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Student, single, and a net-head
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Started second year of college, made deans' list, joined the honor society, got job!
Anime Fan Since
Since I first saw Voltron and had no clue what it was. After that, I watched more until Digimon got me. 
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Trinity Blood, Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket, Bleach, and the Advent Children movie!
Travel the world, become a published author, and experiance life.
Watching anime, reading manga, writing, and being annoying 
Piano-playing, writing fantasy, and tuning out jackasses
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
written at: 12:40 am
listening to: Inuyasha soundtrack
CD: Japanese import - 2 CD set
mood: "......."
Bishonen: Chichiri, from Fushigi Yugi
I know, I know, I've already done Chichiri. But I love the guy, and it's honor of my second story with him.
Sorry I haven't updated for a few days. I did manage to visit everyone last night (or this morning, whichever you prefer). But I'm too tired to do it today....please forgive me! I'll be back to normal tonight, hopefully. My parents'll be back later today, late afternoon or early evening, they said. But they're stopping by the anime store on their way home. Sweet. ^_^ On one hand, it's like "I want to go too!" But on the other, it's like "Well, we never get a chance to go, so who cares?!" Dad wants to pick up the box sets for Escaflowne and FullMetal Panic. I want him to get the Genbu Kaiden mangas as well. ^_^' We have the three-disc set for the Escaflowne movie, which is why I didn't let him trade it in to get the box set that has the series and movie on it. Once he realized it, he agreed. And my mom's great, putting up with it.
I haven't really had a chance to write lately - some, but not as much as I'd like. Dang. I 'supposedly' have piano lessons tomorrow afternoon, but she hasn't shown up for whatever reason for a while. I called today and left a message, and she never replied. I'm a bit peeved. -_- And I'll be REALLY peeved if I get up early and everything and she doesn't come - AGAIN. And I haven't practiced, either....damn. Ah well, I'm good. ^_^'
Oh, on, a friend of mine wants to start a fan-based Fushigi Yugi site, with fanfiction and art and such. Anyone interested in helping us with some details?? PM me if you are, please! It'd help if you have experiance with your own site, by the way.....but! Please let me know!
Let's grandma keeps turning up the temperature, so it's 80 outside and 72 in the house. I was actually sweating! So I turned it back down.....and she turned it back up.....and I turned it back down again. And yes, it's 72 degrees WITH THE AIR CONDITIONER ON. My dad's going to have a "talk" with grandma about that when they get back - phew. For now, I just stay in the basement. My dad actually unplugged the stove before they left....let's put it that way.
I'm sleeping in my parents room, though, last night and tonight while they're gone, since the dog's locked up in there (with a leash so he doesn't do anything.....) and the cats sleep in there. That way, they aren't too traumatized. ^_^ Trust me, animals are very smart. Well, ours aren't necessarily SMART, but sensitive. Yeah, that's a better word.
Not much else has been going. I've mainly been keeping my grandma from doing anything.........well, let's say destructive. I love her, but she doesn't do things quite the same way most people do..............I got some work done today, at least. So tired.......
Hmm........honestly, there's not much to write. I really HAVEN'T been up to much!
See ya all later! Please forgive for not visiting sites today....I'm just beat. I will later, I promise!! Thanks so much for all of you going to my site. ^_^
Comments (4) |
Saturday, June 3, 2006
written at: 12:35 am
listening to: Boston
mood: sleepy, actually
Bishonen: Amiboshi from Fushigi Yugi
My hand feels a little better today. Still cramped up, though. I hate that feeling!
Didn't do much today. Slept a lot, and got some work done. As well as some writing. ^_^ Oh, and Liquid Silver, I write fanfiction, just so ya know. ^_^ And thanks for the button! I was going to say don't message me it, since the thing doesn't work, but I got it! Just in case my message doesn't get through, though - what's an image host?? ^_^'
Let's see if it'll show up here.......
Planning on sleeping in tomorrow. ^_^ My dad said he'd pick me up the manga tomorrow, since he's working. Got more done on KHII - beat Land of the Dragon and Olympios Colliseium again. (sp?? I'm tired......) Now just to beat those damn tournaments....beat the first three, though. ^_^ Onto another world! Oh, also finished the cave part of Winnie the Pooh. FINALLY.
Visited everyone again...whew. -_- That takes a WHILE, but I'm determined to do it. I'm giving it another week for people who update frequently, and those who haven't been by once are gone. -_-
What do you guys think of the pics I added to my profile? I wanted to try something different. In order, from top to bottom, they're Chichiri from Fushigi Yugi, Kyo from Fruits Basket, Kurogane from Tsubasa, and Tomite from Fushigi Yugi: Genbu Kaiden. ^_^
I'm beat....gonna go to bed now, I think. Early for me! Might read some manga in bed before I pass out...
Hope everyone has a good day! I'll catch ya all later.
Comments (9) |
Friday, June 2, 2006
written at: 12:08 am/1:09 am
listening to: Breaking Benjamin/Journey
CD: We Are Not Alone/Generations
mood: pretty good
Bishonen: Trowa from Gundam Wing
Hey all! How'd your day go? Mine was pretty productive - no pool, but lots of storms. ^_^ And more work done. My mom figures I have CPS - carpal-tunnel syndrome - in my right hand, which is why it hurts. -_- But there ain't no friggin' way I'm givin' up my typing! Only for a break, and it better be a damn good break for that. ^_^
Sephiroth-Death: No, I don't have a baby-sitter - I'm DOING the baby-sitting. ^_^'
colette515: I'm not going on vacation - my parents are. I get to babysit the house. ^_^ But that's fine with me - they haven't been out anywhere alone in years, so they deserve it.
Haven't been up to much - wait, I established that. In KHII I beat the Beauty & the Beast world for the second time, and finished more of Atlantica. Damn, now I have the songs in my head.....(groan) Argh. Got more writing finished, too, so I'm very happy about that. I never find time to write, lately. -_-
Hey, did anyone else get the message that the PM system is temporarily down? It showed up when I tried to reply to a message - sorry, bangnb. -_- That's why I haven't replied.
Wow......I can't think of anything to write! Hm....nope, not sick....ah well, you're all spared my rambling this time. Remember, feel free to suggest bishonen for me! ^_^
I just tried posting this, and all these errors showed up. Something must've happened with the site, since it's working now. That's the reason I have two times. ^_^ Anyway, it seems all better now.
See you all soon!
Comments (6) |
Thursday, June 1, 2006
written at: 1:28 am
listening to: Inuyasha sountrack (2-CD set!)
mood: relatively pacifist
Bishonen: Duo, from Gundam Wing
Hey, I'm an Otakuite! Is that good? What the hell IS it?!?
Anyway, decent day. Some problems with my group, but kinda complicated to get into. -_- Got more school done - and got in the pool! ^_^ Finally. Hair lightened, got light tan - and forgot to put sunscreen on my forearms, resulting in redness. No pain. ^_^ Some red on my face, but it's an 'attracive flush', as my friend always says. She's weird. ^_~
Well, there was my day. Just finished visiting everyone who updated yesterday. Whew. Any ideas for a bishonen is appreciated - I found a site that has a whole list, so I'll be set for a while. ^_^ Lucky me!
Darn them to heck! (Sorry, random outburst of frustration......)
Going to sleep late tomorrow - I need it. -_- Those pills help, though. But this weekend is going to be hell, so I need all the strength I can muster. Dad's FINALLY taking mom on vacation - leaving Sunday, won't be back till sometime Tuesday.
Leaving me and my bro to watch the house.
And grandma.
I'm making dad disconnect the stove. >_< Help me! Wish me luck! ANYTHING!!!!!!!
Hmm....not much. Dad got me Genbu Kaiden vol. 3, so I gotta go read it before bed. ^_^ I've been waiting all day for it! And I've now progressed into the second part of KHII, where I have to go and defeat the worlds all over again. YES!! I like Axel - what a piece of work......
Has anyone seen my wallpapers?? Tell me what you think!
Talk to you all later!
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
written at: 11:43 pm
listening to: Trapt
CD: Trapt
mood: content
Bishonen: Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin
Hey all! Wow, all those comments the last post - what a shock! And for Akira26 - I'm not planning on getting rid of anyone else (some went for various reasons....) for a while, and if I do, I'll let ya know first, trust me.
Kind of a funny day today. Took ExcedrinPM - my gosh, that knocked me out within thirty minutes, tops, and usually sleep-aids don't kick in for a while with me. Yeah, I took a sleep aid - stratuus is right, I need a better schedule. So I'm a little more on track today.
But I digress. Anyway, I took the damn things and was asleep by two. I set my alarm for 10 since my piano teacher comes then. So what happens? I sleep until the alarm goes off - and I get up, turn it off, and go back to sleep. -_- I didn't even think. I reset it for 11, and woke up six minutes before then. And I freak out! I can't believe I did that! So I run around, trying to get it together before she comes.
And she never shows up. -_-
That bites. I'm still setting the alarm though - I need to get my brain back in synch. I really have no freakin' clue what happened! I WAS getting enough sleep!! Ah well......
The imagehost site didn't work for me - said it was too big. Huh?? Submitted more Fushigi Yugi wallpaper - anyone check out my Amiboshi one? If ya have a fav character, I'll make one for you. Any series, not just Fushigi Yugi. ^_^ I'm getting better at it. Still bitter that my Reno pics won't go, but I can't do anything about it. I'd like to get photobucket, but my mom doesn't like me on too many sites - it may sound silly, but I respect her wishes. Too bad for us.... >_<
Worked on my report - not for that damn book Ramona, but instead on "The Song at the Scaffold". That was so good - it almost made made me cry! I thoroughly enjoyed it - highly reccomend it, too! I love it - so I'm enjoying the report too. ^_^ Yea!
Not much else went on today. I'm progressing in Kingdom Hearts II - FINALLY. I would've beaten it by now, except my dad likes to watch, and it's a bitch to get him to watch. -_- But I've just gotten to Tron's world. So cool. ^_^
Hmmmm.....that's it. I'm having fun messing with my site. Glad you all like it. See you later!
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Sunday, May 28, 2006
written at: 3:44 am
listening to: Journey
CD: Generations
mood: God, I should be in bed....
This bishonen is Tasuki, from Fushigi Yugi! I figured I'd get the one from FY out of the way...^_^' Kyo's a good idea....maybe next time?
Didn't do much today - Dad worked all day. -_- Slept until 3:30 pm - didn't mean too! I was so wiped out....had another fever, too, which I burned off while I was sleeping. Ick. Feel a little better, though. Damn, I'm stiff, though!
Still tring to get FFAC pics uploaded somehow....pasting them here didn't work, I don't have photobucket or myspace, and livejournal doesn't do it for free acounts. Damn'm I gonna get 'em on here?!? Ah well....I'll have a stroke of genuis one day, I'm sure. Any ideas are appreciated, though...(hint hint!)
Didn't get any writing done. Didn't get ANYTHING done. I mean, I slept the whole friggin' day! Gonna try not to tomorrow - I mean, I love sleep, but I hate wasting the entire day - especially a weekend when I could be getting some extra shit done, ya know? Darn it......
Anyone know if I'd be able to get the second Fushigi Yugi art book - the 100 page one - at a bookstore by ordering or something? I'd love to get my hands on it....
Anyway.....not much else to do. Still working my way through my friend's list.....gosh knows when THAT'LL be done. -_-
Kinda just doing whatever shit comes to Who cares? Almost four now......well, it's not like I have to get up TOMORROW, either.
Hope you guys had a good day - and a more productive one than I did! ^_^
Comments (7) |
Saturday, May 27, 2006
I Like!
written at: 2:27 am
listening to: Simple Plan
CD: Still Not Getting Any...
mood: tired but awake - huh?
Today's bishonen is Sasame from Pretear! The Knight of Sound as depicted in the manga - I like him better than in the anime. He's so....depressing in the anime. -_- Really annoying, too.....
Everyone seems to like the changes, so I'll keep 'em! Still like to know which you guys like best.....but then again, the two codes seem to look basically the same, so whatever. So, any ideas for the next bishonen? Doesn't have to be from any particular manga or anime - could be from a video game, too. ^_~ I'd love ideas.
Still sick, but lots of post-nasal drip too. Couple it with "that time" and I'm a real bitch today. I'm cranky, tired, tired of being sick, and BORED! I finished reading Ramona - thank god. Now I just have to write that damn be it......
Again, a reminder to anyone who drops in and never comments - if I comment frequently on your site, but you don't reciprocate at least once a month (unless circumstances prevent you from updating even longer) than I'm taking you off my friends list. I'm trying to visit everyone that's on my list and let them know if need be - some people I don't worry about, while others I'm reminding. It's not to get more attention, but what's the point of having someone on your friend list if you never go to their site??? Know what I mean?
Got some writing done.....not planning on doing anything tomorrow. Sleep ridiculously late, probably still be sick and cranky, and catch up on some reading. ^_^ Don't know if we're doin' anything for Memorial Day - I know dad's working tomorrow, but not Monday (I think......) and mom wants to have some friends over, but don't know how it's gonna all go down. Everytime my dad stays home an exta day or something like that, I get all screwed up on me week. -_- Don't you hate that? You get a rhythm going, a pattern, and then it gets all messed up. Damn it.
Ah well, what are you gonna do? Hey, some more wallpapers of mine are accepted - not my FFAC ones, but still good ones. (I think.) ^_^ Now I have five! And I'm trying to add more, too......What do you think? I'm trying to branch out in my artistic abilities. Not that there's much there to begin with, but whatever.
I figure if I insult myself first, no one'll get to me first. Something like's a habit I've developed over the years. Anti-social and not very many friends can make one do that, ya know.
Still trying to get more Genbu Kaiden. Trying to decide what other manga to start reading, too. Any suggestions?? I'm kinda looking for something along the lines of Fushigi Yugi or Fruits Basket - a little light comedy and romance, not too serious. Action is fine, though. Just not all mecha or killing or something like that. I think I'm more into fantasy at this point. I'm going to ask for the second Fushigi Yugi art book for my birthday. ^_^ It's next month.....I'm kinda in shock. The year seemed to go by fast. A year of ups and downs, and mostly crap. Yep, lots of crap this past year for me......whatever.
Hmmm....I think this is really all there is to it. Now I gotta go make sure this came out all right and submit more wallpapers! ^_^ See ya all later!
Comments (2) |
Friday, May 26, 2006
More code testing....
written at: 2:01 am
listening to: Trapt
mood: huh?
Basically, I'm just messing around with the stuff again. I hope it works - it's a bitch to do. -_- And I keep forgetting the codes! ^_^' Anyway, the pic (if it WORKS) is Chichiri from Fushigi Yugi - a manga shot, by the way. For whatever reason, they gave him blue hair in the anime....still hot, though. ^_^
Haven't been up to much. Still sick, but started reading required reading for my report this quarter. It's "Ramona". I thought it was going to be a good book - but it's CRAP. She's so perfect, everyone loves her, and every three paragraphs we have to listen AGAIN to this whole long thing about how beautiful she is, blah blah blah. Seriously. This book is one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever read - and I thought I hit bottom with "Babbit". Oh god.....I'm just gonna suck it up, skim it, and half-ass my way through the report. Screw it.
Argh...I REALLY hope this works! I just got the sudden urge to do something different to my site - it's been such a long time. The last drastic overhaul was when I joined and figured out all the codes and stuff! ^_^ I'm glad you guys like what I've done with it so far....
La-do-dah......just seeing how long I can make this go. ^_^ If it works, I think I'll use this style the most. Each pic will be another fav manga/anime character! I've never had a theme, but perhaps that's what I'll do.....and you guys could give suggestions. What do you all think?
Hmm......can't think of anything to write. I'm gonna go post this and see how it turned out. I'll fine-tune as necessary. Anyway, see you all later!
After editing: Hmm...not exactly, but it works. See, the pic is supposed to be on the left (your left) side of the screen, while the font is over a black side. Like on SesshomaruMistres' site...I'll have to ask her. ^_^' Anyway, looks good!
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
Just bored.....
written at: 1:43 am
listening to: Shinedown
CD: Us and Them
mood: strange....
Still not doing anything. Just kind of messing around with my posts and shit like that. ^_^' Like the new look? Tell me!
Any of you ever hear of Shinedown? They're pretty good - they kinda remind me of Audioslave and HIM. Hear of those bands either?? Anyone?!?! Ah well....
Just searching around Google for random stuff, that's all. I just like playing around with the site...
Wait, I said that already. Ah well.......ignore me, I'm still sick and tired. I'll get off now - just wanted to try out this pic. ^_^
Comments (3) |
Here we go - lemme try to upload my FFAC wallpapers on here, so you can see them! (And use, if ya like 'em.)

Does anyone see it? Or is it just not showing up?
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