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Sunday, October 29, 2006
written at: 1:17 pm
listening to: My Chemical Romance
CD: The Black Parade
mood: mellowed out
Bishonen: Yoji Kugyo from Imadoki
I'm not really listening to it, but I have it in my head. Yeah, still using mom's comp, since I don't have virus protection.
It was really nasty out yesterday - and today is really windy again! O_o 60 mph gusts. And COLD!!! But I like cold. As long as I don't have to be in it for very long. ^_^
Had a ball last night. I went to my friend's Halloween party, and met a bunch of other girls my age who are really into anime and manga. Yea!!! ^_^ They're the only teens I've met who know what it is, let alone be really into it! So I'm totally stoked about it. We all exchanged numbers and stuff, so I know they like me, too. My friend said she knew they did, and they weren't just being nice or shit like that. Double yea!!!! It was so nice to go and be around people who weren't judging me, and who I knew had the same interests as I did, and I could be comfortable around and not worry about anything. That was so awesome - it's been such a long time!
Let's see....finished the first quarter of my senior year. Sweet! I'm kicking as - hi-yah!! Not much else.....I'm, windy! Talk about absent-minded. ^_^'
Our clocks went back an hour last night. That's the best news for a while. More sleep for me! And I'm not doing anything today, either. I played more FF7 last night - I've never actually beaten it.... - and got Vincent in my party. I considered renaming him 'Badass', but decided it was sacriligeous. ^_^ But Red XIII is 'Red Mofo', Tifa is 'Biggums', and Cat Sith is 'Fugly'. I like Red XIII and Cat Sith, don't get me wrong! It was just fun to mess with their names. I was going to name Barret 'Mr. T', but screwed it up. -_- Ah well. I'm totally kicking ass - everyone's health broke 1000. The summons are friggin' awesome - I have Choco/Mog, Shiva, Ramuh, Odin, Titan, Ifrit....I think that's it so far. Maybe? Well, I have all the ones I can get so far. I'm ready to go to Mt. Nibel. But I have to wait for my dad, since he likes the story, but he won't watch. -_- Damn it.
I'll just go on my comp and write some. I haven't gotten really much done for a while. But I'm in a good mood today, so kudos for me! I had a charlie horse in my leg last night, but it wasn't as bad as the last one. It's just pretty sore.
Maybe I'll watch FFAC again - just the Reno parts. ^_^ I love Reno. I actually had a really long dream - you know, the ones where it's really detailed and everything? - with Reno and Rude in it a few days ago. It was a blast! And funny.
Salem's Lot is a good movie to watch on Halloween - or any night, really. It scares the crap outta me every time I watch it. I'm taking my bro, his friend, and my friend out trick-or-treating. I don't do it myself - it's kind of embarrassing - but I'm getting dressed up for it. My friend thought of the idea we're going as - hippie goths. Go figure. We're gonna wear hippie-like clothing, but all in black and gothic style. What fun!
I'm volunteering at the government center in town on Tuesday afternoons now, from 1-5. I'm gonna be working election day....oh boy. I work the information booth where you first walk in, so I spent some time with another volunteer to learn what to do. I'm kinda excited about it. So that gives me something to do. The government center is, by the way, the building where all the offices are - for zoning, voting, finances, stuff like that. The county stuff. I also volunteered to work at the education center in town where I used to go. I thought you had to graduate college to tutor there, but guess not! They're gonna call me about it, so I'm waiting for that. And I have to hand in an application for a job at a cafe on Main Street, down the block - a job, not volunteer! It sounds like a lot, but the gov. center is only Tuesday afternoons, and the other stuff probably will be only one day a week as well. But I really want something to take time off my hands and give me something to do, ya know? So I'm kinda excited about that. I did that Friday - my mom took me out. Now there's an incentive for me to get my license!
I also went to the mall on Friday - one that's far away, not the one I usually go to. My dad took me and my friend there. It was a lot of fun - she was so hyped up. ^_^ I went to Hot Topic and got two Naruto shirts - a T-shirt of Gaara, and a thermal long-sleeved one of Kakashi. I also got the new Evanescene and My Chemical Romance CDs. Hey, has anyone ever gone to Tower Records? They've been around since the 70's, probably longer. They're a huge chain store that stared in California that carries CDs, imports and all. Well, they're getting liquidated. -_- My dad was in total shock - they're closing in December for good. Know why? Mainly because of piracy, and of people downloading music off the net, illegaly and otherwise. Napster sucks!! I'd much rather have the CD - I've never downloaded a song off the net in my life. Tower Records' closing marks the end of an era - for one thing, everyone's too damn lazy and dishonest to buy a goddamn CD instead of stealing it. And for another, the net, ipods, and all that stuff is screwing over what used to be good! (cries) Soon, CDs will be obsolete, and you'll have to go on Ebay for them!!! That's a pity.
Well, rant over. I think I've said all that I had to say, actually. I finally posted - thank iceblock for emailing me and asking when the hell I'm gonna update again. ^_^' He's the only one who's emailed me - again, feel free to use it, even if it's just something stupid. ^_^
Okay, NOW I'm done. I'll catch everyone later!
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Friday, October 20, 2006
Bugger Off
written at: 10:38 pm
listening to: Sum 41
CD: Chuck
mood: You all suck
Bishonen: Reno from Final Fantasy
Not much to say, just felt like posting. I'm still going through my friends list, by the way. I appreciate everyone who stops by daily or when they can. ^_^
I've decided that people all suck, and it's much easier to hate everyone. I hope you're reading this damn post, N! I don't know if anyone remembers, but a while ago there was this big thing when N and another of her friends made a profile on a board we belong to and lied to me about it for a while, and then when I got pissed when she finally told me made it sound like it was my fault. -_- So, what does she do?
SHE DID IT AGAIN. With TWO friends, this time. Now I'm not merely pissed - deadly rage is more appropriate. And know what? Remember we all went to Kings Dominion, and I went out of my way to make sure she'd be able to come and all? Well - she and a few other friends all went to this corn maze thing with the damn teen group, and no one even called to see if I was going. I haven't heard from her since the 2 of this month.
My feelings are hurt - pretty bad, too. My one friend told me about that, and now I'm wondering how SHE knew. But that's not the only time I've been left out like that, and I'm so upset I have a stomach ache. >_< I really, really hate that.
Complaining doesn't even help that much. I got some writing done, but that's really been bothering me for a while. Plus, I still can't a fucking job as a goddamn dishwasher. I just want something to keep busy - to DO something, you know? Fuck volunteering - if I'm going to waste my time, I'm gonna get paid. But NO, I still can't get a job. And diving? Forget about it. AND, I was never signed up for college courses, so I'm fucked yet again. I feel like I'm being smothered, to be honest.
Well, I'll stop bothering you all and let you get back to your own lives. Sorry for wasting your time like this.
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Saturday, October 14, 2006
written at: 12:39 pm
listening to: Good Charlotte
CD: Chronicles of Life and Death
mood: I'm not an effin' kitty!
Bishonen: Gaara from Naruto
Yep, more Gaara! He's just such a badass! ^_^
Awright, who else wants to call me a friggin' kitty?! I'll go all 'kitty' on your asses - you know who I'm talking about! -_- You guys....argh, I give up.
I don't really care. Anyway, email me! I have email, so yes, feel free to click the little link and make me feel wanted. ^_^' I have a piano lesson at 2pm, so I figured I'd drop in and see what's up. I'm totally excited about FFXII coming out - I keep having dreams with it in them. Like, it'll be on the cover of one of my gaming magazines, or I'll have the box, or SOMETHING. I don't think I've looked forward to a game this much since the two Xenosagas came out. Sweet.
Haven't been up to much. Family's going to church today - my bro's an altar server. I'm going to confession, maybe.
Eh, if I go, whatever. But I'm not going to church. My dad keeps thinking it's because of the assholes in church, and my mom thinks it's because of what my dad thinks (I'm not a clone! Geez!). But I've got my own feelings and problems, and I have a lot of shit to deal with. All in all, I think going to church and doing lip service is a lot worse than just not going and praying by myself. Which I DO, for your information! I'm sure God knows what's in my heart, so who gives a fuck if I go to church or not?
I'm so going to hell for that, I just know it. But, I don't know - I still believe in what I'm taught. I just have some issues with....issues that I need to straighten out before I can go to church and mean it. My parents think it's just an excuse to skip it, and it really pisses me off. I'm always being told I'm more mature than most people my age, and I'm certainly at an age where I can have my own friggin' opinions and feelings, ya know? And my parents stopped going WAY before they were my age anyway. -_- I keep telling them, I'm not gonna go to some other religion or anything like that. It's not like that, ya know?
*sigh* It's hard to explain, even when I'm talking. Writing it down makes it even MORE difficult.
Ah, sorry about going off on all that shit. Didn't mean to. ^_^' My dad mentioned going to confession while I was typing - that's what did it. I'm sure most of you skipped all that anyway, so no biggie.
Thanks for still coming by my site! I'm rank like 486, or something like that. And I love you guys - not like THAT!! But you guys really are good friends, even if we'll never meet. And 'specally one person - they know who I mean. ^_^
I'll stop while I'm ahead, or you're all gonna think I'm fruity. Catch ya all later!
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Friday, October 13, 2006
This is just a note - I have email you guys can contact me at now! ^_^ So feel free to use it.
I'm a kitten?! What the hell?
 Cute as can be, kittens are playful, mischevious, and ever-curious. Your mischevious side is part of what makes you a kittenKittens are often loving, but are known to scratch or bite when annoyed. These adorable animals are the most popular pets in the United States--37% of American households have at least one cat. Whether it is your gentle purr or your disarming appearance, you make a wonderful kitten. You were almost a: Bear Cub or a DucklingYou are least like a: Groundhog or a TurtleWhat Cute Animal Are You?
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
written at: 5:32 pm
listening to: Green Day
CD: International Superhits
mood: sick
Bishonen: Bankotsu from Inuyasha
I just had to to him - I love 'em, and haven't had him yet, so here ya go!
I'm still sick with the flu. My bro isn't helping any, since he keeps coughing with his mouth open, the bastard. -_- I forget if I said this, but I beat Xenosaga III - totally awesome. ^_^ I think I did....I'm so tired.
I slept til 2 this afternoon, but I wanna go back to bed! I'm still wiped out. And I feel like shit. Haven't gotten much writing done, but I've been playing the Sims 2 a bit. ^_^' Haven't been on in forever!
Let's see - went to the Aereosmith and Motley Crue concert with my friend, dad, bro, and our other friend whose into anime. That was totally awesome. My friend slept over, and the next day we went to Kings Dominion. My dad, two friends, bro, and friend's bro came with me. ^_^ That was sweet - once we got there. My dad took a wrong turn and we lost over an hour. -_-
I don't really feel like getting into it, since I'm tired, but it was a blast. Had a Polish exchange student checking me out, and my friend's bro - the one whose interested in me - got ALL pissed. He just glared at him the entire time we were on line. ^_^' That was kinda....funny? My friends kept moving around so I sat with him. I think my dad got suspicious - he's not THAT stupid! - but he didn't really do anything. Embarrassed the HELL out of the guy, but what else is new? But dad likes him, so it was cool. Man, I couldn't even walk by the end of the day! And then my other friend slept over.
And we both had allergies.
But now I think it was colds, and I managed to get the flu from my mom, I think. How sucky is that? I've been trying to visit all your sites each day - the people who update - but I just haven't been up to posting anything, ya know?
Oh, I'm cleaning out my list again. So, people who I visit often and who update often, but don't come around here either AT ALL or almost never, I'm letting them know, and then taking them off. -_- It's a little irritating to visit people, but they never return the favor. And you all know who I'm talking and not talking to!
Whew....I've been working on an original story - I usually do fanfiction. I'm going for a more mature theme, not with sex and stuff, just a more mature atmosphere. Does that make sense? Anyway, when I post it on, I'll put the link up if anyone wants to check it out. So let me know!
Oh, and the last banner I have up now on my profile is one I got from sesshomarumistres, when I entered that wallpaper contest she had. Cool, eh? ^_^ I keep trying to upload more wallpapers, by the way, so ONE DAY they'll show up. -_- How aggravating.
Oh, I'm rank 489 now on the list. ^_^ With 2335 visits. Does that count repeat people, or are they all new visits?......
Well, I'm done for now. Catch ya all later - have a good day! It's all rainy here, so I love it. ^_^
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
FF Pics
I found more funny FF pics on the site again. Here ya go!

Reno and Rude, of course.

Aeris, Cloud, and Sephiroth from Kingdom Hearts. ^_^

FFAC shot. I hope it shows up big...
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Popularity Rankings
written at: 2:31 pm
listening to: nothing
CD: nothing
mood: estatic
Bishonen: Hyoga from Saint Seiya
Well, there are several reasons for celebration at this moment.
One: Yesterday, my comp freaked out - totally would not work, no matter what. So, after many hours of my mom working with it, it's now all better. And the best part is - I didn't lose anything in it! Not even all my saved email, which is what I was freaking out about. ^_^
Two: Check out the pop rankings! I'm number 500 on it!! With 2297 visits (as I look at it), I made it! ^_^ It's just so awesome - it totally surprised me! Yeesh.....I'm just stunned. I mean, to me, all the 'big names' on Otaku are up there, like ElvesAteMyRamen and people like that. So I didn't think I'd make it - and I did! And I have no one to thank but you guys. ^_^
I sound like I'm accepting an Oscar....-_- Whatever. But I was just excited about it, ya know? far, those are it. I wasn't even going to post today (at least not now - I'm using mom's comp again) but then I saw the rankings and had to share it with you guys. I'll stop in probably tomorrow - I think I have a routine going, ya know? Catch ya all later!
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Monday, September 25, 2006
written at: 2:54 pm
listening to: nothing
CD: nothing
mood: content
Bishonen: Marius from Queen of the Damned
Bishonen is definitely not the right word for Marius, but oh well. ^_^ He's such a badass!
Anyway, I'm using my mom's comp. My laptop uses the direct phone line, so I can't connect until late tonight. And I'll be sleeping then. -_- I have Sum 41 in my head right now, though - anyone know 'bout them? I like 'em.
I went to a concert Saturday with dad, like I said I was. Saw Roger Waters from Pink Floyd. He did a lot of music from the albums Dark Side of the Moon, Animals, and The Wall, along with some other ones. Totally awesome, though I could've done without all the political bullshit he had. Like a big floating pig that was meant to be America. -_- Now, you're entitled to your opinions, but I didn't come here to listen to those. I came here to listen to your music, ya know? Whatever.
Have to read Macbeth for my English course. I REALLY hate Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice was one of the most idiotic books I've ever read. Can't stand him. But, gotta do it.....blech.
My mom fixed my email, so now I can actually send out mail from my inbox - it wouldn't let me before, I had to use the net. What a pain. Only, now I don't have virus protection since we had to get rid of the Norton in my comp. Hmm....maybe we'll try something else. Anyone have anything they use??
I'm rereading my Anne Rice books. The only ones I have are the first four in the Vampire Chronicles, so I want to get more. I watched both movies, Interview with a Vampire and Queen of the Damned, Friday night with my friend when she slept over. Awesome! Except they mangle the storylines......I just read the books anyway. Her books are the only ones I totally lose track of time when I'm reading. I mean, I'll look up and it's three hours later, when I thought only an hour passed! It's kinda cool, but it really messes me up, ya know? But again, her books are one of the few that I enjoy now. I don't read many book-books lately - just manga. I read fantasy and some sci-fi, like the Star Wars stuff, and Anne Rice. Most regular books just bore me, I guess.
I'm playing the piano again - have been, but I'm trying to be consistent. I start having lessons again in two weeks, so I better get into the habit. Dad said he's gonna get me a bunch of piano music for bands I like - they do have 'em - and soundtrack music, if we can. Like for anime and stuff. Do you guys know if that exists, or if it's possible to get it? I'd love to play some of the piano I hear in animes.....
Hmm.....I think I'm typed out for the time being. Thanks to the people who stop by here so much and comment - I love you guys! ^_^ It's nice to return and see people have been by.
Well, I'll catch you all later.
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Watcha up to?
written at: 2:06 pm
listening to: nothing
CD: nothing
mood: usual
Bishonen: Obi-Wan from Star Wars I
Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a while - I've been busy. And going to bed earlier, so I have less time for my precious, precious computer! And that includes writing! I'm using my mom's comp upstairs now.
Anyway, where to, I'll write as I think. So if you're able to follow this, I'll pay ya a buck.
Been doing schoolwork, really. Also on Xenosaga III some more - my bro's really good at that damn Hakox game, and he's into the sixth world now! O_o He got me Jr's ultimate weapon. ^_^ Have I mentioned I love him lately??
Haven't gotten a lot of writing done, and same goes for my internet time. I've been helping out with Dark Cloud II - a game I got when we first got the PS2, and I never got into it. Maybe I'll start playing it now...hmm......ah well. My dad's been working a lot lately, so haven't watched any anime for a while. Haven't gotten any manga, either. I don't really mind, though. ^_^
My group - the one that's been dying, remember? - finally got more people. Did I say this already? Whatever. It's my bro, and my friend also came back. Whee! So now we have a max of five people - not bad at all! I'm VERY happy about that.
Going to another concert this weekend - Roger Waters. I'm excited. And next week is Aerosmith and Motely Crue. My bros's friend's parents are selling their two lawn seats since they're not able to go now, so my friend (the same one who's coming to my group now) and me and my dad's friend, the anime guy, are coming. That makes five. I'm looking forward to that one a lot too.
Honestly, haven't been doing much worth typing about. My mom's friend's husband has a garden, so he's been giving me a ton of cantelope and watermelon lately - mainly cantelope. (sp??) It's great - and I love it! ^_^ I've been eating a lot of fruit lately. I figure I might as well make an attempt to eat healthy, ya know?
My group got canceled for today, and the junior group I help with doesn't need me either, so I figured I'd come up and update this sucker, ya know? I think I'll try to upload some wallpapers soon.......
Ah, I've been meaning to say this, but I keep forgetting. bladed princess thought this up while we were chatting with messages, and she said that PG - my initials - can also stand for Parental Guidence. >_< I can't believe that never hit me!! But I think I'm more of an 'R' girl - loads of swearing and violence for me! ^_^
Well, I'll try to drop by some sites soon! Hey, I think I've been doing pretty good about that lately!! Oh, and about that buck thing at the beginning - PSYCH!
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Thursday, September 7, 2006
written at: 1:33 am
listening to: Fushigi Yugi soundtrack
CD: TV Series song complete collection
mood: eh
Bishonen: Reno/Rude from FF
Hey, sorry it's been so long. I started school this week, so I've been getting used to that again. I also got Xenosaga III, so a lot of extra time is going in that direction again.....*cough*
Anyways, things have been up and down for me. My bro and other friend are coming to the group I belong to now, so we have more members again! Yay!! ^_^
Went to the bookstore....a while ago now, yipes! Bought all the Naruto up to vol. 11, and got the first three vols of Bleach. Not bad, I liked it. Then got some CDs - Foo Fighters, Lit....maybe another, but if I did I can't remember. -_-
Speaking of music.....went to another concert Saturday! Saw Shinedown, Rob Zombie, and Godsmack, in that order. I wish Rob Zombie had been last, so we could've just left. Good God - holy Christ, I was offended! All he did was have hentai (literally, anime porn scenes), sex, and nasty gore stuff on the screens behind him. And they hooked more screens up for him, so it was EVERYWHERE. But the two main screes weren't on, thank God. They put 'em on for Godsmack - and Shinedown doesn't seem to like Zombie, since they didn't introduce him. But I was so appalled at the show for that guy - I think if I understood the music, I'd be even more pissed off. I kept my eyes closed, as did my bro. And he's not even 14! There were a lot of little kids around, ya know? The Pavillion's a good place to go - but people next to me were smoking joint after joint - which is illegal! And yet the cops there were ball-less wonders and didn't pop 'em, even though they were right there. -_-
I was utterly disgusted - still am, I guess. Never going to another show with him in it again. Boy, was my dad pissed. A lot of people were, actually. But Godsmack was FRIGGIN' AWESOME!! And Shinedown rocked too. ^_^ Totally awesome. I'm going with Dad to see Roger Waters - the creater and writer for Pink Floyd - later in the month, and then Aerosmith, Motely Crue, and....dang, can't remember. But two more concerts for this month. And then on Oct. 1 we're going to Kings Dominion - my dad's group has them shut down the park for the public so only people who have certain tickets can get it. Totally awesome. ^_^
Trying to think of new anime's been so long since I wrote! Finished the next two-DVD set for the Zeta Gundam series, and the Naruto uncut first season. Oh! Got a Naruto hoodie, with the Leaf symbol on the front and a pic of the four on the back. I wanted to get a Gaara shirt, but they didn't have it in my size this time. Damn them. ^_^'
Hmm.....can't think of anything else at the moment. I should be getting to bed anyway. Gotta get up and work, ya know! Mom and dad are going away for the weekend, so I'll have the house to myself - well, with my bro. We're planning on watching all six Star Wars movies in a row on Friday night. ^_^ Wish me luck!
Catch ya all later. Just had to let ya know I'm still alive!
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