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Student, single, and a net-head
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Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
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Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
Here're some pics I found.
Renoa and Squall

Sephiroth and Stich! O_o

Reno and Rude! ^_^

Vincent and Hojo... >_<

And yet another Reno and Rude. ^_^ So cute!

Check out the site I got them at - there's a whole load more FF pics on there! This is the thread they were at:
They're all really great! ^_^ I'm adding it to my favs. I suggest going to the main page through there and looking at others - that's what I'm doing.
Well, I'm actually in a little better mood after all that funniness - there's more - so I'll get off now and let you guys get on with your life. Feel free ta message me!
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written at: 11:44
listening to: Def Leppard
CD: Greatest Hits
mood: depressed
Bishonen: Reno from Final Fantasy 7/AC
I've had some sucky things happen on comes depression.
First, my parents never got around to signing me up for any college courses this year, so I'm SOL for any experiance or classes this year. I'm really pissed about that, because they've both been going on about that all past year and this year. I'm homeschooled, so I was hoping to get into at least one class for several reasons:
1) I need to get used to being in a classroom environment again, especially since I only have half of one ear to hear with;
2) to meet some people and hopefully make some new friends, since mine all suck;
3) to find something CHALLENGING to work on, since the majority of my schoolwork this year is pathetic. -_-
So, you can see how that sucks.
Next, my friend - who's been my best and really only one for about eight years or so - has basically dissed me. This guy we know - which is her other friend's boyfriend - has been insulting the crap out of me for a while. I told you guys this, right? That she sided with him? Well, it turns out that this one profile on the board that was a bitch was actually her and the aforementioned other friend, and she never told me. So I'm pissed about that - and I always seem to end up defending myself, even when it's someone else's fault! That really pisses me off. But I kinda made up with her - I'm no good at keeping friends, so I might as well hang on to the ones I have, right? -_-
So I'm just in a lousy mood in general. No one really seems to take me seriously, and I have no chocolate to cheer me up. Hey, that's a big deal to me! >_< And everything seems to be going down the toilet.
I went in the pool today - sorta burned, sorta tanned, but it was so nice! ^_^ I'm depressing myself, and you guys probably, with my suckiness, so I'll post some funny pics I found in the next post.
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
Wallpaper Poll
This is just a fast little note for you guys - I entered a wallpaper in sesshomarumistres' contest, and the poll is at her site. Go there and vote for whichever wallpaper you like the best, guys! ^_^
I'll try to update later tonight, people. Just wanted to do that before I forgot.....-_-
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
written at: 11:34 am
listening to: Simple Plan
CD: Still Not Getting Any
mood: pleased
Bishonen: Ikki from Saint Seiya
I have a button again! Everyone admire lucifer's wife and her handiwork - I'm so happy to have one again! The URL finally decided to work, apparently. -_- Damn thing.
My dad and I finished the second Saint Seiya box set tonight - awesome. It sucks there aren't any more out......I have to find out whether they're going to release the rest in the USA now. I think they will, because all of a sudden they put out these two box sets so close together - maybe they're hinting at more to come?? I hope!
Dad said he'll try to take me up to the bookstore Thursday, so I'll be able to get more manga then. Oh boy!
BTW - if anyone noticed that I put up what music I was listening to, I bet you know what that means! Yep, my dad fixed my net lines today - so I'm sitting in my room on the net right now, thank goodness!
I'm in a good mood today because of the above stuff, and also because I'm totally done with Spanish now - no more at all! I had to do two years of it, and this was the last year for it! Yipee!!
My mom's in a bad mood at me, but what else is new? So I don't really care - she's in bed, anyway.
Did I mention I beat KOTOR I? Yeah, I did, okay.....trying to start a new game, if I can ever get on. -_-
Anyway, I think I'm all hyped because we finished another anime, ya know? It's always satisfying when we do. And I completed another story on - 24 chapters in all, each chapter up to eight pages long. Quite an accomplishment for me - the previous story that was the longest was only 10 chapters, with two parts in it. So...that's about.....crap, I can't do it my head! Where's a calculator......oh, screw it. It's long. ^_^'
Well, I think I'm all talked out. I'm still pissed about the incident on the board - they also called me a hypocrite! That really makes me mad, because I hate hypocrites worse than anything. But they implied I only insult the teens behind their back, when that's the furthest thing from the truth. I despise those people, and they know it. But enough of that - I'm not going to ruin my rare good mood over them.
I'll see everyone later - now that I've got my net line back, I can get on a lot more often!
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
written at: 12:54 am
listening to: nothing
CD: nothing
mood: hurt
Bishonen: Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin
I just finished checking up on a board me and other teens from my church belong to, and I'm really upset right now over what they were saying while I was gone. One of the guys - we don't like each other anyway - called me a bitch about something totally unrelated to him. One of the girls I know - even though we're not friend-friends, stuck up for me and told him off. While my 'best' friend only said she wasn't taking sides and that we shouldn't call each other names. I have to admit, that upsets me a whole lot - that my friend won't even stick up for me. So that sucks a whole lot. I guess I'm not that good a friend, huh?
My line still isn't fixed, which accounts for the whole not-listening-to-music thing. -_- Finished the second series of Rurouni Kenshin two days ago, and we're almost done with the second box set of Saint Seiya. Saori and Seiya annoy the hell out of me! >_< They drive me crazy......I have to say, I love Saito - in Rurouni Kenshin. ^_^ He's so funny! And Sano's a cool guy too.
Hey, Salem, don't feel bad! I sleep all day too, so I guess I should join the club. ^_^ I go on video games at night - I've almost beaten KOTOR I by now, playing light side. (Mostly.....) Next it'll be all dark, baby! ^_^
I talked about the dance.......talked about manga and stuff.....hmmm....Oh, I gotta get the 14th vol of Fruits Basket. I'm waiting so I can get some more manga as well. ^_~ I haven't been up to much - sleeping most of the day away, to be honest. Oh! My dad's finally taking me out driving - did I say that already?? Yep - for at least 30 min each day so far, 'cept today and yesterday 'cause he worked so long. But I don't mind that. I'm getting pretty good, to be honest. What a relief! ^_^ Maybe I'll actually get my damn license before I'm 18, huh?
lucifer's wife is still working on a button for me - bless her, damn you!
Hmm....I'll go visit the sites that have been updated yesterday and today now.....too lazy to go through everyones' sorry! >_< I apologize for not being on more.....
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Monday, August 7, 2006
written at: 1:39 am
listening to: nothing
CD: nothing
mood: tired
Bishonen: Hikitsu from Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden
Went to the dance yesterday/last night. My dad came and 'chaperoned', but he got stuck out in the hallway watching the doors - again! That sucked. I danced and stuff, but they played the exact same crap as last time - I'm serious!! I couldn't believe it.....lots of crappy music. But I mouthed off - as in insulted the hell out of people - all night long. My dad thinks it's hysterical. I had a blast doing that, but I don't think I'll go to any more dances after this. It's not worth it, ya know?
So I slept all day today. Seriously, I did. And then my dad got pissed at me, so I went in my room - I still haven't gone upstairs, except once, and none of them talked to me so I just went back down again. I hate days like that, don't you? Crappy, crappy days.
Gotta do more Spanish tomorrow - I don't WANT to take it, but I have to. -_- Oh well. Ah, yes! lucifers wife is making a button for me - that's the photobucket thing on my site now. For some reason it isn't working, but I am having a button made! Yeah - give a big hand to her!
I got the second vol of Absolute Boyfriend - not as funny as the first, but just as good. Also got Naruto 3 and 4 - the part where Zabuza told Naruto "Kid, not another word" made me really sad. And then where Kakashi laid him next to Haku almost made me cry - it showed that he wasn't a monster, ya know? Sad.....but now Gaara's there! Yipee!! What other manga........ah, yeah, Tsubasa vol 10! I didn't even know that was coming out....boy, was I surprised! ^_^' But I got that - wait, I think I said that. Whatever. Anyway, I can't wait till Furuba comes out later - I'm gonna get more Naruto then too. ^_^ I wonder when the next Genbu Kaiden vol comes out....anyone know?
Not much else has been happening. Haven't written much - but I have gotten some stuff down, so good for me! I'm still in that rut. I'm waiting for something to make my mind work again, to be honest.
I'm glad you guys still talk to me, even when I'm gone for so friggin' long. I don't know....I guess I'm just tired of everything right now. Every time it seems something's going right, something else happens that really, really sucks. -_- Ever get that feeling?
Well, I'll stop whining now and let you all get on with your lives. See everyone later!
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Hey all!
written at: 12:29 am
listening to: nothing
CD: nothing
mood: unsure
Bishonen: Sasame from Pretear
Been a while, huh? I haven't felt up to updating or anything - not even writing! Don't know why....I think I'm in another slump. But I visited everyone who updated today - well, yesterday, I guess it'd be....
Went to a Cinderella/Poison concert last week. Friggin' awesome - my dad's gonna buy tickets to see the Godsmack concert Sep 2. Shinedown and Rob Zombie are there as well, but we're going to see Godsmack and Shinedown. I'm really excited about it, ya know?
My dad still hasn't fixed my net line, which I think is part of the problem. -_- So I'm plugged into the main phone line in the main room now.
The homeschooling 'prom' is Friday - me and my friend are going. My dad's going to chaperone (really just hang out with us) and my bro's coming as well. Most of the people who are going either don't talk to us or we don't like, so it'll just be me and my friend hanging out - which is fine with me. We're planning on causing some trouble....I'll tell ya when we do it. I'm getting my hair done, so it's always cool - I only do it for the dances. Even though it's a 'prom', it's more of just a dance, so I'm not wearing a formal dress this year. I'm wearing an outfit I wore to a wedding earlier this year - a skirt and top set, black shirt with blue flower on corner, and a shortish skirt with black heels. ^_^ And with my luck, that TIME will come the day of. -_-
I beat KOTOR II again, and went to play KOTOR I - I never really got into it, for some reason. But I wanted to play it, so I went to - and the disc is ALL fucked up. I mean, FUBAR. And that, kids, is Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. ^_~ My character was headless, for cripe's sake! O_o So I'm pretty pissed - my dad's going to try to take me up to the mall tomorrow after he comes home to get Absolute Boyfriend vol. 2 (and hopefully some more manga), and we're going to see if we can find a copy of KOTOR II. The Xbox is fucked up, but if it was that bad, all the discs would be toast. My bro keeps insisting it's the X, just because he wants a 360 right away. (rolls eyes) I'm holding out till it's a little cheaper - and more games are on it. As for the PS3, same deal. I can't wait for FFXII to come out - that'll be friggin' awesome. And then I heard more about Xenosaga III - November, supposedly. I haven't heard anything about it in months, and all of a sudden it's coming out! Huh?? Whatever - now I have to re-beat II. Yeah, RE-beat. I had beaten it - PERFECTLY - but the file corrupted and I had to erase it. Boy, was I PISSED OFF. But I'll just go through and xip through most of it, since there's no need to see the movies again. I keep forgetting to do the GS campaigns to get Psycho Pocket - damn it. >_< KHII is going, but since I have to run around and level up and stuff, I'm taking a break from it.
Wow, lots of gaming stuff, huh? Now I know where my time's been going......I've also been playing Champions of Norrath II with my dad - my wizard kicks serious ass. ^_^ Finished the Fushigi Yugi series - we just need the OAVs. And what the hell does 'OAV' stand for, anyway?! We also got the first Zeta Gundam DVD set and watched it - so corny! I love it! ^_^ We're slowly working through it.....need more space, though!
I keep saying I'll be on more, and then I fuck up again. -_- I feel kinda bad about it....I hate just dissapearing! But you guys know I love ya all - just don't be offended if I don't drop in for a while, or reply to messages right away, please? I do try...once my net line gets fixed I'll be a little better about it. I just hate lugging my laptop around, ya know? The battery only lasts an hour....yeesh. When I start taking courses at the college here in the fall (oh, I should sign up soon - shit!) I want to get one of those really thin little ones with a long battery life for it, ya know? I have a hearing problem, so typing stuff down and having it would help. Gotta talk to my parents, though....
I babysat on Sat for a 1 yr-old and 5 yr-old. Cute kids - and well-behaved. ^_^ They were both out by 10:30, and I didn't get home until around 1 - plenty of time to catch up on my serious reading. And by that I mean not manga, but book-books, ya know?
Now my bro is whining because something's apparently wrong with his eyes - they're sure it's just sinuses, but doing tests to be sure. So now all I hear from him is whining and trying to get sympathy, and from my mom I hear her worrying about him. -_- My dad's fed up, because he figures it'll teach him a lesson - he's whining about getting all the bloodwork done and everything, and I told him to shut the hell up. When I got bit by the black widow, everyone but my dad - who knows I don't just whine - thought I was exaggerating, except when my arm swelled up the size of a friggin' baseball bat - and by that time I was all paralyzed, too. And even when the doctor told my mom to give me the damn pain pills - he was shocked she hadn't given me them before, and he told her the first few days are some of the most painful things a person can go through - she still didn't give me the damn pills. I know it was a while ago, but I'm still not over that yet. I mean, talk about trust issues! They know I'm responsible and don't exaggerate and whine and complain for attention, and I'm not a hypochondriac, but whenever I'm sick she thinks I'm faking or just taking it out of proportion. It pisses me off!
I guess I'm in a bad mood at the two of them because of this. My dad can sympathize, at least, so I don't have to hear it from three people in the friggin' house. It's just a pain in my ass, ya know? It kind of hurts my feelings, too.
All-in-all, I've been all right. Ups and downs, of course, but who doesn't have 'em? I'll catch ya all sooner or later!
Comments (6) |
Friday, July 21, 2006
Go home and get stoned - Hinder
written at: 9:16 pm
listening to: nothing
CD: none
mood: worn out
Bishonen: Kakashi and Iruka from Naruto
You know, I've only got the first two manga and seen some episodes, and I'm doing all these Naruto guys...huh.
Look! I'm updating IN THE SAME MONTH!! A miracle!
Not much happened today - the woman whom we get our Mary Kay makeup from came today so I could get some stuff for my face. The foundation I use now makes me all shiny. -_- NOT nice. So I got a few things.
God, that bitch is gone and they're STILL fighting about her. >_< And I have to be up here on mom's comp since my dad STILL hasn't fixed my jack downstairs. No comment. -_-'
Got some writing done today - and I plan on getting MORE done, by the grace of God above! Yeesh, it seems every time I start, something happens lately.
I'm probably going over my friend's house Sunday, but there's a slight chance I'll go bowling with my other friend, her brother, and cousin - the brother that likes me. So, either way, it's cool.
Oh, my dad and I are going to see Poison and Cinderella this Wednesday - he got a free ticket yesterday, and since my bro doesn't want to go, he got me one too. This is the most concerts we'll have ever been to in one year - four, so far. (Counting the two in September!) And there'll probably be more....
Dad wants to get the box set for the three Fushigi Yugi OAVs - I don't think you can get them seperately, can you?? Ah well, a box set is fine with me! ^_^ I'm waiting for Absolute Boyfriend vol. II to come out August 1 - the name sounds strange, but it's friggin' hilarious! It gives me a good laugh - my friend borrowed it and read it, and she told me she had tears in her eyes by the end, she was laughing so hard! I want to find out when Genbu Kaiden vol. 5 is gonna be released.
I watched two episodes of the Blue Planet series last night on Discovery Science channel - that show is so awesome! Did you know it took them over two years to film all of it? I think my fav is the Depths one, where they look at all the creatures that live in the dark. So much neon - it's so cool. ^_^ I want to get it on DVD - it's actually relaxing to watch. It's not all nasty or anything, which is cool. And the music is nice.
I found this on Mrs. Elric's site - I did it, and decided to stick it on here. I hope you guys start dropping by again, since I'm actually able to get on! ^_^' Some of the questions are kind of weird, but who cares?
1. WHO ARE YOU?(user name)
5. WHAT ANIME ON MY LIST DO YOU AGREE WITH?(which one do you like... that I like)
Hey, did anyone else get that Otaku dispatch email? I've never gotten one before....weird. And why does it say my popularity ranking is unavailable?? What the hell's going on?!?!
Aaaaanyway, I want to get some writing done before it gets too late, and I decide to just play Solitaire on my comp. (Yes, I'm a Solitaire addict! Someone get me Solitaire Addicts Anonymous!) So, I'll catch all of you later, 'kay?
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
I'm actually ON!!
written at: 9:51 pm
listening to: nothing
CD: nothing
mood: congested
Bishonen: Gaara from Naruto
Yo! I'm actually on....damn, where to start? Okay, I'll work my way up, I suppose.
Well, July 7 my dad, bro, and I went to see Journey and Def Leppord in concert. The lead singer for Journey wasn't there - something about a death in the family - so it wasn't as good, but still good. But Def Leppord - RAISED THE ROOF! Holy crap - we stood the entire time. It was totally awesome. ^_^ So then we decided not to buy suveniors, but instead by tickets for Aereosmith/Motely Crue concert (all three of us), and Roger Waters from Pink Floyd for me and my dad. I'm so pumped - September 23 and 30 - two weekends in a row! Totally sweet. >_< grandmother moved out on Sunday! ^_^ I have mixed feelings, but basically relieved and happy about the whole thing. It was hell, pure and simple. It was a big reason I haven't been able to get on in so long - which I apologize for! I feel like a jerk for not being on in a while. -_- But, she's gone. My dad's half-sister and her husband came to pick her up - she didn't even ask to say goodbye to my brother and I, which kind of hurts me a little, ya know? I mean, the woman IS the only grandmother I've ever known, and I love her!
Anyway, on to more stuff......finshed entirely for school, except for Spanish. What a pain.....I'm just going to skim through it, to be honest. I can retake it in college if I have to.
I got the first two Naruto manga - FINALLY - along with the newest Genbu Kaiden vol. ^_^ Also picked up 3 and 4 of Alice 19th...and maybe something else, but my brain's fuzzy from the allergy medication. -_- But, all in all, I'm expanding the manga quite nicely. ^_^ And managed to get another Train CD, along with Five for Fighting and Rhianna. I like it.
Haven't gotten a LOT of writing done, but a decent amount, considering all the shit that's been going on. Been getting tanned, too, since the weather's been good pool weather.
Played KHII up to the final boss - now I'm going through getting everything. I think I screwed up in Twlight Town in the very beginning and missed something, so I'm kind of pissed. But my bro will just get the secret ending, that's all. I'll see it either way! ^_~ Been beating the crap out of Soul Caliber II and III - I kick ass. Nice way to take stress out, let me tell you! Also beat KOTOR II - wait, that was a while ago. I probably said that already....
Finished the series Fushigi Yugi on DVD - all eight DVDs! ^_^ Now to get the OAVS.....we're moving onto Kenshin next - we have a shitload to get done. Whew. I want to see Pirates of the Caribbean II in theaters, though. Jack on big screen - oh boy!
My friend's older brother - he's three years older than I am - is apparently interested in me, from what he told her and their cousin. O_o Full circle...I used to have a crush on him! I still like him, just not that interested. But I think I could be, again. ^_^ So I think that's kind of cool.
Sadly, not that much else at this point. I'm not doing much of anything - I'm using my mom's comp because my internet jack in my room is still busted, and my dad won't get around to fixing it. -_-
Ah, and the 16th was my mom's birthday - the same day grandma moved out. Mom's been in an awesome mood since, to be's kind of scaring me!
Enough multi-tasking - I'm doing about four things at once. My mind is spinning. I'll talk to you all later - hopefully SOON later!
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Just a really, REALLY quick note to let you guys know I'm still alive! I'll update.....later tonight, I hope. See ya!
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