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Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
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Thursday, July 6, 2006
written at: 12:56 am
listening to: nothing
CD: none
mood: bored, tired
Bishonen: Kakashi from Naruto
Hey, all! Happy Independance Day! (sp...) I went over to my friend's house for partying and fireworks yesterday. Her uncle, cousin, and cousin's friend were totally wasted - and they were the ones doing the fireworks! O_o
Her cousin's friend was 18, and he was either being a jerk or just flirting very strangely - either way, he was a complete asshole. He was doing stuff like kicking me and poking me, and I finally got fed up when he walked by and kicked me in the calves. Not real hard, just annoying - and I've never met him before! So I spun around - slippery floor - and literally put my foot up his ass. Her brother and cousin - his friend! - were cracking up, and he was totally shocked. So he turned around and was like "Did you do that?!" And I said yeah, I had enough. So he kicked me again, and I told him "If you try that again, I'm going kick you in the nuts." He kind of laughed and turned his back to me, and I got really pissed at him. So......I got lucky when I kicked and nailed him. Not hard enough to drop him, but he realized I wasn't fooling around and didn't mess with me - physically - the rest of the time. ^_^
With the fireworks...oh god, I'll never forget it. ^_^' We were all crowded on the deck - their backyard is real long and narrow, so the three wasted guys were up on a hill further away. It was going okay, and then a mortar screwed up. Now, they're packed in five or four, so when they shoot up the balls explode. Well - one ball shot up. Next thing we know, all these lights are coming from where the guys are. O_o Luckily, no one was hurt, but DAMN! They sure dived like hell, I'll tell ya that. ^_^ And then they set a rocket right past us - we thought it was going to hit the townhouse next to us, it was that close.
But, by far, the best was when they threw a smoking one right at us. It went right at my friend's face, landed in her lap, she freaked and flung it on mine, I got caught in-between chairs as we all panicked - we thought it was a rocket - and my friend's bro picked it up and threw it away as it poured out smoke. And then they threw another one - we couldn't even see! So we headed in the house, really pissed off, and it turned out my friend's bro accidently threw it toward some of the little kids who had ran the opposite way when it was coming - but he didn't do it on purpose, and he gets major points because he actually tried to catch it in the air to keep it from hitting us. ^_^ So M&M's were all over the deck, chairs were everywhere, my friend lost her flip-flops......chaos.
What fun! I can't wait till next year!
No, seriously, I had a blast. Her uncle was hilarious to mess with when drunk - what a wasted hippie. ^_^ I called him that, too! But it was nice to be around a family who wasn't fighting or doing digs at each other or being nasty, and they didn't smell or act disgusting or anything like that. Well, the guys did, but on purpose. (rolls eyes)
My grandma is now talking to me, and I'll tell ya why. I kinda woke up earlier this morning, and I could have sworn someone had opened my door. The auto-light is right outside my door, so I thought I saw it. I figured it was my bro looking for something, and fell back asleep. BUT. He said it wasn't him, and he caught grandma going through HIS room downstairs. That pissed me off to begin with. THEN, mom went downstairs later when grandma was doing her laundry, and the auto-light was on again - and it only goes on when you're right outside my room. -_- So mom asked if my door had been closed or not, and I said closed. Well, it was open when mom found it. Strike number two. And this bitch doesn't need three strikes when she's going through my room, let me tell you. So my dad put a lock on my door, and he's going to put on my bathroom downstairs next.
But I'm REALLY pissed off. I don't like people peering over my shoulder, staring at me, bothering me, and generally not giving me my personal space, ya know? And then to find out she's been going through my room for HOW fucking long - that really makes me.....pissed off doesn't even come close, let me tell you. I feel very violated - and not like that! Just.....argh!!!!
But she knows we found out, because she saw dad with the locks. And then she heard him swearing up a storm - he was even more pissed than I was - because he went to grill some steaks outside and stepped in dog diareah. (sp, I know....) He only does that when he's sick and been eating people food. So dad was REALLY, REALLY pissed off about that. So now she's acting all sweet and everything - mostly. -_- I'm going to tell her to go to hell next time she says anything to me. And mom said to go right ahead.
I think I deserve to be really pissed. I mean, going through my room!!
Man, I really needed to let that damn rant out. Ahhh......
Anyway, not much else has been going on since last I talked to you guys. Haven't been on since last time, so haven't gotten any writing done for even longer. -_- I hate that....I just gotta get my act back together. But I have a key to my room on my keychain, and another is hidden in my dad's cabinet across from the door - really high up. ^_^ Yea!
Well, I think that's really it. Hope you guys all had a good holiday!
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Monday, July 3, 2006
An UPDATE?!!? @_@
written at: 2:30 am
listening to: Shinedown
CD: Us and Them
mood: AUGH!!
Bishonen: Frey (Frei?) from Alice 19th
Good GOSH, I haven't updated in forever! But my arms really needed the rest, I'll tell ya that. But I do feel lots better - if I write in spurts, not constantly, it's not nearly as bad. Just some stiffness.
Where to start...okay. Last week Wenesday I went to Kings Dominion with the Teen Group, and my dad drove. ^_^ Hung with a bunch of friends, got racoon eyes from sunburn(-_-), and had total BLAST. And when I say sunburn, I just got red, not burned persay. Went on all the rollercoasters (the Volcano was closed, damn it!), and couldn't walk for a few days afterward. It felt like my legs and abdomen were stretched out, and like someone punched me in the gut. My friend felt the same way. ^_^'
That's the big news. This Friday I'm going with my bro and dad to see a Journey/Def Leppard concert. That's gonna be sweet! >_<
My grandma.......ah. Now she's not talking to me. My mom didn't talk to her for a while after a lot of shit went down, and so she didn't speak to me. What a nice break. Then mom went and started talking to her again. -_- All I started getting was the same shit again - so my mom told her off. I mean - wow. O_o Apparently, it was quite a fight. So now she won't even look at me, except give me dirty looks when she thinks I'm not looking. How juvenile. (rolls eyes) But I'm fairly happy.......
My group is still sticking together, even though someone quit - the bastard. He wasn't even going to tell us, apparently. He was just going to let us hang. >:( I'll kill him.
I'm looking forward to the concert, and the release of Pirates of the Carribean II, too! ^_^ I'm definitely going to see that in theaters. Sweet.
You'd think I'd have more to write, but nope. Finished school, 'cept Spanish, which I'm trying to decide what (and HOW) to do....-_- Looking for someone to help me with piano - apparently, I'm too advanced for an actual teacher around here, unless I go to the music university. Works for me. ^_^ I just want to play, not competively or anything like that.
So sorry for not visiting sites and updating!! I hope you all forgive me - I couldn't. -_- I little here and there, but nothing major like I normally do. It really sucked.
Hmm.....nothing much, I think. See? I have a boring life! ^_^
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Friday, June 23, 2006
Didn't do a background this one - my friend's over and this is just a quickie. (Get your minds out of the gutter!) Just thought this was funny.....especially finding out certain people I know are SO bi! (laughs hystericall)
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
written at: 2:26 am
listening to: Motley Crue
CD: ....burned it off my dad's, so don't remember - the new 2-CD one
mood: tired!
Bishonen: Tomite from Fushigi Yugi
Just a quickie update for all of you. My birthday was the 19th - I'm 17 now. ^_^ Got a few stuff, including the MON-SIEUR BOME KOS-MOS figurine, and the Fushigi Yugi CD set they ordered - as well as the Offspring: Splinter CD I wanted. Sweet! ^_~ My aunt and uncle sent down a bouquet from the florist in town - my mom looked really surprised when we came home and they had arrived, so I don't know if they looked it up, or if my dad helped them. Haven't had a chance to ask.
Speaking of parents......going fine. Ups and downs, and REALLY fucked up - some things I had chosen to ignore up till now - but eh. Finished the Escaflowne series so-so ending for me, but at least they left it open. Hated when Folken died - all the guys I like died! Dad told me to stop liking the evil ones, but I said he wasn't evil. ^_^' He's not good, persay, but not evil, either. My dad is Full Metal Panic! And then...who the hell knows.
I'm PISSED OFF about the Stanley Cup. Since the Devils lost, we were going for the Oilers - damn team couldn't get it together. -_- And the Yankees aren't doing all that great either - assholes.
Sorry I haven't been on in so long - I had CTS in both arms on Thursday from all the writing I had to do for Lit, and Friday was even worse. I couldn't even tie my shoelaces, for cripe's sake! -_- So I had to rest 'em.......luckily, the Xbox controller just kinda sits in my hands, so I was able to play lots of Star Wars: KotOR II this weekend. I'm on the light side this game - next one I'm SO evil. And I don't think I can activate HK-47 - I think I screwed up. No!! I wanted a psychotic assassin droid! Damn....also finished up Tron in KHII, and Atlantica - thank god! The last song was the worst....>_< I told my dad he could sue Squenix if I died having to listen to those songs. Couldn't play much, though - the PS2 controller hurts, since I have to grip it more. Haven't gotten any writing done at all - haven't been on the comp since....Thursday, I believe. Whenever I last posted.
My hands/wrists (arms when it's really bad) still hurt, but I really wanted to update and let you guys know I was alive. ^_^' I'll do it bit by bit, so if I don't visit your site, please don't get mad! I'll do my best. Tomorrow though - when I'm done with work, I'm SO going to write until I can't use my hands anymore! I need to get it all done! I hate not writing....
Went in the pool a lot - got a nice tan, not real dark, but noticible. ^_^ I don't tan too easily - my one friend is still really pale!
Didn't have either of my friends sleep over for my birthday. -_- One got sick a few days before and her mom made another excuse so she couldn't anyway. The other was supposed to contact me about it, and did on the board we used - on Thursday. But I wasn't on, and she didn't even call me! So I asked her why she didn't get around to it, if she was able to sleep over her OTHER friend's house that weekend instead.....I'm a bit pissed at her.
Ah.....better stop for now, the wrists are really going. Now it's both, not just my right. It sucks! Wrote more than I meant to...
Hope you guys are all doing good! See ya later!
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
written at: 11:53 pm
listening to: Nickleback
CD: The Long Road
mood: tired...
Bishonen: Folken from Escaflowne
Thanks for all your comments - they made me feel a lot better. ^_^ On Monday I felt more like talking, and explained to my dad why I was acting like I was. And mom understood too. So we're all back to normal - mainly.......
Me and my dad've been watching Escaflowne - we just watched the first four DVDs in two days! O_o That's the first 14 episodes, I believe, on the box set. Which explains why Folken's on here today. ^_^' I think he looks a lot better in the series than the movie - his hair looks like a poodle's in the movie. -_-
Sorry I haven't updated in so long - to be honest, I've been to tired to do anything. But I have checked out everyone's sites. But I figured I should update and let ya all know what's happening.
My dad said, when we were on last night ordering a strategy guide for my bro's game - Star Wars: KOR II - that he didn't know what he and mom are getting me for my birthday - the 19th. So when I asked if I could get the 3-CD vocal collection of the Fushigi Yugi Japanese songs, he said that he'd wrap it and give that to me.
(laughs crazily)
I've been wanting that ever since I read the manga and saw it in the free-chat sections! I don't know what my bro's getting me, though...
I've got to watch the season premiere of the "Closer" - my mom recorded it on TiVo for me, since I was watching anime that night. ^_^ Anyone else seen it? I think it's hysterical!
Speaking of hysterical, I've read the first two vols. of Alice 19th and the first of Absolute Boyfriend a whole lot by now. I love 'em!
Not much else to talk about - the one guy is back from Florida, and I'll kill him if he doesn't show up for the group tomorrow. I swear I will. @_@ (I'm crazy!) So I'll have to let you guys know how that's all working out....-_- IF it works out. Hah!
Hmm.....think that's all! Gotta go watch the "Closer" now......see ya!
Comments (5) |
Sunday, June 11, 2006
written at: 1:23 am
listening to: Shania Twain
CD: Greatest Hits
mood: sucky
Bishonen: Tatara from Fushigi Yugi. YES, it's a guy!
Eh.....yesterday was pretty good. Picked up the two box sets, and got the 1st vol of Absolute Boyfriend - which is ABSOLUTELY hysterical!! And then the 7th vol of xxxHolic, and the first two vols of Alice 19th. I really like 'em. ^_^ Got to spend a while with just my dad, which was nice.
Today, sucked. Really sucked. -_- For one thing, I've just been depressed because I'm lonely, so that didn't help. And then, my dad was gonna take my bro up to the mall to pick up his game (so they could have some time alone, like me and dad yesterday). Except (ya knew THAT was coming) dad decided to bring grandma along. So, understandably, my bro was pissed. And I was too.
Before I go on, I should probably clarify something. When I get depressed, my parents do no ask me "What's wrong?" or something along those lines. Instead, it's "Stop being so bitch" or something like that. So, instead of them asking if I'm okay or whatever, they automatically assume that I just have an attitude. And that, of course, pisses me off so I DO end up having one. -_-
So my bro asked if I could go, since all dad does is talk to grandma when we go, so I agreed, even though I was in a crappy mood. And the trip........uck. I don't even want to go there. >_<
We finally get home, and I go right downstairs. (To sulk, what else??) I was hungry, and dinner was ready or whatever, so I figured they'd call when it was time to eat.
I sat around two hours (until past 10) before I was starving. So I come up to get something, and what do I see? My mom putting the food away. Boy, was I PISSED OFF. So I got a glass of milk and went back downstairs without even speaking. Now they're not speaking to me, and I could've left the damn house and they wouldn't know. Maybe I will.
I'm just getting worse and worse - I know I'm getting depressed, but there's not much to be done. My friends all go hang out and never call me (as I found out today.....), and I don't have anyone to hang out with. So I'm lonely! I'm not very social, but I love to hang out with the people I do like. And if I can't, I get depresed - like this. Only it's worse this time.....-_- I don't know what to do.......
Well, I hope everyone's been doing better than I have. I'll talk to ya all later - I managed to visit everyone again, I think.
Comments (6) |
Friday, June 9, 2006
Martina McBride: A Great Disguise
People talking, think I'm all right
Think I'm doing fine
Goin' through the motions of my life
Go to work now every mornin'
Yeah I play the part
And hide away the contents of my solemn heart
But when the sun goes down
And the moon is high
I can't control the flood of all these tears inside
And if they only knew
They'd be so surprised
I'm just a good pretender in a great disguise
Keep 'em guessin', keep 'em laughin'
Build that wall up high
As long as they don't see the other side
You've really done it
Done a number, a number on my soul
But I'll be damned if I'll ever let you know
But when the sun goes down
And the moon is high
There's no way to hide the truth from me, myself, and I
Yeah, I wear it well
Though it ain't my size
I'm just a good pretender in a great disguise
I'm not one to show emotion
Like some fools I see
I won't wear my heart out on my sleeve
I don't miss you
Not for a moment
I'm gonna be okay
Words of wisdom spoken
By the light of day
But when the sun goes down
And the moon is high
Your memory pulls me under like a strong riptide
I'm still in love with you
It's all smoke and lights
I'm just a good pretender in a great disguise
I'm just a good pretender in a great disguise
Linkin Park: Runaway
Graffiti decorations
Under a sky of dust
A constant wave of tension
On top of broken trust
The lessons that you taught me
I learned were never true
Now I find myself in question....
[They point the finger at me again]
Guilty by association....
[You point the finger at me again]
I wanna run away
Never say goodbye
I wanna know the truth
Instead of wondering why
I wanna know the answers
No more lies
I wanna shut the door
And open up my mind
Paper bags and angry voices
Under a sky of dust
Another wave of tension
Has more than filled me up
All my talk of taking action
These words were never true
Now I find myself in question....
[They point the finger at me again]
Guilty by association....
[You point the finger at me again]
I wanna run away
Never say goodbye
I wanna know the truth
Instead of wondering why
I wanna know the answers
No more lies
I wanna shut the door
And open up my mind
I'm gonna run away
and never say good bye...
[Gonna runaway, Gonna runaway, Gonna runaway, Gonna runaway]
I'm gonna run away
And never wonder why...
[Gonna runaway, Gonna runaway, Gonna runaway, Gonna runaway]
I'm gonna run away
And open up my mind...
[Gonna runaway, Gonna runaway]
[Gonna runaway, Gonna runaway]
[Gonna runaway, Gonna runaway]
I wanna run away
Never say goodbye
I wanna know the truth
Instead of wondering why
I wanna know the answers
No more lies
I wanna shut the door
And open up my mind
I wanna runaway
And open up my mind...
I wanna runaway
And open up my mind...
I wanna runaway
And open up my mind...
I wanna runaway
And open up my mind
Comments (4) |
Thursday, June 8, 2006
written at: 11:17 pm
listening to: Green Day/Martina McBride (I like her voice!)
CD: American Idiot/Wild Angels
mood: lonely
Bishonen: Tokaki from Fushigi Yugi
I know, I'm on another Fushigi Yugi fix. Ah least I found more pics. ^_^'
I'm really lonely one friend always has to babysit her siblings, and we never get to hang out - and she lives literally right down the street!! How pathetic is that?!?! My other female friend is always busy with school and siblings as well - they all have a whole load. -_- My one guy friend has like, three jobs, and my other is just busy with.....whatever he does. I don't ask. >_< But, I don't have anyone to hang out with at all. And I wonder why I have CTS....I'm on the comp because there's nothing else for me to do. I mean, it's one thing to hang with your bro and dad and mom - but I'm still a normal teenager in some respects. And I want someone my own age to hang out with, that has the same interests that I do and that I'd get along with. And I just don't have anyone. -_- I asked my mom if she knew any good way for me to meet some people (decent, which gets rid of all high school extra courses immediately), and she said she'd have to think about it. But I'm getting more and more depressed dad bought vols. 6&7 of Fushigi Yugi a while ago, but he hasn't even watched all of vol. 4. And the two box sets came in, and we were supposed to get them this weekend (remember??) but now he's working Saturday, and they're going over a friend's house on Sunday. So I'm screwed over yet again. I betcha anything we don't go. So God knows when I'll be able to watch any anime with my dad.
It's a very lonely feeling, knowing there's no one I can just go and hang with, you know? I mean, not even to DO something with, but just BE with. Ya know? Ah well..........
So, I'm lonely. Other than that.....basically finished religion for the year. Just have to type the test up. That leaves just that and American Lit for the year - besides Spanish. THAT I'm getting a friggin' tutor, screw it.
Working on a Fushigi Yugi fan site with a friend from She's done the main work so far, but I'm doing bios for everyone. I'm enjoying it, even though I'm going nuts trying to make sure everything's correct. ^_^' But at least it gives me something to do, ya know?
My mom and grandma had a fight today with my dad there - a nice big one with lots of swearing, apparently. Mom found a dirty knife in the drawer, a dirty mug in the cabinet, and a dirty glass on the porch outside my brother's room. -_- See, my grandma thinks just rinsing something out - no matter what was in it - is good enough. Eww...............Anyway, grandma blamed us (me) and mom told her to shut up, and that she was a liar and mom didn't want to hear it. Grandma (my mom told me this, I didn't even hear anything) screamed at her and threw her napkins at her - mom said it was a good thing they were napkins and didn't even touch her, since she doesn't know what she would've done if it had been anything else - and mom got REALLY pissed.
And see, you DO NOT piss my mom off.
So after a bit (my dad waded in and talked to grandma alone) grandma came out and apologized to mom (with an excuse), which mom didn't acknowledge. She's still pissed off, since grandma does it deliberately. Grandma still isn't talking to me - I said hey this afternoon, and she blew me off. That makes me sad, to be honest. I mean, she's my grandma! And the only one I've got.........
This is early for me to be writing, huh? I'm pretty tired (didn't sleep well) but I'm stil taking the ExcedrinPM. Last time I didn't when I was really tired, I didn't get to sleep until about five in the morning. Mom thinks it was 'cause I was overtired. -_- It sucks....I don't know what's the matter with my body lately, but it's really screwed up. And I've been keeping a decent schedual for the most part, honest!
Ah......that felt a lot better. Whew. See ya all later.
Comments (1) |
written at: 1:02 am
listeing to: Billy Idol
CD: Greatest Hits
mood: changeable
Bishonen: Not exactly a bishonen - Archangel from X3. Couldn't find a decent pic.
My dad, bro, and I went to go see X3 today. It's friggin' awesome! I I wish Archangel and Colossus had gotten bigger parts, but ah well. It just bugs me Archangel didn't get a bigger part....I was looking forward to that! -_-' Anyway, I think Bobby was an idiot, Kitty was a wimp, and Logan was awesome. Didn't like that Rogue took her powers away, but then it showed that their powers are all coming back, so it's cool. Oh, and Liquid Silver, I didn't stay for the damn credits!! We're definitely getting it on DVD, but in case it's not on there for some reason, could ya tell me what the clip was?? ^_^'
My dad had a talk with grandma about how she's been acting, and now she's not talking to me at all. So, in your opinions, is it better with her completely ignoring me, or making remarks at me? Either way I feel bad, so........ah, damn it. And Mrs. Elric, there's NO friggin' way I'd bitch slap my grandma. For one thing, she's still my grandma and I still have a certain amount of respect for her. And for another, I'd be so dead. >_<
I found this on someone else's site - I can't remember whose, sorry! But I tried it for myself. ^_^
What do you love? Click here to make your own.
I thought it was pretty neat.
Didn't do school today - slept really late. I didn't take the ExcedrinPM and didn't get to sleep until after four in the damn morning. So I just took it. ^_^' Finished my english stuff yesterday - actually enjoyed it! And got my history grades back - all good. ^_^ A 97 is score for the entire year. Yea!!
Not much else to write......the president of my group was supposed to call me today to let me know the time of the meeting, but never did. So he calls at 5:45 asking where I am. -_- My mom talked to him (I didn't even know he called until I wondered why he hadn't!!) and apologized, but I'm kinda annoyed at him.
Didn't manage to get in the pool today - and I really wanted to, too! Dang....ah well, tomorrow's another day.
Talk to you all later! Managed to visit everyone again today. ^_^
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
written at: 12:19 am
listening to: Shinedown/Train
CD: Us and Them/My Private Nation
mood: happy!
Bishonen: Amiboshi from Fushigi Yugi
My parents came home today!! I'm so happy. ^_^ They bought me Fushigi Yugi vol. 6&7 (anime) and a Furuba keychain. Dad ordered the stuff we wanted.
In KHII, beat 100 Acre Woods, Ursula in Atalantica (what a dumb song!!!), and Halloween Town. ^_^ Finally!
Also finished English for the year - hooray!
My dad's pissed at his mother for what she did while they were gone - all I heard was shit for my:
video games (while my bro is on the PS2 and XBox the entire weekend....)
computer in general
television (which I don't often watch)
my piano teacher
my piano in general
why don't I play the guitar like my brother?
And so forth. -_- Now ya know why I didn't feel like visiting anyone. Too sick and tired of all that shit. But my dad apologized a whole lot, and he has no idea why she's picking on me and not my brother - or any other cousins, none of whom can do wrong. Damn them. Little bitches....and bastard. One boy's not my bro's fault, and he doesn't flaunt it. He's tired of her shit too. But basically, we're all fed up. So we'll see what's gonna happen now.....
Dad said he'd take me and my bro to see XIII tomorrow. ^_^ I can't wait. I'm gonna skip my meeting so I can go - Dad took yesterday off, even though they came back today.
Didn't do much else - might jump in the pool tomorrow. Want to, but we'll see what happens.
I managed to visit everyone who updated yesterday! Yea!! ^_^' Not much else to write. I'll see ya all later!
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