
I don't really plan on doing anything for a while. I wanna watch Van Helsing on TNT tonight - I haven't gotten to see it, so I feel like it. ^_^' Oh damn, I was gonna say something.....Oh, I remember. Starting Friday, if it works, I'll be tutoring a 12 yr.old. ^_^ For real, not just helping out randomly. I'm kinda nervous, but excited too. I'll have to let you guys know how it all goes.
Well, I'll stop whining now. I'll catch ya all later! Thanks for commenting and messaging. ^_^
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
written at: 3:08 pm
listening to: Good Charlotte
CD: Chronicles of Life and Death
mood: good
Bishonen: Hatori from Fruits Basket
Hey!! I finally got my account all up and set with my new email - which people can USE TO EMAIL ME, you know! ^_^ But I'm really happy about that.
We're having the house appraised Friday, so it's getting cleaned. LOADS of stuff thrown out. O_o I rescued stuff I wanted to keep, though, so it's all good. The house looks weird now...
Whatcha all up to?? Like my new avatar? I thought it was pretty funny. ^_^ I don't know why I'm in such a good mood - I guess I just am. Yea!!
I think I'll try to get some more writing done. Don't really have plans for the weekend yet, so who knows? I'll probably just sit myself down in front of the T.V. and play FFXII till my eyes fall out of my head. Hee-hee!
Not much else is going on. If there is, I totally forgot....>_< Anyway, I'm going through my list again, so watch out! Anyone I visit alot, but who I never see....bye! ^_~ I'll let anyone know before I get rid of 'em, though.
Catch everyone later!
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Saturday, November 25, 2006
written at: 2:56 am
listening to: Joan Jett
CD: Bad Reputation
mood: nirvana...
Bishonen: Momiji and Haru from Fruits Baset
Well, the main topic is - I have a new banner!! ^_^ My old one stopped showing up again, so I asked lucifers wife to make me one. And she did - it's now Kyo from Furuba. ^_^ Awesome, isn't it? So put it up already!
Still need a good site for avatars - and one for fanfiction, since is pissing me the hell off! PLEASE!!
Beat a few more Hunts in FFXII - heh-heh. Bathier is 38, while everyone else is 31 or 30 now. Awesome.
No one really comments on my site anymore. And I try so hard to visit everyones' and visit now! T_T It's kinda'd be nice for you guys to just pop in a comment, especially when you see me around on your site more. Please??
Well, not much else to say. I slept till 3 pm today. >_< I don't know why, since I didn't go to bed at an obscene hour or anything. But there ya go. I guess I just really needed the sleep. So now I'm all messed up, so I better get up early tomorrow (today) so I can be tired and have my sleeping schedule back to normal! I'm already in the mid-stage, so....
I'll catch everyone later. C. out.
Comments (3) |
Thursday, November 23, 2006
written at: 11:13 pm
listening to: Foo Fighters
CD: In Your Honor
mood: worn-out
Bishonen: Shigure from Fruits Basket
Well, it went a little better after I vented at you guys. My mom and I emailed back and forth (she's upstairs, and I'm downstairs, so she likes doing that for fun ^_^), and I told her what was bothering me. She said she had already promised to get a turkey breast for the two of us, since we're the only ones who like it, and was surprised because she had thought I had known that. And then Dad apologized for yelling at me, especially through my bathroom door. ^_^ So it went better.
And THEN, I went on FFXII - got my second Esper, beat the second Judge, AND beat that damn Earth Tyrant sub-boss I've been fighting for weeks! Seriously, I think I was on my ninth (at LEAST) try to kill him - and I DID IT!!!! Two Espers, many Ethers and Quickenings, and stressing out later, to be sure, but I did it!! ^_^ Now I only have one Ether left.....and I can't buy them! T_T Ah was damn worth it, let me tell you. I haven't felt that amount of satisfaction with a game for a long time. I mean, the feeling of achievement I had was really nice. ^_^
So today didn't totally suck. But I still want turkey - it's a ritual thing in our house. And my mom makes it so good...but at least she said she'd get us one.
I'm on a Furuba stint now, for whatever reason. I got my first vol. back from my friend, FINALLY, on Sunday, so I guess now I'm really happy about that still. My manga are my children! (Shh....don't tell my laptop!!)
Oh, and thanks to Wings of Dream for giving me a turkey. ^_^ Or multiple ones....
Back to FFXII. Balthier is totally my fav - he's just so cool! I have a few suspicions about him, but I'll keep 'em to myself. Basch is up next - what a badass. ^_^ And third is Fran. I mean, c'mon. Penalo goes friggin' FAAAAAAST, though. I mean, holy crap! O_o She gets three hits in for every one of Balthier's! And he's fast too! I mean, whoah. Impressive. But I really like this game. I mean, I like all my games, but this one has a special flavor to it or something.....I dunno. Maybe it's because I haven't gotten a Final Fantasy since X-2. And I mean, I haven't beaten FFVII yet, but we all know what happens. -_- So, I mean, there's no surprise - no anticipation. Just a lot of swearing when the controls freak me out. But, I digress. FFXII is just so cool - I like how it puts the characters with the plot, not vice-versa like the others. It's an interesting change - a fresh outlook. All other RPGs, with some possible exceptions, deal with the characters' problems against a plot, ya know? Maybe that's what makes FFXII different. And it's one of the few with such a grown-up plot, besides Xenosaga. It's just really cool.
Hmm....I'm gonna be lazy as sin tomorrow. Four-day weekend, whoot! And then back to the grindstone. I wonder what I'll do over the idea. Whatever. For whatever reason, I still can't write - just no urge. I think all the problems with are looming over my head. "Why write when I don't know if I'll even be able to post it??" I think. Anyone know another site like that where I could post fanfiction up, in worse-case scenario? AND I STILL NEED AVATAR SITES, PEOPLE!!!!
I'll catch everyone later. I hope ya'll had a good day, if not a good Thanksgiving. C. out.
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written at: 3:13 pm
listening to: Audioslave
CD: Revelations
mood: bug off
Bishonen: Haru from Fruits Basket
I hope everyone's having a good Thanksgiving. In honor of MY Thanksgiving, here's a list of things I think are overrated for holidays:
1) turkey;
2) family;
3) friends;
4) 'together time';
5) holiday movies;
6) good cheer;
7) love, peace, and harmony.
There ya go - bitter, no? Well, whatever. My brother gets in a pissy fit, it's just 'growing stuff', but when I don't feel like talking, I have an attitude because we don't have turkey. -_- How stupid. And then my dad goes downstairs to yell at me, and can't even wait until I'm out of the bathroom - he has to yell at me from the other side of the door and keep yelling when I try to get out. Okay, so NOW I have an attitude, happy now??
Whatever. I am thankful I've got you guys as friends, though, so don't get me wrong. I'll catch ya all later - enjoy turkey and whatever else you're all doing.
Comments (4) |
Monday, November 20, 2006
written at: 10:19 pm
listening: Good Charlotte
CD: Chronicles of Life and Death
mood: tired
Bishonen: Kyo from Fruits Basket
Ack!! I'm trying to type on a laptop with wet nails....don't laugh!! It's harder than it sounds....oooh, if they end up messed up, I'll be so pissed! Ah well.
Well, spent Sunday afternoon till evening at my friend's house. It was cool - we hung out for hours! ^_^ We haven't seen each other in a long time; we needed some time to hang out together. So, that was all good.
Went to the edu. center today - got up 25 after 7, god......I'm wiped out. It was a good day, though, hung out with the guys and went to lunch. A sorta hollow victory, though, since they didn't really talk. I'm not sure if it's 'cause they don't usually talk, since they don't shut up when we're at the center, or if they didn't want me along. Hmm.......I think they just don't talk, since they inhaled their food and then dozed off while I finished. -_- And they did talk some, so it's all good. They're so weird, though! is driving me up a wall - I can't change my damn email because it won't send me the verification email I need. And I tried to register, and it wouldn't send me THAT email either!!! ARUGHSAOISGH!!!! Stupid site....I think it's the site, 'cause I've seen other people complaining about problems as well. They redid some stuff, so they might be fixing it up still. I got a couple weeks until my old email gets deleted, so hopefully be THEN I'll be normal again. -_-
Oh, question: anyone know where to get good avatars?? Where do you all find yours? I CAN'T FIND A DAMN GOOD SITE!!! It's really annoying, too. Any specific keywords to use, or what??? TELL ME, DAMNIT!!
Well, not much else to say. It's only Monday, after all! But I said I'd be back on more, didn't I? ^_~ I visited sites today, too. Yea for me! Catch you all later.
Comments (2) |
Saturday, November 18, 2006
listening to: Cinderella
CD: Best Of
mood: joyous; exuberant!!
Bishonen: Balthier from FFXII
I'm totally kickin' ass today!! My comp is all better, my DSL line is rarin' to go, and my new email is all working!! TOTALLY FRIGGIN' AWESOME!!! ^_^ And all the pictures move and everything! I set up my new email, so you guys can shoot me a message there, too.
Changin' account emails for and, but gotta wait till I get that verification thing done. -_- Other than that, everything's good to go.
It's my bro's 14th B-day today - wow. I feel OLD, dammit!! Got him a model car to put together - a Lincoln Mint one - and a few little Star Wars mini figures. They're cool. ^_^
Actually, other than the big DSL news, nothing else is goin' on. Going over someone's house tomorrow to hang. Here's hopin' it goes good. Oh! I don't think I really told you guys about work, did I? Well, the government center is stil the same, but the edu. center is great!! ^_^ The guys are all underfoot - I'm the only girl there - and they're so funny! But really nice. They're good guys. I like goin' and hangin' out.
Hmmm......just wanted to let you guys know that now that I'm wireless, I'm good to go again! Expect to see me on a lot more - except when I'm playing FFXII. ^_^ I LOVE that game.
Talk to you all let. Yea to me!!
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Huh. No one except antiworld commented!! You lazy...ah well. Sorry I haven't been on - I said I wasn't. Unexpected.....complications arose, and my laptop's now in the shop. *cries* So that's the main reason. I have to use my mom's comp tonight for email shifting and all that. Hopefully I'll be back to normal tomorrow, with my baby!!
This was just to let you guys know (whoever cares!!!) that I'm alive and kickin'. See ya soon!
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Friday, November 10, 2006
written at: 10:52
listening to: My Chemical Romance
CD: The Black Parade
mood: rushed
Bishonen: none, you fools! Thinking of Kurogane from Tsubasa, though...
I can't believe I haven't updated for so long! This is gonna be short - I don't even have time to do a pic or anything! -_-
Anyway, as I told iceblock, we got DSL - sweet! But we've also had MAJOR inetnet problems, and so I haven't been able to log on for so long. Sorry, guys! Eventually I'll be back to normal, trust me.
Got FFXII - Oh. My. GOD!!!! I almost had a stroke - friggin' AWESOME!! I'm totally into it. ^_^ I've clocked about 25 hours on it now - impressed? So that takes up a lot of my evening time, too.
Hmm......haven't gotten much done in the way of manga or anime, sadly enough. I have a job - volunteer, but maybe I'll get promoted. ^_^ I work the info booth at the government center where I am - where all the departments are and stuff. It's pretty fun to see all the people, ya know? And I'm learning a lot. I'm also working at the educational center in town, the one I used to go to for algebra and geometry. Right now I'm doing some odd jobs - and in return, I get to study there for nothing. Win-win, since it gives me something to do. There's one teacher there all the time, one most of the time, and two or three others I've seen on and off. All women. And out of all the kids, I'm the only girl - with five or six guys at any given time. -_- But they're pretty good - and they're hilarious!! ^_^ So I have a ball there. Monday I'll probably start tutoring/aiding a few of 'em as well, since that was the agreement. I'll help 'em with the guys and do odd jobs like cleaning and raking (oh God, the raking!!!!), and get to go there for free. Nice, no? I started about two weeks ago, same for center.
I'm quitting the group I've been in since I was nine. I'll go into details at a later time, but it's just not the same. I feel I'm the only one who takes it seriously - and it's a serious group, believe me. It's meant to do adult work, so when I start thinking to myself, "I wonder if I'm taking it too seriously?" I know something's wrong. I'm just tired and aggravated - I don't think I get treated decently, either. When two of the guys said the time/day wasn't good, the first words out of our pres' mouth was "We'll have to see what we can do about that." But when I said it was getting hard for me to keep going - I work the gov center 1-5 on Tues., and the meeting is 5:30-7:30, and I'm hungry and tired - he said, "What do you want me to do about it?" I was so pissed. My parents agree that it seems the best thing to do is leave. I'm the secretary, and I always get criticized - and I'm the only one who knows what they're doing!! And the one guy is getting really mouth with me - he's so arrogant, I always feel like I'm a jackass or stupid. I HATE that.
Ah, I ended bitching at you guys anyway. It felt better, anyway.
Hope I can see you guys soon. Don't worry if I don't wander around for a bit - as soon as I can, I'll keep coming back regularly like before. It's just a little insane right now. -_- Catch you all later, and hope things are going real good. Leave long comments telling me 'bout stuff, 'cause I might be able to check up for a few seconds at a time to check my comments and inbox. So email me too - that's the best way to get a hold of me now! But don't worry about it. I'm doing good - and thanks for all your worrying. ^_^ It's nite to know you all care.
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